Yes, this podcast is totally about the beautiful journey of personal growth and how powerful intentionality is in our lives! But..if you’re struggling right now, and really in the thick of it, you are definitely not alone, because I’ve been there. There comes a time when things start to feel hard and uncomfortable on your personal growth journey. It would feel MUCH easier to just throw in the towel and simply float through life without a goal or care in the world. While no one ever said this work would be easy (working on ourselves never is after all), it IS worth it.
In this episode, we cover:
- Confronting parts of your reality and yourself that you have been avoiding
- Becoming more aware of how you want to show up in the world, as well as navigating relationships with the important people in your life
- Learning to get comfortable with the uncomfortable
- What can happen when you take on new opportunities, mindsets, and challenges
- Showing up with intentionality instead of cruising through your life on autopilot, and never feeling truly fulfilled
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Mentioned in this episode:
Nebraska Women in Agriculture Conference: Use code EMILY
NE Women in Ag