You may have heard Israel Cohen's story before, but not like this! In this week's episode of Our Hope Podcast 🎙, we interviewed this Navy veteran who is also one of our longest-serving staff members! Listen to his touching and humorous story of faith now!
Welcome to Our Hope
Speaker:or production of Chosen
Speaker:People Ministries.
Speaker:What did John the Baptist,
Speaker:Peter, and Paul have in common?
Speaker:Besides being
Speaker:historical figures
Speaker:in the New Testament,
Speaker:they were all Jewish
Speaker:followers of Jesus.
Speaker:Israel Cohen discovered
Speaker:these men are Jewish
Speaker:when he secretly read
Speaker:the New Testament—
Speaker:a book his Rabbi told him
Speaker:never to read. On
Speaker:today's episode,
Speaker:we're interviewing Israel,
Speaker:who is one of our longest
Speaker:serving staff members.
Speaker:He began his work with Chosen
Speaker:People Ministries in 1978,
Speaker:serving in New York, New
Speaker:Jersey and Florida,
Speaker:and he now serves in the
Speaker:Metropolitan Philadelphia area
Speaker:with his wife, Judy. Israel,
Speaker:also known as Uncle Izzy
Speaker:to us here at Chosen People,
Speaker:grew up
Speaker:aware of the distinction
Speaker:between Jews and Christians.
Speaker:Like most Jewish people,
Speaker:he felt that being a Jew meant
Speaker:that he couldn't
Speaker:believe in Jesus.
Speaker:It was only when
Speaker:he joined the Navy
Speaker:that he discovered
Speaker:the truth for himself.
Speaker:And now, I introduce the host
Speaker:of Our Hope Podcast,
Speaker:Abe Vazquez!
Speaker:Uncle Izzy, welcome to Our Hope!
Speaker:I'm glad to be here!
Speaker:It's a blessing.
Speaker:This is wonderful.
Speaker:Great, so glad you were
Speaker:able to join us.
Speaker:You know every time
Speaker:we have a new guest
Speaker:I love to ask this question.
Speaker:So since you travel
Speaker:a lot, I want to know
Speaker:what is your favorite food,
Speaker:but your favorite food
Speaker:from New York?
Speaker:In New York or in Philly,
Speaker:or in this area,
Speaker:a nice pastrami sandwich.
AbeOh yeah. Israel::Oh
AbeOh yeah. Israel::yeah, got to have it
AbeOh yeah. Israel::on Rye with Gulden's
AbeOh yeah. Israel::has to be Gulden's
AbeOh yeah. Israel::mustard, you know, deli mustard
AbeOh yeah. Israel::can't have none of that
AbeOh yeah. Israel::French's, forget that.
AbeOh yeah. Israel::And a nice piece of New York
AbeOh yeah. Israel::Cheesecake, the best!
AbeOh yeah. Israel::There you go, there you go.
AbeOh yeah. Israel::It won't help my diet
AbeOh yeah. Israel::but it'll be delicious
AbeOh yeah. Israel::and nutritious.
Abe:That is awesome.
Abe:So tell me about
Abe:you grew up in Philadelphia
Abe:is that correct?
Abe:I grew up in Philadelphia
Abe:until high school age,
Abe:but I went to synagogue
Abe:in Philadelphia
Abe:with my parents most- sometimes,
Abe:but I had my Bar Mitzvah
Abe:in Philadelphia.
Abe:And we were,
Abe:you know,
Abe:not liberal liberal.
Abe:We kept Kosher and all that.
Abe:My grandmother was alive
Abe:and she wanted us
Abe:to go to synagogue.
Abe:But I had my Bar Mitzvah
Abe:in Philadelphia and
Abe:at about the age of high school
Abe:I went to elementary-
Abe:I went to what we
Abe:used to call Junior
Abe:High School in Philadelphia.
Abe:I went to what is now
Abe:called Cherry Hill, NJ
Abe:which is just across the river
Abe:Philadelphia, across
Abe:the Delaware River
Abe:and we were basically
Abe:the first Jewish family
Abe:in in the Cherry Hill area.
Abe:It's now very Jewish,
Abe:didn't even have
Abe:a synagogue there,
Abe:and they have a big synagogue.
Abe:A lot of Philadelphia
Abe:people moved over to Jersey.
Abe:So I grew up,
Abe:really, if you want to know
Abe:the truth, lets face it
Abe:I was in a dysfunctional
Abe:Jewish family.
Abe:It's amazing that that
Abe:Jesus found me.
Abe:It's absolutely amazing,
Abe:but that was, you know, I did
Abe:I didn't hang out
Abe:with the Gentiles too much,
Abe:you know.
Abe:My father was
Abe:concerned about that.
Abe:So set the stage
Abe:for me a little bit what
Abe:what was growing up there
Abe:like, what was your
Abe:environment like?
Abe:You know, what was it like
Abe:being the only Jewish family
Abe:in that area?
Abe:In Cherry Hill, I hung out
Abe:with a lot of Gentiles
Abe:in school.
Abe:Actually, as I lived there
Abe:for a little while,
Abe:some more Jewish
Abe:people moved here, okay.
Abe:And when I was in
Abe:school, being Cohen,
Abe:you know,
Abe:they gravitated towards me.
Abe:This was back
Abe:we're talking about the '57
Abe:couple years ago, you know,
Abe:and they gravitated.
Abe:We all went to,
Abe:went to bandstand together,
Abe:you know, with Dick Clark
Abe:and and we did things together.
Abe:We didn't hang out
Abe:with the Gentile kids.
Abe:There was a few more, but
Abe:shortly after I joined,
Abe:went to high school.
Abe:I really got involved
Abe:with ham radio with
Abe:I had a school teacher,
Abe:a shop teacher that
Abe:was a ham radio guy
Abe:and he was teaching
Abe:a class in high school
Abe:at lunchtime of morse code.
Abe:So I wanted to
Abe:join the morse code.
Abe:So most of Jewish people kids
Abe:didn't join the radio club.
Abe:Maybe that's
Abe:because it was the
Abe:'ham' radio club.
Abe:I don't know
Abe:it wasn't kosher? I don't know.
Abe:I thought it was good.
Abe:But anyway, so I
Abe:I was in that so
Abe:I didn't hang out
Abe:with a lot of Jewish kids,
Abe:but my entire time
Abe:I was in high school
Abe:I was on the ham
Abe:radio all the time.
Abe:At least a short way,
Abe:and doing this morse code.
Abe:And so that was basically my
Abe:my entire high school career,
Abe:I didn't study too well,
Abe:I just didn't-
Abe:I thought I was going
Abe:to be a ham radio
Abe:guy, copying
Abe:morse code the rest of my
Abe:life. I was in for a surprise.
Abe:So that radio, that
Abe:that was like your
Abe:your Instagram
Abe:or your Tick Tock
Abe:you were just
Abe:kind of addicted to it.
Abe:Israel:Exactly, we don't have it
Abe:we didn't have
Abe:any of this stuff
Abe:like Instagram and Tick Tock
Abe:and and Facebook
Abe:and all, you know
Abe:we had none of that stuff.
Abe:I thought that the ham
Abe:radio be able to talk to people
Abe:all the way
Abe:around the other side
Abe:of the world, like Australia.
Abe:Mostly during an English class
Abe:and my teacher said,
Abe:"What's the matter?"
Abe:Well, I was up all night,
Abe:I was I was talking
Abe:to someone in Australia with
Abe:my ham radio.
Abe:That is awesome.
Abe:That is so cool to hear.
Abe:So tell me what happened
Abe:after high school?
Abe:At what point did you encounter
Abe:possibly joining Navy?
Abe:What led you there?
Israel:That's good, good point.
Israel:First of all,
Israel:in high school,
Israel:my father wanted me
Israel:to make sure I took the
Israel:the college prep courses and
Israel:I didn't like it at all.
Israel:I wasn't as a matter of fact
Israel:I was in the marching band
Israel:and I had to quit
Israel:the marching band.
Israel:Of course, the
Israel:calculus classes
Israel:were taught
Israel:at the same time that the band
Israel:would rehearse and I
Israel:I was very disappointed
Israel:about that. Very disappointed.
Abe:what did you play in band?
Israel:I played the
Israel:baritone horn.
Israel:Oh, it was great.
Israel:Boom boom boom boom
Israel:boom boom anyway it was
Israel:great, I loved it.
Israel:And we played at these marches
Israel:and stuff.
Israel:But I had to quit.
Israel:I was very disappointed.
Israel:My father wanted me
Israel:to go to college.
Israel:So he made me take,
Israel:he got to get some friends
Israel:that had connections
Israel:with the West Point.
Israel:These- I forgot their-
Israel:The Air Force Academy,
Israel:I think it might have been.
Israel:And then he made
Israel:me take the test
Israel:for entrance into the
Israel:into the Air Force Academy.
Israel:I felt like I was number number-
Israel:lowest number
Israel:you can get.
Israel:I was the last one.
Israel:So I never got into college.
Israel:I didn't- Now, a nice
Israel:Jewish boy like me
Israel:didn't get into college
Israel:that this is like
Israel:as we say in Yiddish
Israel:It's it's called a 'shanda'.
Israel:It's a terrible thing,
Israel:So yeah, so my father said,
Israel:"So what are you going
Israel:to do with your life?
Israel:What are you going to do?"
Israel:And I thought
Israel:maybe I'd be a ham
Israel:radio guy
Israel:the rest of my life but
Israel:I would have been drafted.
Israel:In 1960 I graduated
Israel:from high school
Israel:in the lowest
Israel:form of my class.
Israel:But in 9th- when I graduated,
Israel:if I didn't go to college,
Israel:you're in the army.
Israel:I I was nice and healthy
Israel:and I was a good guy
Israel:so I would have been right in.
Israel:So in my senior year of
Israel:high school I applied
Israel:to join the Navy and
Israel:I got accepted on a Friday
Israel:in June of 1960.
Israel:I was in high school
Israel:graduating, but on Monday
Israel:I was flying to Great
Israel:Lakes Illinois to boot camp
Israel:for the United States
Israel:And the marching and screaming,
Israel:and I will never forget this.
Israel:This was so- there were two thin
Israel:that were incredible
Israel:in the Navy. One,
Israel:I get off the bus
Israel:at the Great Lakes Illinois
Israel:and I'm walking along and he say
Israel:"Run, run, run, Cohen!
Israel:Run!" I said,
Israel:"Sir, I don't run."
Israel:"We don't teach the
Israel:teach the Jewish boys
Israel:any different
Israel:than the Gentiles.
Israel:We treat you the same! Get your-
Israel:And he used some language
Israel:that we might not want
Israel:to have on a podcast, you know
Israel:what I'm saying. And
Israel:then the second
Israel:thing that happened
Israel:is lining up in boot camp.
Israel:They were going to
Israel:shave our heads
Israel:and all that stuff.
Israel:And lining up
Israel:and he looks at me,
Israel:and he says, "Cohen,
Israel:you didn't shave." I said,
Israel:"Oh, I didn't shave."
Israel:"So get in here and shave!"
Israel:And I
Israel:I never really shaved
Israel:up until that point
Israel:I was a late bloomer.
Israel:And I came out with blood
Israel:all over my clothes and stuff.
Israel:He said, "Cohen, I didn't ask yo
Israel:to commit hari kari.
Israel:Stop that!" The blood all, it wa
Israel:So that was my experience
Israel:in the Navy.
Israel:Of course, I didn't
Israel:know how to swim.
Israel:I forgot, if you join the Navy
Israel:you better know
Israel:how to swim.
Israel:And so they pushed
Israel:me off in this big
Israel:15 foot high tower into
Israel:the pool and
Israel:I learned how to swim,
Israel:no doubt about that.
Abe:And I know when you
Abe:were in the Navy
Abe:you had an experience
Abe:where they they handed out
Abe:different types of Bibles
Abe:or things like that.
Abe:What was that situation?
Israel:That was incredible.
Israel:When you come into
Israel:come in there was this big hall
Israel:400 people,
Israel:they were all naked.
Israel:You had your head shaved
Israel:and now it's time
Israel:to get your uniform,
Israel:so they give you a sea bag
Israel:and you walk down the line
Israel:and as you walk down the line
Israel:they give you
Israel:your own uniforms.
Israel:At the end of the line,
Israel:back then, this was 1960 now,
Israel:they said, "Catholic,
Israel:Protestant, or Jewish?"
Israel:I said, "Okay, I'm Jewish."
Israel:And they
Israel:put a Bible in your seabag.
Israel:I don't know what you do
Israel:with the Bible.
Israel:You know,
Israel:I thought it was
Israel:a good luck charm.
Israel:Or maybe
Israel:it was a rabbit's foot,
Israel:or be like my grandmother's
Israel:chicken soup!
Israel:Everytime I was sick, if I was t
Israel:I was coughing and sneezing.
Israel:My grandmother said, "Take some,
Israel:have some chicken
Israel:soup, it will help you."
Israel:And so, well I have a Bible.
Israel:I said, "Will it help me?"
Israel:They said, "Couldn't hurt!"
Israel:You know, it couldn't hurt!
Israel:So I said, "Okay."
Israel:And I put in my bag.
Israel:I'll put it in my pocket
Israel:and maybe the bullet
Israel:will hit my Bible.
Israel:So I had my Bible.
Israel:But growing up Jewish,
Israel:we never really read the Bible.
Israel:I knew the stories.
Israel:You know about
Israel:Abraham and about the Purim,
Israel:and then Mordecai and
Israel:but I never read the Bible.
Abe:Wow, so I mean you've
Abe:never read the Bible
Abe:so at this point in your life,
Abe:what would you say
Abe:your relationship with God
Abe:was like?
Israel:Oh, I didn't even
Israel:know there was a God.
Israel:I wasn't-
Israel:I had no relationship
Israel:with God. When I was,
Israel:I was in synagogue until
Israel:my Bar Mitzvah.
Israel:When I had my Bar Mitzvah
Israel:I thought maybe I'll be a
Israel:Rabbi. I was up there
Israel:on the beamer and I was
Israel:I was saying the prayers,
Israel:I memorized them
Israel:of course.
Israel:I was saying the
Israel:prayer, the reading
Israel:from the Torah and stuff.
Israel:And my father said-
Israel:I said, "Okay,
Israel:I want to keep going
Israel:to Hebrew school
Israel:and become a rabbi."
Israel:"Nah, you don't want to do that
Israel:get a regular job."
Israel:So he didn't want to pay
Israel:for Hebrew school anymore.
Israel:when it comes to
Israel:religious background,
Israel:when it comes to belief
Israel:in God, I had nothing.
Israel:I was, it was just
Israel:I'm a nice guy. I'm a ham
Israel:radio guy had all
Israel:my ham radio buddies.
Israel:I talked to people
Israel:all over the world.
Israel:You know it was a
Israel:Listen now,
Israel:I was listening to shortwave,
Israel:I heard
Israel:people talking about Jesus
Israel:while I was growing up.
Israel:I was always (thinking),
Israel:oh these poor Gentiles.
Israel:But I listened
Israel:anyway, for a little while, you
Israel:know, but it wasn't for me.
Israel:You know, my Rabbi told me,
Israel:"Never believe in Jesus."
Israel:And that was when I was Bar Mitz
Israel:after the Bar Mitzvah
Israel:he said, "And never read
Israel:the New Testament.
Israel:Jesus is a Gentile God
Israel:and the New
Israel:Testament Gentile book."
Israel:You can't read that stuff.
Abe:So fast forward then,
Abe:what is your next encounter
Abe:hearing about Jesus that then
Abe:led to the rest of your story?
Israel:Yeah, that's the story.
Israel:Well, what happened
Israel:was after boot camp
Israel:I wound up
Israel:in Morocco,
Israel:Morocco, North Africa.
Israel:I was in North Africa
Israel:in Morocco, in the Navy
Israel:and little did I know
Israel:that they had a Bible study
Israel:group on the base.
Israel:And these guys were praying
Israel:for the salvation
Israel:of the only Jewish guy
Israel:that was on the base.
Israel:They were claiming
Israel:my salvation.
Israel:Now I was getting drunk
Israel:every night and I was
Israel:smoking cigarettes.
Israel:I figured, you know,
Israel:I got to be a real
Israel:sailor. Real sailors drink
Israel:whiskey and beer,
Israel:and they smoke cigarettes,
Israel:and I'm coughing
Israel:like crazy and getting-
Israel:And then one night
Israel:one of those fellows
Israel:from that Bible
Israel:study came to me
Israel:when I was kind of
Israel:sober on one night.
Israel:He said, "You're Jewish, yes?"
Israel:I said, "Oh yes, I'm Jewish."
Israel:He says, "You have a Bible?"
Israel:I said, "Yeah, they gave me a Bi
Israel:when I joined the Navy."
Israel:"Oh okay, can you get your Bible
Israel:I got my Bible.
Israel:I said, "Here it is."
Israel:(He said) "Let me see your Bible
Israel:Turns to the Bible,
Israel:Isaiah, Chapter 53.
Israel:I had no idea what
Israel:that was. He said, read this.
Israel:I read Isaiah 53.
Israel:That is-
Israel:I couldn't believe it
Israel:bcause I was
Israel:with shortwave and
Israel:the people across the street
Israel:when I was living in
Israel:Philadelphia were saying,
Israel:Jesus died for your sins,
Israel:I read this and said,
Israel:"They made a mistake,
Israel:they said Catholic,
Israel:Protestant or Jewish.
Israel:I think they gave me
Israel:the New Testament
Israel:and I'm not
Israel:supposed to read the New Testame
Israel:It sounds like Jesus."
Israel:And says, "That it is true,
Israel:that's your Messiah."
Israel:Wait a minute.
Israel:That's crazy, what's my Messiah
Israel:doing in my Bible?
Israel:I said, "It has got to be
Israel:the New Testament."
Israel:He looks over and says,
Israel:"No look,
Israel:Hebrew publishing company."
Israel:Oh, Hebrew
Israel:publishing company. Wait a minut
Israel:what's Jesus doing in my Bible?
Israel:And he said, "He's your Messiah.
Israel:I said, "Oh really?" He said, "Y
Israel:And he then shared with me
Israel:about Jesus, but
Israel:he wanted me to read
Israel:the New Testament.
Israel:I was really a little scared
Israel:about that. He said,
Israel:"Let's read something in the
Israel:New Testament."
Israel:And I said, "No,
Israel:I can't my Rabbi told
Israel:me never to read the
Israel:New Testament."
Israel:What he did was,
Israel:he said, "Look."
Israel:He looked over here
Israel:and he looked around
Israel:and he said, where's your Rabbi?
Israel:At least 3000 miles
Israel:away in Philadelphia.
Israel:"I won't tell your Rabbi
Israel:that you read
Israel:the New Testament if
Israel:you don't tell him."
Israel:I was scared.
Israel:I really was scared.
Israel:I thought lightning
Israel:was going to hit me.
Israel:I thought for sure
Israel:it was going to take place
Israel:in Rome with a bunch of popes
Israel:and be the most Gentile
Israel:book I ever could read it
Israel:And then I started reading
Israel:(he said) "let's turn over here
Israel:try this." And the first thing
Israel:I read in the New Testament
Israel:May 16, 1961,
Israel:I read, "There was a
Israel:man of the Pharisees name
Israel:Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews."
Israel:I said, "What's the
Israel:ruler of the Jews
Israel:doing in the New Testament?"
Israel:He said, "He's Jewish.
Israel:It's a Jewish book!
Israel:Read the rest of it."
Israel:And I read the whole third
Israel:chapter of John.
Israel:I read, first time in my life,
Israel:nice Jewish boy,
Israel:never heard it before, John 3:16
Israel:"For God so loved the world
Israel:that He gave
Israel:His only begotten Son,
Israel:that whosoever believes in Him
Israel:should not perish
Israel:but have eternal life."
Israel:That's your Messiah.
Israel:We'll be right back.
Israel:Shalom, my name is Nicole Vacca
Israel:and I'm one of the co-producers
Israel:of Our Hope podcast.
Israel:We created Our Hope
Israel:to be a window into
Israel:the Messianic community,
Israel:a place where we can discuss
Israel:Israel and the Bible
Israel:and a resource for people
Israel:who want to share their faith
Israel:more effectively
Israel:and compassionately
Israel:with the Jewish community.
Israel:If you are interested
Israel:in supporting what we do,
Israel:you can donate to Chosen
Israel:People Ministries
Israel:You can also support us
Israel:by sharing this podcast
Israel:on social media with
Israel:your friends and family
Israel:or by writing a review
Israel:on Apple Podcasts.
Israel:We are so grateful
Israel:for your support
Israel:and we hope you enjoy
Israel:the rest of this episode.
Israel:Well, he shared with me,
Israel:he did kind of the Romans road,
Israel:you know
Israel:he went through some verses
Israel:from the book of Romans,
Israel:but actually today
Israel:we can do
Israel:the Isaiah Trail entire gospel
Israel:from the Jewish scriptures
Israel:from the Old Testament.
Israel:I don't like to call it
Israel:the Old Testament
Israel:I like to call it the
Israel:former Covenant.
Israel:We use the word Tanakh
Israel:that's an acrostic
Israel:for the Old Testament.
Israel:So yeah,
Israel:that was- and that night
Israel:he did say this to me,
Israel:he said, "Are you enjoying
Israel:your life?"
Israel:I said, "No,
Israel:actually I'm making
Israel:I thought
Israel:this was a Gentle thing,
Israel:getting drunk, going
Israel:with the women and smoking,
Israel:smoking cigarettes,
Israel:getting drunk.
Israel:I said it's a Gentile thing
Israel:I'll just make pretend
Israel:like I enjoy it.
Israel:He said, "If you believe in
Israel:Jeesus, you don't have to
Israel:make pretend anymore
Israel:and you have a relationship
Israel:with God and He
Israel:forgives all your sins."
Israel:The relationship was right
Israel:and it's through
Israel:the finished work of Jesus.
Israel:And I thought the cross was
Israel:such a Gentile thing.
Israel:It was really an execution,
Israel:form of execution
Israel:at the time,
Israel:I found out.
Israel:So he said would you like to
Israel:pray and receive the Messiah,
Israel:believe the Bible.
Israel:He showed me
Israel:a verse that said, "Believe
Israel:in the Lord Jesus Christ."
Israel:I thought Jesus Christ
Israel:was a Gentile word,
Israel:it's really Yeshua the Messiah,
Israel:it's really Jewish.
Israel:The most Jewish guy around,
Israel:He's born of a Virgin, He's
Israel:He's born Jewish,
Israel:seed of David, etc.
Israel:He said, "Why don't you pray
Israel:with me and believe in Jesus?"
Israel:And I said, "Well,
Israel:let me think." He gave me
Israel:his New Testament
Israel:and he marked up some verses
Israel:and put markers in there
Israel:and he said, "Well
Israel:you pray about it
Israel:and read this."
Israel:So I went to bed,
Israel:well, I was in a drill
Israel:hole in a barracks row
Israel:and it was like three
Israel:o'clock in the morning
Israel:and you can't turn the lights
Israel:on at three
Israel:o'clock in the morning.
Israel:I'd be in major trouble.
Israel:So I took a blanket
Israel:and I put it over my head
Israel:and there was a light-
Israel:I was on the top bunk
Israel:and there was a light up there
Israel:and I put the light on it
Israel:under the covers.
Israel:And I went,
Israel:I'm supposed to believe in Jesus
Israel:Let's see I was supposed to pray
Israel:to Jesus, so I prayed.
Israel:Baruch ata Adonai eloheinu
Israel:melech ha'olam
Israel:I mean I don't know
Israel:if that's the right way.
Israel:I was praying like
Israel:in synagogue with
Israel:the Hebrew.
Israel:I said, "Listen, Jesus
Israel:I want to believe in You
Israel:I want to believe that
Israel:You died for my sins."
Israel:I went to bed.
Israel:I woke up in the morning,
Israel:I was a crazy man.
Israel:I knew he told me one thing
Israel:very important
Israel:he said, "If you believe in
Israel:Jesus will be saved."
Israel:Not sure what that meant
Israel:but I knew that
Israel:I wouldn't have to live
Israel:that way any longer
Israel:and I don't have to make pretend
Israel:any longer.
Israel:I ran from one end
Israel:of the barracks to
Israel:the other, "I'm saved,
Israel:I'm saved! I'm saved!"
Israel:And the guy came out-
Israel:the guys that
Israel:were doing the Bible study,
Israel:they came out
Israel:they pulled me in
Israel:they said, "What did you say?" "
Israel:I told Jesus I believe in Him."
Israel:"Hey guys, come here
Israel:Israel believes in
Israel:Jesus! Come on
Israel:put your hands
Israel:let's pray with him!"
Israel:And they put their hands on me
Israel:they prayed for me
Israel:that I would
Israel:grow and I would
Israel:learn more about the Lord.
Israel:And and it was embarrassing,
Israel:I said maybe I made a mistake
Israel:these guys are really
Israel:praying up a storm.
Israel:So then they said, "We're going
Israel:to go to Bible study."
Israel:Bible study.
Israel:What's that, what do you mean
Israel:Bible study?
Israel:"Oh no,
Israel:"we got to read the word
Israel:you got to grow."
Israel:And I said,
Israel:"Well, I'm going to a movie
Israel:in the
Israel:in the base they
Israel:have a good
Israel:a good movie at the theater.
Israel:Look I don't need Bible study."
Israel:And so the guy said, "Hey guys,
Israel:let's go to the movie
Israel:with Israel, and have
Israel:Bible study afterwards."
Israel:They did a good thing
Israel:that was incredible!
Israel:And we had Bible
Israel:study afterwards.
Israel:And let's face it,
Israel:the rest is basically history.
Abe:Yeah, yeah,
Abe:so it's such a beautiful story
Abe:because I would say that
Abe:the moment that it all clicked
Abe:for you, connected with
Abe:you was underneath
Abe:the covers by yourself.
Abe:Having that moment of
Abe:just kind of going to
Abe:your traditional
Abe:Jewish prayers,
Abe:but then realizing
Abe:you know what
Abe:I can talk to this person.
Abe:Let me just say
Abe:this to this person, you know,
Abe:and that I think it shows
Abe:the change that happened
Abe:almost instantly
Abe:and that kind of
Abe:just set the pace
Abe:for the rest of that story.
Abe:I mean, that's just so awesome.
Abe:So, tell me really quick,
Abe:I mean you read Isaiah 53,
Abe:you were shocked
Abe:because you thought
Abe:you were already
Abe:reading the New Testament
Abe:and then eventually you get
Abe:to the New Testament.
Abe:So what was what surprised you
Abe:the most when you started
Abe:reading the New Testament?
Israel:What surprised me
Israel:the most was that
Israel:all these-
Israel:all these writers,
Israel:and all these-
Israel:was so Jewish, and they always
Israel:refer back to the
Israel:the Old Testament
Israel:the Jewish scriptures.
Israel:Everything about
Israel:the New Testament
Israel:was so Jewish.
Israel:I realized at that point
Israel:that many Gentiles
Israel:didn't know what
Israel:that didn't understand,
Israel:that they
Israel:they thought that the
Israel:it's all not Jewish,
Israel:but it's so the one thing
Israel:that surprised me so much
Israel:is that how Jewish it is.
Israel:And then I read
Israel:a very interesting book
Israel:in the New Testament, Hebrews.
Israel:Come on, give me a break.
Israel:And you read that
Israel:and it refers back
Israel:everything that I
Israel:I learned
Israel:about in Hebrew school
Israel:or growing up and that
Israel:it was right there
Israel:and it's all fulfilled
Israel:in the Messiah in
Israel:Jesus the Messiah.
Israel:Yeshua the Messiah.
Israel:I'm so excited about it
Israel:and that was 60 years ago.
Abe:Wow, 60 years. So
Abe:tell me about those 60 years.
Abe:How how did your life change
Abe:in these 60 years?
Abe:I'm sure you're as you know
Abe:the young man that you are
Abe:that you're still learning.
Israel:I'm still growing still
Israel:Well, what happened was this.
Israel:The truth of the matter is
Israel:I was supposed to go
Israel:to Bible College in '64,
Israel:Moody Bible Institute.
Israel:And while
Israel:I was away from the Navy
Israel:and I was at home
Israel:with my parents in
Israel:Cherry Hill, NJ,
Israel:and I wasn't exactly
Israel:walking with the Lord
Israel:and God was chasing me.
Israel:By the way, if you ever plan on
Israel:walking away from the
Israel:Lord or backsliding
Israel:and and you memorize
Israel:a lot of scripture in advance,
Israel:don't do that because you
Israel:memorize scripture
Israel:the Lord's
Israel:not going to let you
Israel:He's not going to let go of you.
Israel:I had all the scriptures
Israel:I was under such conviction
Israel:and I was having major trouble.
Israel:my father sent me
Israel:to a Jewish doctor.
Israel:He said we got to
Israel:wrong with Israel
Israel:he's got problems and the doctor
Israel:wanted me to see psychiatrist.
Israel:I told the Jewish
Israel:doctor I believe
Israel:Jesus. My boss,
Israel:my father got me a job
Israel:and with a friend of his
Israel:and my boss said, "Look,
Israel:you got to stop
Israel:talking about
Israel:Jesus in our office,
Israel:we're Jewish."
Israel:You know here I was back
Israel:slidden down the drain
Israel:and I'm talking about
Israel:Jesus to everybody.
Israel:You know, my father
Israel:and my boss, both Jewish guys
Israel:they figured out
Israel:what my problem was.
Israel:If I meet a nice Jewish girl
Israel:I'll forget about Jesus.
Israel:Well, he said to call up
Israel:this blind date.
Israel:This is girl.
Israel:So I called her up.
Israel:We went out once, twice.
Israel:The third time
Israel:I told her I believe in Jesus
Israel:(She said) "Take me home.
Israel:I don't want to talk
Israel:to you anymore."
Israel:But then she called me, "You're
Israel:a nice guy,
Israel:but can you forget about Jesus?
Israel:Well, I told her
Israel:I would forget about Him-
Israel:I couldn't do it.
Israel:I couldn't forget about Jesus.
Israel:Yeah and we got married in '64.
Israel:And I wasn't walking
Israel:with the Lord, but in 1972
Israel:I was driving down the road,
Israel:I was a salesman, outside
Israel:salesman for electronics.
Israel:I was under such conviction.
Israel:I just knew I had to get it
Israel:back together with Jesus.
Israel:I had to walk with the Lord.
Israel:So I pulled the car over to
Israel:the side of the road
Israel:and and
Israel:I wiped the tears off my eyes.
Israel:I was crying.
Israel:And I said, "Jesus,
Israel:if you're really the Messiah,
Israel:and I'm really saved,
Israel:I want to Bible right now."
Israel:I had thrown all
Israel:my Bibles in the garbage
Israel:'cause my wife wouldn't,
Israel:my my fiance
Israel:at that time I wouldn't marry me
Israel:unless I threw my
Israel:Bibles in the garbage.
Israel:So I did it.
Israel:That was terrible.
Israel:I was parked in front
Israel:of Christian bookstore.
Israel:I said wait a minute.
Israel:Oh, you want me to buy a Bible?
Israel:OK, that was good.
Israel:I didn't know I was there!
Israel:So I walked in
Israel:and I told the woman
Israel:back at the counter.
Israel:I need a Bible.
Israel:I haven't read the Bible
Israel:for a few years and she said oka
Israel:and she wanted to give me
Israel:one of these big Bibles. I said,
Israel:"No, no, you don't understand
Israel:my wife
Israel:doesn't know I'm
Israel:reading the Bible.
Israel:And so she gave me
Israel:this little Bible.
Israel:This is the Bible.
Israel:She comes out from
Israel:the back of the counter
Israel:when she heard my story.
Israel:She puts her hands
Israel:on my shoulder
Israel:and she prayed for me.
Israel:She prayed for my salvation,
Israel:my wife,
Israel:she prayed that I'd go back
Israel:to Bible College
Israel:that I'd be a witness
Israel:to my Jewish people
Israel:and I'd grow in the Lord.
Israel:Everything she prayed for-
Israel:I wish I could find her
Israel:I can't find her. Everything
Israel:she prayed for came true!
Israel:And I went there
Israel:I wrote
Israel:in the front of the Bible
Israel:when I when I wrote that:
Israel:Back with Jesus this day,
Israel:September 20th, 1970.
Israel:Finally, I said to Judy, it's
Israel:now the summer of '72.
Israel:I said, "Judy,
Israel:I got to go to church!"
Israel:(Judy) "Mother! He lied to us.
Israel:He's believing in Jesus.
Israel:He's reading
Israel:the Bible, He's going to church.
Israel:I'm getting a divorce!"
Israel:"No, no, no.
Israel:No divorces."
Israel:My unsaved Jewish mother-in-law
Israel:told her don't get a divorce.
Israel:She saved our marriage.
Israel:It was incredible
Israel:and that was the summer of '72
Israel:and I go to church now.
Israel:In October 1st, 1972,
Israel:I went to church,
Israel:but she went to go roller
Israel:skating with these guys, but
Israel:they weren't going
Israel:roller skating anymore.
Israel:They got together with Jesus
Israel:and they were going to church
Israel:Sunday night, so she said,
Israel:"Well, can I come with you?"
Israel:She went to another church
Israel:in Philadelphia, and
Israel:after the service,
Israel:she prayed to receive Jesus
Israel:with a friend of mine.
Israel:He was a ham
Israel:radio friend by the way.
Israel:He was walking with
Israel:the Lord, incredible guy
Israel:and he prayed with Judy.
Israel:Judy came home,
Israel:she was home before me
Israel:and I got home, I said,
Israel:"Judy, you're home."
Israel:(Judy) "You better sit down
Israel:I got saved tonight."
Israel:(Israel) "You got saved?"
Israel:"Yeah, I
Israel:I told Jesus I love Him.
Israel:I believe in Jesus."
Israel:"Hello Pastor?"
Israel:I called the pastor of
Israel:the church.
Israel:The pastor of that church
Israel:that we were going
Israel:I was going to at the time
Israel:was Donald Goodheart.
Israel:Can you imagine, Pastor Goodhear
Israel:And I said to him, "You can take
Israel:"Judy off."
Israel:We were claiming
Israel:her salvation every Wednesday
Israel:night prayer meeting.
Israel:On the list –
Israel:Judy Cohen.
Israel:And then I said you can take
Israel:her off the list, pray for
Israel:growth. Two weeks later,
Israel:Judy was baptized
Israel:at the Burholme Baptist
Israel:Church in Philadelphia
Israel:in front of the mural
Israel:of the River Jordan.
Israel:So then December
Israel:of 72 is now saved –
Israel:October November, December –
Israel:she's saved about three months
Israel:and a missionary came to
Israel:the church.
Israel:This missionary was
Israel:from this mission.
Israel:Ruth Wardell, I remember
Israel:she's since gone on to be
Israel:with the Lord. She brought a
Israel:young Jewish girl
Israel:to give a testimony
Israel:and afterwards
Israel:Pastor Goodheart said,
Israel:"I'd like you to meet
Israel:our Jewish believers
Israel:Israel and Judy!"
Israel:And so this young girl
Israel:that came with them,
Israel:her name was Kitty,
Israel:Kitty Simon. Kitty said,
Israel:"You know who Joe
Israel:Finkelstein is?
Israel:You know, Finkelstein?"
Israel:"Who's he?" "You don't know
Israel:what's going on in
Israel:West Philadelphia?"
Israel:Remember, it's 1972,
Israel:kind of about the middle
Israel:of the Jesus movement
Israel:and and the wood stock
Israel:and all that stuff.
Israel:and Jews were getting saved.
Israel:It was revival amongst
Israel:young Jewish kids!
Israel:So she said, "Oh, you don't know
Israel:And she invited us
Israel:to their Bible study
Israel:that he had. And Judy
Israel:and I went to the Bible study.
Israel:So wow they were teaching
Israel:from the book of Jacob.
Israel:Book of Jacob. Where is that?
Israel:You know you,
Israel:we call it James,
Israel:but it's really Jacob.
Israel:OK, I'm learning,
Israel:I'm learning all
Israel:kinds of new stuff.
Israel:So went to the Bible study
Israel:one time,
Israel:I said, "Joe, can we come back?"
Israel:"Oh yeah, you can come back."
Israel:Three months later,
Israel:we left the Baptist Church
Israel:and we moved to Philadelphia
Israel:Right where Joe Finkelstein live
Israel:and we started a
Israel:messianic congregation.
Israel:It's now it's called Beth
Israel:Yeshua, the House of Jesus
for many years. Abe:Wow.
Israel:In 1978 I came with
Israel:Chosen People Ministries and I
Israel:was in Philadelphia
Israel:and then I moved
Israel:to North Jersey.
Israel:And then I was in,
Israel:short period in California.
Israel:But I was blessed 22
Israel:years in Florida.
Israel:And now we're back
Israel:in the Metropolitan
Israel:New York Area serving the Lord
Israel:with Chosen People Ministries.
Israel:I've been with the ministry
Israel:since 1978.
Abe:Uncle Izzy that is amazing.
Abe:It's such a beautiful story
Abe:and just to kind of land
Abe:the plane. Is there
Abe:any advice that you would give
Abe:a young Jewish believer,
Abe:a new Jewish believer,
Abe:who is afraid to tell others
Abe:about their faith?
Abe:That's a very good point.
Abe:Yeah, that's, that's very good.
Abe:Someone once said this,
Abe:this is really important,
Abe:the gospel always, always
Abe:share the gospel
Abe:and if necessary, use words.
Abe:In other words,
Abe:live your life in such a way,
Abe:I made sure that I
Abe:whenever I meet anyone
Abe:that you would get,
Abe:I realize that I am Jewish.
Abe:I might not be Hassidic
Abe:or Orthodox and the legalistic,
Abe:but I'm Jewish and
Abe:we need
Abe:to help them to understand
Abe:that our faith
Abe:is a Jewish faith.
Abe:One time going through
Abe:the new Covenant,
Abe:the New Testament understand
Abe:seeing that you could
Abe:understand clearly
Abe:that this is a Jewish faith.
Abe:Uncle Izzy, thank you so much
Abe:and we're so glad
Abe:to hear your story
Abe:in a different format
Abe:'cause we didn't
Abe:get the full story
Abe:in your testimony video
Abe:that's on
Abe:so it's great to hear
Abe:some of all these
Abe:other mini stories
Abe:that have led to
Abe:where you are today.
Abe:And we continue to pray for you
Abe:and we continue to just
Abe:thank God for you and your wife
Abe:and what you've done
Abe:for this ministry
Abe:and for the lives of
Abe:so many across the country.
Abe:So thank you for
Abe:joining us today.
Abe:You're welcome, my pleasure.
Abe:“But He was pierced
Abe:through for our transgressions,
Abe:He was crushed
Abe:for our iniquities;
Abe:The chastening for our
Abe:well-being fell upon Him,
Abe:And by His scourging
Abe:we are healed."
Abe:This Messianic prophecy
Abe:in the Old Testament
Abe:has paved the way for many
Abe:Jewish people to
Abe:find their Messiah.
Abe:The New Testament
Abe:is a continuation
Abe:and completion to the full
Abe:story of salvation
Abe:which God had planned
Abe:from the very beginning.
Abe:As a Jewish believer
Abe:in the Messiah, Israel's
Abe:faith is now complete!
Abe:For those of us
Abe:who follow Messiah,
Abe:we can lovingly show our Jewish
Abe:friends and family
Abe:the Messianic prophecies
Abe:in the Old Testament,
Abe:and when the time is right,
Abe:invite them to read the rest
Abe:of this redemption story.
Abe:Thank you for listening
Abe:to this week's
Abe:episode of Our Hope.
Abe:This episode was
Abe:brought to you by:
Abe:Dr. Mitch Glaser,
Abe:Israel Cohen,
Abe:Nicole Vaca, Grace
Abe:Swee, Kieran Bautista,
Abe:and Neal Surasky.
Abe:I'm Abe Vazquez. Until next time
Abe:Thanks for
Abe:listening to Our Hope.
Abe:If you like our show
Abe:and want to know more,
Abe:check out