Sports marketing takes on many forms, in this episode we delve into the marketing efforts behind big time college athletics, from'dorm storms' to data mining, with Evan Feinstein Wake Forest Assistant Director of Marketing. Hi everybody I’m Brian Clapp Director of Content for and this is the work in sports podcast!I have to deal with a pet peeve off the top of this episode, and I know I’m not alone in my hatred of this cliché…When people say ‘it’s not what you know, but who you know’ it makes me want to throw up.This to me is the classic old school thinking, that if you network and schmooze and have the brightest smile in the room you’re the one that’ll get the jobs.I think this is crap.Back in the 90’s when I first broke into the sports industry… yes, that long ago … this saying way kind of true. I worked with at least 10-15 people who were related to famous people in the industry. Former players kids, sports columnist kids, sports executive kids.You know what… they all stunk at their job. They didn’t last – they stunk and they flamed out. Their parents worked hard to get where they were, and earned their success, but not the kids. Just knowing someone back then, got them in the door… but they failed. All of us nobodies were the ones who worked hard, scrapped and clawed for everything we got, worked long hours and proved ourselves day in and day out.We survived, but more than that we thrived.Maybe I’m giving too much credit to employers, but I think they began to openly question at some point… why are we treating hiring as a favor? We need staff that can achieve, we need staff that will work, we need staff that has talent.I saw this change take place first hand. No longer were people being hired based on who they knew…they had to prove they could do the job or else.So again – this theory of who you know superseding what you know is complete bunk – shared endlessly by old school thinkers.The truth, as it is with most things lies in the middle. The saying should be “learn the right skills and meet the people – that’s the formula for success” but that doesn’t fit as nicely on someone’s seascape meme in airy cursive print.I didn’t know anyone coming out of college, and I was hired by CNN. Why? Because I had the skills they needed.Every employer I talk to says they are looking for people with “it” – and when they say that, what they mean is the intersection of skills and passion.That is the formula.I can’t deny that networking is important and getting to know people in the industry is invaluable… but unless you combine that with the right skill and experience, it just doesn’t matter anymore.Just networking isn’t enough.Just having a parent in the industry isn’t enoughJust knowing a guy in the sales department at team X…isn’t enough.You need all of it.So to say it’s not what you know it’s who you know just makes me angry. Because it is what you know. And it is who you know. And in most cases neither survives very long without the other.This weeks guest Evan Feinstein Assistant Director of Marketing at Wake Forest University knows this better than most – he was fearful he’d struggle to get a job in college athletics because he didn’t have the contacts… but you know what he did have? Internship experience, passion and a willingness to put in the work.I’ll let him tell you the rest of his story…But first!Registration is open for our Sports Career Accelerator 2-day event! For just $398 you will experience a 2-day immersive learning and networking event with the Atlanta Hawks, Braves, Falcons, United, College Football Hall of Fame and more.Get behind the scenes access to team operations and facilitiesLearn from and ask questions of top executives from the major sports teamsWe will submit a personal portfolio for you to all of the teamsThis is the type of event that will give you the network, to go with your skills! (Like what I was just talking about!)We are limiting this to the first 40 qualified people,