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Pig-Headed Discipline & Determination [Lesson from Chet Holmes]
3rd February 2022 • Breakthrough Marketing Secrets • Roy Furr
00:00:00 00:11:48

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The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes

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How EASY do you think success should be?

Because here’s a little hint…

It’s NOT.

I mean, later, once you’ve put in the reps and solved this current challenge a dozen or more times, what you’re dealing with now might feel easy.

But each time you’re developing a new skill… Or going after a new goal…  Or starting a new project…  Or launching a new marketing campaign…  Or taking a new risk…  Or taking on a new challenge….

Your first success will be HARD.  Expect it.  Expect challenges and difficulty and failure.

With a hat tip to Chet Holmes and a lesson from his book The Ultimate Sales Machine…

True success takes Pig-Headed Discipline and Determination — as I explain in my episode today…

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr



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