07: Why Being Super Niche is the Key to Success with the Infographic King Brian Wallace
18th April 2018 • Create Your Own Salary (previously Business Breakthrough) • Estie Starr
00:00:00 01:02:36

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My Guest: Brian Wallace

Brian Wallace is the Founder and President of NowSourcing, the #1 infographic agency in the USA and works with a clientele ranging from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies like Adobe, Google and Twitter.

In this episode we talk to Brian about how he was able to take something so super niche – infographics – and explode it to have clients across the spectrum of every industry and business type, as well as his current struggle having just returned from the SXSW conference with an explosion of new business, and not quite enough staff on hand to manage it.

Bonus segment of geek speak and Brian’s predictions for the future state of business over the next 5 years, including AI, chatbots, cryptocurrency, AR/VR and more!

Pivotal Moments:

I can do what I do as an employee for myself – and turn my former employer into my first client
Don’t be a one-trick-pony
We can roll up our essential skills and beliefs into one niche service – infographics
Life timing and market timing really matter! [coming of age at the dawn of the .com boom and starting a marketing agency at the start of social media]

The Struggle:

NowSourcing is currently on a rocketship style trajectory, especially after their recent attendance at the SXSW conference with a huge amount of new business and not enough staff capacity to support it, with an added layer of “do we still do prospecting and how much” when business is booming?

The Breakthrough:

We discussed how to assess how much is too much, as well as different staffing options, such as hire fast/fire fast or using independent contractors AKA mercenaries, but based on Brian’s preferences for building a really strong, stable and specific synergistic team it makes a lot of sense for him to also explore the option of turning business down until he can build up the capacity to handle it.


“Do not follow the crowd.”

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