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Podcast# 285 Earnest Mann: Becoming Proactive When You're Existence is Hell
Episode 28513th November 2023 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
00:00:00 00:15:52

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Embracing Life's Harsh Realities with Earnest Mann

In this enlightening episode of the Earnest Mann Show, we delve deep into the inescapable truths of life. Starting with the raw acknowledgment that life is inherently unfair, I, Earnest Mann, explore the psychological nuances of human growth, from our dependent beginnings to the challenges of adulthood. This episode is a must-listen for those ready to face life's bitter pills and transform them into steps towards personal betterment.

Understanding Life's Unfairness and Personal Growth

I emphasize the importance of accepting life's unfairness as a critical step in personal development. This understanding paves the way for a successful navigation through the complexities of life.

The Transition from Dependence to Independence

Discussing the journey from being a parasitic infant to an independent adult, I highlight the societal expectations and personal responsibilities that come with maturity. This segment addresses the challenges of transitioning from adolescence to adulthood, emphasizing the value of symbiotic relationships in personal and societal development.

The Pitfalls of Life Situational Unawareness (LSU)

I delve into the concept of LSU, a state that hampers personal growth and societal contribution. By identifying and overcoming LSU, individuals can steer away from dysfunctional patterns and embrace a more constructive life approach.

You can go to my website - - to listen to this, or any of my many other episodes. Engage me and other listeners by leaving a comment, and/or you can reach out to me personally, via my website's contact page.

My website is a work in progress, I update its content as time allows as I am a just a one "Mann" show - ha ha, so check for new things periodically, you will find interesting and entertaining things there.

Please consider, that by visiting the website and supporting this show, you're supporting an actual person, not some mega corporation, that wouldn't know human compassion if it hit them over the head!

Perhaps most importantly, by leaving a comment after you listen to an episode, your opinion or advice may help another person in this world more than you know, and I'm not kidding, I have seen it time and again, so leave a comment, and maybe change a person's life for the better! Take care - Earnest

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:00 [Music] hello everyone Thanks for tuning in or for tuning in again and thank you Julie your support is very much appreciated and here's my answer Julie to your very good question what I'm going to talk about today is an inescapable and irrefutable truth about life and although may be a better pill to swallow for some I'm telling you that it is far better to swallow this pill now then suffer the consequences of not doing so down the road this is something that will help you improve your life there are a few things in this life

00:53 that we all have in common besides being born we will all eventually die life of course is not fair it never has been and probably never will be but as soon as one understands and accepts that fact the better off you will be because you understand the reality of what you're dealing with and that is the first step at making a go at this thing called life what I just said should be nothing profound I mean most people even when you're young and you believe yourself to be a mortal well if even begrudgingly

01:36 admit they understand this but there is one aspect from this beginning of life that many don't even think about much less discuss that each and every one of us starts out as that I feel is very relevant it's understanding that each and every one of us begins our existence as parasites in our mother's bodies now maybe no one has ever mentioned this idea to you before but it applies to each and every one of us just keep that thought for a moment this parasitic relationship continues of course even after we are

02:21 born all the way through childhood and Adolescence but as we reached the age of young maturity that legal if not not somewhat arbitrary number of 18 years that world begins to rapidly change and parents as well as Society recognizes that the time for this parasitic relationship is rapidly coming to an end For Better or For Worse it is time for the young to leave the safety of the nest and to go out into the world and make their own existence as their parents did before them and it is at this time that we either

03:04 fly or fail to fly at least initially now because we are still young a certain amount and degree of failure is expected and again hopefully family or perhaps even friends are there to help us and support us because it is simply the right thing to do the world is a very difficult place and adults understand this so does even the legal system at least to a certain extent if for example you've done stupid juvenile [ __ ] even a few times and you're 14 or 16 years old well that's one thing but if you're like 19 or older and you're

03:54 still doing the same stupid juvenile [ __ ] that's quite another because because whether you like it or accept it or not society and hopefully family have expectations and you're not meeting them I understand that what I'm saying here may not be surprising to many of you for all I know a hell of a lot of you might be laughing just thinking about all the friends or family that you know that are exactly like this but what I'm trying to say here is just because this may have become The New Normal does not and should not make it

04:44 normal and the answer I'm going to give you about how to correct this may surprise you before I go into this I just want to clarify I am not talking about people with serious mental or physical disability if we were a truly functional and caring Society we could and should take care of such people which I remember we used to do before America was completely taken over by Psychopathic corporate criminals and the hyper aggressive military industrial complex hell bent on societal and world domination but having said that I'm not

05:30 talking about real organic mental illness I'm talking about people who cannot or will not be functional in society because they're programming ever since childhood has been dysfunctional and that is the primary problem now before I go any further I want you to know that I am in no way a doctor I am not a psychiatrist or a psychologist ologist I have had no professional training in these fields and I hold no degrees in those fields this is simply my opinion based on my own research empirical evidence and

06:15 years of personal observation one of the realities that we are supposed to be taught as we develop in life is that if you want to get anywhere in life it is all about give and take it's supposed to be about symbiotic relationships and the ability of a person to recognize this reality of life and accept it those that understand this generally tend to do better than those who don't in most cases there are basically three easily identifiable mental states that are very undesirable in a person's life one Psych opathy two narcissism and

07:03 three what I refer to as LSU or life situational unawareness it's number three I'm going to be talking about I absolutely believe whether it be from a lack of Parental involvement or the overwhelming negative influence of the nanny welfare state or some combination thereof that a large number of young people say between 18 to 35 are living in a very entrenched state of LSU which not only makes their life a living hell but well often for those around them as well some primary symptoms of LSU or a person's apparent complete

07:55 disconnect with the concept of give and take they exhibit a very childlike and myopic view of the world and are more than willing to share that view with any and all who they are currently having a parasitic relationship with completely oblivious and unconcerned they are costing or inconveniencing others that simply shouldn't be happening in the first place this usually takes place with the family often the parents who don't have the balls or intelligence to understand that they are enabling their children

08:39 and thereby harming them because they end up with children unable to reliably take care of so much as a goldfish let alone themselves this is something I have witnessed many times Young Young And even middle-aged people still living at home that may actually have one or more degrees but refuse to take those positions because somehow those positions do not satisfy their requirements or those positions are they're beneath me they have set in their lives yet selfishly choose to inconvenience their parents or other family members with

09:31 their parasitic existence and even if they are paying some of their own way they are still refusing to acknowledge that other people want and need their own space I have known many parents who couldn't wait for their final kid to get out of the house so they could enjoy their life many of them actually had a big ass party so if you are a person with LSU I'm telling you this because one no one else apparently has had the balls to tell you and you either may or may not be aware of that but if you are you

10:19 still don't give a [ __ ] or two because of your LSU you are so [ __ ] incredibly dense that you don't even have have a clue now you have no [ __ ] excuse and just a quick aside I want to say something that sounds prey because it is deal with it this is not only again coming from my personal observations of quite a few people with severe LSU but personal experience as well if if you were using drugs I'm only going to talk about alcohol and weed as those are currently more than enough to put or keep you in

11:12 LSU you need to stop using both of them completely now if you want to have any realistic improved chance of actually improving and taking control of your life in the shortest possible terms alcohol destroys the mind and the body but while it's doing that it takes away a person's will weed on the other hand is much subtler but still really bad and regular consumption is primarily affects motivation and dulls your brain that is to say it makes you stupid so if you're a regular user or if you are the friend or family member that is

12:06 supporting an LSU that is regularly self-medicating with alcohol or weed you need to understand and accept the fact that as long as they are doing so they will ultimately not succeed they will fail and as cold as this may sound you should not help them or a associate with them as they are not committed to improving their lives and at least for two or three weeks their brain is not properly functioning don't waste your present precious time I fully understand that what I'm saying here will not apply to every

12:51 person in every circumstance most people can and most certainly will have X amount of Hell in their their lives I sure as hell no I have sometimes is absolutely by no fault of their own as it's commonly said [ __ ] happens but you need to be aware of just how easy it is especially when constantly encouraged by the Nanny welfare state or even friends or family to start playing the you know victimization role it will destroy your character so just to finish this up the best advice I can possibly give you about this right now is for a person and

13:48 the younger the better to take some quiet time to yourself with no interactions or [ __ ] disruptions yes that includes putting down the damn cell cell phone because there's no app for this you're here to actually develop introspection concerning the state of your life and have the courage to be honest with yourself enough to recognize the difference between the hell you may be going through simply because life is inherently unfair and the hell your dysfunctional LSU brought upon yourself you might really be

14:31 surprised at what you discover if you enjoyed this please do subscribe and hit the notification Bell because it really does help my channel grow and if you can offer some support please do so by going to the co-i link in the description below anything would be sincerely appreciated and last but certainly not least if you have anything no matter how ordinary or unordinary you would like to talk about on the show or have me talk about don't hesitate to reach out to me and tell me what the hell it is you want that's also in the description

15:18 below and I'll get it on the show and I will talk about it until next time this is earnest thank you for listening wishing your health wealth and good luck



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