Artwork for podcast 5 Minutes With Grey Hair Dave
Retro Rewind: Exploring 1977 TV Hits and Fashion Disasters
Episode 9322nd May 2024 • 5 Minutes With Grey Hair Dave • Grey Hair Dave
00:00:00 00:11:57

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In episode 93 of "Five Minutes with Gray Hair Dave," Dave shares his frustration over losing parts of his original recording and his decision to re-record using Logic Pro and Hindenburg. He describes his appearance - gray hair, beard, glasses, and a gray t-shirt - and reflects on music from 1977, focusing on how television has influenced music consumption over the years. Join Dave as he explores the connection between music and television in this engaging episode.


scussed popular TV shows from:

Gray Hair Dave highlighted the popularity of these theme songs, such as the catchy tune from "Laverne & Shirley" and the memorable "Happy Days" theme song with the lyrics "1 o'clock 2 o'clock 3 o'clock 4 o'clock rock." He also mentioned the widely recognized theme songs from "The Love Boat" and "Fantasy Island," which were enjoyed by viewers during that era.

e discussion on TV shows from:

In the podcast episode, Gray Hair Dave also delved into the fashion trends of 1977, highlighting notable styles that were popular during that period. He mentioned corduroy overalls, a fashionable choice for both men and women, and the plaid suit for men, which included a colored jacket, a checked vest, matching pants, and an extra pair of pants in the same color as the vest. These trends reflect the unique style and aesthetic of the 1970s, showcasing the bold and diverse fashion choices of the time.

Gray Hair Dave announced a giveaway of t-shirts and keychains to his listeners in the podcast episode. Listeners were encouraged to send an email with their name to be eligible for the giveaway. Dave specified that he would drop ship a t-shirt in the listener's preferred color and size, providing a link to for color options. Additionally, he mentioned that those interested in a keychain could request one in their email.

Listeners were instructed to send an email to to participate in the giveaway. Dave expressed his gratitude towards his audience, encouraging them to share the podcast with others and thanking them for their support as he celebrated the milestone of the 100th episode. This gesture of giving away t-shirts and keychains not only engages his audience but also shows his appreciation for their continued support.


00:04:56 - "The plane, boss, the plane. Probably shouldn't do that."


00:11:38-00:11:49 - "I appreciate you being here every day, which is why 100 is so important to me and I'm hoping that you enjoy what I have coming up."




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