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Create Video Script Templates to Increase Content Quality
Episode 1383rd June 2022 • Women Conquer Business • Jen McFarland
00:00:00 00:49:35

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Jen McFarland:

The Women Conquer Business show is an educational, how to, women

Jen McFarland:

in business podcast that features stories, marketing news and real life

Jen McFarland:

experiences from fun and friendly hosts, Jen McFarland and Shelley Carney.

Jen McFarland:

Join us as we dive into the details so you can slay marketing overwhelm, streamline

Jen McFarland:

processes and amplify your impact.

Jen McFarland:

You'll learn strategies and tactics, leadership skills, and practical

Jen McFarland:

advice from successful women entrepreneurs to help you grow,

Jen McFarland:

nurture, and sustain your business.

Jen McFarland:

Hey, welcome to Women Conquer Business.

Jen McFarland:

I'm Jen McFarland joined by Shelley Carney on this week's show it

Jen McFarland:

is create video script templates to increase content quality.

Jen McFarland:

I think anybody who's tried to create anything knows how hard it can be.

Jen McFarland:

And well, one of the easiest ways to make it a little bit better is

Jen McFarland:

to draft an outline or a show flow or a script so that you know about

Jen McFarland:

what you're going to say when.

Jen McFarland:

So what do you say, Shelley?

Shelley Carney:

Good morning.

Shelley Carney:

And hello everybody.

Shelley Carney:

I'm Shelley Carney.

Shelley Carney:

Today, once again, we're talking about creating video scripts, but

Shelley Carney:

sometimes we don't even need a script.

Shelley Carney:

We need just an outline or, No, I know what I'm going to talk about.

Shelley Carney:

I'll just show up.

Shelley Carney:

Make sure you have something written down that you can refer to if things

Shelley Carney:

start to go wrong and you get distracted.

Shelley Carney:

If you're doing a show, there's a lot of distractions and last minute

Shelley Carney:

things that you have to take care of.

Shelley Carney:

So you want to make sure that you have something to refer

Shelley Carney:

back to get you back on target.

Shelley Carney:

That's what I say.

Jen McFarland:

I'm giggling for a couple of reasons.

Jen McFarland:

One, we were two minutes late going live because we forgot something

Jen McFarland:

on our checklist, which is funny.

Jen McFarland:

So we were about to launch and the banner was going to be for last week's episode.

Jen McFarland:

And two, I use podcasting as a way to release tension

Jen McFarland:

or whatever, just have fun.

Jen McFarland:

And so I haven't had a real schedule or show flow until Shelley

Jen McFarland:

and I started working together.

Jen McFarland:

So this is an episode where Shelley's going to take the lead.

Jen McFarland:

And I'm probably going to talk about the downside of not planning because I

Jen McFarland:

have a lot of experience on that side of not drafting and having some shows

Jen McFarland:

that I think went really well because the inspiration hit and then some shows

Jen McFarland:

that maybe didn't go so well because I didn't really know how to frame the ideas

Jen McFarland:

that I had, and it can go either way.

Jen McFarland:

I just want to be really transparent with people that I

Jen McFarland:

am not always the big planner.

Jen McFarland:

I know the value of planning as someone who has worked for several

Jen McFarland:

years as a project manager.

Jen McFarland:

So I think it's important to really frame this appropriately, where

Jen McFarland:

I'm not going to sit here as the expert on this particular thing.

Jen McFarland:

Shelley is the expert, and I think it's going to be a really great show because it

Jen McFarland:

really does make things easier, I think.

Shelley Carney:

Sometimes it's a personality thing.

Shelley Carney:

When I got married, I was 20 years old.

Shelley Carney:

I created an agenda for the evening.

Shelley Carney:

We'll be at the wedding.

Shelley Carney:

Then we're going to go to the reception and here's the things that are going

Shelley Carney:

to happen at the reception, and at what time about I want them to happen.

Shelley Carney:

I did that because we had moving pieces.

Shelley Carney:

We had a DJ who needed to know, okay, these are the times that we want these

Shelley Carney:

songs, and this is when we'll show up.

Shelley Carney:

And then this is the dance we're going to do.

Shelley Carney:

So that he would be prepared and what was coming up next and that

Shelley Carney:

would help him to do a better job.

Shelley Carney:

And it would also help everybody who was involved in the wedding party to

Shelley Carney:

know, okay, here's the series of events.

Shelley Carney:

So we didn't have to constantly tell people here's what we're doing and

Shelley Carney:

here's what's next, and all of that.

Shelley Carney:

I could focus on being at the reception and being in the moment instead of

Shelley Carney:

trying to communicate to everybody.

Shelley Carney:

Okay, don't forget, we're going to do this next.

Shelley Carney:

There wasn't a party planner.

Shelley Carney:

There wasn't an event planner there to take care of that.

Shelley Carney:

So I wrote an agenda, handed that out, and it facilitated all the communications.

Jen McFarland:

That's really great.

Jen McFarland:

And I would say that we had that for the wedding.

Jen McFarland:

Let me ask for another example.

Jen McFarland:

Do you plan your vacations in detail?

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

One time, Kevin and I, we went to Colorado and we wanted to do zip-lining,

Shelley Carney:

we wanted to do rafting, and we wanted to do the Great Sand Dunes.

Shelley Carney:

And so we did plan that out.

Shelley Carney:

On this day, we're going to do this and on this day we're going to do this, but it

Shelley Carney:

wasn't like minute by minute or anything.

Shelley Carney:

I don't plan every minute.

Shelley Carney:

But I do say I would like to go see this.

Shelley Carney:

So let's do that on this day.

Shelley Carney:

And we look at the map and what's close to what, because then you can take

Shelley Carney:

full advantage of being there, whereas you don't get home and go, oh shoot.

Shelley Carney:

We should have done this other thing.

Shelley Carney:

It was right there and we missed it.

Shelley Carney:

We didn't even think about it.

Shelley Carney:

We didn't even know it was there.

Shelley Carney:

So yeah, you want to make full use of the time that you have.

Shelley Carney:

But I don't structure everything.

Shelley Carney:

It depends on if we have goals to you.

Shelley Carney:

Like when we went to the conference, the She Podcasts conference, everything

Shelley Carney:

was very scheduled out for us and we just pick and choose what we want to do.

Shelley Carney:

Yeah, I created an agenda because there was three of us, again, we

Shelley Carney:

all needed to be on the same page and then we needed to slot people in

Shelley Carney:

for their interviews and keep all, 18 interviews within that agenda.

Shelley Carney:

So it really depends on what your mission and goal are and if you

Shelley Carney:

need to accomplish something, then you want to make a plan for it.

Jen McFarland:

I totally agree with that.

Jen McFarland:

In project management, we call that structured flexibility.

Jen McFarland:

And what that means is you have a general structure and then how you get there.

Jen McFarland:

Sometimes you have to be flexible.

Jen McFarland:

Like for example, in the She Podcasts or even vacation, like things come up

Jen McFarland:

and you have to have enough flexibility in your plan that you can go wherever

Jen McFarland:

things take you because you don't always have control over everything.

Jen McFarland:

I guess that for me, I do that kind of planning and everything.

Jen McFarland:

I think I just view podcasting, because I was never a professional.

Jen McFarland:

Like you, you've worked in structured media and stuff.

Jen McFarland:

I view this as like an experience.

Jen McFarland:

I was talking to my friend Bridget this morning and I was like,

Jen McFarland:

sometimes I just don't know what's going to come out of my mouth.

Jen McFarland:

And I know I've said the same thing to you.

Jen McFarland:

And sometimes that is the lens that I go through with podcasting.

Jen McFarland:

But I will say that is not always the best thing to do.

Jen McFarland:

It's not always the best way to go into it.

Jen McFarland:

What we have, do you want to talk about how we kind of structure our show?

Jen McFarland:

I think that'd be a good lead into why it's something that

Jen McFarland:

people need to really think about.

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

So what we do is we start off with greetings and chat.

Shelley Carney:

So Jen and I will give some context to our lives.

Shelley Carney:

So we're not just talking heads that appear on your screen and start

Shelley Carney:

blathering about content marketing.

Shelley Carney:

We tell you, like I just moved to Arizona for a couple of months to help alleviate

Shelley Carney:

some of the pressure that was on my dad and brother, because my mom is in a

Shelley Carney:

nursing home, recovering from a stroke.

Shelley Carney:

So I'm able to be there now.

Shelley Carney:

I can be there almost every day.

Shelley Carney:

I take off Wednesdays and Thursdays to do my shows.

Shelley Carney:

Again, structuring.

Shelley Carney:

When I first got here, it was like, okay, I'm not sure what days I'm going to be

Shelley Carney:

here, what days they're going to be here.

Shelley Carney:

But as we do the first week, we come to an understanding of when people

Shelley Carney:

can be there, when they can't, and we develop a schedule together.

Shelley Carney:

And then we can start to stick with that and that's going to help my

Shelley Carney:

mom to know, who's coming in today?

Shelley Carney:

What time?

Shelley Carney:

What time are they staying?

Shelley Carney:

Because people change around her all the time and it's confusing for her.

Shelley Carney:

The nurse assistants come in and it's somebody different

Shelley Carney:

every day and that confuses her.

Shelley Carney:

So having that structure is very helpful for people like her who are

Shelley Carney:

elderly and recovering from a stroke.

Shelley Carney:

It's very good for children.

Shelley Carney:

I used to teach preschool.

Shelley Carney:

So we had a very structured day, but you also have to have some some wiggle

Shelley Carney:

room in case you have kids who are wiggly, you can take them outside

Shelley Carney:

whenever you need to, things like that.

Jen McFarland:

Was I a wiggly kid?

Jen McFarland:

I probably was.

Jen McFarland:

Well, but I was also a nerd.

Jen McFarland:

So there was that.

Jen McFarland:

I wanted to pay attention.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

But I would say that we also as busy business owners who

Jen McFarland:

have a lot on our plates, the structure helps keep us in line.

Jen McFarland:

And then the other thing that the structure helps with is it helps listeners

Jen McFarland:

and viewers know kind of what to expect.

Jen McFarland:

So we usually start with a chat.

Jen McFarland:

I am to just tell everybody where I'm at.

Jen McFarland:

I'm a little rummy today.

Jen McFarland:

I have been teaching.

Jen McFarland:

I think I've taught for nine hours of digital marketing over the last week.

Jen McFarland:

And when I said yes to everything, I didn't realize that it was two

Jen McFarland:

days in a row and then another day.

Jen McFarland:

And so as somebody who's just coming back from vacation, it's thrown

Jen McFarland:

all of my scheduling in a shambles where in the throws of figuring

Jen McFarland:

out exactly what kind of setup we want to have for Epiphany Courses.

Jen McFarland:

So that's all being reworked.

Jen McFarland:

There's just a time right now where I feel tired and like I

Jen McFarland:

have a lot of balls in the air.

Jen McFarland:

It's great and I feel a little bit like I have my hair on fire

Jen McFarland:

because I have a lot to do.

Jen McFarland:

And having the structure is very helpful for me today because I

Jen McFarland:

kinda knew that this show was I asked Shelley to make a landing page

Jen McFarland:

and make a template for everybody.

Jen McFarland:

So everybody who's watching and listening has an opportunity to

Jen McFarland:

download a video script template and to start this process on their own.

Jen McFarland:

But it was helpful for me to know that I didn't have a lot of pressure in

Jen McFarland:

terms of planning ahead of time, and really thinking about what it means

Jen McFarland:

to create a video script template and that kind of thing, because it's not.

Jen McFarland:

Our show flow the way it works, that's this is not my job.

Jen McFarland:

Shelley came up with the entire structure of...

Jen McFarland:

I come up with the title and the description and Shelley

Jen McFarland:

comes up with the structure.

Jen McFarland:

And when she presented it to me, when we first got started, I thought it was great.

Jen McFarland:

We just chat in the beginning.

Jen McFarland:

We do some breaking news.

Jen McFarland:

There's a training piece, a call to action.

Jen McFarland:

Tweaks of the week, which are like the fun apps and stuff that we find

Jen McFarland:

and what's going on in the world.

Jen McFarland:

And then, an inspirational nugget, which is usually Shelley's inspirational.

Jen McFarland:

She's a life coach.

Jen McFarland:

So we want to honor like everybody's expertise and what they do.

Jen McFarland:

And I think that's really the beauty of what Shelley's created here is that,

Jen McFarland:

everybody has their piece of the pie.

Jen McFarland:

And then it's also created, so that everybody, the listeners, the viewers

Jen McFarland:

and us as the host feels like they're being served in one way or another.

Jen McFarland:

Would you say that's really kind of part of the art of

Jen McFarland:

developing something like this?

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

I studied it for a couple of years.

Shelley Carney:

Of course, I've been live streaming since 2017 every week.

Shelley Carney:

You learn things, you learn what works and what doesn't.

Shelley Carney:

And then I studied other people who also live stream and their methods.

Shelley Carney:

And then I put the show flow together based on that.

Shelley Carney:

And I try to keep it simple enough that it turns into the show

Shelley Carney:

notes because we can plug in the resources and that sort of thing.

Shelley Carney:

Having five segments keeps it in a container, that there's going to be five

Shelley Carney:

segments and you know that you hit all the high points and then you've done a show.

Shelley Carney:

You hit your mission, right?

Jen McFarland:

No, I think that it's great.

Jen McFarland:

I'd be curious to know if anybody has started watching or listening,

Jen McFarland:

since I think was it January when we started doing this?

Jen McFarland:

And if they, how they appreciate some of the changes.

Jen McFarland:

Because people who listened to the show in years past, back in 2018, when this got

Jen McFarland:

started, it's honestly, up until January, it was more of a I guess intuitive hits

Jen McFarland:

or thoughts or ideas that I was sharing.

Jen McFarland:

It was not necessarily structured.

Jen McFarland:

It wasn't always about marketing.

Jen McFarland:

It was like story time with Jen.

Jen McFarland:

Sometimes I miss aspects of that because there's times for that.

Jen McFarland:

But the pressure of doing that every week was really hard.

Jen McFarland:

It was really stressful.

Jen McFarland:

And then I don't know that people really knew what to expect.

Jen McFarland:

So I think if it didn't hit, then it was hard to get people to come

Jen McFarland:

back because there was nothing.

Shelley Carney:

When you can come up with a theme, then it's easier

Shelley Carney:

to come up with individual topics.

Shelley Carney:

And once you've determined and landed on a topic, then you can pull out

Shelley Carney:

everything you want to say about that.

Shelley Carney:

And because you did that, for our content marketing theme, you picked out

Shelley Carney:

things, you put them in a spreadsheet.

Shelley Carney:

Because I was asking you every week, do you have a title and description yet?

Shelley Carney:

Because I need to upload and I need to do the newsletter and

Shelley Carney:

I need to have a show flow.

Jen McFarland:

We put the two flows together and my flow has evolved

Jen McFarland:

greatly since we started the show.

Jen McFarland:

So we needed a landing place.

Jen McFarland:

And I think that's really helped.

Jen McFarland:

What Shelley's talking about is we have a Google sheet.

Jen McFarland:

We met, we talked about all the topics we want to discuss.

Jen McFarland:

I have them all scribbled down on my remarkable tablet.

Jen McFarland:

I send them to Shelley and then I just started plugging in the

Jen McFarland:

titles and the descriptions because we carefully select titles and

Jen McFarland:

descriptions based on search terms.

Jen McFarland:

The title is create video script templates.

Jen McFarland:

We don't necessarily in our dialogue, call it a video script template, but

Jen McFarland:

that's a word that's searched a lot.

Jen McFarland:

So if people are looking for video script templates, we want them

Jen McFarland:

to find this because we call it a show flow, but that's what this is.

Jen McFarland:

This is a template that people can use to script their videos.

Jen McFarland:

You can also use it to script your podcast.

Jen McFarland:

And so we use that then as a guide.

Jen McFarland:

And so that's like our topic and then I write a description based on that topic.

Jen McFarland:

And then that goes into the spreadsheet and then Shelley takes

Jen McFarland:

that and pushes it out on Streamyard.

Jen McFarland:

And then we both think about the different elements of the show flow for

Jen McFarland:

how we're going to break it down and really talk about this topic in full.

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

And because we've done that because you've set up this spreadsheet of this

Shelley Carney:

day we're going to talk about this, this day we're going to talk about that.

Shelley Carney:

You can go on vacation.

Shelley Carney:

I can move.

Shelley Carney:

You can go do talks all week and then we can both show up and then we can

Shelley Carney:

go we know what we're talking about because we already planned it out

Shelley Carney:

in advance and we're ready to go.

Shelley Carney:

So it's just giving you that extra buffer to take care of life and

Shelley Carney:

then still get your podcast done.

Shelley Carney:


Jen McFarland:

Show up.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

And I think that, again, I also think it has a lot to do

Jen McFarland:

with how to engage with people.

Jen McFarland:

People know what to expect.

Jen McFarland:

We haven't really talked about breaking news.

Jen McFarland:

I feel like I've been running my hair on fire.

Jen McFarland:

You've been moving around and doing a lot.

Jen McFarland:

I noticed neither one of us wrote anything today for breaking news.

Jen McFarland:

I think that it's just, we appreciate everybody here.

Jen McFarland:

We appreciate that we're here.

Jen McFarland:

And sometimes that's the breaking news.

Jen McFarland:


Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

My only breaking news is that Toby and I have also shuffled up our schedule again.

Shelley Carney:

So we've got News and Views on Wednesday and Saturday nights, and

Shelley Carney:

we have moved Messages and Methods to Thursdays at one o'clock mountain.

Shelley Carney:

We're going to try it there for a little while.

Shelley Carney:

We had tried it on Wednesdays at one, and then we moved at Wednesdays at five.

Shelley Carney:

And now we're trying it on Thursdays at one.

Shelley Carney:

We're going to see how it goes.

Shelley Carney:

Sometimes you have to do that.

Shelley Carney:

We know what works and that's News and Views is working very well.

Shelley Carney:

So we're capitalizing on that, keeping it where it was and

Shelley Carney:

giving that our full attention.

Shelley Carney:

Then taking the piece that isn't working as well and moving it around until

Shelley Carney:

it finds a home that really works.

Jen McFarland:

That makes sense.

Jen McFarland:

That resonates.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

And I guess my breaking news is that my friend, Bridget Willard, and I

Jen McFarland:

decided we're maybe doing a podcast.

Jen McFarland:

I don't know.

Shelley Carney:

We're just discussing your show flow and now you're like, yeah.

Jen McFarland:

It's so funny, we've talked about it and talked about it and

Jen McFarland:

texted, and we're both like we don't really have any time, but we really

Jen McFarland:

liked to talk and we think that other people would think that would be fun.

Jen McFarland:

So then today I was like, why don't we just record?

Jen McFarland:

Why don't we just meet Saturday and record?

Jen McFarland:

And she's oh, I would love that.

Jen McFarland:

And what we had talked about before was having something called

Jen McFarland:

it's called, so we've named it.

Jen McFarland:

It's 3 0 2 Marketing Redirect.

Jen McFarland:

So if you're a super nerd, a 3 0 2 is what you put in a website

Jen McFarland:

to redirect people to a new page.

Jen McFarland:

And so it's basically after hours marketing.

Jen McFarland:

So we're just going to be talking about the things that I think it's behind the

Jen McFarland:

scenes and the things that we're thinking about, and we're going to do that.

Jen McFarland:

This week, it's on Saturday at five o'clock Pacific.

Jen McFarland:

She's in Texas.

Jen McFarland:

So it would be seven o'clock in Texas.

Jen McFarland:

I think it's just going to be fun times.

Jen McFarland:

We're going to be talking and it's going to be, I think it's likely

Jen McFarland:

to be a lot less structured because neither one of us have a lot of time.

Jen McFarland:

We both agreed that we don't have time to market it, we don't have time

Jen McFarland:

to put a ton of effort into it, but we just love visiting and sharing kind

Jen McFarland:

of our thoughts about certain topics.

Jen McFarland:

And so we thought, why not put it out into the world and see how it goes?

Jen McFarland:

So it's an experimental thing.

Jen McFarland:

I think it's gonna be a lot of fun.

Jen McFarland:

Right before I came on here, I put it up on the YouTube channel.

Jen McFarland:

So if anybody wants to set a reminder, they can.

Jen McFarland:

That would be the antithesis of having a show flow and a plan is

Jen McFarland:

the we're just doing the thing.

Shelley Carney:

It drags you back.

Shelley Carney:

You're like, oh we haven't done breaking news yet.

Shelley Carney:

Let's do that.

Shelley Carney:

And then we can move forward into training some more.

Shelley Carney:

So it's okay.

Shelley Carney:


Jen McFarland:

No, but I'm also saying we aren't really scheduling and going through

Jen McFarland:

all these steps that we're talking about.

Jen McFarland:

But most of it is that we're just testing it out.

Jen McFarland:

We don't know how much time we have or if it's gonna work or not,

Shelley Carney:

and there isn't always breaking news.

Jen McFarland:

And there isn't always breaking news.

Shelley Carney:

So you can just it's a living document, just work with it.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

So let's go like straight away into the training.

Jen McFarland:

Where do you want to start with this?

Jen McFarland:

How do you want to share this?

Jen McFarland:

Where do you want to go in terms of how to really help somebody create a good outline

Jen McFarland:

that can really improve their content.

Shelley Carney:

Okay there's a couple of ways you can do it now, depending

Shelley Carney:

on how loosey goosey I am a public speaker, I've got this, you are,

Shelley Carney:

or I need extreme structure because I'm scared of what I'm doing and my

Shelley Carney:

first time so you can structure it the way you need to structure it.

Shelley Carney:

To give you that extra space or to keep you confined into, I don't want

Shelley Carney:

to go off on too many rabbit holes if you're a person who does that.

Shelley Carney:

Like sometimes we all do that.

Shelley Carney:

So one of the ways is to create a show flow that just gives you

Shelley Carney:

those key highlighted topics.

Shelley Carney:

Okay, I'm going to do this, then talk about that then talk about this, and

Shelley Carney:

then I got to do that and then close and then it keeps you in a structure,

Shelley Carney:

but not so structured that you can't, you have, oh, let me talk about this.

Shelley Carney:

And, oh I just thought of a story.

Shelley Carney:

You could throw that in there.

Shelley Carney:

Now, we don't actually script write word for word anything, except

Shelley Carney:

for things like intros and outros.

Shelley Carney:

So when we say script, what we really mean is an outline.

Shelley Carney:

And another way to outline is by creating a slide set and you can

Shelley Carney:

share that slide set onscreen with you to keep not only you focused on

Shelley Carney:

where you're at, but the audience, it gives them that visual learning

Shelley Carney:

component so they're not just looking at two people talking and gesturing.

Shelley Carney:

They're also seeing pictures and words so that the message really

Shelley Carney:

gets into their minds and helps them to implement it more easily.

Shelley Carney:

That's what Toby and I do for our Messages and Methods show.

Shelley Carney:

We create a slide set for every show and we work from that.

Shelley Carney:

It keeps us both on the same page.

Shelley Carney:

Sometimes we'll open up a slide and he'll start talking and insert and we'll go

Shelley Carney:

back and forth with the bullet points.

Shelley Carney:

And sometimes I'll say all the bullet points and then he'll come

Shelley Carney:

in with a story or something.

Shelley Carney:

So it keeps us that structure, but it's still loose enough that

Shelley Carney:

you can do your public speaking.

Shelley Carney:

The alternative to that is to write yourself little paragraphs.

Shelley Carney:

Okay, I'm going to say this.

Shelley Carney:

And then I'm going to ask this question, and then I'm going to say this, and

Shelley Carney:

I'm going to ask this question and you can do that when you're starting out.

Shelley Carney:

If that helps you to talk and to not be afraid that you're going to go blank.

Shelley Carney:

Because that is a fear, especially if you're alone, where you're

Shelley Carney:

just staring at the camera with dead air and nobody wants that.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

As you were talking I remembered that when I first, so this podcast

Jen McFarland:

was originally way back episode one had two people, co-hosts, and then

Jen McFarland:

it became just me and I did script.

Jen McFarland:

Like I wrote out what I was going to say.

Jen McFarland:

And then I found out I was just reading it and I thought,

Jen McFarland:

that's not very engaging either.

Jen McFarland:

And then for some reason, instead of doing what we do now, I just went all

Jen McFarland:

the way to like nothing was written down.

Jen McFarland:

And it's actually not something I would recommend.

Jen McFarland:

I think that you can over script like you were saying, and then you can also go

Jen McFarland:

too far the other way, which is certainly where I had been, then after I went solo.

Jen McFarland:

So yeah, you have to go with whatever works for you, whatever makes you

Jen McFarland:

feel the most comfortable for sure.

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

And I like slides.

Shelley Carney:

Toby and I've used them for years and they really help me think ahead.

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

We're going to talk about this and I can do a little bit of research, I can say,

Shelley Carney:

okay, what have other people said about this and articles and blogs and stuff.

Shelley Carney:

And I can put those in as bullet points.

Shelley Carney:

Cause I've read the material.

Shelley Carney:

And I'm like, okay, I can bring that up.

Shelley Carney:

Then I can helps me to have a cohesive and coherent presentation

Shelley Carney:

when I do it that way.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

And we've done that, I think twice, maybe on Women Conquer Business.

Jen McFarland:

And I think it's probably something that we need to incorporate.

Jen McFarland:

I'm slowly getting all of these new systems in place.

Jen McFarland:

And it just takes me a little time to adopt it.

Jen McFarland:

I think that I've been resistant to the slides.

Jen McFarland:

I'll share with the we're sharing.

Jen McFarland:

Hey, let's share live let's workshop our show live now.

Jen McFarland:

But I've been resistant to that because I've thought if people are listening,

Jen McFarland:

are we going to end up talking about the slides in a way that if you can't

Jen McFarland:

see them, it's not going to be engaging.

Jen McFarland:

And that's been my resistance to that is I don't want to be like

Jen McFarland:

as you can see here, and then there's nothing for people to see.

Jen McFarland:

They'll be listening.

Jen McFarland:

So I feel like I want to do that, but I want to do it knowing

Jen McFarland:

that people are listening.

Jen McFarland:

And I think that in terms of my ability to think that quickly about a slide, I don't

Jen McFarland:

think I personally am in that place yet.

Jen McFarland:

But I do think that in terms of what you and Toby do, which is you create like

Jen McFarland:

a deck of shows, you plan out a lot of shows and then you turn them into books.

Jen McFarland:

I don't think you could do that the way that we do a show.

Jen McFarland:

Right now.

Jen McFarland:

You have to have that structure and you have to have, the slides so that you're

Jen McFarland:

holding yourself accountable a little bit more stronger so that, like downstream,

Jen McFarland:

this is going to become a book.

Jen McFarland:

And if you don't do all of that, then, like we haven't created anything

Jen McFarland:

yet that's going to become a book at this point without heavy editing.

Jen McFarland:

We could but it would take a lot more time.

Jen McFarland:

Would you, is that true?

Jen McFarland:

Are the slides partially to guide you through writing a book?

Shelley Carney:

It's true.

Shelley Carney:

And I do blog posts from them as well.

Shelley Carney:

First I do a blog post.

Shelley Carney:

So I'll take and transcribe the podcasts that we've done and then

Shelley Carney:

I turn that into a blog post.

Shelley Carney:

So I've had to edit it and as I'm editing it, I'm learning.

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

We need to get to the meat of the sentence here instead of a bunch of

Shelley Carney:

blah-blah-blah and then a choice, and then it's, ah, it's all over the place.

Shelley Carney:

It makes it really hard to edit it into an understandable, readable

Shelley Carney:

format, if you are not very focused.

Shelley Carney:

And that's one of the reasons we do it.

Jen McFarland:

I'm assuming the next thought on that was also then, so you can

Jen McFarland:

take it into the book format, make sure, And I think that there's a lot of value

Jen McFarland:

in that I watched your shows and like last night I was making pithy comments.

Jen McFarland:

But I've watched them without saying anything and there is a structure.

Jen McFarland:

There's an appreciation I have for the slides.

Jen McFarland:

I want to make sure that I do slides with intentionality and that

Jen McFarland:

it's in a way that if somebody is listening, they can also capture it.

Jen McFarland:

I guess the alternative would be we create slides and then we make them available

Jen McFarland:

in the show notes or something like that.

Jen McFarland:

So then people can do it.

Shelley Carney:

The thing about slides, the slides are visual and some people

Shelley Carney:

who are listening to your podcast may say, oh, I need to go look at

Shelley Carney:

that so that I can see that slide.

Shelley Carney:

But at the same time, you need to make sure when you're doing the slides,

Shelley Carney:

Toby's you don't read the slides to people and I'm like, yeah, not when

Shelley Carney:

they can see them, you don't, but when they're only listening, I have to read

Shelley Carney:

the slides or they're not going to know what the words were that were on there.

Shelley Carney:

So we had to come to that place where we understood that I'm

Shelley Carney:

going to read the words on the slide for the podcast audience.

Shelley Carney:

And then he's going to tell a story for all our audience so that

Shelley Carney:

it brings everything together.

Shelley Carney:

But it's not something they have to see, they can hear it and understand it.

Jen McFarland:

That makes a lot of sense.

Jen McFarland:

Let's go back for just a second.

Jen McFarland:

So it sounds like you come up with your theme for your show,

Jen McFarland:

what you're going to talk about.

Jen McFarland:

We have, for our show five buckets, you could have, how many buckets could

Jen McFarland:

somebody else have for their show?

Shelley Carney:

You want to stay no more than seven, three to five is really good.

Shelley Carney:

And these are shorter and more concise.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

So these are like five topics or buckets, or however you want to put it, of things

Jen McFarland:

that you could be talking about, and then what is it that somebody should put in it?

Jen McFarland:

So if you set up the five buckets for us, it's opening chat and then breaking

Jen McFarland:

news, presentation, call to action, tweaks of the week and inspirational nugget.

Jen McFarland:

So then what should, if you've never done this before, what should people be

Jen McFarland:

putting into that draft outline after they've come up with their buckets?

Shelley Carney:

First off before you even get to the buckets.

Shelley Carney:

Now, those are good to keep in mind for where you're going to go.

Shelley Carney:

But to start off with, you want to say, okay, am I teaching something?

Shelley Carney:

Am I training on something?

Shelley Carney:

And if so, what information does my audience need and

Shelley Carney:

how can I best present that?

Shelley Carney:

And then come up with three main points to teach that topic.

Shelley Carney:

And that's, what's in the free download that we're offering today.

Shelley Carney:

It helps you to really coalesce that thinking into three main points

Shelley Carney:

and how to present those and how to engage your audience at points

Shelley Carney:

along the way so that they feel like they can add to the conversation.

Shelley Carney:

It's really geared for live streaming.

Shelley Carney:

This particular show flow that we're showing and sharing with people.

Jen McFarland:

I think that's really great.

Jen McFarland:

And one of the things that people maybe don't know, and I don't know how much

Jen McFarland:

you paid attention to it, Shelley is this podcast is a fairly highly rated show.

Jen McFarland:

And our primary category is actually how-to.

Jen McFarland:

It's not business, it's not marketing.

Jen McFarland:

I had a really clear intention and I did this a year and a half

Jen McFarland:

ago, that's what I was doing.

Jen McFarland:

It's how to it's about lessons and things like that.

Jen McFarland:

So having a training in the middle and having shows that most of the time start

Jen McFarland:

with How to, it's entirely by design.

Jen McFarland:

And I did it because how to educational, is not as competitive.

Jen McFarland:

How many marketing shows are there out there?

Jen McFarland:

There's not as much competition to be talking about some of this stuff.

Jen McFarland:

So sometimes when you are designing these things you have to keep the end in mind.

Jen McFarland:

This is what we do.

Jen McFarland:

We are a, how to show and we have buckets that are entirely designed

Jen McFarland:

around how to do something.

Shelley Carney:

And that's your starting point is the training itself.

Shelley Carney:

And then you add on the other pieces.

Shelley Carney:

So the chat is to get to know the hosts.

Shelley Carney:

The breaking news is to draw you in and give you that I have an opinion on that.

Shelley Carney:

Oh, that sounds awesome.

Shelley Carney:

I want to learn more.

Shelley Carney:

It draws people in and then you do the training once you have their attention.

Shelley Carney:

And then you end that training with the CTA, the call to action, which gives

Shelley Carney:

them a resource or a way to work with whatever it is that you trained about.

Shelley Carney:

So today, of course, we're going to have that free download.

Shelley Carney:

That's our CTA.

Shelley Carney:

And then we do tweaks of the week because it gives us that

Shelley Carney:

credibility of being experts who actually do the work ourselves.

Shelley Carney:

Hey, this new thing happened and I learned this from it and it's really great.

Shelley Carney:

And you should try it.

Shelley Carney:

Or on our other show, instead of doing that, we do a trivia question and

Shelley Carney:

that brings people in because they get excited about I want to know the

Shelley Carney:

answer, or I have a good guess I have an answer and then they win a prize.

Shelley Carney:

So they feel like, oh, that was really worth my time because I went there

Shelley Carney:

and I felt smart and I won a prize.

Shelley Carney:

Then we end with that inspirational nugget so that everybody feels uplifted and happy

Shelley Carney:

group, I'm glad I showed up for that show.

Shelley Carney:

I'm glad I was there live.

Shelley Carney:

I'm glad I participated.

Shelley Carney:

I feel really good.

Shelley Carney:

So that they want to keep coming back.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

And I thought all this time, I thought we did breaking news and tweaks

Jen McFarland:

of the week, so I could talk about nerd stuff, but yeah, you're right.

Jen McFarland:

It makes us seem very professional.

Jen McFarland:

But I thought it was, I honestly thought it was in part due to for talking

Jen McFarland:

about apps and stuff, because I always have a new app that I'm trying and

Jen McFarland:

things like that, but we all, I think it is truly that we're in the weeds,

Jen McFarland:

just like everybody who's listening and talking about it is helpful.

Jen McFarland:

It's helpful.

Jen McFarland:


Shelley Carney:

People are always asking, they're always asking

Shelley Carney:

what email providers should I use?

Shelley Carney:

What streaming providers should I use?

Shelley Carney:

What's the best social media platform?

Shelley Carney:

They want to know.

Shelley Carney:

So it's included in your show, the things that people are always asking.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

Oh that's a really good point.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

So we've drafted the outline.

Jen McFarland:

How do we use this?

Shelley Carney:

Every week we start out with the template part

Shelley Carney:

and then just change the things.

Shelley Carney:

We'll put in the title, we'll put in the description and then Jen is really

Shelley Carney:

good about including what we're going to talk about in her description.

Shelley Carney:

So I'll just pull those pieces out and stick that into the training so that we

Shelley Carney:

make sure that whatever she said we're going to talk about, we do talk about,

Shelley Carney:

cause it's in our training section.

Shelley Carney:

If I have something that I want to share, like I just moved to Arizona

Shelley Carney:

and I'm helping with my mom and I'm driving her Toyota RAV4 around town.

Shelley Carney:

It's pretty cool.

Shelley Carney:

I can stick that in there.

Shelley Carney:

Jen can write in there things that she wants to talk about

Shelley Carney:

so that we don't forget.

Shelley Carney:

So that it's right there in front of us and we don't go,

Shelley Carney:

oh, I forgot to mention this.

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

We have it down and then we'll just go in throughout the day or so

Shelley Carney:

before we do the show and we'll add in things that we've come up with.

Shelley Carney:

Sometimes we don't have time for that and we won't do it until the

Shelley Carney:

morning of, but that's okay too.

Shelley Carney:

We just fill in the blanks.

Shelley Carney:

So we fill in what I'm going to chat about.

Shelley Carney:

Fill in any breaking news.

Shelley Carney:

We fill in any presentation or training information and resources.

Shelley Carney:

If we come across a really good blog or article or a video or something

Shelley Carney:

that we want to share, we'll put that link in our show flow so that

Shelley Carney:

we can share it on the screen.

Shelley Carney:

We can get it into the show notes for people to click on.

Shelley Carney:

We come up with a CTA.

Shelley Carney:

Jen asked us for a download this week.

Shelley Carney:

So we put that together and gave her the link that's in there.

Shelley Carney:

And then for tweaks of the week, what did I do this week?

Shelley Carney:

That was really cool online or with my computer?

Shelley Carney:

Or what did I learn?

Shelley Carney:

And stick that in there.

Shelley Carney:

And then inspirational nugget?

Shelley Carney:

Very often, I just take whatever I was learning in My Daily Stoic today or

Shelley Carney:

sometime this week, grab it plop, put it right in there and it's super easy.

Shelley Carney:

And then it's there when you need it.

Jen McFarland:

The way I use it, like I just added something.

Jen McFarland:

I just remembered what my tweak of the week was right now.

Jen McFarland:

So I don't know how Shelley's setup is, but right now in front of me,

Jen McFarland:

I have, the lights, the cameras.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

And the computer and the mic and everything, but I can see Shelley

Jen McFarland:

and myself on the Streamyard feed, and the next to it.

Jen McFarland:

Cause I don't have multiple monitors.

Jen McFarland:

Next to it is the weekly show flow.

Jen McFarland:

So I'm glancing over and keeping track of what we're talking about.

Jen McFarland:

I also have it up next to me.

Jen McFarland:

So that then like when I came up with the tweak of the week for the

Jen McFarland:

cool thing have been using this week.

Jen McFarland:

When we're up here talking it's easy then to forget what you were going

Jen McFarland:

to say or forget what idea you had.

Jen McFarland:

And so if that's happening, you can also have it open.

Jen McFarland:

It not only keeps you on track with the buckets, but also keeps you able to think

Jen McFarland:

about things and put them in on the fly, if you didn't think of them ahead of time.

Jen McFarland:


Shelley Carney:

Alternatively, you can print it out and just make handwritten

Shelley Carney:

notes on it, if that's easier.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

This desk is not need any more paper on it,

Shelley Carney:

Which Toby likes to do.

Shelley Carney:

He likes to print everything out.

Shelley Carney:

He likes to have a hard copy and because if we were to open it, it

Shelley Carney:

would be on a screen that would be just a little bit away from him.

Shelley Carney:

So he wouldn't be able to read it as easily.

Shelley Carney:

So he likes to have that hard copy.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

I need two monitors, but I whatever it is, what it is.

Jen McFarland:

And I heard you have a pretty hot computer over there.

Jen McFarland:

I talked to Toby this week.

Shelley Carney:

Oh yeah.

Shelley Carney:

My brother donated it for while I'm here.

Shelley Carney:

And then eventually my parents will get a new one.

Shelley Carney:

I'm hoping they'll get a desktop.

Shelley Carney:

They have an old laptop, so I'm hoping they'll get a desktop instead, which

Shelley Carney:

I think would be faster for them.

Jen McFarland:

Toby promised he would send me pictures and a video of your

Jen McFarland:

studio that you two created in Arizona.

Jen McFarland:

And for those of you who didn't watch the earlier show about setting up

Jen McFarland:

your at home studio you might want to go back and look at that cause

Jen McFarland:

they stood this up within a day.

Jen McFarland:

And then Shelley is in a studio now that was created in Arizona.

Jen McFarland:

So that for the next two months, she's able to navigate and do everything that

Jen McFarland:

she's been doing in another location.

Jen McFarland:

So there is a reason why we talk about this stuff, why we write this stuff down,

Jen McFarland:

why we do it, because then it's able to be replicated over and over again.

Jen McFarland:

And so that's the beauty of it, okay.

Jen McFarland:

So what about the script?

Jen McFarland:

Like how do you actually create your own script templates?

Shelley Carney:

For things that I'm going to be reading as a script,

Shelley Carney:

I'll say an intro or a promo, I'll be using more marketing language.

Shelley Carney:

So I will write that out word for word, but I'll keep it to a minute or less.

Shelley Carney:

And then I'll just read that.

Shelley Carney:

We'll record my voice and then put it together under a

Shelley Carney:

video so that it's voiceover.

Shelley Carney:

That's the only real scripting that I do.

Shelley Carney:

Other than that, we use either slides or show flow.

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

What about you?

Jen McFarland:

Makes sense.

Jen McFarland:

I fly by the seat of my pants over here.

Jen McFarland:

I did in the past do some scripting, like I said.

Jen McFarland:

It's just that then if I have too many words in front of me, like

Jen McFarland:

these digital marketing courses.

Jen McFarland:

I have been teaching those and iterating on it for several years now.

Jen McFarland:

I know what the slides say, but if I'm creating slides every week or I'm

Jen McFarland:

creating a script every week, I don't have the time to really learn it cold.

Jen McFarland:

So then I found that I was stumbling over words and it was a little bit more

Jen McFarland:

difficult to have a script in that regard.

Jen McFarland:

Then I'm a perfectionist and I get all flustered if my reading didn't go.

Jen McFarland:

For me, fewer words are better.

Jen McFarland:

There's a downside to that too.

Jen McFarland:

But having these buckets has been incredibly helpful for me.

Jen McFarland:

And I think that's why it was so important to really talk about it.

Jen McFarland:

And I think that a lot of people don't talk about these things.

Jen McFarland:

I feel like the show a lot of times talks about the unsexy

Jen McFarland:

parts that are so essential.

Jen McFarland:

People need these things so much.

Jen McFarland:

And because nobody's talking about it, because everyone wants to sell you on the

Jen McFarland:

latest funnel or something, not a lot of people are getting the real nuts and bolts

Jen McFarland:

of what it takes to put content out there.

Jen McFarland:

And people think that it's all done just on the fly when really the

Jen McFarland:

really good content creators don't.

Jen McFarland:

They plan everything out and they have a real idea of what they're

Jen McFarland:

doing and then what comes next.

Jen McFarland:

And that's one of the great things that has happened now is we have

Jen McFarland:

that spreadsheet and we know what's coming next, and we can really

Jen McFarland:

talk about it like next week, we're going to talk about YouTube.

Jen McFarland:

Do you know that?

Jen McFarland:

Did you know?

Shelley Carney:

I haven't looked ahead.

Shelley Carney:

I've been busy, but yeah.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

I looked ahead cause I was like, oh.

Jen McFarland:

So I'm excited to talk about YouTube because there are aspects

Jen McFarland:

of it, even though we use it that are not as intuitive.

Jen McFarland:

So I'm going to spend some time this week learning about it and

Jen McFarland:

see what I can bring about how to use YouTube even, like kind of the

Jen McFarland:

novice, how to do it and navigate it.

Jen McFarland:

And I know that you have so much expertise in this too,

Jen McFarland:

that I think that we'll do it.

Jen McFarland:


Shelley Carney:

I think what we can offer is Jen has a channel that was under a

Shelley Carney:

hundred subscribers when we started.

Shelley Carney:

Now it's over a hundred.

Shelley Carney:

She can talk about how to grow a small channel to make it bigger.

Shelley Carney:

And mine isn't really growing, but we have several channels.

Jen McFarland:

You have several channels

Shelley Carney:

On the other channels that are monetized, I can talk about what

Shelley Carney:

it's like to be monetized and what are the other things that are available to

Shelley Carney:

you once you become a YouTube partner.

Shelley Carney:

I think that's going to go really well.

Jen McFarland:

It's going to be a great show.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

We've been talking about this free show flow template.

Jen McFarland:

How do people get to that?

Jen McFarland:

What can they expect?

Jen McFarland:

I actually saw a preview of how you're going to, you can talk about

Jen McFarland:

this last night in that I think it's really great because it's a lot of the

Jen McFarland:

stuff that we've been talking about.

Jen McFarland:

It's a template that people can use, but then it's also, you've done a

Jen McFarland:

great write-up at the end, I think, to really help guide people as well.

Shelley Carney:

Let us take a look at, if you go to show flow dot AGK,

Shelley Carney:

you'll get to the landing page and let's show what the landing page looks like.

Shelley Carney:

And for those of you just listening, you'll have all

Shelley Carney:

these in the description box.

Shelley Carney:

You'll see all of the information there.

Shelley Carney:

So this is the landing page, the show flow template with instructions.

Shelley Carney:

Design the flow of your show that you will follow.

Shelley Carney:

This will help your audience to follow along with you, and it will

Shelley Carney:

help you plan and stay consistent.

Shelley Carney:

The show flow may change over time as you see what works best for you and

Shelley Carney:

what might need to be added or deleted.

Shelley Carney:

Use this worksheet to get.

Shelley Carney:

And then you just fill in the information and you will be taken to

Shelley Carney:

a Google doc that you can then copy to your own Google drive and you'll

Shelley Carney:

have it on your drive and you'll be able to make changes, fill it in.

Shelley Carney:

And however you want to use it.

Shelley Carney:

It starts off with a show flow for a solo presentation, and it helps

Shelley Carney:

you to really think about the things that you're going to need to include.

Shelley Carney:

What does my audience want to know?

Shelley Carney:

What does my audience need to know?

Shelley Carney:

And what do they not need to know?

Shelley Carney:

Because too much information is not helpful.

Shelley Carney:

Then we have the show flow, which tells you, okay, start with a teaser or a hook,

Shelley Carney:

today we're going to tell you all the ways you shouldn't do blah, blah, blah.

Shelley Carney:

What's a quick rhetorical question you can ask?

Shelley Carney:

Have you ever had this happen to you or something of that nature and then

Shelley Carney:

a short introduction of yourself.

Shelley Carney:

I'm Shelley Carney.

Shelley Carney:

I'm a content entrepreneur and I'm here today to tell you

Shelley Carney:

all about blah, blah, blah.

Shelley Carney:

Quick engagement.

Shelley Carney:

How many of you feel successful and happy?

Shelley Carney:

How many of you believe that you're a content entrepreneur on the rise?

Shelley Carney:

Just anything to talk to your audience about this.

Shelley Carney:

Then we get into your teaching points.

Shelley Carney:

Include with your first teaching point, include an anecdote or a quote, and

Shelley Carney:

that helps to make it more personal.

Shelley Carney:

Break for engagement.

Shelley Carney:

And this works not only as a show, but really it also works as a webinar or

Shelley Carney:

something that you might do in front of people or you can do it online.

Shelley Carney:

So this works really well for that.

Shelley Carney:

Helping you just hone your message.

Shelley Carney:

Your second teaching point can include a story or a testimonial, somebody

Shelley Carney:

that you've worked with or helped in the past or something that happened

Shelley Carney:

to you that worked really well.

Shelley Carney:

Then again, break for engagement.

Shelley Carney:

Ask the audience what do you think?

Shelley Carney:

Have you ever had this happen to you?

Shelley Carney:

Things of that nature.

Shelley Carney:

And then third teaching point, you want to engage the senses and the

Shelley Carney:

emotions through specific details.

Shelley Carney:

So it smelled like roses or I wanted it to smell like roses, but

Shelley Carney:

it smelled like a nursing home.

Shelley Carney:

So I had to bring in Febreeze.

Shelley Carney:

Just engage the senses.

Shelley Carney:

People can feel like they're there with you.

Shelley Carney:

And that is going to create that bond.

Shelley Carney:

And then break for engagement one last time before you

Shelley Carney:

then do the call to action.

Shelley Carney:

Ask your audience to take a specific action and then

Shelley Carney:

close with an upbeat close.

Shelley Carney:

Help people feel good about the time they spent watching your show.

Shelley Carney:

The second thing on here is how you would do the same sort of thing

Shelley Carney:

with an interview presentation.

Shelley Carney:

If you're bringing on a guest.

Shelley Carney:

I'm not going to go through each point of that because it's pretty much the same

Shelley Carney:

thing, but we're incorporating a guest.

Shelley Carney:

And then we have a show flow template and instructions.

Shelley Carney:

So this is the one that Jen and I and Toby and I use.

Shelley Carney:

It tells you 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, connection, breaking news, training

Shelley Carney:

and advice, call to action, tools, tips, or trivia, inspirational nugget.

Shelley Carney:

And then I gave you a blank form that you can fill in yourself.

Shelley Carney:

And because, like I said, it's a Google doc if you just import it into your

Shelley Carney:

own Google drive, you can change it and fill it out however you like to do it.

Jen McFarland:

I think that's wonderful.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

I think that it really, I love all of the detail.

Jen McFarland:

I love everything that you've put together.

Jen McFarland:

I think it's so flexible, like you said, it could be for a

Jen McFarland:

webinar, it could be for a podcast.

Jen McFarland:

It could be for live streaming.

Jen McFarland:

Like we have.

Jen McFarland:

If you just want to prepare you know, you could use it also for preparing for a

Jen McFarland:

talk or anything that you're working on.

Jen McFarland:

Please do go to show flow dot AGK, and that's where

Jen McFarland:

you'll find that landing page.

Jen McFarland:

And you can download that template that will help guide

Jen McFarland:

you through some of these things.

Jen McFarland:

I feel like it's a really good accelerator for moving your content forward in a

Jen McFarland:

way that maybe you've never done before.

Jen McFarland:

It doesn't have to be a heavy lift.

Jen McFarland:

It's just a place really where you can brainstorm, put some things together.

Jen McFarland:

So you have a way to wander through all of the topics that you're talking about.

Jen McFarland:

Yeah, absolutely.

Jen McFarland:

So thank you for making that.

Jen McFarland:

Shelley, you bet.

Jen McFarland:

And and also

Shelley Carney:

These are things that we've used with our clients in the

Shelley Carney:

past, so it was easy to put it together.

Shelley Carney:


Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

So it's very generous of you did put it together for free other people can use it.

Jen McFarland:

So yeah.

Jen McFarland:

So do you have anything else to share about the show flow?

Shelley Carney:

No, but if you look at that show flow and you

Shelley Carney:

think gosh, I could do that.

Shelley Carney:

I want to start my own live stream, but I don't know what to do.

Shelley Carney:

You can call us, you could schedule an appointment at,

Shelley Carney:

or you can reach out to Jen and where should they find you Jen?

Jen McFarland:

Women conquer business dot com.

Shelley Carney:

There you go

Jen McFarland:

So we can totally help.

Jen McFarland:

I don't have a special download.

Jen McFarland:

I just have a newsletter at slash newsletter.

Jen McFarland:

If you're interested in that, getting updates on all things

Jen McFarland:

marketing and episodes.

Jen McFarland:

Shelley also things about the Women Conquer Business show and all the shows

Jen McFarland:

that she's doing and hot tips about live streaming and content marketing.

Jen McFarland:

And then did you have a tweak of the week?

Jen McFarland:

I came up with a tweak of the week during the show.

Jen McFarland:

How do you like that?

Shelley Carney:

See, you can do things on the fly when you have

Shelley Carney:

the rest of it all mapped out.

Shelley Carney:

You can fill in that.

Shelley Carney:

Oh yeah.

Shelley Carney:

Here's something.

Jen McFarland:

What I discovered is something called Canny.

Jen McFarland:

So last week I was talking about Heartbeat.

Jen McFarland:

It's a community platform that's offered on AppSumo right now.

Jen McFarland:

I've adopted it for Epiphany courses.

Jen McFarland:

As we prepare to roll out this new subscription plan that we have and all of

Jen McFarland:

this content that we've been preparing.

Jen McFarland:

In there once you log in and you have a account with Heartbeat, then they're

Jen McFarland:

like do you want to tell us about any bugs or anything that's going on?

Jen McFarland:

And it takes you to this other page and it's called Canny.

Jen McFarland:

And that's the name of the template.

Jen McFarland:

Now you've seen these before.

Jen McFarland:

A lot of times startups use it in their like Trello boards and

Jen McFarland:

they're sharing the roadmap forward.

Jen McFarland:

And it's also a place where you can do bugs or things.

Jen McFarland:

So for Epiphany courses, we're going to use Canny.

Jen McFarland:

It's free unless you need like a ton of bells and whistles.

Jen McFarland:

But we're going to use that for people who are logged in to our membership,

Jen McFarland:

then to give us course suggestions.

Jen McFarland:

And that's how we're going to use it.

Jen McFarland:

I figured out how to do it so that it's only public to people who we want

Jen McFarland:

to be able to give us suggestions.

Jen McFarland:

So it's a neat tool because it's behind a wall.

Jen McFarland:

And then for large corporations or larger startups, they use Canny.

Jen McFarland:

So places like, Click Up and bigger organizations, they use Canny to

Jen McFarland:

communicate between if you had an app and customers, they could share

Jen McFarland:

bugs and feature requests, and then you can put like your roadmap.

Jen McFarland:

I just think it's a neat way to keep track of things.

Jen McFarland:

And what I've found I've been doing this week is I've been using

Jen McFarland:

Canny during the presentations.

Jen McFarland:

I'll write down ideas that people have or things that could be classes.

Jen McFarland:

And I've just been typing in all these course ideas that I've had into Canny.

Jen McFarland:

And then as we start to onboard people into our membership,

Jen McFarland:

then they can vote and tell us if they like some of the ideas.

Jen McFarland:

So it's a way to validate ideas as well 'cause people can upvote.

Jen McFarland:

Anybody who's in there can have a course idea.

Jen McFarland:

As the owners of the board, we decide what's in planning, what's

Jen McFarland:

in development, what's delivered.

Jen McFarland:

But it's a way to communicate about what it is that you're working on.

Jen McFarland:

What's in production.

Jen McFarland:

What's not.

Jen McFarland:

I thought it was just a really good tool.

Jen McFarland:

I haven't seen it a lot for course creation.

Jen McFarland:

It's mostly for apps, but I adapted it for something to communicate with our

Jen McFarland:

members about what we're working on now so that they know what to expect.

Jen McFarland:

So that's called Canny.

Jen McFarland:

If you go to Canny, let's see, I think it's just

Jen McFarland:

and like I said, it's free.

Jen McFarland:

It's customer feedback.

Jen McFarland:

There's a lot of customer feedback software out there.

Jen McFarland:

You can certainly use it in different ways.

Jen McFarland:

It's really hard if you're doing like one-to-one services to use it in that way.

Jen McFarland:

I think it's better if you have some sort of customer service base or something

Jen McFarland:

like that, that you want to do it.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

And you can pay a lot of money for it, or you can use the free one.

Jen McFarland:

Anyway, that is my tweak of the week.

Jen McFarland:

It's a different thing.

Jen McFarland:

But I think customer feedback is really important.

Jen McFarland:

It's one of the things I train people about all the time, and this is a

Jen McFarland:

pretty slick way to integrate it, where somebody is logged in, they

Jen McFarland:

have a link available to them and they can provide feedback and ideas.

Jen McFarland:

Anyway, that's a neat thing.

Jen McFarland:

What you got?

Shelley Carney:

Something that we're going to talk about on our show

Shelley Carney:

today, we're going to do a little presentation and a demo of Formly.

Jen McFarland:

It could be like Jot Form Type Form, a product

Jen McFarland:

that I use is Paper Form.

Jen McFarland:

And it, you can also take payments.

Jen McFarland:

It's pretty slick.

Shelley Carney:

So this is a, of course, AppSumo.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

I hadn't even noticed that.

Jen McFarland:

Yeah, I got Paper Form on AppSumo now it's $300 a month or something ridiculous.

Jen McFarland:

So yeah, you get those little tips and then you run with them.

Jen McFarland:

Cause some of them really take off.

Jen McFarland:

We're up for bumping up against the hour, which is okay.

Jen McFarland:

Cause we were actually late getting started.

Jen McFarland:

Would you like to close this out with the inspirational nugget?

Shelley Carney:

You bet.

Shelley Carney:

Now this was from My Daily Stoic and there was an astronaut who was

Shelley Carney:

interviewed back when men first started going into space and to the moon.

Shelley Carney:

And he said in outer space, you develop an instant global consciousness, a people

Shelley Carney:

orientation an intense dissatisfaction with the state of the world and a

Shelley Carney:

compulsion to do something about it.

Shelley Carney:

So we want to ask ourselves where have I lost the forest for the trees?

Shelley Carney:

Remember that it's important to take breaks and celebrate

Shelley Carney:

wins when they happen.

Shelley Carney:

The same is true of working in our business.

Shelley Carney:

The day-to-day work doesn't seem to matter, but when we look back

Shelley Carney:

at the portfolio of content we've created, we can see it all adds up.

Shelley Carney:

And when we have people reach out to us for a consultation or a proposal, it feels

Shelley Carney:

like sometimes it's just out of the blue.

Shelley Carney:

Hey, I got a call!

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

But I know they've been thinking about it for weeks, months or years before

Shelley Carney:

they're finally ready to contact us.

Shelley Carney:

And so if we stop making offers and stopped doing our business, they wouldn't

Shelley Carney:

get the help they need to move forward.

Shelley Carney:

We wouldn't be here and still doing things for them to be able to reach out to us.

Shelley Carney:

So they'll go find somebody else.

Shelley Carney:

So make sure you stick with it and take a look back every now and

Shelley Carney:

then and say, look what I've done.

Shelley Carney:

Isn't that awesome?

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

That's great.

Jen McFarland:

Thank you.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

Thank you everyone who's watching or listening.

Jen McFarland:

Have a great week and we will see you next week to talk about YouTube.

Shelley Carney:

Thank you for joining the Women Conquer Business podcast hosted

Shelley Carney:

by Shelley Carney and Jen McFarland.

Shelley Carney:

Please subscribe and leave a comment or question regarding your most challenging

Shelley Carney:

content creation or business problem.

Shelley Carney:

Then share this podcast with family and friends so they can find the support

Shelley Carney:

they need to expand their brand and share their message with the world.

Shelley Carney:

Check the show notes for links to valuable resources and come back again next week.



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