On today's 116th episode of The Thriller Zone, you're in for a something completely different. Our guest is New York Times Bestselling Author Grady Hendrix and he's written a book called How To Sell A Haunted House.
Yes, it's a thriller. Yes, it's horror story. And yes, it's bloody funny.
Rarely do you find a book this multi-dimensional, or a guest who's got this vivid of an imagination. But today, you do.
Sit back, relax (if you can), and enjoy my briefer-than-most conversations with a true genuis. And just wait until you hear his Advice For Writers; it will sound familiar at first, but notice the twist he puts on it.
To learn more, visit: GradyHendrix.com. Follow us at TheThrillerZone.com and on Twitter @thethrillerzone. Don't forget you can watch us here: YouTube.com/TheThrillerZone
The Thriller Zone promises to wrap 2024 in a BIG way...Stay Tuned! Questions? Just write us at "thethrillerzone@gmail.com"
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FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY...I will record either a 30 or a 60-second spot to promote your book: 30's are only $99 & 60's are $150.
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