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Quick Action vs. Strategic Decisions: Finding the Sweet Spot
Episode 14522nd February 2024 • Momma Has Goals • Kelsey Smith
00:00:00 00:09:10

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Dive into the importance of taking action without waiting for perfection. My journey through home remodeling will showcase how embracing change and finding the right balance between quick action and strategic decision-making is crucial!

You'll walk away inspired to start small, allowing for flexibility and change in your journey towards your goals. Life can be unpredictable, and that's okay. I share my own struggles with decision-making and taking action, encouraging you to take those small steps.

What you'll hear in this episode:

[1:30] Changing minds during home remodeling.

[3:15] Finding balance between quick action and strategic decision-making.

[4:50] Taking small steps towards a goal while allowing for flexibility and change.

[6:20] Embracing change and taking small steps in life.


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There is this really fine balance between fast action and having a strategy to your approach in taking time to realize what it is that you want. So the idea is working towards a goal. Maybe it's whatever is on your heart that you want to go achieve and do. I don't want you to sit in that and not do anything. I don't want you to think that you have to wait till you know exactly what that would look like or how to take that action because that's a may never come, you may never have the opportunity to remodel your house. You're deadly more action. So what are you doing?


Welcome to mama has goals, your weekly reminder that you shouldn't have to sacrifice your dreams to take on the role of mom. I'm Kelsey Smith, mom of two boys. Why an entrepreneur who's passionate about helping other moms current and aspiring to reimagine mom life. I'm bringing you the resources, support and relatability to debunk that limiting belief that you may have about your ability to achieve your goals while raising acumen we're covering everything from mom guilt, marriage, relationships, careers, finances, mental health, physical health, you name it, your life doesn't have to fully shift once you become a mom, you can have it all. And we'll show you how.


Talking to a family member recently, and they just bought a house in New York doing all this remodeling before they move in. And my husband and I were just sharing our story of we bought a home that we know we want to completely remodel and die. But throughout the years, we've done what I call Band Aid fixes, we've done something here to make it a little bit better. But we know that it's maybe not the end all be all we were sharing with them that even if we had the money and time to redo everything right at the beginning, we actually haven't recommended that to others. Because since we've been in our house, we've changed your mind. And whether it's in a House Remodeling journey, or it's in your job or your life, anything, we so often change our mind. And when I finished this conversation of his family member, it made me think out how that does show up in all these different areas. And I wish that I could tell everyone to just live in their house for a little bit, whether that is your real house, or whatever else it is that you're in, but to give yourself time to change your mind, to want to remodel it differently to do something new. Because when we first came into our home when I thought I wanted, if something's so different than what we would do now, ensure there's some things that are the same puppy cuz I've allowed myself to change my mind, I have allowed myself to live in it and take time to make that decision. I've been able to look at things differently. And this is just something that I think we need to apply into more areas of our life. So I want to encourage you to think about what is something that you're thinking that you need to do when really you need to just live in your house for a little bit. And it doesn't mean not to take quick messy action, because I'm a huge advocate for that. Because sometimes we don't need to know the final plan to be able to take action. But we don't need to also sometimes go all the way to what we think the end result is when we're not even sure if that's what we want. Because we haven't given ourselves time to figure it out. We haven't given ourselves time to live in the house and decide is that really going to be the best choice and the best option. So I think this is a really fine balance. And you have to find really what the balance looks like. But when it comes to maybe being in a job, and you get into the job, and maybe it feels amazing, right off the bat, and I'm gonna be here for 10 years, it could be that and you need to live in it for a little bit. You need to see if it's a good fit. And of course, you're not just going to leave because maybe one thing goes wrong. But you're going to consider, okay, maybe don't want this, what's the different result look like? Maybe I don't want to put that wall there or I don't want to remodel it in that way. And I'm not sure what it looks like I don't have to make a decision. There is this really fine balance between fast action and having a strategy to your approach in taking time to realize what it is that you want. So the idea is working towards a goal. Maybe it's whatever is on your heart that you want to go achieve and do Oh, I don't want you to sit in that and not do anything, I don't want you to think that you have to wait till you know exactly what that will look like or how to take that action because that's a may never come, you may never have that opportunity to remodel your house, figuratively or actually. So what can you do in the meantime? Or on the flip side of that use or need to remodel their whole house, right? And now, when maybe you just need to think about is that really what you want to do? If you give yourself time to take just it, live in it and think about it, you need to realize that you wanted something different all along. And even though you thought you wanted these walls, you actually want white, or meat even though you thought you wanted your kitchen look that way, you actually haven't found the perfect option yet. And then you deal there isn't a right answer. Like I've said, it's really fine balance. But you have to give yourself permission to do both. What Band Aid fixes or small steps or movement can you take right now, even if it's not remodeling the whole house? And when you do come to remodel the house? Can you think about the steps that you've taken? Can you think about how you can take fast action before you get there and give yourself permission to change your mind. So often, I see that people state that they want to go do something, maybe this is going back to school. And then you realize I really don't want to go back to school. Maybe it's going and pursuing a certain job or career and you realize I really don't want to go back to work, I want to stay home, I want to do this instead, maybe you did start a business and it didn't work out the way you thought it was going to. And now you're like, Ah, I wish I never started it. Well, it doesn't mean you shouldn't have never started it and the the remodels gonna look a little different. And how can you wash on top of what you've already created to get that. So when we go into remodeling our house right now, and we make changes all the time and try to make little updates, we try to do it in a way that is going to get us a better result right now knowing that we might rip it out later. And this is how I show up in my business to what is something that I can take action on knowing it might look different later down the road. What is something that you can take action on? Knowing you might not keep it that way? And what are you okay with ripping out? And what are you not wanting to maybe it's really easy to paint over a wall. Maybe it's not so easy to move that wall again, maybe it's really easy to change up the hardware on your sink or your cabinets. Maybe it's not so easy to put in brand new countertops or brand new floors again. So what decisions can you make now even though you don't know what it's going to look like later? In? Where can you be okay with changing your mind? Where can you be okay with not finishing what you started? You're not meant to finish school? Maybe you're not meant to finish up business or get it to what you've thought was success. Maybe you're meant to switch in it. Maybe you're not meant to stay in that job or that career path. Maybe you're not meant to stay as a stay at home mom, maybe you are. So how can you live in your house for a little bit while taking baby steps along the way. And be okay with changing your mind. Don't go all in on something that maybe doesn't make sense. But allow yourself to take massive small action, put a bandaid fix together, move forward and live in it for a little bit. And try that version out. See how that feels. I'm sending you so much love mon I cannot wait to hear how living in your next step works. And what little Vinny fix you do first.


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