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Episode 248 – Healing the Nation – Tom Donnan Interview pt 3
16th March 2018 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:28:00

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Show Notes for Tom Donnan Interview – Pt 3

Hello everyone everywhere, this is Pastor Robert Thibodeau and I want to welcome you to another DUAL BROADCAST of the Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast AND the Everything Church Related Podcast. That’s right folks – a dual broadcast…and you know – if we are doing a dual broadcast that means we have something very special lined up for you today…

Today’s guest is author, intercessor, prophet, prayer warrior and speaker, Tom Donnan. Tom Donnan has encountered thousands of Christians and ministries who struggle with evil disruptions in their lives. As he has prayed with them, he’s seen the Holy Spirit move powerfully in their lives. People have experienced God in new ways and have a fresh desire for more of His presence.

Tom’s first book, Healing the Nation, addresses a coming move of God that he believes will restore America to its former glory, IF, God’s people will return to Him – with childlike faith – and expect to see genuine miracles. He states, “Mediocrity in our churches is becoming fatal. Without demonstrations of God’s supernatural power, the Church lacks credibility.”
We need places where an intersection of Heaven and earth exist. God is about to release a sweeping revival. It will not be pockets of revival for temporary seasons – but rather a healing of the land where churches become a Holy of Holies and the presence of God abides with us. “Healing the Nations” brings a dynamic vision of this new move of God, outlining what it will look like and how each believer can be a part of it, moving through repentance to a powerful walk in Christ…AMEN!

Yet, today, many Christians are wary of any manifestation of God’s power.

This all started, when Tom Donnan was pronounced clinically dead of a heart attack in February, 2006. He was only dead a few minutes before the doctors revived him, but those few minutes changed his life and his destiny. He will tell us what happened during those few moments – but first, help me welcome to the program, Tom Donnan! Glory to God, Tom – welcome to the program today!

You discuss our “Spiritual inheritance” from God? What is that?

What is the, for lack of a better term, the SCOPE of this Spiritual inheritance?

My testimony of my calling into ministry…

In “Spiritual House Cleaning,” you also discuss breaking off the ancestor spiritual curses from off our lives – explain what that is all about?

Do you see these two factors – our ancestor curses and the Spiritual inheritance from God – do you see how those two things might be at “spiritual war” with one another in our own lives?

Folks, that’s all the time we have for today…I wish we could go on and on…but, Tom, I’d like to invite you back sometime – anytime, you feel you have something to share. Sound good?
Tom Donnan

Alright, well, for Tom Donnan and myself, this is Pastor Robert Thibodeau reminding you to BE BLESSED IN ALL THAT YOU DO!

The post Episode 248 – Healing the Nation – Tom Donnan Interview pt 3 appeared first on Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast.



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