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The Pawn Shop Boulevard EP Went to Distribution Episode with Bruce Hilliard
Episode 12713th April 2020 • Better Each Day Podcast Radio Show with Bruce Hilliard • Bruce Hilliard
00:00:00 00:17:09

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We’re all homies now! TP shortages, social distancing and a huge run on Viagra. These things don’t belong in the same sentence. I made the Viagra part up.

How much longer? What if we return to the routine too soon and there’s a relapse. You can’t just go to the Betty Ford clinic and hit the reset button. 

And the virus hair look is getting more and more prevalent. It doesn't matter too much because no one sees me. Trust me, I’m still and always will be the best looking guy on the radio.

The all telling podcast analytics show a map of where people are listening. Of course there’s the United States but there are listeners in the UK, France, China, Colombia and Ecuador. A shout out to all of you. Stay safe, the entire world needs to be healthy.

The BED show is here to bring optimism. Hence the name. And during these times there are opportunities to take time from the normal routine and regroup. I understand the air quality is at it’s all time best in the major cities.

I shot a video for my now mid-May release EP. The video was published for all to see on YouTube just yesterday. It was shot last Thursday on Aurora AV in Seattle during a normally busy time of day. There were a few cars, empty buses and absolutely no pedestrians during the shoot.

I’m learning how to promote the EP and one of things the marketing experts recommend is Facebook. They recommend banners, a dedicated page and account, videos...all kinds of stuff and I don’t find their instructions extremely well engineered and easy to follow. In fact, some are way obsolete.

So, here I go accepting friends like a desperate loner that’s been quarantined due to pandemic. What happened is, hey it’s easy to make friends on Facebook. Friends from everywhere and especially ones with carefully posed boobs. It’s the attack of the boob women.

I laughed when I realized I had nothing but Penthouse models on my personal FB page. In the “photo” section there are the images I posted, mostly of my musician buddies. And the section marked “friends” is nothing but what looks to be barely legal, very attractive...don’t get me wrong here, Facebook babes.

Okay, naive mistake. Maybe I’m trying a little too hard to get my record noticed. But I’m willing to compromise my reputation if someone wants to make assumptions about my motives. I’m not doing anything creepy. Actually, I’m not that smart and these women would never have anything to do with me. I think they’re naughty and need to be quarantined.

Today I submitted my five song EP to distribution. If all goes as planned it should be available on several streaming platforms or internet record stores, if you will.

This will include: Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, SoundCloud and the list goes on. So, as a sneak preview, I’ll play some of the music. Some you may have heard on previous shows but here goes anyway.

I hope you’ll listen and like what you hear. Let’s start off with the first track from the EP, a song about a special super cool moment you want to remember called Hold On...

Link to Video 




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