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Listen In 002: An Interview with The Confidence Crusader Heather Hill | Resume Writing and Interview Prep
1st January 2021 • The Rebellious Recruiter with Daava Mills • TH3 Entertainment
00:00:00 01:04:18

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On this episode of The Rebellious Recruiter with Daava Mills, I continue my "Listen In" Interview Series with The Confidence Crusader, Heather Joy Hill, Owner of The Write Path Resume Writing and Interview Prep.

Heather left a position in the high tech industry to focus on resume writing, expanded her services to include interview coaching, and now, she has clients all over the world, including Africa, Australia, Asia, Europe, and South America.

During our discussion, we of course get onto some great tips for interviewing and resume writing, but we also learn why this work is so important to her and how she manages her business, as well as homeschooling her three kiddoes. 

So pull up a seat, and Listen In!


Daava's Rebellious Recruiting Notes:

  • As the Confidence Crusader, Heather shows people why they should believe in themselves.
  • Confidence is contagious, and when she helps her clients feel more confident, it helps her own confidence; having a positive effect on others is a ripple effect that helps positivity spread.
  • Tip # 1: How to view an interviewer. Instead of thinking of them as an interviewer, think of them as a client and you are there to solve their problem; Look at the interviewer as someone who needs help.
  • Tip #2: Best question to ask in an interview is What is the biggest challenge the team/company is facing in the next 3-6 months.
    • This shows active listening skills, shows you understand the job is not all about you but impacts the whole business, and gives a chance to show how you have solved similar problems for other companies.
  • From her time living abroad and now coaching non-American clients, Heather knows that understanding common colloquialisms is a challenge for individuals, especially in an interview setting, which has really helped her empathize with her coaching clients.
  • Heather has a number of older clients and has helped them navigate areas such as how the rules changed since they last interviewed/wrote a resume, how to handle age, what they can/can't say, and how to handle past firings.
  • People lose their confidence from getting fired, but they don't lose the value they provide to employers and they don't lose their skills just because they were fired, even if they made a mistake. 
  • Resumes can be multiple pages, but it is important to get to the point on the first page in an interesting way.
  • On your resume, clearly state what you are good at AND what you want to do.
  • Your resume is not just a ticket to see a potential employer, but there are things on there that you can be utilizing yourself to have your own side hustle.  


Episode Links:

The Mills Group

The Write Path Resumes

Email Heather at

Spanish Dictionary

Etsy Resume Templates

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Swipe Right Aim

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