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The Easy Day Life: Creating an Unshakable Mindset with Anthony Flores
Episode 5921st March 2024 • Own Your Calendar: Aligning Your Business & Life Goals • Stephen Box
00:00:00 00:56:13

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Ever feel like life's too hard to stay on track with your health goals? Anthony Flores joins us on "Unshakable Habits" to share how his journey through weight loss, cancer, and mindset shifts made every day easier. You'll learn why quick fixes don't work and how to power through challenges for a happier you. Ready to flip the script on your habits? Tune in and be inspired!

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Stephen Box:

What is the difference between easy and hard?

Stephen Box:

Well, according to my guest today, Anthony Flores, it is the

Stephen Box:

stories that we tell ourselves.

Stephen Box:

Anthony is a health and wellness coach who has a philosophy called the easy day life.

Stephen Box:

And he's going to talk to us about that today.

Stephen Box:

And what it really boils down to is this.

Stephen Box:

We all go through challenges, but it's our perception of the

Stephen Box:

challenges that makes the difference.

Stephen Box:

And this is something that Anthony has personal experience with.

Stephen Box:

As someone who was significantly overweight and lost that

Stephen Box:

weight and has kept it off.

Stephen Box:

As someone who is a cancer survivor.

Stephen Box:

As someone who has built a business for himself, he understands the

Stephen Box:

challenges that life can throw at us.

Stephen Box:

But it's thanks to his easy day philosophy that Anthony has been

Stephen Box:

able to overcome a lot of these challenges and become successful.

Stephen Box:

So today we're going to talk a lot about Anthony's story and give you

Stephen Box:

guys just a lot of insights, especially things that you can apply back to.

Stephen Box:

So, you know, fitness, nutrition, sleep, mindset, all those different aspects

Stephen Box:

of health is really where we're going to dive into this conversation today.

Stephen Box:

And I know you're going to get tremendous value from it.

Stephen Box:

Welcome to the Unshakable Habits podcast, where we help you to build

Stephen Box:

the habits and routines that help build the life you want, so you can turn

Stephen Box:

everyday actions into powerful wins for your health, mindset, relationships,

Stephen Box:

faith, and professional growth.

Stephen Box:

I am your host, Stephen Box.

Stephen Box:

Allow me to introduce you to our guest today, Mr.

Stephen Box:

Anthony Flores, Anthony.

Stephen Box:

Welcome to unshakable habits.

Anthony Flores:

Uh, thank you so much, Stephen.

Anthony Flores:

It's just a truly a pleasure to be here.

Stephen Box:

Yeah, man.

Stephen Box:

Excited to have you.

Stephen Box:

I know you and I have similar backgrounds and in terms.

Stephen Box:

our education, a lot of the same courses and certifications.

Stephen Box:

And so we have some similarities.

Stephen Box:

I'm going to be curious as we go through this conversation to see if maybe we

Stephen Box:

differ a little bit and maybe gives people some different insights on some things.

Stephen Box:

So it's always fun to dive in and just see how that turns out.

Anthony Flores:

Yeah, for sure.

Stephen Box:

So let's start off, man, before we dive into your story.

Stephen Box:

Cause you have a really interesting story that I think people are

Stephen Box:

going to be interested in hearing.

Stephen Box:

but you have this concept the easy day life.

Stephen Box:

So, so talk to me, what does it mean to have the easy day life?

Anthony Flores:

Yeah, that's a great question.

Anthony Flores:

And you know, honestly, it's about someone that's willing to endure the things

Anthony Flores:

that people, most people don't want to.

Anthony Flores:

It's like the hard things that we tend to avoid in order to have

Anthony Flores:

that sustainable, happy, healthy lifestyle that we all dream of.

Anthony Flores:

But for some reason, we just can't.

Anthony Flores:

Get ourselves to do it, you know, it's hard at first, but at the end, it's easy.

Anthony Flores:

it turns out to be easy.

Anthony Flores:

The more we could consistently just follow through on the things that we

Anthony Flores:

see, we're going to be doing life.

Anthony Flores:

It's just a little bit easier or a lot easier in my case.

Stephen Box:

Why do you think that is?

Stephen Box:

why do people struggle so much?

Stephen Box:

And why do we make things so much harder than they really need to be?

Anthony Flores:

Ultimately it's their mindset.

Anthony Flores:

It's the stories that we tell ourselves.

Anthony Flores:

And like environment plays a huge role, in that too.

Anthony Flores:

Like the people that we surround ourselves with, like the culture that

Anthony Flores:

we are a part of in our communities.

Anthony Flores:

Like for instance, where I live, it's a big, drinking town and it's really

Anthony Flores:

hard to, you know, separate yourself.

Anthony Flores:

Cause That's the standard, but in order for someone to make, or in order

Anthony Flores:

for someone to make those, healthy changes, you're looked at downcast.

Anthony Flores:

Like you're weird.

Anthony Flores:

Like why are you doing that?

Anthony Flores:

So it's almost like we want to please people, but at the same

Anthony Flores:

time, we're hurting ourselves.

Anthony Flores:

So it's the mindset of it.

Anthony Flores:

It's we don't want to, we convince ourselves to not to do it.

Stephen Box:

Yeah, you bring up something that I find so interesting in our world

Stephen Box:

today, where real food, right, meaning, you know, eats fresh vegetables, things

Stephen Box:

that, you know, actually come from nature are considered weird and things that

Stephen Box:

are like, technically, I call it fake food, you know, things that are like

Stephen Box:

heavily processed and, you know, in a box and, Things like that are as far away

Stephen Box:

as possible from their natural source.

Stephen Box:

For some reason, people consider that real food.

Stephen Box:

I'm eating real food, and you're eating weird food.

Stephen Box:

I'm like, no, that's not,

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:

yeah, I totally what you're saying.

Anthony Flores:

Cause that's as you can relate, obviously, you know, we're looked at differently.

Anthony Flores:

And I'm like, why are you eating that?

Anthony Flores:

that's, or you're eating healthy.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, aren't we supposed to do this?

Anthony Flores:

again, it's comes to the environment that we're brought up in, you know,

Anthony Flores:

oh, we're so accustomed to the highly processed foods and it's

Anthony Flores:

just the norm, but you stand out.

Anthony Flores:

In that way, are you're on, are you trying to lose weight or

Anthony Flores:

you're trying to go on a diet?

Anthony Flores:

no, I'm just trying to feel better here.

Anthony Flores:

function better.

Anthony Flores:

at the same time, man, you know, people get ripped down for having, you know,

Anthony Flores:

the simple meals that they eat regularly.

Anthony Flores:

Oh, again, you're going to have that.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, it's simple for me, man.

Anthony Flores:

It's all good.

Anthony Flores:

don't worry about me.

Anthony Flores:


Stephen Box:

the same thing happens with exercise and sleep and right.

Stephen Box:

Just anything you do to take care of yourself.

Stephen Box:

And I think that actually is one of the reasons why people do struggle with this

Stephen Box:

and why they have those mindset issues is that there's oftentimes so much resistance

Stephen Box:

when people do try to make the change from the people around them, right?

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:

Yeah, absolutely.

Stephen Box:

Yeah, like I had.

Stephen Box:

Actually, it was the first interview that I published with the new season

Stephen Box:

once we changed the direction of the show over to focus on men.

Stephen Box:

And it was an episode where we were talking about Alcohol use and my

Stephen Box:

guest, Sean Robinson, he talked about starting a dry January challenge

Stephen Box:

and you know, his friends were like, okay, you know, whatever it's dry.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

It's a thing.

Stephen Box:

Okay, cool.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

And then even dry February was permissible.

Stephen Box:

So they were like, okay, you know.

Stephen Box:

It's, I don't know why you're still doing this, but whatever, right?

Stephen Box:

By Marcia, dude, what are you doing?

Stephen Box:

Why are you still doing this yourself?

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:

come on, just come back.

Anthony Flores:

And that's that's, you know, like people pull you, tried to pull you

Anthony Flores:

back in for no, I'm feeling good.

Anthony Flores:

I'm good right here.

Anthony Flores:

like coincidentally, but like we're on this subject, but it's a little

Anthony Flores:

bit different, like caffeine.

Anthony Flores:

Like I've been 52 days without it now.

Anthony Flores:

And people ask me like, how are you surviving?

Anthony Flores:

I don't know.

Anthony Flores:

I just.

Anthony Flores:

Do I feel like I just eat better.

Anthony Flores:

I have the right supplements.

Anthony Flores:

I get the right amount of sleep for first and foremost.

Anthony Flores:

And I, and my biggest inspiration statement to myself was I am the energy.

Anthony Flores:

I like, I drink coffee again.

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:

But, I'm not gonna abuse it like I once was, consider myself as a pothead,

Anthony Flores:

like drinking a pot of coffee, right?

Anthony Flores:

but yeah, it's like people just look at you weird if it's you're doing

Anthony Flores:

something totally out of the ordinary.

Anthony Flores:

No matter what.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

And I mean, it's one of those things.

Stephen Box:

I think people also get this idea of it has to be all or nothing, right?

Stephen Box:

It's well, either I need a person who goes and works out every single day for an

Stephen Box:

hour and I have to eat nothing but healthy meals and I have to be in bed by 7 PM or

Stephen Box:

whatever nonsense they've come up with.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

And it's It doesn't have to be all or nothing.

Stephen Box:

It's like there, there's absolutely.

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:

I get something that I preach to is a lot of people I tend to work

Anthony Flores:

with tend to be like perfectionists.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, let's just be consistent.

Anthony Flores:

Just be consistent.

Anthony Flores:

That's all you got to do.

Anthony Flores:

If you have a off day, whatever, just pick it up very next moment, the

Anthony Flores:

next day, whatever the case may be.

Anthony Flores:

Next meal, whatever.

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:

Simplicity and consistency will get you closer to your desires.

Stephen Box:

So let's dive into your story real quick.

Stephen Box:

So you've actually overcome obesity.

Stephen Box:

that's something that you and I, something you and I share and

Stephen Box:

you also have overcome cancer.

Stephen Box:

So, so, so talk to me a little bit about those two situations.

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:

Let's go on a journey.

Anthony Flores:

We long time ago.

Anthony Flores:

So I'm 38 now.

Anthony Flores:

It's when I was graduating high school.

Anthony Flores:

20 years ago.

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:

I went up a

Stephen Box:

Sorry to have you all in the moment here.

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:

Right, man.

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:

but anyways, you know, I, you know, I didn't have any motivation to do anything.

Anthony Flores:

After high school, I, but I felt like a complete loser though.

Anthony Flores:

Like I saw people, know, enrolling into college, going to college,

Anthony Flores:

enrolling into the like army or whatever military branch and getting

Anthony Flores:

married at that age too and here I was man, just sitting at home all alone.

Anthony Flores:

Barely graduated high school too.

Anthony Flores:

I like, I don't know what to do with my life.

Anthony Flores:

I just feel like a complete failure and I have no desire to do anything.

Anthony Flores:

Like why am I here on this planet for?

Anthony Flores:

And I just hid for a long time.

Anthony Flores:

It was maybe like finally like about a little, like almost two years.

Anthony Flores:

And finally something clicked in me.

Anthony Flores:

I went up a flight of stairs, 14 steps to be exact.

Anthony Flores:

And once I finally reached to the top, I realized I was this huge dude.

Anthony Flores:

Real, real fat dude, like my 350 pounds worth, and like it's, it

Anthony Flores:

was hard for me to breathe and that was like the climax of it, like the

Anthony Flores:

moment of, I need to do something.

Anthony Flores:

I, I cannot live this way anymore.

Anthony Flores:

And I was in that state of mind, I, who, who could possibly love me at

Anthony Flores:

this, body, this huge, large body, and I'm like, nobody except for my mom.

Anthony Flores:

and of course,

Stephen Box:

let's pause here for just a

Anthony Flores:

yeah, of course.

Stephen Box:

And I want to highlight something for anyone who's never been

Stephen Box:

really overweight, when they hear somebody say something like, I suddenly

Stephen Box:

realized that I was this big guy, right?

Stephen Box:

They're like, how do

Anthony Flores:

weird to say, right?

Stephen Box:

But As someone myself, you know, I'm only five foot seven.

Stephen Box:

I was 245 at one point.

Stephen Box:

I might have actually higher than that's just the highest I ever saw on the scale,

Stephen Box:

but it may have been higher than that at some point, but I didn't realize it right.

Stephen Box:

it's so weird.

Stephen Box:

I can't.

Stephen Box:

Explain it to people, but for some reason, because the weight gain is

Stephen Box:

usually so gradual, unless you're really paying attention, unless

Stephen Box:

you're doing measurements, unless you're on the scale all the time,

Stephen Box:

unless you're doing all those things, you really just don't notice it.

Stephen Box:

And I wanted to point this out because there's some guys out there right now.

Stephen Box:

They're saying to themselves, Hey, you know, I'm not that bad off.

Stephen Box:

And I just need to lose like 20 pounds, go step on the scale.

Stephen Box:

You might need to lose more than 20 pounds and you might not even realize it.

Stephen Box:

So I just wanted to pause and point that out because I know that is something that

Stephen Box:

when people who have never experienced it here, they're like, how do you

Stephen Box:

not know you're 350 pounds, right?

Anthony Flores:

You're right.

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:

I mean, it's.

Anthony Flores:

It's, I don't know, it's, like you say, it's very hard to explain and then,

Anthony Flores:

of course, I'll, like I said, I was in that environment, that culture, it was.

Anthony Flores:

I blend it in with large people, so it's not like I, it was just a normal thing,

Anthony Flores:

you know, Oh, he's just getting bigger.

Anthony Flores:

that's just the way it is.

Anthony Flores:

But nobody has said anything to me.

Anthony Flores:

I wish someone did.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, Hey, man, you're, are you okay?

Anthony Flores:

I was like, and that's like a, another thing too, people are too nice, but

Anthony Flores:

they could say something, you know, like in a nice way, Hey, I've noticed you.

Anthony Flores:

Put on some extra weight here.

Anthony Flores:

Or is everything all right?

Anthony Flores:

And you're like, sometimes that's all it takes for some people.

Anthony Flores:

To open up their eyes and be like, Wow, you know, and so

Anthony Flores:

it's Hey, you're a fat fuck.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, I'm sorry.

Anthony Flores:

I don't know.

Anthony Flores:

Apologies for the swearing.

Anthony Flores:

but yeah, it's, yeah.

Anthony Flores:

but yeah, it's sometimes you just need to experience that moment.

Anthony Flores:

Like I did.

Anthony Flores:

But if, if you have friends, family members that you notice that are getting

Anthony Flores:

larger and larger over the course of time, do them a favor and ask them if they're

Anthony Flores:

okay, and they will really appreciate it.

Anthony Flores:

You know, if they, if you hurt their feelings.

Anthony Flores:

And so be it, whatever, they're gonna be okay.

Anthony Flores:

but it's, but anyways, being at that state though, I made a decision to

Anthony Flores:

never ever feel that way ever again.

Anthony Flores:

I never want to feel out of breath like the way I felt ashamed of myself.

Anthony Flores:

And I'm like, you know what?

Anthony Flores:

I'm done being this loser that I thought it was.

Anthony Flores:

so I was like, the next day I signed up to the YMCA.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, all I knew at the time though, Stephen, was I got to put some

Anthony Flores:

sweat pads on, a hooded sweatshirt on and get moving and sweat.

Anthony Flores:

And I went off of Rocky movies, I went off of Men's Health magazines.

Anthony Flores:

I didn't have a plan or anything.

Anthony Flores:

I just needed to start.

Anthony Flores:

And I think that's a lot of people's reason to not even begin anything

Anthony Flores:

because, oh, I don't have a planner.

Anthony Flores:

Like all I gotta do is simply just start.

Anthony Flores:

But anyways, I went to the gym Hood sweatshirt.

Anthony Flores:

And when I walked into the gym, all I saw was a bunch of cardio machines,

Anthony Flores:

the treadmills were all being used.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, I really don't want to run anyways.

Anthony Flores:

That's, that looks too hard.

Anthony Flores:

I saw the recumbent bike.

Anthony Flores:

Nah, that looks too easy.

Anthony Flores:

then I saw the arc trainer.

Anthony Flores:

I've never seen one of those things before.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, Ooh, this looks pretty cool.

Anthony Flores:

stepped on one of those.

Anthony Flores:

Guess how long I was on there, Stephen.

Stephen Box:

about 30, 45

Anthony Flores:

Oh, cool.

Anthony Flores:

I mean, yeah, no, that's too slow.

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:

Too low.

Anthony Flores:

I mean, but give me some credit.

Anthony Flores:

I was on there for nine minutes, man.

Anthony Flores:

Nine minutes.

Anthony Flores:


Stephen Box:

that puts you about eight and a half minutes further than I probably

Stephen Box:

made it the first time I hopped on.

Anthony Flores:

but yeah, nine minutes.

Anthony Flores:

And, you know, it was like the hardest thing in the world for me at the time.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, this sucks.

Anthony Flores:

Why do people do this?

Anthony Flores:

why do people like do this on purpose every single day?

Anthony Flores:

I'm out of here.

Anthony Flores:

I left right away after that.

Anthony Flores:

It was way too hard.

Anthony Flores:

And, but I had a, a good conversation with myself again.

Anthony Flores:

Hey, I used to be called Tony at the time.

Anthony Flores:

Hey, Tony, you said you want to be fit.

Anthony Flores:

You want to be healthy.

Anthony Flores:

We got to do these things now because or else you're just going to

Anthony Flores:

keep sitting in your room, playing video games, watching MTV and being

Anthony Flores:

alone for the rest of your life.

Anthony Flores:

Do you want that?

Anthony Flores:

Yes or no?

Anthony Flores:

no, of course not.

Anthony Flores:

I want to date.

Anthony Flores:

I want to date those, the beautiful girls that I've always

Anthony Flores:

imagined myself seeing, dating.

Anthony Flores:

I want to, run freely.

Anthony Flores:

I want to go up a flight of stairs with ease.

Anthony Flores:

You know, I had nephews and nieces at the time.

Anthony Flores:

They're little babies.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, you know what?

Anthony Flores:

I want to be a good role model for these kids.

Anthony Flores:

I like, I want to play with them.

Anthony Flores:

I want to be on my, I want to be on all fours.

Anthony Flores:

without feeling like a chore and so anyways, I can't I went back and that's

Anthony Flores:

courageous like for anyone I just decides to go back that is you're one courageous

Anthony Flores:

individual to want to have to make that decision to go back Because you know what

Anthony Flores:

you are sick and tired way, and you can't stand seeing yourself in the mirror.

Anthony Flores:

I couldn't, no way.

Anthony Flores:

And that's why I always wore the sweatpants and,

Anthony Flores:

sweatshirts to hide myself.

Anthony Flores:

and plus that was like my superhero cape.

Anthony Flores:

I guess you could say just like to go in, you know, and just like zone

Anthony Flores:

into myself and just get after it.

Anthony Flores:

Like I really didn't talk to anybody the first couple of months

Anthony Flores:

when I was there because all I did was like, I was super shy for one

Anthony Flores:

and I just wanted to get it done.

Anthony Flores:

but yeah, over the course of the year, I lost over a hundred pounds

Anthony Flores:

and life dramatically changed for me.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, wow.

Anthony Flores:

And people started noticing me.

Anthony Flores:

People wanted to hang out with me.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, what is going on?

Anthony Flores:

It was all, it was surreal.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, I imagine this stuff.

Anthony Flores:

All the time, like I want, I'm going to hang out with people.

Anthony Flores:

I'm going to go and do things and it's really happening to me.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, wow, this is so cool.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, and I'll never forget the first, woman that came up to me.

Anthony Flores:

He's Hey, you're pretty cute.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, are you talking to me?

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, yeah, exactly.

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:

I'm like, you're looking around.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, I thought you were talking to my friend.

Anthony Flores:

Maybe, you know.

Anthony Flores:

And I'm like, I felt like I made it, Stephen, this is so great.

Anthony Flores:

but I'm living my, like my best life.

Anthony Flores:

We didn't say that at the time, but I'm living my best

Anthony Flores:

life and nothing can stop me.

Anthony Flores:

I feel incredible.

Anthony Flores:

I have a pretty like safe and comfortable job.

Anthony Flores:

I have a beautiful girlfriend.

Anthony Flores:

But it's amazing.

Anthony Flores:

But then one day God decided to test me.

Anthony Flores:

The universe, higher power, whatever you want to call it.

Anthony Flores:

I felt a very sharp pain, my testicle, it was super solid like a golf ball and

Anthony Flores:

it was so hard to block, but I refused to go to the doctor because I'm a guy.

Anthony Flores:

And I just, I was like, I'll go away on my, it's no big deal.

Anthony Flores:

It's all just tough it out.

Anthony Flores:

No problem, but affected my work performance.

Anthony Flores:

I was working at a Lumbiart at the time and like my coworkers noticed me like,

Anthony Flores:

Hey, you something's wrong with you.

Anthony Flores:

You should really go check yourself out.

Anthony Flores:

Like my girlfriend at the time too, he's you really need to go see the doctor.

Anthony Flores:

And it was a Friday.

Anthony Flores:

I finally gave in.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, fine, let's go.

Anthony Flores:

Why do I have to just get this over so people can just leave me alone.

Anthony Flores:

And the, I went to the walk in clinic.

Anthony Flores:

They're like, Hey, You need to go to the ER or something like we

Anthony Flores:

can't do anything for you here.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, so whatever.

Anthony Flores:

So went to the ER, got some testing done and gave me some

Anthony Flores:

medication to numb the pain.

Anthony Flores:

And they said two things.

Anthony Flores:

There's two options here, Anthony.

Anthony Flores:

You either have a twisted testicle or you have testicular cancer.

Anthony Flores:

Yeah, right away.

Anthony Flores:

My brain went straight to twisted testicle.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, I don't have cancer.

Anthony Flores:

I've been taking care of myself the last like couple, like the last two years now.

Anthony Flores:

No way.

Anthony Flores:

So I was just it never crossed my mind over the weekend.

Anthony Flores:

You know, like I was tremendous amount of pain again.

Anthony Flores:

And then Monday finally came around and I went to, the doctor's

Anthony Flores:

office to get my results back.

Anthony Flores:

I went there alone, too.

Anthony Flores:

Doctor walks in, barely introduces himself, and he

Anthony Flores:

went straight to the point.

Anthony Flores:

Anthony, you have testicular cancer.

Anthony Flores:

And oh my gosh, Stephen.

Anthony Flores:

I cried right away, instantly.

Anthony Flores:

I looked up at him and I just put my hands over my eyes and

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, cry like a baby.

Anthony Flores:

Oh, I just can't be.

Anthony Flores:

There's no way.

Anthony Flores:

And the very first thing I asked him was, Am I going to die?

Anthony Flores:

17 years ago, cancer was super scary.

Anthony Flores:

I mean, it still is.

Anthony Flores:

It still is.

Anthony Flores:

But I felt like a death sentence to me when he said that to me.

Anthony Flores:

I was alone too, which was like, the hardest part.

Anthony Flores:

I had no one to lean into.

Anthony Flores:

I was just by myself.

Anthony Flores:

But he assured me, you're not going to die, but we need to do something.

Anthony Flores:

We need to take action right now, Obama.

Anthony Flores:

I was in complete denial, no way.

Anthony Flores:

I don't have testicular cancer.

Anthony Flores:

And I went to go get a second opinion, cause that's what guys do, right?

Stephen Box:


Anthony Flores:

and I,

Stephen Box:

don't want the first opinion, but then, you know,

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:


Stephen Box:

know what we like.

Stephen Box:

We go,

Anthony Flores:

but yeah, I went to get a second opinion with, testicular

Anthony Flores:

cancer specialist and he said, Hey, you do indeed have testicular cancer.

Anthony Flores:

The only thing different was I would have put you in

Anthony Flores:

emergency, operation right away.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, Oh, right.

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:

So that's why I just accepted it.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, okay, whatever.

Anthony Flores:

do this.

Anthony Flores:

Let's get it done.

Anthony Flores:

Let's go.

Anthony Flores:

So I can get my life back then.

Anthony Flores:

Let's go.

Anthony Flores:

so I went back to, my, original doctor and let's make it happen.

Anthony Flores:

So that was hard, like going through the recovery part.

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:

Like I was back at that obesity state again, cause I was alone.

Anthony Flores:

I was stuck at home cause I was recovering at the time.

Anthony Flores:

I couldn't do anything.

Anthony Flores:

And I just started having all these thoughts again.

Anthony Flores:

I'm worthless, or I'm like, I'm not gonna, I don't deserve happiness because

Anthony Flores:

this is happening to me right now.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, and then I started thinking, what's my girlfriend going to think

Anthony Flores:

of me if I have one last test.

Anthony Flores:

One less testicular.

Anthony Flores:

Does she think, is she going to think less of a man than me?

Anthony Flores:

And I like, like almost, I'm ashamed to tell people that I have cancer.

Anthony Flores:

Because whenever I shared the story that I had cancer, it's, I'll never forget

Anthony Flores:

people's faces when I shared it with them.

Anthony Flores:

It looked like it was like it would be the last time they saw me.

Anthony Flores:

And I hated those faces, but that drove me though at the same time like

Anthony Flores:

it's something ignited in me I'm like, I am NOT gonna let this define me.

Anthony Flores:

I'm coming back like I'm prepared like I already went through

Anthony Flores:

obesity I can do this too.

Anthony Flores:

I Like I am I had a champion myself I had to crown myself as a winner again I'm

Anthony Flores:

like, it's just this is just temporary.

Anthony Flores:

So let's go And like I went through, radiation treatment

Anthony Flores:

and that took a big toll on me.

Anthony Flores:

My, my energy levels are super low.

Anthony Flores:

Like I would days that I did have to work.

Anthony Flores:

I was just drained and like it was, I would have to get

Anthony Flores:

treatment every single day.

Anthony Flores:

And one thing is that one of the things that they, the team told me was, you

Anthony Flores:

should like, don't work out, just conserve your energy for treatments and

Anthony Flores:

all the other things you need to do.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, no.

Anthony Flores:

Like in my mind, I'm like, no.

Anthony Flores:

Like back then, actually, they told you not to, but like today, they

Anthony Flores:

actually encourage you to get activity.

Anthony Flores:

And, I like to take credit for that.

Anthony Flores:

But, you know, like they started noticing, like they would weigh

Anthony Flores:

me under a single day to, for me, for my radiation treatment.

Anthony Flores:

They're like, they started seeing the fluctuation of me going down

Anthony Flores:

because I gained a bunch of weight because I was depressed in my fields.

Anthony Flores:

they're like, Anthony, are you like, are you, is there anything all right?

Anthony Flores:

Like you're losing weight quite a bit.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, yeah, I'm going to the gym.

Anthony Flores:

They're like, but we're telling you not to.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, I'm going to go.

Anthony Flores:

I'm not going to stay at home.

Anthony Flores:

I'm not going to stay at home because I know what that's like.

Anthony Flores:

I was like, I wasn't going to the gym to like for PRs or anything like that.

Anthony Flores:

I needed to be in that environment of people wanted to be healthy

Anthony Flores:

and, have this purpose to become something more than they are.

Anthony Flores:

I wanted to be there and I got sometimes I was just like sit there

Anthony Flores:

and just hang out I just like the fact that just me being in there and

Anthony Flores:

seeing people that make me feel good.

Anthony Flores:

That's all I needed like a Slow walk brisk pace walk or just like lightweights.

Anthony Flores:

that's if that was my best That was my best for the day.

Anthony Flores:

I would just keep going.

Anthony Flores:

You know one day one of the nurses Came up to me mind you like I'm on

Anthony Flores:

this cold medical table exposing my body to this whole team.

Anthony Flores:

It's while they zap me with, radiation, she comes up to my, to the side.

Anthony Flores:

She's Anthony, why do you keep going back to the gym when we ask you not to?

Anthony Flores:

You know, like I turned her turned to my side and I looked at her

Anthony Flores:

and because I want my life back, I want my life back and you can just

Anthony Flores:

see like she was wearing a mask.

Anthony Flores:

You can see like her cheeks just rose up and she's smiling.

Anthony Flores:

Of course.

Anthony Flores:

And she just says, okay.

Anthony Flores:

And they stopped asking me after that.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, good.

Anthony Flores:

yeah, it's so like after that, you know, Lance Armstrong was a man at the time too.

Anthony Flores:

So he was a great motivator for me to just keep going.

Anthony Flores:

Keep, keep pushing, you know, like no matter what people say about him,

Anthony Flores:

what he did, it doesn't matter to me because he was my inspiration.

Anthony Flores:

He was, he gave me a, he gave me hope,

Stephen Box:


Anthony Flores:

and I will forever be grateful for that because it's like,

Anthony Flores:

there's a lot of programs out there for cancer, patients and survivors.

Anthony Flores:

I didn't have any of that.

Anthony Flores:

That was my support watching him conquer and.

Anthony Flores:

Dominate Tour de France at the time.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, if he can do it, I can do it, you know, and that's when

Anthony Flores:

I got into doing endurance events because I was inspired by him.

Anthony Flores:

I did from 5k runs to full marathons to, you know, sprint distant triathlons,

Anthony Flores:

all the way up to a full Ironman distance, triathlon to, Like I even

Anthony Flores:

got a chance to compete at a world championship for triathlon, like a U.

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:

age group competition too, and got into functional fitness competitions

Anthony Flores:

as well, got to compete in world champions there too, and it's I'm

Anthony Flores:

looking back and it's wow, I did that.

Stephen Box:


Anthony Flores:

it's a story Disney can you make up.

Anthony Flores:

I mean, along the way, people noticed my story, like what I've

Anthony Flores:

been through and what I was doing.

Anthony Flores:

And have you ever considered being a personal trainer?

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, no, like people really have those.

Anthony Flores:

and you know, living in a town that I lived in, I live in, I don't think

Anthony Flores:

many people would actually want that.

Anthony Flores:

but of course that was proven wrong.

Anthony Flores:

there's a high, there's a high need for it, high demand for it, I should say.

Anthony Flores:

and I took the leap of faith.

Anthony Flores:

and joined a health club, you know, they brought me in and that gave

Anthony Flores:

me the opportunity to exit out of the factory work that I was in.

Anthony Flores:

I, I didn't like what I was doing when I was in the factory.

Anthony Flores:

I mean, it was okay, but I knew I was destined for more.

Anthony Flores:

And people told me when I was working there, Anthony, you don't belong here.

Anthony Flores:

You need to do something.

Anthony Flores:

So I took a leap of faith and just, But with it, you know, I did personal training

Anthony Flores:

for a little bit and then I got to corporate wellness for a little bit too.

Anthony Flores:

And then eventually I asked myself, what would it be like

Anthony Flores:

if I had my own training studio?

Anthony Flores:

cause like people were just like noticing people of the companies I worked with,

Anthony Flores:

how are you getting these results?

Anthony Flores:

I had the trainer at work.

Anthony Flores:

And I'm like, why not open myself up to the community then?

Anthony Flores:

So I did that and that was a great time.

Anthony Flores:

It was awesome.

Anthony Flores:

But of course, COVID hit.

Anthony Flores:

And it changed a lot.

Anthony Flores:

something I realized when COVID happened is the connection with it.

Anthony Flores:

it's not the actual fitness people that you need.

Anthony Flores:

It's the connection to empower the individual, to give them the tools

Anthony Flores:

and the skills that they need to succeed besides counting reps or

Anthony Flores:

counting seconds for the individual.

Anthony Flores:

Fitness is easy.

Anthony Flores:

What you do outside of that, Jim, is what really matters,

Stephen Box:


Anthony Flores:

and that's why I jumped in.

Stephen Box:

Yeah, I was gonna say, I just want to take a second to

Stephen Box:

pause here and recap some of what we've talked about before we jump

Stephen Box:

into kind of the next phase of the story here, if that's okay with you.

Anthony Flores:

Yeah, for sure.

Stephen Box:

So, so, first of all, I want to say, you know, I

Stephen Box:

appreciate you sharing your story.

Stephen Box:

It's even though it's been 17 years, it's something that clearly.

Stephen Box:

still has a major impact on you.

Stephen Box:

and I could tell it was tough for you to be able to relive and think

Stephen Box:

back to some of those moments.

Stephen Box:

So, definitely appreciate you having the willingness to share that, even

Stephen Box:

though it's still a tough thing to do.

Stephen Box:

The other thing though is, you know, going back to when you said like you

Stephen Box:

started going to the gym and the first few months you don't even talk to anybody.

Stephen Box:

You're just like, you've got your sweatshirt on, the hood up, right?

Stephen Box:

Like you're hiding in the gym.

Stephen Box:

And I know for a lot of guys, Especially if they didn't grow up in the gym,

Stephen Box:

if they didn't grow up working out, maybe they got laughed at or picked

Stephen Box:

on when it came to sports because they weren't good athletes or whatever.

Stephen Box:

The gym is this super scary place.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

It's this idea of, oh, I go in the gym, I'm going to get laughed at,

Stephen Box:

people are going to stare at me, and look, I'm not going to sit here

Stephen Box:

and say that there's not going to be some jerk that's going to laugh at

Stephen Box:

you or make fun of you or judge you.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

I can't promise you that guy's not going to be there, but what I can tell

Stephen Box:

you is that most of the people in the gym are the kindest, most inspirational

Stephen Box:

people you will ever meet in your life, and they want you to succeed.

Stephen Box:

They are so excited when they see somebody come in who's not in shape,

Stephen Box:

and they see that person show up and they put in the work day after

Stephen Box:

day, man, they are inspired by you.

Stephen Box:

Like you think Oh, I'm being inspired by the big, you know, guy,

Stephen Box:

the big muscular dude over here.

Stephen Box:

No, he's inspired by you because he knows how hard it is

Stephen Box:

for you to show up every day.

Anthony Flores:


Stephen Box:


Anthony Flores:

No, that's so true, yeah, no, I'm glad you brought that

Anthony Flores:

up, cause one of my best friends, his name, Eric, and he's, noticed me

Anthony Flores:

a long time ago, when I stepped into the Y, he's wow, he's a big dude.

Anthony Flores:

But he keeps showing up.

Anthony Flores:

He keeps showing up and he said, after six months, I had so much respect

Anthony Flores:

for you because you kept coming and like you inspired, till this day, I

Anthony Flores:

inspire him, but he's just being nice.

Anthony Flores:

He's a really great guy, inspiring.

Anthony Flores:

And by another, one of my other best friends, he's he didn't see my obesity

Anthony Flores:

journey, but he got to see, like when I was doing my, Darren's phase.

Anthony Flores:

He's that's really cool.

Anthony Flores:

You know, I, my friend, one of my best friends, I call him my brother.

Anthony Flores:

It's like Joe, like you guys are my guys, you know, like another one to his damage

Anthony Flores:

on, he gassed me up when I was self confident and, wearing certain clothes.

Anthony Flores:

He's do I look okay?

Anthony Flores:

He's yeah, man, that looks awesome.

Anthony Flores:

and it was, it's like you said, they are there to support you.

Anthony Flores:

of course there's.

Anthony Flores:

Couple stinkers in there to say that in a nice way that will

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

people are going to be everywhere.

Anthony Flores:

right exactly we can't avoid them, right?

Anthony Flores:

You're going to see him at work.

Anthony Flores:

You're going to see him at church, whatever library But you'll you'll

Anthony Flores:

find that people That resonate with you and respect you and they will

Anthony Flores:

continue to cheer you on along the way and that's that's what we need.

Anthony Flores:

we need that connection to just keep going, being part of

Anthony Flores:

something that, is greater than us.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

And I think another thing that you brought up here, we didn't say this directly.

Stephen Box:

so I'd want to pull this out, but you talked about how you were going to the

Stephen Box:

gym, you're losing weight and you started to feel better about yourself, right?

Stephen Box:

The confidence started to come up because people were noticing

Stephen Box:

people complimenting you.

Stephen Box:

So at this point, all of that confidence, all of that feel good

Stephen Box:

is coming from external sources.

Stephen Box:

And I think for a lot of people, when they think about getting in shape, weight

Stephen Box:

loss is usually the number one goal.

Stephen Box:

And the reason why is because they think if I could just lose

Stephen Box:

the weight, I'd feel better.

Stephen Box:

I'd be more confident and all this other stuff.

Stephen Box:

And if you get the external validation, it can help you feel more confident

Stephen Box:

and feel better about yourself.

Stephen Box:

But if we fast forward to when you got the cancer diagnosis, there

Stephen Box:

was that moment where you all of a sudden felt less confident.

Stephen Box:

You felt the way you felt.

Stephen Box:

Back when you were still massively overweight before you lost a hundred

Stephen Box:

pounds and you'd still had weight off, like maybe you'd put on a

Stephen Box:

little bit at this point, but like you still, for the most part, had

Stephen Box:

not put this weight back on, right.

Stephen Box:

You're still, you know, in fairly good shape at this point.

Stephen Box:

And so being in shape didn't make you feel more confident.

Stephen Box:

It didn't give you that comfort.

Stephen Box:

It was a mindset thing, it is internal, and I think that's something that

Stephen Box:

people, I hope they walk away from this conversation today with is this

Stephen Box:

understanding that yes, losing weight is great and highly encouraged,

Stephen Box:

healthy, do those things, right?

Stephen Box:

But if you're chasing after confidence, if you're chasing after wanting to

Stephen Box:

feel good about yourself, being able to have that championship mindset, it

Stephen Box:

can't be about external validation.

Stephen Box:

It's got to be from the inside.

Stephen Box:

It's got to start with you.

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:

It's a, it's right here in the heart or right here between the ears.

Anthony Flores:

It's we have to take care of that.

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:

And that's when I onboard someone into my program and you're like, okay, what are

Anthony Flores:

my macros and stuff going to be like, no, we're going to learn more about you first.

Anthony Flores:

I want to know who you are now and who it is that you want to become.

Anthony Flores:

Cause that's the real work.

Anthony Flores:

You know, we'll just start out with a simple eat less stuff

Anthony Flores:

diet, if you want to call it that.

Anthony Flores:

Just eat less, like less of the high processed stuff and just eat

Anthony Flores:

more of the green stuff, vegetables and all, so on and so forth.

Anthony Flores:

But no, you're 100 percent right.

Anthony Flores:

You know, if we don't take care of ourselves, what did we tell ourselves?

Anthony Flores:

We don't stand a chance.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

And I mean, you know, when we talk about things like, you know, nutrition

Stephen Box:

and exercise and sleep and stress management, all that kind of stuff.

Stephen Box:

I always tell people, look, that stuff's important, but if you just start

Stephen Box:

there, you're setting yourself up for failure because it has to start inside.

Stephen Box:

It has to start with your mindset.

Stephen Box:

You have to start becoming the person you want to be before the results happen.

Anthony Flores:


Stephen Box:

And that's crazy, right?

Stephen Box:

people are like, wait a minute, become that person until I become that person.

Stephen Box:

Like, how does that work?

Anthony Flores:

magically just happens.

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:

but no, it's the mindset is, it's a wonderful thing.

Anthony Flores:

It's, yeah, like it's, it can either empower you or it

Anthony Flores:

can literally destroy you.

Anthony Flores:

And my role is, is that coach, advisor, mentor, whatever you want

Anthony Flores:

to call me is I'm here to gas you up.

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:

And then I can show you how you can develop that.

Anthony Flores:


Stephen Box:

right, is when I interview people and I hear these stories,

Stephen Box:

I always see this commonality that comes out of everybody's story.

Stephen Box:

There's a moment in every single person's story where they just go, you know what?

Stephen Box:

Enough is enough.

Stephen Box:

I'm going to do this.

Stephen Box:

And that's it, right?

Stephen Box:

For you, it was saying, you know what, I'm going to go to the gym and I'm going

Stephen Box:

to work out, even though they're telling me not to, right, for you, because

Stephen Box:

it became a part of your identity.

Stephen Box:

At that point, it wasn't about going to the gym to lose weight or, you know,

Stephen Box:

get six pack abs or anything like that.

Stephen Box:

It was about literally, as you said, to be able to function.

Stephen Box:

It was about just feeling healthy, feeling good about yourself, right?

Stephen Box:

It was a part of that.

Stephen Box:

I remember, man, I think it's been like five years now.

Stephen Box:

Actually, I tore my rotator cuff and I remember before surgery, I'm looking at

Stephen Box:

you know, recovery times or whatever.

Stephen Box:

And I just read.

Stephen Box:

I don't even, it was like on the internet somewhere.

Stephen Box:

It might not even have been a credible source.

Stephen Box:

I don't know.

Stephen Box:

But it was like, some people can heal in as little as four months from, you know,

Stephen Box:

actually get back, be able to, you know, get back to doing the stuff that you do.

Stephen Box:

And I was like, that's what I'm going to do.

Stephen Box:

That's going to be me.

Anthony Flores:


Stephen Box:

I actually got full clearance in three and a half.

Stephen Box:

So I actually beat the, beat the time, but.

Anthony Flores:


Stephen Box:

But I think so much of it was because I went

Stephen Box:

in with that mindset, right?

Stephen Box:

Of it wasn't, I hope I can do this or, maybe if I get lucky, that'll

Stephen Box:

be, no, I'm going to do this.

Stephen Box:

That was the mindset, right?

Stephen Box:

And so, I didn't do anything super crazy.

Stephen Box:

You know, I followed the directions from my physical therapist.

Stephen Box:

But I was the annoying patient who was going, Can we try this?

Stephen Box:

Can we try this?

Stephen Box:

Can we try this?

Stephen Box:

Can we try this?

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:

For sure.

Stephen Box:

Yeah, and it's like the same as your story, right?

Stephen Box:

It's about that mindset.

Stephen Box:

And I hope that people are hearing that, right?

Stephen Box:

That, yes, all these amazing things that you've accomplished.

Stephen Box:

Every last one of them started with you having the mindset to go out and do it.

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:

Declare and proclaim what it is that you want and relentlessly

Anthony Flores:

pursue it along the way.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

I saw a post that you had on your Facebook where you were talking about

Stephen Box:

a program that you were launching.

Stephen Box:

This was like, I think a few months ago, and I saw somebody had

Stephen Box:

commented on your post saying, so you basically, you're really looking

Stephen Box:

for people who are already winners.

Stephen Box:

So that's not really information.

Stephen Box:


Anthony Flores:


Stephen Box:

and I read it, I'm sitting there thinking but it's not so much

Stephen Box:

that you're looking for people who already are successful, because there's

Stephen Box:

a difference between being a winner, someone who has a winning mindset, and

Stephen Box:

being someone who already has success.

Stephen Box:

Those aren't the same thing.

Anthony Flores:

It's all very different.

Anthony Flores:

Very different.

Anthony Flores:

Like one person can be really good at what they're doing for a living,

Anthony Flores:

but they totally neglect their health and wellness at the same time.

Anthony Flores:

And at some point they burn themselves out and God knows what happened to

Anthony Flores:

not just Their business or team, whatever the case may be, but like how

Anthony Flores:

it impact their family, themselves.

Anthony Flores:

And yeah, if you just go down that spiral, like I've seen not the people

Anthony Flores:

that worked with, but I've seen like families get torn apart because

Anthony Flores:

they neglected, they chose not to.

Anthony Flores:

Take care of their health, like their mental wellbeing for the most part.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, what a shame.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

And it all ties together, right?

Stephen Box:

If you don't take care of your mental wellbeing, then your

Stephen Box:

physical wellbeing suffers.

Stephen Box:

And if you don't care, take care of your physical wellbeing.

Stephen Box:

Then your mental wellbeing suffers.

Stephen Box:

And when those two areas of your life suffer, your family suffers,

Stephen Box:

your friends suffer, your work suffers, everything suffers.

Stephen Box:

So, so Anthony, tell us real quick, man.

Stephen Box:

What does coaching look like with you?

Stephen Box:

Like when someone decides to work with you, like what

Stephen Box:

does that process look like?

Anthony Flores:

Oh, you know, just eating nothing but lettuce and chicken.

Anthony Flores:

No, I'm totally kidding, man.

Anthony Flores:


Stephen Box:

Sorry, I knew that they were done.

Anthony Flores:

Yeah, right.

Anthony Flores:

We're done now.

Anthony Flores:

So it's a gradual process.

Anthony Flores:

so I want to be on board.

Anthony Flores:

I, like I said, I want to get to know the individual, like we start developing

Anthony Flores:

that winning mindset right away off the bat, you know, tell me something

Anthony Flores:

that you did for yourself today.

Anthony Flores:

And for instance, like a, like an answer I just recently got

Anthony Flores:

was, Oh, I helped my, Okay.

Anthony Flores:

child, overcome a situation at school.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, that is great.

Anthony Flores:

What a wonderful win as a parent, but you didn't say anything about yourself.

Anthony Flores:

I want you to focus on yourself.

Anthony Flores:

I'm that's hard for people to do.

Anthony Flores:

It's hard for us to recognize how awesome or how awesome

Anthony Flores:

we're doing throughout the day.

Anthony Flores:

It's what did you do today?

Anthony Flores:

You like, for instance, I'm a big fan of counting the wins.

Anthony Flores:

Like you woke up today.

Anthony Flores:

That's a win.

Anthony Flores:

My gosh.

Anthony Flores:

Like the best win of all.

Anthony Flores:

What else did you do?

Anthony Flores:

Did you make your bed awesome?

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:

Did you drink water right away instead of drinking coffee there?

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:

You brushed your teeth, you combed your hair, , stuff like that.

Anthony Flores:

You're taking care of yourself.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, you know, I decided to bring keratin cucumbers to work instead

Anthony Flores:

of going to the vending machine.

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:

Let's like, what else?

Anthony Flores:

Tell me, you know, and we get to know, I want to know what

Anthony Flores:

their deepest desires are.

Anthony Flores:

Like why are you actually doing this?

Anthony Flores:

Why are we here?

Anthony Flores:

is it just because you want to look good for your vacation in three months?

Anthony Flores:

Or it's you want to do this for the rest of your life?

Anthony Flores:

I know you want to go on vacation, but I want you to set yourself

Anthony Flores:

up for the rest of your life.

Anthony Flores:

you know, like a common answer too.

Anthony Flores:

I want to do it for my kids.

Anthony Flores:

I want to do it for my wife.

Anthony Flores:

that's not good enough.

Anthony Flores:

I need to know why you want to do this.

Anthony Flores:

Tell me, tell yourself the truth and that's something

Anthony Flores:

I always preach right away.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, you gotta tell yourself the truth, not for me.

Anthony Flores:

Tell yourself the truth why you want to do this because I'm sick

Anthony Flores:

and tired of feeling this way.

Anthony Flores:

I can't stand myself looking in the mirror.

Anthony Flores:

Now we're talking.

Anthony Flores:

Why do you feel that way?

Stephen Box:

I want to thank you for saying something you just said, because

Stephen Box:

a lot of times I feel like I can't really say it because I don't have kids.

Stephen Box:

So as a father, point out to people that you are a father, you say it,

Stephen Box:

right, you're allowed to say this, but the thing is, yes, a lot of

Stephen Box:

people think oh, I have to put my kids and this, especially a lot of men,

Stephen Box:

this is a very common thing, right?

Stephen Box:

It's kids and wife before me.

Stephen Box:

And the reality is.

Stephen Box:

You need to learn to put yourself first, because if you're not taking

Stephen Box:

care of yourself, how are you going to be at your best for them?

Stephen Box:

They need you to be at your best, and to be at your best, you have to put yourself

Stephen Box:

in the priority position sometimes.

Anthony Flores:

right and something I say too I'm like, you know what your kids

Anthony Flores:

gonna piss you off and your wife's gonna piss you off at some point And what are

Anthony Flores:

you gonna do because that reason is gonna be gone for a hot second You're just gonna

Anthony Flores:

go reach a bush like beer in your and your refrigerator and just start going

Anthony Flores:

to town on Cheetos Cause you know what?

Anthony Flores:

You had a bad day with them.

Anthony Flores:

no, I want, we need to know, we need to figure out why you

Anthony Flores:

wanted to do this for yourself.

Anthony Flores:

That way we can just continue to remind ourselves, this is why I'm doing

Anthony Flores:

this is I don't know, of course, like imagining yourself over the course

Anthony Flores:

of time, like, how is it you want to, feel, how you want to present

Anthony Flores:

yourself, so on and so forth, do you see yourself as a better family man, a

Anthony Flores:

better husband, you know, excellent, a better leader for not like for at home.

Anthony Flores:

And of course, if you run a team or something like that, like you,

Anthony Flores:

You're going to make a huge impact

Anthony Flores:

a lot of people, like people are going to like, notice what you're

Anthony Flores:

doing and they're going to ask you how you're doing it and they're going to

Anthony Flores:

follow you because they respect you

Stephen Box:


Anthony Flores:

love you.

Anthony Flores:

So wow, like you're making great changes.

Anthony Flores:

I want to do this too.

Anthony Flores:

Cause you're inspiring them.

Anthony Flores:

it's like you said, like the person at the gym that has all the muscles, like

Anthony Flores:

you, like they're inspired by seeing other people with their transformations.

Anthony Flores:

I guarantee you, you're going to inspire people at the gym, if you're walking in

Anthony Flores:

there overweight, you know, they might doubt you at first, but, they might think

Anthony Flores:

how long is this person going to last?

Anthony Flores:

But if you just

Stephen Box:

they've seen more than a few people leave, right?

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:

So, but if you keep showing up for yourself and you just gain that

Anthony Flores:

respect, I from so many people.

Anthony Flores:

And a lot of people value that.

Anthony Flores:

They value respect, especially guys, like they want to be respected.

Anthony Flores:

take care of yourself.

Anthony Flores:

I don't care.

Anthony Flores:

I don't care what kind of car you drive.

Anthony Flores:

if you have a, let's say an Audi R8, which is my favorite car.

Anthony Flores:

If you come out of that car struggling to get out of it, I am not impressed at all.

Anthony Flores:

I am more impressed with someone that comes out of there looking

Anthony Flores:

like they take care of themselves and just present themselves in

Anthony Flores:

a certain way, Like magnetic.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, that person is cool.

Anthony Flores:

I want to get to know him.

Anthony Flores:

but anyways, yes, build up that mindset, in my program, first and foremost, and

Anthony Flores:

we get to know, who they are, who they want to become and make actionable

Anthony Flores:

steps in order to be successful.

Anthony Flores:

Get, closer to what it is that they want and we focus on, sleep, we

Anthony Flores:

focus on eating habits and, fitness, of course, as well, it's like, it's

Anthony Flores:

a whole spectrum of my program.

Anthony Flores:

honestly, the fitness is probably the last thing I think about, but it is part of it.

Anthony Flores:

if you're not taking care of yourself outside of gym

Anthony Flores:

ball, then what's the point?

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, we're not, you're not doing it for the right reasons.

Stephen Box:

and I think you and I are similar in the fact that When we were

Stephen Box:

both really overweight, we actually started doing probably more in the

Stephen Box:

gym than what we really needed to,

Anthony Flores:

Oh, definitely.

Stephen Box:

because we just did what we thought we were supposed to do.

Stephen Box:

And, but it's I can tell in hindsight after doing this for

Stephen Box:

over a decade now that it's.

Stephen Box:

Not even necessary, right?

Stephen Box:

honestly, most people, if you just get out and just move more, just go on some

Stephen Box:

walks in the afternoon or something, and just start getting some activity in

Stephen Box:

your life, then fitness is honestly, the last thing you really need to change.

Stephen Box:

It's a lot of people think it's the first thing you need to change.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

I think a big part of it is I do too.

Stephen Box:

but I think a lot comes from this idea that we have falsely been taught that the

Stephen Box:

purpose of exercise is to burn calories.

Stephen Box:

That's not the purpose of exercise.

Anthony Flores:


Stephen Box:

of exercise is to shape your body, to build your energy systems,

Stephen Box:

and to create a body that functions.

Stephen Box:

That's the purpose of exercise.

Stephen Box:

It has nothing to do with losing weight.

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:

100 percent man.

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:

It's like the way I go about is like mindset, sleep, nutrition.

Anthony Flores:

Movement, is the way I go about it.

Stephen Box:

Yeah, it's just one of those things now where I think the

Stephen Box:

fitness industry has figured out if we can make people unhappy about their

Stephen Box:

weight, if we can make people desperately think that losing weight by itself is

Stephen Box:

the answer to everything, then we can really crank up the pressure to get them

Stephen Box:

to want results as fast as possible.

Stephen Box:

It becomes easier to sell people supplements and diet pills and

Stephen Box:

surgeries and everything else.

Stephen Box:

That's why most people in this industry are doing.

Stephen Box:

They can't get your attention.

Stephen Box:

They're pumping out crazy diets.

Stephen Box:

They're doing crazy exercises.

Stephen Box:

They're doing anything they can to try to get your attention, right?

Stephen Box:

And the reality is that all of that stuff is garbage.

Anthony Flores:

It is.

Anthony Flores:


Stephen Box:

you answered earlier, you need to be consistent.

Stephen Box:

That's what you need.

Anthony Flores:

Yeah, like simplicity, consistency, times

Anthony Flores:

patience and you'll get there.

Anthony Flores:

I promise you.

Anthony Flores:

but that's the problem.

Anthony Flores:

Like people say that's just too easy.

Anthony Flores:

Like it's almost like we're searching for something really hard to do.

Anthony Flores:

It's hard enough.

Anthony Flores:

To shape yourself, to change your mindset.

Anthony Flores:

why would you add some more of that?

Anthony Flores:

Garbage along the way, you know, like when people do 75 hard, I'm like, that's,

Anthony Flores:

she's I've, I would never do that.

Anthony Flores:

if I've seen a lot of people have great success with it, but I take

Anthony Flores:

that back because they revert back to the ways after that.

Anthony Flores:

So what did you really learn?

Anthony Flores:

You can do hard stuff for 75 days, but you can't do it for the rest of your life.

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:

So let that be a learning lesson.

Anthony Flores:

So, and that's why I always tell people, again.

Anthony Flores:

If you just keep things super simple, keep your meals as simple

Anthony Flores:

as possible, like you don't have to have 50 different ingredients in it.

Anthony Flores:

be consistent with it and just.

Anthony Flores:

Be super patient along the way.

Anthony Flores:

I, that's the biggest struggle for most people where, you know, as you mentioned

Anthony Flores:

with, with, the fitness industry where we're throwing out, you know, six week

Anthony Flores:

challenges, eight week challenges, 12 week challenge, like I never thrown

Anthony Flores:

a challenge in my fitness career.

Anthony Flores:

Cause I don't believe in them.

Anthony Flores:

Cause like you and I both know it takes a little while to get there.

Anthony Flores:

Like I'm not trying to sprint, get someone to sprint to their destination.

Anthony Flores:

I want this to be a sustainable, life style for them.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

if somebody wants to start with say 12 weeks, just because they want to say,

Stephen Box:

okay, I'm going to commit to doing this time period, then what I would encourage

Stephen Box:

is get with a coach like, like Anthony or myself who understands that, Hey, our

Stephen Box:

goal isn't to try to get you all the way to a hundred percent in three months.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

In those 12 weeks, it's really about starting you where you are

Stephen Box:

and moving you forward over those 12 months or those 12 weeks so that

Stephen Box:

on week 13, you're not finished.

Stephen Box:

You're taking the next step.

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:

So next level.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

that's where you should be.

Stephen Box:

It's it's not about being done in 12 weeks.

Stephen Box:

It's about being ready for the next level in 12 weeks.

Stephen Box:

that's the difference to me.

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:

Cause every new level requires a new you.

Anthony Flores:

And like when you develop that.

Anthony Flores:

mindset, you'll accept that new challenge along the way, rather than I guess it's

Anthony Flores:

like, it feels like a grind, right?

Anthony Flores:

And when people say I embrace the grind.

Anthony Flores:

I'm like, I'm trying to like, avoid that.

Anthony Flores:

So I'm trying, I'm here to make this as simple as possible.

Anthony Flores:

So I don't feel like it's, of course it's going to be a grind,

Anthony Flores:

but I don't look at it as a grind.

Anthony Flores:

especially when you know exactly what you're playing for.

Anthony Flores:

Like it's, it almost seems like it's effortless and people laugh.

Anthony Flores:

Like when I say that to them, you've been doing it the hard way the whole time.

Anthony Flores:

like you can just keep doing what you're doing, or I'm just going to

Anthony Flores:

keep living my easy day life that gets obviously it works for me.

Anthony Flores:

It works for so many people that I work with and I get to see the trickle

Anthony Flores:

effect, the ripple effect on how that impacts the individual is so cool.

Anthony Flores:

Like it impacts like their families, their friends, as you mentioned before,

Anthony Flores:

like their, whoever they, encounter really, like their communities too.

Anthony Flores:

It's so powerful.

Stephen Box:

Yeah, it really is, man.

Stephen Box:

I mean, I think I, I'll leave with this note that I'm going to

Stephen Box:

let you have the final word here.

Stephen Box:

when I see people Talk about, oh, exercise is hard, eating healthy

Stephen Box:

is hard, all these things are hard.

Stephen Box:

When you get to the other side, when you've done what Anthony and I have

Stephen Box:

done, when you've lost a lot of weight, when you've made the change, when you've

Stephen Box:

made the transformation, you're gonna look back and you're gonna realize

Stephen Box:

that you are living a very hard life.

Stephen Box:

And the only reason it didn't feel hard to you at the time was because

Stephen Box:

it was so familiar, because it was so comfortable, because it was so routine.

Stephen Box:

And the exact same thing is going to apply to the changes you're making.

Stephen Box:

The more you do, then the more consistent you are with them, the more routine they

Stephen Box:

become, the easier they start to feel.

Stephen Box:

It's not going to be until you start to feel better that you're going to

Stephen Box:

realize just how bad you actually felt.

Anthony Flores:


Stephen Box:

So final words from you.

Stephen Box:

And then, after you give us your final thoughts, tell people

Stephen Box:

how they can get ahold of you.

Anthony Flores:

Yeah, sure.

Anthony Flores:

asked yourself this question.

Anthony Flores:

Who could you become if you allowed yourself to imagine how much more of a

Anthony Flores:

great leader of role model, you would be becoming like as you become the healthier,

Anthony Flores:

stronger, like more, it's a champion, you show up as a champion to the world.

Anthony Flores:

you're better for your family, you're better for your team,

Anthony Flores:

you're better for your community.

Anthony Flores:

You're great, you know, we want to see your greatness.

Anthony Flores:

So give yourself permission to win.

Anthony Flores:

So you can find me on, Facebook, Instagram at Anthony Flores.

Anthony Flores:

if you want to visit my website to apply for coaching, you can go to www.

Anthony Flores:


Anthony Flores:


Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

appreciate it, man.

Stephen Box:

Anthony, thanks for coming so much, sharing your story, your insight,

Stephen Box:

loved our conversation today.

Stephen Box:

And I just want to remind everyone as always, none of us are born unshakable,

Stephen Box:

but we can all become unshakable.


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with Coach Stephen Bucks.


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