Artwork for podcast Ask The Boss ft. Doug Miller & Patrick "Meaty Thighs"  Mabe
ASK THE BOSS - Episode 14
Episode 1415th February 2020 • Ask The Boss ft. Doug Miller & Patrick "Meaty Thighs" Mabe • Core Nutritionals LLC
00:00:00 01:11:15

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26:38 - ‘Merica energy in grocery stores...when?

27:06 - What advice would you give your

high school self?

28:29 - Is there such a thing as too much


29:11 - What is your best pre formula?

34:05 - When did you realize you need extra time

to warm up?

41:39 - Do you want to talk about protein


44:17 - What is most important in your leg

growth, squat, extensions or lunges?

45:28 - Have you done any endurance events?

47:01 - What happened to printing on

Merica energy sleeves?

48:23 - Carbs each meal? Are your calories the

same on non working days?

49:01 - What is your favorite desert?

49:51 - Why aren’t there more ‘Merica Energy

on Amazon?

51:10 - Will there be ABCD sized tubs

available in ABC?

51:56 - Are you and meat hitting bodypower?

54:06 - Can you breakdown the process you

use when developing a new product?

54:56 - When are we doing an Arnold Palmer


55:23 - What is your favorite hobby

outside of all this?

55:56 - Any weird or funny stories when

beta testing a product?

58:06 - How do you incorporate Burn X

while taking Red White and Boom?

59:23 - Who is your favorite stand up comedian?

59:47 - Are you guys going to make

workout videos?

1:00:16 - Pick one food to be calorie free?

1:00:59 - Do you believe in waist trainers?

1:01:18 - Your favorite competition you competed

in and why?

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