Writing emails can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. The trick? Don’t do all the heavy lifting at once. Instead, separate the “thinking” stage from the “writing” stage. Sit down and brainstorm a bunch of email ideas ahead of time. Think about your product, the problems it solves, your own credibility, and even funny or personal stories from your life. When it’s time to write, you’ll already have a stack of ideas ready to go. Easy!
Picture this: you’re staring at a blank page. Frustrating, right? But if you’ve already got a list of ideas waiting for you, it’s like walking into a room where the party’s already started. No more blank page doom.
Ever feel like you’ve got nothing to write about? That’s where story prompts come in. These are little reminders to jog your memory about moments in your life that can be turned into engaging emails. One time, I even wrote an email about not leaving the house all day. Yep, that simple.
I created 365 prompts for myself—one for each day of the year. They’re like little sparks for your brain, bringing back stories you hadn’t thought of in years. You don’t need to overthink it. Your everyday life is way more interesting than you realise, and sharing those relatable stories helps build a stronger connection with your readers.
Your email can’t work its magic if no one opens it. That’s why open rates matter. Sure, subject lines play a role, but there’s more to it. Your "from name" needs to be familiar, and the frequency of your emails needs to keep you top of mind. Sending emails regularly means your audience won’t forget who you are.
Think about it—if you’re only emailing once in a blue moon, you’re just a stranger popping into their inbox. But when you email often and share personal, well-thought-out content, your readers can’t wait to hear from you. That’s the sweet spot.
Here’s the big one nobody talks about: your email’s opening line. It’s the gateway to everything else. If your opening line flops, your email is toast. You’ve got seconds to grab their attention—so make it count.
A killer opening line isn’t just about grabbing attention; it sets the tone for the rest of your email. Plus, having a stash of pre-written opening lines saves you from the blank page nightmare. It’s like having a cheat sheet for creativity. Once you nail that first line, the rest of the email practically writes itself.
How many times have you read an email and thought, “Where’s the link?” Don’t make your readers play hide-and-seek. Dress up your links so they stand out. Use bold text, underline them, or even make them a button if it fits your style.
Here’s the thing: people skim emails, especially on their phones. If your link blends in, it’ll get lost in the shuffle. Mix it up too—use different phrases for links instead of the same old “Click here for more.” Keep it fresh and keep it obvious. When the link pops, the clicks roll in.
You know how people say the PS is the most-read part of an email? It’s true! About 90% of readers skim down to the PS. Yet, most people either skip it or throw in something bland. Big mistake.
Your PS is prime real estate. Use it to drive readers back up to your call-to-action, emphasise urgency, or even share a fun tidbit that sticks in their mind. It’s like the cherry on top of your email sundae. Don’t waste it.
We can’t skip the classics. Your subject line is the first thing your readers see, so make it pop. But here’s the twist: don’t just focus on being catchy. Match your subject line to the tone of your email. It should set the stage for what’s inside.
One of my favourite tricks is using unexpected or unusual subject lines, like “00:00:00”—a fake countdown timer that grabs attention. It’s quirky, it’s eye-catching, and it works.
Kennedy Kennedy
One of the things I'm going to share with you today is something that pretty much nobody is talking about. Today, I want to share with you seven different things you can do to make writing your emails better, to make writing your emails easier, and to make the results of your emails even better. And as I said, one of them, I can't believe almost no one's talking about. That's what we're talking about on The Day Show.
Kennedy Kennedy
Hello, welcome back. Happy email marketing Wednesday. I hope it's been a great week for you so far. Kennedy here as ever. I'm going to get stuck into into these seven different things you can do to make writing your emails so much, honestly, so much easier, um make writing better emails easier, and actually just make everything about your emails better. And one of the things I'm going to share with you today is something that almost nobody actually talks about. that Everybody talks about subject lines and all this sort of stuff, but there's something about an email that um is really underappreciated and it is a huge leverage point. Without this one thing, basically, your emails don't get read.
Kennedy Kennedy
You put all this hard work in and people don't read them. It's not who it's sent from, it's not and any of that stuff. um So we're gonna we going to get into that. And by the way, you might be get you might get the end of this episode and go, wow, I'd like to hear more about this. So if you'd like to come and join our free Facebook group, just go to Facebook, search for the email marketing show community.
Kennedy Kennedy
And love, love, love to see you in there. So go just go to Facebook search for the email marketing you show community and i click request to join or whatever the heck it says, join or whatever it says. and And I'll let you in. And you can even get the chance to get our emails and get email marketing tips into your email inbox as well. So that's over at the email marketing show community on the Facebook machine. So here we are.
Kennedy Kennedy
Here we are talking about, ah we're talking about different ways of making your emails better. And I've got seven different things you can do to make your emails better. The first thing I think we need to get better at doing is separating the thinking, the planning, the what am I gonna write decision making, that creative bit from the writing.
Kennedy Kennedy
So one of the things I like to do is actually batch create a whole bunch of different email content ideas. And I personally prefer to do it without AI because I like to make sure the content of my emails, if you if you I know most of you get get my emails, they talk about stuff that's personal, that's happening in my life. Why do I do that? One, it builds rapport and and lets you into my life a little bit more.
Kennedy Kennedy
Two, it means I can't run out of ideas of stuff to talk about because there was always something happening in my life, even if it was I didn't leave the house today, which I did send as an email once. And that was during the pandemic. Actually, I was like, I haven't left the house today. I'm going to even know what to write. That was an email in and of itself. And the third reason that I think writing personalized stuff and not using AI for the concepts of your emails is because so many people are And they all blend. All those people who are using AI to come up with what their emails should be and writing their emails for them are going to really suffer because it all blends in. it all They all just sound the same. So when you show up having told told them the story about that one time when you did X thing, then um
Kennedy Kennedy
that you end up with a with a much more compelling email that stands out and like, oh, this has got personality. Imagine. So the way you do that is to sit down and bat create a bunch of emails which are around things like your product and the problems it solves and you and your credibility and the things you've done.
Kennedy Kennedy
So create a whole bunch of ideas in advance. And that's them that's the crux of sort of two concepts I'll sort of talk in between here. The first one is to batch create, to do the work of thinking up email content ideas. So you've always got a resource to do that. The second thing is to have some kind of prompts that you can use to delve into your own stories of things that have happened in your life, to remind you about stuff that's happened in your life.
Kennedy Kennedy
And that's what you want to do. I created like this whole bunch of, I think I made 365. I know I did 365 different prompts that I could just look at. Um, prompt cards to look at and go, Oh, that'll remind me of some kind of story from some point part of my life. Things I've never even thought about for absolutely years and years and years. So I highly recommend you do both of those things. The next thing.
Kennedy Kennedy
I recommend you do is really look at ways of increasing your open rates of your emails, okay? So number three here is increase the open rate of your emails. And that's gonna be doing things that get um that get more attention on your ah on on your emails from from the from name to your subject line, different types of subject line. And including the frequency, like increasing the frequency of your emails will generally mean people don't forget who you are And because you're using good, personalized stories and and well-planned, thought-out stuff from what we were talking about a second ago, then you're going to get more of your emails open. So really focus on different ways of opening up, of increasing, I should say, opening up, of increasing the number of people who actually open up your emails, right? And so when you, because when you do that, more people actually get to see the email itself. And that brings me up to number four, which is a thing that almost nobody talks about. And that is,
Kennedy Kennedy
this This one I share with you is is is really critical and it helps you and it helps you get better better results. So the thing I'm referring to and I've been sort of teasing you about is the opening line of your email. And this is important to have some really good ways of coming up with opening lines. It's really, really important for a couple of reasons. The first reason is the obvious one which is if the if you do all the hard work of getting people onto your email list and then they remember who you are because you've you know you've got your name and who it's from he was from um column and then you've got a really good subject line so they open up your email and they're excited to see read receive your you email and they open up your email and read your email and then the opening line kills and deflates it like a bloody lead balloon
Kennedy Kennedy
and you've just wasted all of that. If the opening line's not compelling, then the rest of the email can't do its job. You can't persuade anybody of anything, you can't tell your story, you can't, you can't come to click on anything, you can't do anything, that's a bit.
Kennedy Kennedy
So having a really compelling opening line, and I have a whole bunch of different opening lines that I like to use ah to get me out the starting blocks. And that brings up the second reason that having good opening lines and having a resource of different opening lines that you should collect and collate. And that is, it saves you from the blank page of doom.
Kennedy Kennedy
Like, when you sit to write an email, one of the hardest things to do is write the opening line. So if you had a really simple way all getting the of the opening line, that would get the thing the wheels in motion. That would get you going, which means you would get into the email.
Kennedy Kennedy
and it would actually stop you from putting off writing emails because you're afraid of the opening line. So really focus on on your opening lines. They can do a lot for you and they can do a lot for your results as well. The next one is going to be the um is getting more people to click the links. So dress up and present the links in your emails so that People want to click them. People see them. I'm amazed at how many times I'm like, where the hell is the link here? Because somebody's like hidden the damn thing. It's like, again, my buddy wears Wally or wears Waldo right inside the email. I'm like, I want to click and find out more about this thing. I want to apply for the thing. I want to book a call. I want to enroll. I want to buy. But I don't know where the bloody link is because it's somewhere weird or it's not highlighted. And also, as we receive more and more emails, most of us are reading our emails on our phones these days,
Kennedy Kennedy
we we sort of become blind to the links. We're like, oh yeah. And you just sort of scroll past the link, right? But like we get blind to advertising, ad blindness. it's a it's ah It's a real thing, right? So ah that the same can be said for the links in your email. So if every time you send an email, it has a link in that says, click here for more. If that's what you say every single time,
Kennedy Kennedy
and it's just a text link with the words click here for more and it's in blue and it's underlined and it's on a new line. That's just one way. I use 15 different ways, 15 different ways to dress up and present the links in my emails. So I'm constantly re-grabbing people's attention, resetting their attention and getting them, you know, getting their eyes drawn towards that, that link link.
Kennedy Kennedy
Next is, it's a really great secret little sales multiply. And I've done loads of testing on this over the past, I think the past month I've been really testing this. And that is using PSs in your emails. 94, 95% or something like that, not 90, 90, I've just found the stats. 90% of people who read an email read the PS.
Kennedy Kennedy
They'll skim past most of the email, they'll read the subject line, they read the opening line and 90% of them then scroll away and they'll read the PS. Yet most people in most their emails are either sending a shitty PS or not including a PS at all. And there are lots of different types of PS you can use.
Kennedy Kennedy
to get people to either reread the email, to go back up the call of action, to take a call of action, to click a link to go and do things. So make sure you're including a PS in your emails, okay? And then, of course, subject lines. Of course, we wanna make sure that our subject lines are really dialed in.
Kennedy Kennedy
Okay, so there are seven different ways of improving your emails. Okay, they are. I'll just go through them again in sort of a slightly slightly different order. ah The first one is to remind you to make sure you write these down is to separate the planning from the writing by batch creating the concepts for your emails. Secondly, write really strong opening lines for your emails. You also want to improve your open rates. That's number three. Number four is get more clicks. Focus on the call to action and the links and how you present them in your emails.
Kennedy Kennedy
Number five is use PSs to drive sales. So you have your whole email and you sign it off, Kapow, Kennedy, PS, something, something, something, that's a great one. Five, okay? Number six is use story prompts to prompt yourself to remember stories from throughout your life, ah things you've heard, all the things you've seen to make your emails personal so they stand out in a world of AI generated, bland, boring, very direct emails.
Kennedy Kennedy
which also build more rapport, build more trust, which increases spend, and also speeds up how quickly people buy from you. And then finally, figure out really good email subject lines. Okay, now you might think, these are all great.
Kennedy Kennedy
How can I do these? I actually have a different course, a whole program on each of these things. We've got an amazing program called Batch It Crazy, which is about batching the ideas of 90 emails in less than 60 minutes. I've got an entire course about opening lines, another one about getting open rates up, about getting more clicks on your call to actions, about the different types of PSs, and I've got like 55 different high converting PSs in it.
Kennedy Kennedy
I've got 365 email story prompts and I've got my subject line AI. All each, each of those things is, I mean, I'm just looking here, but the lowest price, one of those is $37, but that means one of them is worth $297. I've put them together into a bundle where you can get all of them.
Kennedy Kennedy
for just $4 each. That means there's only $28 for all of them, right? $28 for all of them. If you go over to emailmarketingheroes.com slash 28, emailmarketingheroes.com slash 28, I think $28. You can get all of those things, including 55 different examples of high converting PS lines, 100 different email opening lines that you can just copy and paste.
Kennedy Kennedy
Okay. 11 different ways of skyrocketing your open rate. 15 different techniques for getting more people to click the links in your emails. Okay. And my subject line AI, which has been trained, um, on the best email copywriters in the world and trained to beat them. So anyway, you go to email marketing heroes.com slash two eight.
Kennedy Kennedy
to get all of them for just $28. I hope you've enjoyed this episode. I think you'll really benefit from that bundle I've put together. I'm calling it the ultimate email marketing bundle, because it's ridiculous. um And and and as as I said last week, um when I mentioned this for the first time, but we're currently testing the price. So um I don't know how long we're keeping that up online. I don't know how long we'll keep it up at that price. But for right now, if you get there, email marketingheroes.com slash 28, then if it's up there, you can still grab it for now. Great. If not, I can only apologize.
Kennedy Kennedy
All sorts of stuff. Well, I hope you've enjoyed today's episode. If you haven't already hit subscribe on your podcast player, make sure you do that. But we've got to get into this week's.
Kennedy Kennedy
This is going to be a really weird one to try and describe to you. So the subject line was used when a timer was running out, like it was a a sale, a special offer, a discount that was running out. And the subject line was this. You have to sort of imagine this, right? It's the number zero, the number zero, so two zeros, then a colon.
Kennedy Kennedy
then two zeros, then a colon, then two zeros. It looks like, in the subject line, it looks like a countdown timer that has expired. 00 colon 00 colon 00. And it performed exceptionally well. Why? Because one, it looks really weird.
Kennedy Kennedy
Two, it looks like when we've seen people in movies when they're like diffusing the bomb or like Jack Bauer and stuff, that's going to be a new 24 coming out this year, isn't it? When they were diffusing the bomb, we've seen what they'll say and it creates urgency right in the subject line.
Kennedy Kennedy
I would love it if we could animate um something in the subject line. But short of that, this is this is the closest thing. So that is this week's subject line of the week. I hope you enjoy it and get a play with it. Please copy paste it. Go deploy it. That's what I want you to do from these episodes. And if you haven't already, hit subscribe on your podcast player because we're back next week with a brand new episode. See you then.