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Beyond Nonconformity: Embracing Nonconformity and Embracing Liberty
Episode 219th September 2022 • The Constitution Commandos • Chris Williams and Patrick Williams

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The Constitution Commandos

[00:00] I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
And to the Republic for which it stands,
One nation, under God, indivisible,
With liberty and justice for all.


Good morning, fellow patriots!

Welcome to2 of 1. Today we strike up a conversation about Beyond Nonconformity: Embracing Nonconformity and Embracing Liberty.

Don't forget to sign up for our weekly emails to get notifications when I publish new episodes.

My name is Chris Williams and I am your host. My brother Patrick Williams is the cohost and we are The Constitution Commandos .

America, it is time to stand up for your rights, even if by way of nonconformity.

  1. Nonconformity: failure or refusal to conform to a prevailing rule or practice.
  • lack of similarity in form or type.
  • Nonconformists as a body, especially Protestants in England, dissenting from the Anglican Church.
  • the principles or practice of nonconformists, especially Protestant dissent.


  • The government is of the people, by the people, for the people
  • We do not work for the government; the government works for us
  • Any law that is not in line with the Constitution is an edict

End Game of the One-World Government

  • Police officers are being arrested, charged, prosecuted, and convicted
  • Police officers resign or retire early in fear of prosecution
  • Criminal flood the streets with no law enforcement
  • Citizens defend themselves in the absence of law enforcement
  • Citizens will be arrested, charged, and convicted
  • This is an example of the breakdown of society with will lead to marshall law

Political or Religious Status

  • High status does not equal high moral standards
  • Always check out what is said, especially by politicians

This podcast is hosted by Captivate, try it yourself for free.

Listen to The Constitution Commandos

Copyright 2022 by The Constitution Commandos All rights reserved.


Commando Crow:

I pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of

Commando Crow:

America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible

Commando Crow:

withliberty and justice for all.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: We're talking about nonconformity and.

Commando Crow:

Standing up for our rights.

Commando Crow:

Making sure that the government understands that they work for

Commando Crow:

us, not the other way around.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

I think that's been something lost on our population for a long time

Commando Crow:

that the government does work for us.

Commando Crow:

They work for us and.

Commando Crow:

I think there's too many people, in our generation that just doesn't, understand

Commando Crow:

that concept of the government is us.

Commando Crow:

You have too many people of the mindset that go around nowadays and think,

Commando Crow:

oh, the government said do this.

Commando Crow:

That must be good or it must be right.

Commando Crow:

And, the only right is if it's in line with the Constitution,

Commando Crow:

and if it's not in line with the Constitution, then it's an edict.

Commando Crow:

And we as Americans, we don't follow edicts.

Commando Crow:

We're known as bad asses because we are free, and when the government

Commando Crow:

wants to pass down an edict, even the Constitution says that any law passed

Commando Crow:

that goes against the Constitution.

Commando Crow:

not a law.

Commando Crow:

It ain't legal.

Commando Crow:

It's null and void.

Commando Crow:

there's a few countries that are getting ready to re-implement mask mandates and

Commando Crow:

they're talking possible lockdowns again.

Commando Crow:

I'm not locking down.

Commando Crow:

. There is nothing about being an American that says we go along

Commando Crow:

with this kind of bullshit.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

it goes against freedom, period.

Commando Crow:

Being locked up if you ask me, and I'm a free American.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Yeah.

Commando Crow:

I bought my freedom because I served this country for that freedom.

Commando Crow:

So just like you did, and many people we know do you realize everybody in

Commando Crow:

Vendetta, the last band we had in Austin went in the military except for one.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Yeah.

Commando Crow:

Isn't that crazy?

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Yeah.

Commando Crow:

. . Commando Crow: Retired or not.

Commando Crow:

We're all veterans.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Yeah.

Commando Crow:

I was talking to Shannon today and there's something directly

Commando Crow:

related with the culture of today.

Commando Crow:

Part of the problem today because he's a E.O.

Commando Crow:

Officer at the va.

Commando Crow:

And he said that he had five sexual harassment claims that he's gotta

Commando Crow:

investigate that came across his desk.

Commando Crow:

And these are claims, and I have to ask myself, in what world would a person.

Commando Crow:

Even think that the actions that he's investigating is appropriate.

Commando Crow:

And a lot of your VA employees, they're union.

Commando Crow:

And people that did what he's having to investigate, they

Commando Crow:

shouldn't be protected by a union.

Commando Crow:

Their actions were so despicable.

Commando Crow:

They should be escorted out.

Commando Crow:

They should be fired,

Commando Crow:

they should be locked up.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: our government is allowing these unions, and I

Commando Crow:

don't even think it's just that they're allowing it, I think they're

Commando Crow:

encouraging this anti-Christian anti moralistic stance on people.

Commando Crow:

They push it on people.

Commando Crow:

See, those are the kind of things that the union is going to protect

Commando Crow:

these shit bags and it's not normal.

Commando Crow:

It's not okay.

Commando Crow:

That's right.

Commando Crow:

Alex Jones the other day.

Commando Crow:

He made a comment that says pretty much what you're saying

Commando Crow:

. He said that these people have taken the Bible knowing what's coming and knowing

Commando Crow:

that we are on the brink of it right now.

Commando Crow:

And everything the Bible says, they're making laws that say exactly

Commando Crow:

the opposite makes sense to me.

Commando Crow:

A friend of mine was telling me the day before you brought it up that Illinois

Commando Crow:

has now passed a law that there's a no cash bail for second degree murder,

Commando Crow:

aggravated rape all these extremely violent crimes against humanity.

Commando Crow:

No cash bond.

Commando Crow:

And we've seen it already.

Commando Crow:

They're just letting people out.

Patrick Williams:

Well, it's one of the founding principles of

Patrick Williams:

Marxism, which leads to communism.

Patrick Williams:

In order to rebuild, they have to first destroy it.

Patrick Williams:

And that's what they're trying to do.

Patrick Williams:

It's like the end game for them is we've arrested police officers.

Patrick Williams:

We've charged police officers.

Patrick Williams:

We've convicted police officers.

Patrick Williams:

And we've forced seasoned professional, good police officers to retire

Patrick Williams:

early or to quit the profession.

Patrick Williams:

A lot of this is if you flood the streets with a bunch of hellions

Patrick Williams:

there's only a few courses of action that's gonna wind up happening.

Patrick Williams:

One, the citizens get so fed up that they start defending themselves

Patrick Williams:

in the absence of the law.

Patrick Williams:


Patrick Williams:

In that act, they're gonna start getting prosecuted.

Patrick Williams:

That's right.

Patrick Williams:

You're gonna have citizens reluctant to do anything because they're

Patrick Williams:

scared of getting prosecuted.

Patrick Williams:

When that happens and the breakdown of society is complete, the

Patrick Williams:

only thing they're gonna do is they're gonna usher in the U.N..

Patrick Williams:

To gain control and try to declare martial law, they're gonna say that, oh,

Patrick Williams:

we've lost society, and it's pure chaos.

Commando Crow:

it's civil unrest.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Yeah.

Commando Crow:

And I'm not gonna tolerate that.

Commando Crow:

No blue turtle will ever knock on my door.

Commando Crow:

Like we talked last night, my property, my boundaries,

Commando Crow:

that's right.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: I'm the king.

Commando Crow:

I make the laws on that property and I'll tell you're not welcome here.

Commando Crow:

You have just been exiled.

Commando Crow:

You're back into a corner at that point.

Commando Crow:

I've been saying ever since January the sixth, I see Blue

Commando Crow:

Ridge on the horizon And F.B.I.

Commando Crow:

came and raided them because they were supposedly stockpiling weapons and

Commando Crow:

explosives . The only weapons that they had were used for hunting and the

Commando Crow:

first shot fired was by the F B I

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Oh, you're talking about Ruby Ridge?

Commando Crow:

Ruby Ridge, yeah.

Commando Crow:

And the first shot fired was by the F B I and that first shot was directed

Commando Crow:

towards the wife who was holding her baby.

Commando Crow:

One shot, one kill.

Commando Crow:

That's what we're facing and we've gotta get it out of our heads

Commando Crow:

that the media's trustworthy.

Chris Williams:

On of the first things that I learned is that

Chris Williams:

if you're comfortable, you're probably in the wrong place.

Chris Williams:

Just because that man is a pastor wearing a suit and a tie with a $50 haircut, that

Chris Williams:

doesn't mean he's telling you the truth.

Chris Williams:

my warning to Christians is you better get off the padded pews and start paying

Chris Williams:

attention to what's really going on, which means everything you hear that

Chris Williams:

pastor say, or anybody in authority, you need to check it out for yourself

Chris Williams:

and there are a lot of very large name preachers and evangelists out there

Chris Williams:

that are leading many into the flame.

Chris Williams:

It's a shame to see it, but that's what's happening.

Patrick Williams:

And people also need to, , have a level of doubt everything somebody

Patrick Williams:

says, and you need to seek the truth.

Patrick Williams:

When Google became a verb, right?

Patrick Williams:

People started utilizing Google as the main source to look anything up.

Patrick Williams:

You go to Google, you're gonna find only articles written and approved

Patrick Williams:

by places like Politico or Snopes, and they're all partisan ideologues.

Patrick Williams:

They are not giving you the facts.

Patrick Williams:

And if you want

Commando Crow:

In other words they are on the side of the aisle with the ccp,

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: absolutely.

Commando Crow:

Google is one of the biggest search engines, but it is not the most

Commando Crow:

factual and most, in my opinion, trusted search engine for anything.

Commando Crow:

No, it's not.

Commando Crow:

You've heard me say this before.

Commando Crow:

It's like , you want to find out about coffee beans in Africa and you Google

Commando Crow:

that and you get cows in Australia, you're not gonna find what you're looking for.

Commando Crow:

And if you believe that what pulls up on the first search is what you're looking

Commando Crow:

for, keep reading and it's not right.

Commando Crow:

But none of these.

Commando Crow:

, this is what I like to call these places, like Google and, Twitter and you're

Commando Crow:

big on TikTok, or not big on TikTok, but against TikTok, but all of these search

Commando Crow:

engines, , these platforms that we use, all that is mass approval of espionage.

Commando Crow:

. All American Commando: No.

Commando Crow:

They're data mining.

Commando Crow:

. And they're selling all of our data to the ccp.

Commando Crow:

And if anybody doubts that, prove me wrong,

Commando Crow:

I'll go so far as to say this.

Commando Crow:

If you don't doubt it, start doubting it.

Commando Crow:

Yeah, find out that's true.

Commando Crow:

And this comfort zone we have found ourselves in, where we believe what

Commando Crow:

the preachers say and we believe what the politicians are saying.

Commando Crow:

We believe all these things that we believe that's called complacency.

Commando Crow:

It shouldn't have, we should have never, ever reached this point.

Commando Crow:

And now, , our founding fathers even said this, that we do have a

Commando Crow:

republic, and in this republic we have freedoms, and this republic

Commando Crow:

basically is just a formula for suicide.

Commando Crow:

They knew this was coming.

Commando Crow:

That's the reason all these safeguards were built into our

Commando Crow:

constitution to begin with.

Commando Crow:

Because one thing that they were very familiar with is that if

Commando Crow:

a human being is involved in anything, it's gonna be flawed.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Yeah, we are corruptible.

Commando Crow:

corrupted from birth and a lot of people don't like hearing that.

Commando Crow:

Even our sister got mad at me when her oldest was about five

Commando Crow:

years old and I laughed about it then and I still laugh about it.

Commando Crow:

But at her house today, she got furious 'cause her daughter had lied to her.

Commando Crow:

I said what's the problem?

Commando Crow:

She said, we didn't teach her to lie.

Commando Crow:

And I started laughing and she said, what?

Commando Crow:

I said, you don't have to teach 'em to lie.

Commando Crow:

They're born liars.

Commando Crow:

You have to teach 'em to tell the truth.

Commando Crow:

And she got mad at me.

Commando Crow:

If that rubs somebody the wrong way then good, it should.

Commando Crow:

Again, check it out for yourself.

Commando Crow:

. Just be observant,

Commando Crow:

people are born liars.

Commando Crow:

We are born thieves.

Commando Crow:

All these things that are wrong.

Commando Crow:

That's what we were born into.

Commando Crow:

Now I know I'm gonna hear somebody say, but we were made in God's image.

Commando Crow:

No, we were not.

Commando Crow:

Adam and Eve was made in God's image.

Commando Crow:

But once the fall happened in the garden, we were in Adam and Eve's image, hence

Commando Crow:

the reason for the need of salvation.

Commando Crow:

So our founding fathers knew that.

Commando Crow:

And even Benjamin Franklin, when he walked out of that

Commando Crow:

building, somebody asked Dr.

Commando Crow:

Franklin, what do we have?

Commando Crow:

He said, A republic.

Commando Crow:

Let's see how long you could keep it.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: That's right.

Commando Crow:

And here we are.

Commando Crow:

If we go throughout history, , all of the world's superpowers have all fallen, what?

Commando Crow:

250 years?

Commando Crow:

300 years tops?

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: 200 years.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

All American Commando: No, 200.

Commando Crow:

200 years.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

So we've already exceeded our lifespan.

Commando Crow:

, what I'm saying is it should be a testament to how great the Constitution

Commando Crow:

really is because it helped us last 250 years, and quite frankly,

Commando Crow:

those who are in charge of all this evil crap going on right now.

Commando Crow:

They had to work hard to penetrate the constitution.

Commando Crow:

Wouldn't you agree?

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Yeah

Commando Crow:

He doesn't know it's hot.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Yeah.

Commando Crow:

And that's what's happened.

Commando Crow:

There's slight subversion here.

Commando Crow:

Little subversion there.

Commando Crow:

And they've done some things that have shocked the

Commando Crow:

public and the public instantly saying no, we're not doing that.

Commando Crow:

So they back off a little bit and then throw in a whole bunch of little bitty

Commando Crow:

things like that all around, weaken the population's mentality about something,

Commando Crow:

and they're right back to it again.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: There's a prime example about what we're

Commando Crow:

talking about happening today.

Commando Crow:

Everybody can see it.

Commando Crow:

It's in the news front page.

Commando Crow:

Ever since Biden took office and went to catch and release at the border.

Commando Crow:

So many people in this country have been yelling arms in the

Commando Crow:

air about border control and.

Commando Crow:

The other portion of the population is calling us racist because we don't want

Commando Crow:

such an influx of illegals coming into our country for a number of reasons.

Commando Crow:

Economic crime . Drugs

Commando Crow:

And they're doing this in the middle of the night.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: And then they don't notify anybody in the hosting states.

Commando Crow:

Then they steadily call the people that are talking about border control.

Commando Crow:

Policies and we need to close the border and enforce the laws on the books

Commando Crow:

and finish the wall, we're racist.

Commando Crow:

You send a small number to Chicago, New York.

Commando Crow:

Martha's Vineyard and , these people are apoplectic.

Commando Crow:

. Martha's Vineyard has the absolute best policy on immigration.

Commando Crow:

They cleared 'em out in what, 20, 30 hours?

Commando Crow:

. They deported every one of them why is that?

Commando Crow:

I wanna throw this out there before we finish.

Commando Crow:

This is something I saw on Newsmax the other day.

Commando Crow:

And for a long time I watched Newsmax because I started seeing some

Commando Crow:

things I didn't like, but I saw Alan Dershowitz on there the other day.

Commando Crow:

And he's saying We welcome them.

Commando Crow:

So what's the truth here?

Commando Crow:

You know what I mean?

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: It goes back to trusting politicians and the media.

Commando Crow:

The truth is not what comes out of the mouth.

Commando Crow:

The truth is observe their actions.

Commando Crow:

You have all of these people in these cities that have just been sheltered

Commando Crow:

from an influx, and now they're receiving a few of them, and they're screaming to

Commando Crow:

high heavens, oh, we can't sustain this.

Commando Crow:

The influx is straining our system.

Commando Crow:

We don't have the network to handle this. Do they think other states

Commando Crow:

have receiving in one year over two, two and a half million illegals?

Commando Crow:

Closer two and a half.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Yeah.

Commando Crow:

But the closer number all the way around, whether they be got aways or Illegals

Commando Crow:

that have actually stayed, been checked are up four, four and a half million.

Commando Crow:

So these places that have just gone up in arms complaining about

Commando Crow:

receiving 50, what do they think the rest of the country is feeling?

Commando Crow:

It's fine for serfs and not for the upper crust.

Commando Crow:

That's exactly right because remember we're their subjects,

Commando Crow:

we're the ponds on their chessboard the author tells us that this committee of

Commando Crow:

300, they want the world for themselves they wanna extinguish everybody else.

Commando Crow:

When I say extinguish, I mean put the lights out, snuff out everybody

Commando Crow:

and they're talking 7 billion people.

Commando Crow:

They wanna wipe off the face of the planet.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: They want it down to 500 million.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

You can put a lot of people in one city, but what are they gonna do with

Commando Crow:

a planet, with only that few of people?

Commando Crow:

No, they won't be able to sustain the planet, but they'll have all

Commando Crow:

the luxuries they want because 500 million people will be their slaves.

Commando Crow:

That's right.

Commando Crow:

if a king wipes out as a entire kingdom, who's he gonna rule?

Commando Crow:

And you have 500 million people on the planet to be enslaved by 300.

Commando Crow:

Exactly who's gonna manufacture all this stuff that they want for luxuries.

Commando Crow:

You see what I'm getting at?

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Nobody.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

They're gonna have to get off their rich butts and go to work now,

Commando Crow:

and they're not gonna like that.

Commando Crow:

But they do think about how they could destroy everything

Commando Crow:

that was meant to be good.

Commando Crow:

And on the flip side of that, everything that was meant.

Commando Crow:

For evil.

Commando Crow:

God does use that for good and there's always gonna be something good on the

Commando Crow:

other side, and there is a light at the end of the tunnel, I lose sight

Commando Crow:

of that quite frequently, especially when I get light bills like I have been

Commando Crow:

They sent me back a summary of all my light bills, and according to

Commando Crow:

them now, I haven't paid more than $130 a month since I've been here.

Commando Crow:

And yet their own records show paid this absorbent amount of fees

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: What they're wanting you to do.

Commando Crow:

You can either get an attorney and fight it,

Commando Crow:

or I can put the lights off.

Patrick Williams:

And screw you.

Patrick Williams:

That's , you gimme me, and I'm not gonna give you anything in return.

Patrick Williams:

Sue me.

Patrick Williams:

They know you're not gonna sue them.

Commando Crow:

they expect that I won't sue them because they are a monopoly

Commando Crow:

that was never supposed to happen,

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: And yet they exist

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

Where are you gonna go?

Commando Crow:

You gotta have lights and I'll just tell you how I believe, I know how to start

Commando Crow:

a fire and I know how to live in a tent.

Commando Crow:

I don't have to have lights and I do not have minor children.

Commando Crow:

I don't have any children living with me except for me.

Commando Crow:

I'm not required by any laws to have lights.

Commando Crow:

I know my little $7,000 in a year is probably not gonna hurt

Commando Crow:

that monopoly, but you know what?

Commando Crow:

If everybody else we're on the same page where we didn't stand for this garbage,,

Commando Crow:

it would stop, and, the people we elect.

Commando Crow:

To make sure that they follow and adhere antitrust laws, we expect them to do the

Commando Crow:

right thing by the laws on the books, and they're not gonna do the damn thing.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: That's right.

Commando Crow:

! Commando Crow: Look at all the monopolies out there energy

Commando Crow:

companies ain't the only one.

Commando Crow:

Cable tv, telecommunications internet cell phones.

Commando Crow:

It's all monopolies.

Commando Crow:

Pharmaceuticals hell, they own half your hospitals and insurance companies do.

Commando Crow:

That concludes our show for today, and we thank you for being here with us.

Commando Crow:

If you like today's show, rate it and review us on

Commando Crow:

It only takes a moment and it would help us tremendously until next time, and on

Commando Crow:

behalf of my brother and myself, we're the Constitution Commandos, signing off!



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