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My Journey as a TPT Seller - The Good, the Bad, and the Chevron
Episode 829th November 2021 • The Creative Teacher Podcast • Kirsten Hammond
00:00:00 00:16:06

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Maybe you're a teacher who has been on Teachers pay Teachers buying resources, maybe you're a brand new TPT seller, or maybe you’ve been selling on TPT for a while. It seems like some stores are top notch and do everything right, while making tons of money in the process. 

Will you ever be like that? Would it be worth the time and effort? When will you be making the ton of money that people keep raving about?

One of my favorite things is listening to other teacher sellers and their journey from being a classroom teacher to a teacherpreneur. I love hearing about where they started. Because guess what? Everybody’s journey is different. We all make mistakes, and it's motivating to hear from others! 

Today's episode is pretty special because I want to take the time to to share with you my story about TPT, in depth, which has NEVER been done before!

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How I found Teachers pay Teachers as a student teacher on 2013
  • Reasons why my initial resources were not the best (or best-looking)
  • Why I was not an active seller for several years
  • The spark that made me take TPT and my store seriously
  • How much I made in the span of 7 years vs how much I made after I became an active seller

No one starts off perfect. We don’t all upload a resource and make hundreds of dollars right off the bat without ever changing anything about the product ever again. 

As a TPT seller, you constantly want to see what people want, what they need, create more of it, change the look, change the price - all to stay current and relevant. 

What if I kept that chevron?

I may have taken the very long road to the first milestone, but things happen for a reason, and it’s exactly where I need to be! 

Want to have all 10 steps + extra resources and additional tips with each step? Grab the free Getting Started with TPT guide for teachers at

Let's connect!

Mentioned in this episode:

Need a (better)email marketing platform? Consider Flodesk!

If you’re like me and have tried every email marketing platform out there—only to end up frustrated—this is for you. In 2024 I gave Flodesk another shot, and I’m so glad I did! Not only do my newsletters look amazing, but the platform makes it SO easy (and fun!) to create emails that actually feel like me. Plus, the built-in analytics help me see exactly what’s working without all the guesswork. Want to try it for yourself? Use my link to grab 50% off your first year!

Get 50% off your first year of Flodesk!

Register for Spring Fling 2025!

Spring Fling 2025 will take place on March 14-16, 2025! You can register for free or upgrade to VIP using my special affiliate link! You'll love hearing from a variety of teacher business owners!

Register for Spring Fling 2025!


Kirsten 0:00

Hey there, welcome to another episode of the creative teacher podcast. So you may be listening to this as a teacher who has been on TPT but only buying resources. Maybe you're a new TPT seller, or maybe you've been at TPT selling for a while. It seems like some stores are top notch and do everything right? While making lots of money in the process. And then you think to yourself, Will I ever be like that? Will selling be worth the time and effort? When will I be making the ton of money that people keep raving about. I love hearing sellers journeys of how they came from where they started. Because everybody's journey is different. I want to share with you my store in depth, and this has never been done before. So today I'm telling you my journey as a TPT seller, The Good, the Bad, and the chevron.

You're listening to the creative teacher podcast, a show for busy teachers looking for ways to engage, inspire and make an impact inside and outside of the classroom. I'm Kiersten a full time classroom teacher and part time business owner who is all about simple and actionable tips, strategies and resources that result in wins, big or small to in each week as I give you my best advice on classroom teaching and starting and growing a teacher business. If you're looking for that extra spark of creativity, you've come to the right place. Let's dive in together.

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ecame an active seller in May:

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All right, well, here's my creative action tip for you today. If you are thinking about being a TPT seller, and you're looking for some steps, I have a resource for you absolutely free. It's called the Getting Started with TPT guide for teachers with 10 steps to get started and some additional resources and tips. And you can go to the southern forward slash get started. If you're already a TPT seller. And you've been inspired by this episode of my journey, I would love to invite you to the spice up your store live challenge that's happening starting today. So it is not too late. You can definitely go in there. We're going to be starting our daily live trainings each day with giveaway prizes in the pop up Facebook group. So you can go to the southern forward slash free challenge to sign up and register and you will get an email with all the good info all the fun stuff that we're going to be doing. So thank you for tuning in. I hope you have a wonderful, wonderful week.

Thanks for tuning in to the creative teacher podcast. If you enjoyed listening to today's episode, feel free to subscribe and leave a review. I'd love to hear your feedback. You can also find me on Instagram at the southern teach. I cannot wait for you to join me in the next episode for more tips and inspiration. Have an amazing day.





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