Uhhhhh I’m so delighted to serve you season #8 of my beloved little podcast The Borealis Experience
It is the fall/ winter season and soon xmas craziness will be upon us . I don’t know your stance on this but I thought I will show up as my most authentic, down to earth self and serve you delicious and fun selfcare time.
Explicit Meditations and a serious inventory check for your wellbeing
Join me every week for a couple minutes of intentional togetherness
with love and much respect
I’m very excited to guide you closer to your real, authentic self. My vision is to support your growth.
This is a place where you can recharge your batteries, reconnect to yourself,
really get to know yourself and find out what steps you can take to untangle
yourself from a situation you don’t wish to be in. I invite you to get to know yourself better in order for you to make the right choices for yourself in the future.
Learn more at
Free yourself from the ongoing destructive inner chatter become the strongest most authentic version of yourself.
Let’s dive in and find out more about this juicy topic that will most likely affect you in one way or another.
In this episode and many other episodes I touch on topics that I usually work on with my clients. Here in my podcast it will be targeted to a broad spectrum of people. If you'd like to go more into depth with a topic I address, reach out to me.
with love and much respect
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Hello, hello, and welcome to the Borealis
Unknown:experience. I'm your host Aurora, licensed life coach and
Unknown:companion on this beautiful journey called life. I'm very
Unknown:excited to kick start this new season. And every Monday, I will
Unknown:record an episode for you. As an inventory check, where are you
Unknown:at? How do you feel? What are your thoughts like, because
Unknown:during this time a year, and it's gonna get even crazier with
Unknown:Christmas, we can reflect about our last couple of weeks last
Unknown:couple months. And by allowing some space, some silence, some
Unknown:reflection, make better decisions for the future. So
Unknown:now, it's not Monday, today, it's Sunday. I also want to give
Unknown:you fair warning that I will probably be swearing at times I
Unknown:have these episodes. These episodes sorry, marked as
Unknown:explicit. So of course, I will adhere to that. And be totally
Unknown:raw with you. I'm a big fan of realness. And of course, this
Unknown:doesn't always mean that you have to be swearing, and blunt.
Unknown:But I want to keep it most authentic and not hold back.
Unknown:Also, podcasting is one of the only channels so to say to reach
Unknown:people in the world that is not restricted, not controlled. And
Unknown:that might be changing in the future. So until then, I will
Unknown:make sure to be my most authentic self and hope that
Unknown:it's never going to change. Alright, let's get into this
Unknown:first session of season number eight. If you are driving
Unknown:operating machinery, please do not close your eyes and maybe
Unknown:even skip this episode. I'm not going to put you in a trance,
Unknown:but I'm definitely going to put you in a very comfortable space,
Unknown:let's call it space. So if you have a couch, if you have a
Unknown:comfortable floor to lay on, if you have a bed close by, feel
Unknown:free to just lay down. And if you'd rather be sitting up
Unknown:straight, that's good to make sure that your pelvis is tipped
Unknown:forward so that your spine as naturally straight without big
Unknown:muscle tension. Maybe bring your shoulders up to the ears and
Unknown:then back down a couple of times. Notice if there is any
Unknown:tension in your neck that can be released. And if you're laying
Unknown:down, that's usually way easier to be aware of tension because
Unknown:you feel the ground you feel the support of Mother Earth. And you
Unknown:can feel your body being tensed in certain areas and relaxed and
Unknown:others and we want to make sure that your body is relaxed and
Unknown:balanced because your body constantly communicate
Unknown:communicates to your brain how add fields if every need is met
Unknown:or not. Most of us choose to ignore our physical needs. But
Unknown:some of us are pretty good at noticing imbalances and then
Unknown:addressing them right away. So no matter where you're at right
Unknown:now, relax and this might sound triggering because maybe you
Unknown:cannot relax right now. Then I do not want you to beat yourself
Unknown:up. But keep listening and allow some space. Take a deep breath
Unknown:in through your nose and then exhale through your mouth. And
Unknown:this doesn't have to become an extensive breathwork practice
Unknown:but maybe notice how your exhale can be slightly longer than your
Unknown:inhale so on So again, inhale through your nose, exhale
Unknown:through your mouth whatever you're going through right now,
Unknown:then chances are that you are going through something if
Unknown:you're listening to this and most of us are indeed going
Unknown:through something right now. Know that right now you are in a
Unknown:safe space, you are connecting back to yourself. You're
Unknown:allowing yourself to be you saw at the beginning how long the
Unknown:episode is gonna be. So you can allow your mind especially your
Unknown:monkey mind to tune out for a second no problem solving, no
Unknown:brainstorming, no to do lists, just for a couple of minutes. Be
Unknown:with yourself. Be with your body. And other big inhale
Unknown:through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Relax the
Unknown:muscles around your eyes. Relax the muscles around your ears,
Unknown:the little muscles on your forehead. Yes, felt is relaxed
Unknown:and wide open. Your shoulders are relaxed. Your upper arm,
Unknown:your four arm on the right side is relaxed. Same goes for your
Unknown:left upper arm, your left for arm. Your hands notice your
Unknown:hands. You can have your palms facing up to the sky or down if
Unknown:that feels more safe. Your belly is relaxed, your back is
Unknown:relaxed. Your pelvis is relaxed, your legs, your knees, your
Unknown:calves, your feet
Unknown:take another deep inhale through your nose and exhale as if you
Unknown:were able to let all your problems sorrow grief, anger
Unknown:frustration go with that exhale make it intentional just for a
Unknown:couple minutes let everything go know that everything will be
Unknown:provided at the right time your problems will be resolved at
Unknown:some point or another and that along your journey you can't
Unknown:forget about yourself what is the self anyways? What do you
Unknown:identify with? What do you identify with and could actually
Unknown:let go off once and for all Are you your body? I you your job? I
Unknown:you the position that you hold and your family or are you the
Unknown:entity observing yourself right now? From above from birds
Unknown:perspective and if you can go into birds perspective and just
Unknown:hover your consciousness over your body. I want you to gaze
Unknown:down and look at yourself with the most kindest loving eyes
Unknown:You're wonderful, you are amazing. You are unique and very
Unknown:special and your ways. You deserve to feel loved and
Unknown:supported. You deserve to feel joy and lightness. And trust me
Unknown:when I first guide people through relaxing moments like
Unknown:this, my monkey mind was just kicking in and saying, oh my god
Unknown:these affirmations are pathetic. She's probably reading it from a
Unknown:book. She's just saying it because it's her job she doesn't
Unknown:even know me. Let your ego aside put it in the back seat and have
Unknown:your heart at the steering wheel opening up like a flower and
Unknown:receiving the ceiling words and vibes you are needed in this
Unknown:world. You are appreciated. You are understood allow a couple of
Unknown:more moments of this to see silence of letting go. I'm gonna
Unknown:leave you with this. Until next time