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Paint The Picture Part 1: Painting An Emotional Picture For Your Client
11th June 2020 • Sales Training. Close It Now! • Sam Wakefield
00:00:00 00:21:45

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People don’t buy from someone who simply reads from a product’s spec sheet; they either buy from someone who sells the product cheaper or from someone who really connects with them emotionally. An exceptional salesperson knows how to paint the picture for their clients, touch their pain points and lead them to the realization that they are giving their clients the solution to their problem. In this first episode of a two-part series, Sam Wakefield teaches you some ways to connect emotionally with your clients by using imagery, gap-building and future-casting. Using some examples in HVAC sales, Sam shows the power that words have over people’s emotions when chosen with care. Listen and learn how to get your clients to see the value of your offerings and move them to action.




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