Do you know what your top 3 sellers are? Do you know what your slow sellers are? Or your average gross margin?
In this episode we dig into the importance of knowing your numbers when looking to scale your business with this week’s guest, Kate Freeman.
Kate Freeman helps product businesses to make more revenue and most importantly more profit! Kate does this by helping you to secure wholesale retail listings, optimise their supply chain and maximise sustainability to drive growth. Kate has over 15 years experience and spent 10 of those years working for a leading female entrepreneur.
We discuss how to tell if it is the right time to scale, and the sort of things that you will need to have in place. We cover the importance of knowing the market, understanding your customers, gathering customer feedback and making sure your supply chain can handle growth. If you are ready to take your business to the next level, you won’t want to miss this episode.
The Bring Your Product Idea to Life Podcast - Best Business Podcast Award, Independent Podcast Awards 2023
Podcast Episode: How To Keep Your Customers Coming Back with Rebecca Hilliard
This episode is sponsored by Cara Bendon Brand Consultancy
If you need branding & packaging for your product, Cara is my go-to. She and her team create beautiful and unique branding so that your product will impress retailers, stand out on the shelf and look great online.
They also offer packaging and e-commerce website design, so that you can get everything set up and ready to launch, confident that it looks brilliant.
Cara is fantastic at helping guide you through the process and has been a guest on this podcast twice. In fact, she even designed this podcast artwork for me when I worked with her on my branding back in 2021, and I can’t imagine not having this brand now!
If you’d like to chat to Cara about branding for your business, she’s offering a free no-obligation call with any listeners. You can book your free 30-minute call here
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This episode is sponsored by my new masterclass - 5 Ways to Be More Visible on Amazon
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Welcome to the bring your product idea to Life podcast.
Speaker:This is the podcast for you if you're getting started selling products or if you'd
Speaker:like to create your own product to sell. I'm Vicki Weinberg, a product
Speaker:creation coach and Amazon expert. Every week I share friendly,
Speaker:practical advice as well as inspirational stories from small businesses.
Speaker:Let's get started.
Speaker:Hi. Today on the podcast, I'm speaking to Kate Freeman. Kate helps
Speaker:product businesses to make more revenue and most importantly, more
Speaker:profit. She does this by helping them to secure wholesale retail
Speaker:listings, optimize their supply chain, and maximize sustainability to
Speaker:drive growth. Kate has over 15 years experience and
Speaker:has spent a lot of those years working for a female leading
Speaker:entrepreneur in the product space. So she absolutely knows her
Speaker:stuff, as you will hear during our conversation. And before I
Speaker:introduce you to Kate, I'd also like to let you know that Kate and myself
Speaker:are jointly hosting a masterclass on Monday, the
Speaker:24 June. So just ten days after this episode is
Speaker:released, focusing on getting your business ready to scale
Speaker:and what to do if you decide that as part of that scaling, you'd
Speaker:like to sell your products on Amazon. So all the information and a link
Speaker:to book will be in the show notes for this episode. As always,
Speaker:really hope to see some of you there. And now I would love to introduce
Speaker:you to Kate.
Speaker:So hi Kate, thank you so much for being here. Oh, thank you for having
Speaker:me. I'm thrilled to be joining you today. So can we please
Speaker:start with you giving an introduction to yourself, your business and what you
Speaker:do? Yes, thanks. So I am technically a growth
Speaker:strategist and sustainability expert and I
Speaker:spent the past ten years working for a leading female
Speaker:entrepreneur before moving to set up my own consultancy where
Speaker:I now help product brands to scale and grow and
Speaker:most importantly, to make more money. And I do this through kind of growing
Speaker:their B two B wholesale channels, helping them to optimize their
Speaker:supply chain and build sustainability kind of into every area
Speaker:of their business. So yes, that's me in a
Speaker:nutshell. Amazing. Thank you so much for explaining that so succinctly. I think
Speaker:we all understand what you do now. So I would love now to talk a
Speaker:little bit about how you can help us.
Speaker:So let's start by talking about scaling up, although perhaps we can touch
Speaker:on sustainability throughout the conversation. Or if not, we'll
Speaker:definitely come back to that because I think that's something that'd be really interesting to
Speaker:talk about. But talking about scaling up your business
Speaker:and making more money, how do you know when it's time to
Speaker:scale so if I'm listening to this podcast episode now, how do I know
Speaker:whether I'm ready to go into that growth phase?
Speaker:Yeah, I mean, that's a super interesting question. And often, one, a lot of
Speaker:clients come to me with either that they're kind of stuck and they
Speaker:can't reach that next level of growth, or they're
Speaker:not reaching their growth expectation that they kind of set
Speaker:out at the start of the year. I mean, scaling
Speaker:your business is always like, quite a big decision. It's one that
Speaker:shouldn't be taken lightly and requires a lot of strategic and financial
Speaker:planning. No matter what stage you're at, whether you're taking it from kind of
Speaker:startup to that next phase, or you've been operating for three, four years and are
Speaker:looking for that next level of growth, I think it's really important
Speaker:as a business leader and owner that you really consider, like
Speaker:your business and taking it to the next level and what that
Speaker:implication might have on you and your work life balance,
Speaker:whether you're ready for it. Are you excited by it? Are you ready
Speaker:to kind of manage a team if that expansion and scaling is going
Speaker:to mean that you increase kind of your workforce and you're hiring and
Speaker:outsourcing, more like, are you ready to kind of
Speaker:carry that responsibility? I guess
Speaker:before you then kind of go on to look at proving
Speaker:that you've got market concepts like you've got
Speaker:a reliable supply chain, you know, you've got product market
Speaker:fit. You've nailed your udp, which I talk about quite a lot when I
Speaker:work with clients, which is around your unique differentiating point. So
Speaker:what makes you really, truly stand out in your
Speaker:marketplace? Hopefully, you've got repeat
Speaker:sales and a growing customer base that are kind of loyal.
Speaker:And market research shows you that there's growth within
Speaker:that sector. I think those are really important alongside
Speaker:having a strong cash flow position. That makes
Speaker:sense. Thank you. Tell me if I'm
Speaker:summarizing this right, Kate, but I guess it's thinking about are you at a
Speaker:point where you feel like you could be selling more?
Speaker:So obviously we're talking about products where you could be making more sales, and you're
Speaker:at a point where you're prepared to invest, whether it's the time,
Speaker:money, effort, whatever it is, into
Speaker:doing that sounds.
Speaker:Oh, that's really helpful. Thank you. So I guess it'd be
Speaker:useful to take a little bit of a step
Speaker:back because obviously I've been reading up a little bit ahead of us
Speaker:speaking, and I'd love to talk a bit about some of the things that it's
Speaker:important to know before you jump in and say, yes, I'm absolutely ready to scale
Speaker:off. I. And I guess the two big ones are
Speaker:sort of knowing a bit about your market and your customer.
Speaker:So can we talk a bit about the market first and why you feel it's
Speaker:important to know the market, know who your competitors are,
Speaker:where you sit within it? Yeah, I mean,
Speaker:whenever I work with clients, I'm always like, try not to get too hung up
Speaker:on what the competition are doing. Right, because you'll spend all your time worrying about
Speaker:that and not focusing on your own business. But at the same
Speaker:point, you can't just be oblivious to it. You need
Speaker:to know what they're doing, how they're
Speaker:operating, what's their price, positioning, how are they positioning themselves
Speaker:in the market? Because you don't really want to be coming in and doing exactly
Speaker:the same thing. That's just never going to be
Speaker:useful or healthy for either of you in terms of generating growth.
Speaker:So I think it's about understanding what they're doing, how they're
Speaker:positioning themselves. And I like to get clients to draw
Speaker:a matrix and you can pick two scales that you want to
Speaker:look at, whether that's price or sustainability or
Speaker:premium, and then you can start to plot brands
Speaker:on that to see then where you sit, because you might find that there's a
Speaker:cluster of low priced products that aren't
Speaker:particularly sustainable and you're coming in as something that's slightly more expensive
Speaker:and more sustainable. So you've got this sort of pocketed niche
Speaker:in terms of where you're operating. And it just really helps to inform your
Speaker:pricing strategy, your messaging, your sales strategy, your
Speaker:marketing piece, and knowing where to go and how to pitch your
Speaker:products. That makes a lot of sense. Thank you. And it's such a
Speaker:balancing act, isn't it, between not being too hung up on what everyone else is
Speaker:doing? Because I say this to people a lot, you know, you can't just focus
Speaker:on competition, especially when you're comparing yourself, because that's not
Speaker:helpful. But then equally, I guess you need to know
Speaker:what other products are they coming out with,
Speaker:you know, what's, what's going on in general. You can't just shut your eyes to
Speaker:it completely because you need to know where you fit
Speaker:and what makes you stand out. So, yeah, I think it's quite a balance, isn't
Speaker:it? Yeah. Yeah, it is. Yeah. It's tricky. And
Speaker:sometimes it's helpful to follow them on social media. Sometimes it's not.
Speaker:You know what I mean? It depends, I guess, a bit on your character and
Speaker:how much that might faze you or not phase you
Speaker:as to how closely you kind of follow people, whether you can
Speaker:distance from it and go, that's fine, they're doing their thing. I'm in my lane
Speaker:doing my thing. Yeah, that's true. And you
Speaker:can dip in and out as well, can't you? Because, I mean, I've definitely been
Speaker:through phases where I followed people or businesses because it's useful
Speaker:for some reason. And then you get to a point where you go, actually, right
Speaker:now this isn't useful because it's either making me
Speaker:compare myself or it's making me feel negatively about myself, my business. And
Speaker:then you can just stop and take a break. Yeah, definitely. Yup.
Speaker:So let's talk a little bit now about customers, Kate.
Speaker:So why is it important to know who our customers are?
Speaker:I mean, it informs absolutely everything within your business.
Speaker:If you don't know who's buying your product, then you don't know where to sell
Speaker:it, who to market it to. Something that I work a lot with,
Speaker:with my vip clients is getting them into other
Speaker:wholesale retailers, and we don't know which retailers to
Speaker:pick until we understand who their core customer is because then it allows
Speaker:you to put your products into the right shops and stores
Speaker:where your ideal customer is going to be looking for them.
Speaker:It also allows you to use
Speaker:messaging and wording that, like, really resonates and lands with them when you're
Speaker:talking about your product. But obviously, when you run a product
Speaker:based business, it's much harder than a service based business to get that
Speaker:customer feedback. And you actively need to kind of go out
Speaker:and have conversations. And I know that you had previously,
Speaker:Rebecca Hilliard, speak a bit about this and looking at the data in
Speaker:your business. And obviously, thanks to social media
Speaker:and Google Analytics and things, we've got a lot of data that we
Speaker:can gather and that's really, really helpful. But you
Speaker:also need to move beyond those numbers and actually have like a actual
Speaker:conversation with your customer. So customer interviews
Speaker:and really picking out and gleaming out words and phrases that they're
Speaker:using because that will help you to market the products in a
Speaker:really authentic way that lands with your ideal customer.
Speaker:So you're just building sales, building customer trust.
Speaker:It's such an invaluable tool. And I would always say to businesses to
Speaker:look at their core customer and profiling them at least once a
Speaker:year just to make sure that they're kind of
Speaker:tracking in the right direction and understanding who their audience is.
Speaker:That makes a lot of sense because I think a lot of us will think,
Speaker:okay, well, I know who my customer is, but I've definitely seen examples. I've had
Speaker:people on here who've spoken about the fact that their customer has either
Speaker:changed or their customer ended up not
Speaker:being the audience they first thought it was. And I think you're right in
Speaker:that, especially if you're looking to scale up. And if part of your strategy is
Speaker:maybe wholesaling, as in the example you shared, or
Speaker:moving your products onto a new marketplace or whatever it is, I don't
Speaker:think you can decide maybe which channel you're going to use or which retailers
Speaker:if you don't understand who's actually buying your products and where they shop. So
Speaker:that was a really good example. Yeah. And in terms of getting this
Speaker:real feedback from our customers, Kate, how would you suggest we go about it? Is
Speaker:it surveys? Is it emails? Is it focus groups?
Speaker:Because I think for a lot of us, we wait. You know, we
Speaker:sell our products, the reviews come in, maybe some social media posts,
Speaker:but in terms of actively going out and asking
Speaker:questions, how would we do this? So
Speaker:I would try to go through your
Speaker:database, like your email database, and hopefully within there, you're going to have some
Speaker:customers that would have bought regularly. You'll have some that have bought maybe once or
Speaker:twice but not come back again. Maybe someone that signed up but has
Speaker:never bought from you. And I try and get a cross section of those different
Speaker:people and I would email them and just see in exchange for like a
Speaker:voucher or a free product or discount whether they'd
Speaker:speak to you and you do a phone conversation with them and ask them
Speaker:questions and kind of gather data from them in that way. Yeah,
Speaker:you can run focus groups. I found sometimes when I've done this before, you always
Speaker:tend to have like, one or two voices that might dominate the conversation and then
Speaker:it sort of sways data and information that you might be getting out. And
Speaker:it's harder to kind of dig deeper and keep asking kind of
Speaker:why in a larger group setting and the same thing, you know,
Speaker:you could do an online survey and get people to fill that out, but that
Speaker:only gives you so much. And that might be a great
Speaker:starting point that you could start and do an online survey and then at the
Speaker:end of it say, look, if you're open to having a conversation,
Speaker:like, please fill in your details. And that way you could gather some more
Speaker:data from people that are happy to have the conversation with you.
Speaker:But normally people love sharing their opinion. They love talking about their experience
Speaker:of using your product or someone else's product or why they haven't bought.
Speaker:So normally, I mean, I've genuinely found that I've probably had, when
Speaker:I've reached out for brands to do this, more people wanting to speak than
Speaker:we actually needed, and then you're kind of going, I'm really sorry we can't take
Speaker:you this time, but we'd love to speak to you in the future. Like, can
Speaker:we keep you on our books as someone that we could speak to going
Speaker:forward? But it's so invaluable. And I'd just be writing down, like,
Speaker:little nuggets of things that they might say, because those words you can
Speaker:use on your social media posts, in your sales
Speaker:pitches, like, everything, it's just invaluable.
Speaker:I love that. Thank you, Kate. And it's so interesting. I'd love
Speaker:to know how many people, if you're listening and you're doing this already, please tell
Speaker:me, because I'd love to know how many of us are doing this already. Because
Speaker:as you answering the question, I was thinking, wow, it's so strange that
Speaker:I have to ask you how to do this. And then you say, well, you
Speaker:get on the phone to people, because I feel like over the last couple of
Speaker:years, I don't know whether you feel the same, Kate, but that's almost a bit
Speaker:of an alien concept, isn't it? Actually picking up the phone and having a conversation
Speaker:with somebody. And I think maybe ten years
Speaker:ago, that would have just been accepted, that that's what you would do
Speaker:if you wanted to. In fact, I remember back in the days when you used
Speaker:to just get phone calls on your home phone, did you ever get these people
Speaker:doing surveys and they would just phone you at home and ask you
Speaker:questions? And now it just seems such a strange concept. But
Speaker:I think. And I think it might feel daunting to do that.
Speaker:Yeah, it is. Yeah, definitely. You've really convinced me of
Speaker:the benefits of it. Yeah, I think you've just got to kind of put that
Speaker:aside and go, actually, people love chatting, they love talking about their
Speaker:experiences, good or bad, and you're
Speaker:offering them a little reward for doing it, which would hopefully drive sales to
Speaker:your own site as well. It's a bit of a no
Speaker:brainer. I mean, sometimes you might find it helpful and it's quite difficult, if
Speaker:you're the owner and founder, to receive the negative feedback. So
Speaker:that's where often brands have worked with me to come in and I kind of
Speaker:manage that interim bit for them so that the person can feel they can
Speaker:be totally honest without offending anybody.
Speaker:But, you know, for every bad review, there's always going to be positive
Speaker:things that people are going to say. And actually, sometimes the
Speaker:negative things are really helpful. Right. In helping you to grow and
Speaker:develop and build the brand.
Speaker:So. Yeah, absolutely. That makes a lot of sense.
Speaker:And also for anyone who's still feeling a bit unsure about it, I mean, obviously
Speaker:you're asking people's permission, you're not cold calling them, you're putting a
Speaker:request out or emailing people saying, can I speak to you? So just to
Speaker:sort of get any of those fears out, because I think it sounds like something
Speaker:that all of us should be doing. I mean, whether you have a
Speaker:product or a service business, because, I mean, in my business, I could definitely be
Speaker:speaking to my clients and say, how would you feel about working with me? And
Speaker:I think that it's just that thing about isn't there? You're just scared of
Speaker:what people might say. Although I will say if people are buying your products, they
Speaker:probably like them. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker:So you're only likely to get maybe more negative
Speaker:feedback off of someone who hasn't bought or was buying and
Speaker:stopped buying. But generally it's probably because of price I've often found,
Speaker:or their needs have changed. And so actually you just kind of go,
Speaker:okay, well, there's a reason that they've stopped buying because they don't need our
Speaker:product or service anymore. You know, they're,
Speaker:they're not our ideal client. And that's fine. And, like, we can take what they
Speaker:say, but we don't have to use it. You know, it's about picking the data
Speaker:that's helpful and reading between the lines and understanding that they might not be
Speaker:your core customer. Yeah. And people's circumstances change as well. I mean,
Speaker:I know that this year there was things that I used to buy regularly or
Speaker:have on subscription that I've just gone, you know what? Actually, right now I'm not
Speaker:going to spend the money on that something, you know, things change,
Speaker:you might pick up again. But I think often, in
Speaker:my experience anyway, I think often if someone stops buying from you, it's
Speaker:about them rather than you. That their circumstances.
Speaker:Yeah. And understanding and reading that between the
Speaker:lines and just going, okay. And that's, and that's fine because for every one
Speaker:of those, there's going to be ten more people that will buy my product, that
Speaker:are buying my product, that love it. So, you know, let's focus
Speaker:on what they're loving and enjoying. And if there's anything that we need to tweak,
Speaker:we might. But also, that's an another valid point. And I see this so many
Speaker:times, I'm like, please don't do it. What happens is someone will get a customer
Speaker:that's like, oh, I'd really like it if it was in red. So
Speaker:off everyone goes and makes like a 300 red
Speaker:whatevers. I'm just like, no, no, no. Because what you've then
Speaker:done is like created more products, you've tied up
Speaker:more cash in stock just because one person said to you, oh, I definitely
Speaker:buy it if it was in red. So whenever that happens, it's always
Speaker:about just taking a step back, going, okay, that's helpful.
Speaker:Let's do some competitor research. Like, has another
Speaker:brand got a red version of whatever it is? Has
Speaker:somebody else asked for it in red? And just build
Speaker:up more of a business case for suddenly
Speaker:diversifying your range into something that you
Speaker:previously might not have been doing. Because especially as
Speaker:a small business and as a startup business, having lots of cash
Speaker:tied up in stock is not that helpful.
Speaker:So it's just being really mindful of that and like, taking the data and
Speaker:like using it and then gathering more data
Speaker:to build a reason behind maybe
Speaker:diversifying or expanding your range. That makes so much
Speaker:sense. Thank you. And I can see why people do it because I think as
Speaker:business owners, we're just, we just really want to please our customers and
Speaker:it can be really easy to go, that's a great idea, and run off with
Speaker:it. I can totally see why that happened. But thank you. Because that's a really
Speaker:great reminder that a good idea is a good idea.
Speaker:But as you say, you need to think a bit more before investing cash,
Speaker:especially in something. But then on the other
Speaker:hand, I think as well, something else to be mindful of is that
Speaker:if you're hearing over and over the same thing, for
Speaker:example, this would work better in red. Let's just say
Speaker:this would work better in red, or this could be fixed.
Speaker:I think there can also be a tendency to sort of bury ahead in the
Speaker:sand a little bit as well. Yeah, yeah. And just go, oh,
Speaker:it's always very complicated to change it. So it's like, actually, no,
Speaker:if the feedback is consistent, then it's
Speaker:time to, like, you know, listen and take action. And if
Speaker:you're sat there thinking, but I can't afford to do another one in red. Okay,
Speaker:well, what color isn't been selling? And this is where it's really important to know
Speaker:your data, and that's so important in any phase of
Speaker:scaling is to know your kind of sales data, your
Speaker:numbers in your business, what's selling, what's slow moving, is there any
Speaker:seasonal trends? Because all of that will help to inform
Speaker:the potential switch to something in red,
Speaker:because actually that's the right thing to do for the business and the numbers are
Speaker:giving you the confidence to make that decision.
Speaker:Thank you, Kate. So I think we're hopefully clear on
Speaker:when it's, when to think about scaling our businesses, what kind of time
Speaker:and how. Before we even think about
Speaker:scaling, we need to have these fundamentals. So we need to know about our customer,
Speaker:we need to know the market, what else do we need to have in place
Speaker:before we either make the decision that we're going to scale or we
Speaker:actually go ahead and do anything?
Speaker:Well, money and finance, right? Because as a product based business owners
Speaker:and you're creating scale and growth, you're going to need more products.
Speaker:So it's about ensuring that you've got the finance and the money to
Speaker:fund that stock. And if you don't, are you taking
Speaker:preorders and then using the
Speaker:pre order payments to fund that stock, coming through to fulfill
Speaker:those orders, you know, that you've got
Speaker:product market fit, it's been achieved. So your customers are loving using
Speaker:and continuing to use your product. So that gives you the kind of confidence and
Speaker:minimizes the risk slightly.
Speaker:But you need to make sure that you've got your solid profit margins in place.
Speaker:And obviously the benefit of scaling with a product based business is
Speaker:hopefully that, you know, the additional numbers lead to better
Speaker:product costs, which lead to better margins. So it's kind of self
Speaker:fulfilling in that sense that you're able to buy better,
Speaker:but you need to make sure that your supply chain can support that
Speaker:growth. And if it can't, I'd be starting to
Speaker:look at, how can I switch? Who's
Speaker:supplying this? How is it all working in order to. Because the last thing you
Speaker:want to do is have massive growth and this wave
Speaker:of orders and new customers, and then you can't fulfill it and
Speaker:can't keep up with that demand
Speaker:because it would just be catastrophic almost for
Speaker:your business. You've got all these hungry customers they can't buy. They've kind of bought
Speaker:into your concepts. They're going to go elsewhere, aren't they, if they can't buy it
Speaker:from you. So I think it's just making sure that you've got that really
Speaker:robust supply chain set up to support the growth
Speaker:along with the finances. That's so helpful. Thank you.
Speaker:And I know, as you say, these are all fundamentals, but they're just good things
Speaker:to just go through and just make sure everything's in place
Speaker:because as you say, I'm sure you've seen this before and I certainly have,
Speaker:where businesses have grown at a rate where they're perhaps sold
Speaker:out of stock and they have a waiting list, which is obviously a really good
Speaker:place to be. But as you say, it's really hard when you can't
Speaker:actually take money and deliver a product. Yes,
Speaker:customers there waiting and often having that
Speaker:out of stock for a period is great because it drums demand, but it can
Speaker:only be out of stock for so long before you start to annoy people.
Speaker:You know, it's just being mindful of that. And especially, and you
Speaker:will know this, working with Amazon, they do not take that out
Speaker:of stock favorably. Neither does a large wholesale retailer. For
Speaker:them, going out of stock is a big kind of no no. And
Speaker:all the growth and traction that you'll have built in that
Speaker:channel sort of then I don't know, the algorithm just doesn't
Speaker:like it, does it? And it's just like you've upset us, you've run out of
Speaker:stock and then you have to work to build that back up again.
Speaker:So it's just being really mindful of that. Yeah. And that's
Speaker:so hard because, yes, you're absolutely right on Amazon, as soon as you go out
Speaker:of stock, your rankings just drop. All the hard work you've done just day
Speaker:by day just falls away. I'm not saying you can't get back to where you
Speaker:were, but it's a slog again. Yeah.
Speaker:So I never recommend going out of stock if you can avoid
Speaker:it on any platform, actually. Yes. Yeah, yeah, they do.
Speaker:They really penalize you. And if you've really worked hard to
Speaker:generate that growth and you've put money into all the advertising and
Speaker:things behind it and the listings, then yeah, you want to, you need to maintain
Speaker:that and maintain your position. And the other sort of practical thing around
Speaker:that, that I'll just let people know is to consider if you're thinking, oh, it's
Speaker:not so bad, is the other thing is if your product has been selling well,
Speaker:when it goes out of stock, presumably there'll be someone else on, whether it's Amazon
Speaker:or whatever marketplace selling something similar to you. If your product isn't
Speaker:there and someone else's is, they're probably going to buy that rather than
Speaker:wait around for you to come back and stop on your own website. You know,
Speaker:you can have pre order lists or whatever, waiting
Speaker:lists. But on a platform like Amazon or Etsy or anywhere else, I
Speaker:think nine times out of ten someone else is going to get that sale. Yes.
Speaker:Yeah. They're going to swoop in. Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker:Well, thank you so much for letting us know what we need to have in
Speaker:place before we think, okay, we're going to scale our business now.
Speaker:But. So I guess my final question is how
Speaker:would we know exactly what we need to focus on? So let's
Speaker:say we've got to a point where we're getting consistent sales and we think, you
Speaker:know what? Be good to have some more. In the
Speaker:very simplest terms, what then how do we know
Speaker:exactly what it is that we need to focus on to grow our
Speaker:business? So I would first
Speaker:of all, well, I think there's two things that you need to focus
Speaker:on. One, if you've got the demand and you've got more customers coming through, whether
Speaker:that's through your own channel or a wholesale retailer, to go, okay,
Speaker:how much growth is there within that particular market that I want to focus
Speaker:on? And if I do really want to scale and grow, what other markets do
Speaker:I need to look at? Because
Speaker:obviously selling is always your number one focus within your business.
Speaker:But then I'd also at the same time be looking at myself supply chain and
Speaker:going, okay, can they support me upping my
Speaker:orders? And if I do, what price are they going to give me? And it
Speaker:might be time to go out to tender and get, you know, two or three
Speaker:other businesses to give you pricing for whatever your
Speaker:product is. And I'd be starting to look at that and
Speaker:really build out, okay, what does this scale and growth mean
Speaker:to me if I'm picking and packing the orders myself, right, is this now
Speaker:got to a point where because I'm picking and packing and doing all the orders
Speaker:and running to the post office, I'm now not able to do x, Y and
Speaker:z within the business. Actually, do I need to start to look at getting a
Speaker:warehouse in that can do the pick pack and distribution for
Speaker:me? Okay. Yes, I do. Right, let's start costing that
Speaker:into the product costings and the business model because
Speaker:what was free, you pickpacking is now going to start costing you
Speaker:money because you're having to pay someone else to do that and store the stock.
Speaker:So I'd just be looking at making sure that all of those
Speaker:numbers are kind of added into your product costings to make sure that
Speaker:you're still operating profitably with the correct margins.
Speaker:So, yeah, I would be really focused on those kind of more
Speaker:logistical pieces as well as. Right, like which
Speaker:sales channels are right, which you will know off the back of having done your
Speaker:core customer profiling work. So you'll know straight away,
Speaker:actually, yeah, it's these channels I need to be going after, and that's going to
Speaker:be my focus. And what do they need
Speaker:in order to service them? Because if you're going to a big wholesale
Speaker:retailer, it's going to be things like barcoding correctly. You know, are your products
Speaker:in the right size boxes? They got the right codes
Speaker:on product codes, their codes, you know, there's all these things that
Speaker:suddenly become quite demanding that you
Speaker:maybe didn't have to worry about before. So it's just getting all of that knowledge
Speaker:in place as well. That's so helpful. Thank you, Kate. And
Speaker:I guess what you're saying is that by doing the work on looking at
Speaker:the market and speaking to your customers, that will actually inform
Speaker:what your next steps would be, because you will know
Speaker:who your customers are, where they're shopping, how they're shopping,
Speaker:what the rest of the competition is doing. That's so helpful. So I guess there
Speaker:isn't a definitive answer. It's looking at
Speaker:your product, your customers, the market, and
Speaker:figuring out what's the next logical step. Yes. Yeah. Because it might be
Speaker:that your business is already set up for that in terms of
Speaker:supply chain, for that growth already. So that's not your worry. Yours is
Speaker:more about sales and selling and the correct sales
Speaker:channels for you. Whereas other people might have the flip reverse that they've got all
Speaker:of this demand and they're on different marketplaces and they've got retailers
Speaker:chomping at the door ready to buy the product, but you haven't got the
Speaker:supply chain set up to meet that demand.
Speaker:So, yes, it's normally, it's very
Speaker:business, you know, it's business bespoke, isn't it? Depending on your
Speaker:product and if someone. Still isn't sure what that
Speaker:is or what the things specifics are they need to focus on. Is
Speaker:that something you can help with? Yes. Yeah, definitely. So I work
Speaker:a lot with clients, either one to one on a three or a
Speaker:six month program, and we work together to kind of help to grow and
Speaker:scale your business. Looking at both supply chain but
Speaker:also sales channels, and I guess I'd say my kind of magic
Speaker:superpower is uncovering those kind of hidden opportunities that might
Speaker:be within your business that you can't see but also
Speaker:costing commercial certainty into all of those deals that you're doing to
Speaker:create the scale and growth. I think it's very hard
Speaker:sometimes as business owners. You know, you're so in the weeds and doing the do
Speaker:of your business to kind of step outside and see
Speaker:from a fresh perspective. And so that's something that I definitely offer
Speaker:clients when I come in. So, yes, that is absolutely something I can help
Speaker:with. Thank you so much, Kate. And I'm going to link through to your website
Speaker:and your socials in the show notes for the episodes. People can find you really
Speaker:easily. And so the final question I
Speaker:have for you is what would your number one piece of advice be when it
Speaker:comes to scaling your business?
Speaker:Know your numbers. Know your numbers. Know your
Speaker:customer. The number of businesses that
Speaker:don't know the profit margins that they should be operating at, what their top
Speaker:three sellers are, what their slowest moving lines are.
Speaker:You just need to be able to know these numbers, like, off the top of
Speaker:your head, what's your average gross margin? All of this is
Speaker:so important. And who
Speaker:is buying your product? And as we kind of touched on, it might not be
Speaker:who you initially like, kind of thought and set out to
Speaker:be. And that's why it's really important to have the conversations with the
Speaker:customers, because as your brand grows, it might change.
Speaker:I mean, I definitely had it with a brand that I launched with the,
Speaker:with the entrepreneur. We set out in our minds with,
Speaker:like, the brands for this audience. And it was only after kind
Speaker:of six months of selling and we did our market research that we went, oh,
Speaker:we weren't expecting them to buy it. That was a bit left field,
Speaker:but we'd done that research. We'd had the conversations that then
Speaker:allowed us to kind of shift the marketing slightly more towards that
Speaker:target audience. But it was fascinating. We just really didn't
Speaker:expect it to be more male dominated in
Speaker:our marketing. We thought we'd have kind of a 70 30%
Speaker:split, like female to male purchasing, but actually it
Speaker:was the other way around and we had more men than women purchasing the
Speaker:product. So, you know, it's important to do the
Speaker:research of whatever stage your business is at, because who might have
Speaker:bought it in that kind of growth innovation stage may not be the person
Speaker:that's, that's buying it three, four years down the line and the
Speaker:brand's growing. That's such an interesting example.
Speaker:And did you actually find out why that was so, why more
Speaker:men were buying than women? Were you able to get that?
Speaker:I think it was to do with the marketing messaging
Speaker:that we'd put around the business. Funnily enough, it was
Speaker:a completely female led team, but clearly we'd written the marketing and
Speaker:the copy in a way that appealed to a male audience,
Speaker:which wasn't at all our intention, but that's how it landed
Speaker:and it was. We were category
Speaker:disrupting. And I think that often makes it harder to
Speaker:identify who your customer is going to be. When you come in with a challenger
Speaker:brand, that's kind of upsetting the norm. Which,
Speaker:side note, retailers do at times find a bit challenging to deal
Speaker:with because you've kind of come in and gone, well, I don't sit in that
Speaker:category and I don't sit in that category, but you need to take it seriously
Speaker:because we're doing something different in the market. That's always going to lead to
Speaker:a bit more of an unknown in terms of what you're
Speaker:doing, because the customer's kind of not expecting
Speaker:it either. You've changed the status quo a bit from what they're
Speaker:expecting. And that's why it's even more important to do
Speaker:much more regular kind of customer research versus someone
Speaker:coming in and going, oh, I sit neatly in this category.
Speaker:It's probably a bit more predictable about who's going to buy it.
Speaker:That's really interesting. Well, thank you so much, Kate, and thank you for everything that
Speaker:you've shared. I mean, I'm definitely taken away from this, that knowing your
Speaker:business inside out is key. Really? Yes. Yep,
Speaker:definitely. Thank you.
Speaker:Thank you so much for listening. Right to the end of this episode, do remember
Speaker:that you can get the full back catalogue and lots of free resources on my
Speaker:website, please do remember to rate and review
Speaker:this episode if you've enjoyed it and also share it with a friend who you
Speaker:think might find it useful. Thank you again and see you next week.