During this all-new season of Our Hope Podcast 🎙, we are answering some of the toughest questions we have received at Chosen People Ministries, starting with, "I'm a good person, so why do I need Jesus?" Listen to this episode now!
Welcome to Our Hope,
Speaker:a production of Chosen
Speaker:People Ministries.
Speaker:On this podcast you will hear
Speaker:inspiring testimonies,
Speaker:learn about Messianic
Speaker:apologetics and discover
Speaker:God's plan for Israel and you.
Speaker:Wherever you're listening,
Speaker:we hope you lean in,
Speaker:listen closely and be blessed.
Speaker:In today's world,
Speaker:most people would
Speaker:consider themselves
Speaker:to be a good person.
Speaker:Many of us try to live
Speaker:a relatively moral life,
Speaker:stay in our lanes
Speaker:and avoid committing crimes.
Speaker:In the secular mindset,
Speaker:there is no need for salvation
Speaker:because most of us think
Speaker:we are not that bad.
Speaker:But how do we define
Speaker:what “goodness” is?
Speaker:Is there a standard
Speaker:for what is good,
Speaker:or is “goodness”
Speaker:simply relative?
Speaker:These are questions
Speaker:we all need to consider
Speaker:throughout our lives,
Speaker:and for those of us
Speaker:who believe in Yeshua,
Speaker:we know that nobody is perfect.
Speaker:In this season of
Speaker:Our Hope Podcast,
Speaker:we are going to answer
Speaker:some of the toughest questions
Speaker:we have received at Chosen
Speaker:People Ministries on faith
Speaker:and believing in Jesus.
Speaker:In this episode,
Speaker:we'll address the question
Speaker:we hear the most–
Speaker:—“I’m a good person,
Speaker:so why do I need Jesus?”
Speaker:We're joined
Speaker:today by two guests,
Speaker:Robert Walter, who serves
Speaker:on our staff in Brooklyn
Speaker:and Derek Blumenthal,
Speaker:who serves in Virginia.
Speaker:I now introduce the host of Our
Speaker:Hope Podcast, Abe Vazquez!
Speaker:Robert, it
Speaker:is great to see you again
Speaker:virtually and Derek,
Speaker:you're a first time
Speaker:guest, welcome!
Speaker:I'm so excited to have you
Speaker:both on Our Hope.
Speaker:This is the first episode
Speaker:of our new season, season six,
Speaker:and we're going to be tackling
Speaker:a really cool theme,
Speaker:answering some tough, tough
Speaker:objections and questions
Speaker:that we hear from
Speaker:people throughout our ministry
Speaker:and so thank you
Speaker:for joining us.
Speaker:Yeah, awesome,
Speaker:thank you for having me.
Speaker:Yeah, thank you Abe,
Speaker:always a pleasure.
Speaker:So everyone knows
Speaker:it's not an episode of Our Hope
Speaker:without talking about food,
Speaker:and this is probably,
Speaker:Derek, the most
Speaker:important question
Speaker:you'll ever answer
Speaker:in your entire life.
Speaker:So, what is your absolute
Speaker:favorite food?
Derek:so I've listened to
Derek:most of the previous
Derek:episodes of this podcast
Derek:and I understand
Derek:that you New York folks
Derek:take your food choices
Derek:very seriously, so
Derek:I understand that.
Derek:But I'm originally
Derek:from Philadelphia
Derek:and I grew up in
Derek:Southern New Jersey,
Derek:so our food pride is
Derek:very high as well.
DerekI'd argue- (Abe::Who
DerekI'd argue- (Abe::invited this guy?)
Derek:The best-
Derek:the best pizza.
Derek:The best pizza in
Derek:the US can be
Derek:found in New Jersey.
Abe:Oh oh.
Derek:OK if we disagree, it's
Derek:OK, we can still be friends.
Robert:what part of Jersey
Robert:are we talking about?
Derek:South Jersey.
Robert:Abe, what's going on.
Abe:Listen, who
Abe:vetted this guy?
Derek:Besides the pizza,
Derek:besides the pizza nothing,
Derek:nothing can compare
Derek:to a genuine
Derek:Philly cheese steak
Derek:or specifically
Derek:from Pat's in South Philly.
Derek:I don't think you can argue
Derek:with me on that.
Abe:you're getting better,
Abe:but you kind of just
Abe:ruined all credibility,
Abe:so I don't think I can
Abe:listen to anything
Abe:you say from this point,
Abe:just kidding.
Abe:Oh man, well Derek,
Abe:I have another follow-up
Abe:question for you.
Abe:This is definitely
Abe:more serious, but you are
Abe:a Jewish believer
Abe:in Jesus, correct?
Derek:I am.
Abe:So, I'm I'm curious
Abe:and I
Abe:think all of our listeners
Abe:are very curious,
Abe:how did you become
Abe:a believer in Jesus?
Derek:Yeah, sure.
Derek:I'd love to share that.
Derek:So I'm Jewish
Derek:on my father's side.
Derek:And like most suburban
Derek:Jewish families
Derek:where I grew up, I didn't have
Derek:a particularly
Derek:religious upbringing.
Derek:I always had a belief in
Derek:and even like a respect
Derek:for God from the
Derek:earliest age
Derek:that I can remember,
Derek:but I never really knew
Derek:what to do with that.
Derek:But when I was in high school,
Derek:the friend group that I
Derek:developed totally,
Derek:unbeknownst to me,
Derek:were all strong Christians,
Derek:and they were involved
Derek:in a youth ministry
Derek:called Young Life,
Derek:and I started going
Derek:to their events with my friends
Derek:and I loved it and it was there
Derek:that I clearly heard the gospel
Derek:for the first time.
Derek:And when I was 16
Derek:actually on my 16th birthday
Derek:at a young life summer camp,
Derek:I responded
Derek:to the gospel message
Derek:and gave my life to Jesus.
Derek:then fast-forward a few years
Derek:and I finally met
Derek:another believer
Derek:of Jewish heritage up
Derek:until that time,
Derek:I hadn't, I didn't know
Derek:that there were any,
Derek:and he introduced me
Derek:not only to the fact
Derek:that there are other
Derek:Jewish believers in the world,
Derek:but he introduced me to
Derek:the concept
Derek:of Messianic Judaism,
Derek:which I had never
Derek:even heard of, and the concept
Derek:of Jewish
Derek:evangelism in ministry
Derek:and the importance for it.
Derek:And I immediately immediately
Derek:recognized that
Derek:this was my calling,
Derek:to reach my people
Derek:with the gospel.
Derek:And then fast-forward
Derek:a bunch more years
Derek:and here we are.
Abe:That's awesome Derek.
Abe:Thanks for sharing that.
Robert:And Derek,
Robert:who was that Jewish believer
Robert:that you met the first time?
Derek:OK, so his name is Ari
Derek:Hauben and Ari is in fact now
Derek:on staff
Derek:with Chosen People Ministries.
Derek:He wasn't at the time,
Derek:he was
Derek:working at the university
Derek:I was going to and was speaking
Derek:at the Christian
Derek:Fellowship that I attended
Derek:and so now full circle.
Derek:We get to work together.
Abe:That Is awesome,
Abe:look at that.
Abe:Well, I'm so glad
Abe:again that you're with us.
Abe:You know a lot of the questions
Abe:that we're going to be talking
Abe:about this season,
Abe:they come from Jewish
Abe:people, you know,
Abe:and you probably had
Abe:some of those questions
Abe:yourself, Derek growing up.
Abe:So the question we're
Abe:going to be asking
Abe:today is a question
Abe:that I'm sure both of you
Abe:have probably experienced
Abe:or even ask yourself.
Abe:It's this question of "I'm
Abe:a good person and
Abe:I don't need Jesus" so,
Abe:so have you ever encountered
Abe:someone who asks you that
Abe:while you were presenting
Abe:the Messiah to them
Abe:or just in conversation?
Abe:What was what was that
Abe:like for?
Robert:I mean, this is a
Robert:an objection or a statement
Robert:that you'll hear quite often,
Robert:and I know
Robert:I've definitely heard it
Robert:quite a bit, especially
Robert:during our annual
Robert:summer mission trip
Robert:in New York City
Robert:called Shalom New York,
Robert:which is a wonderful
Robert:experience. But
Robert:yeah, I think honestly, this
Robert:is sort of like a byproduct
Robert:of the culture
Robert:and part of human nature.
Robert:I mean, there's this
Robert:defense mechanism
Robert:that we as humans
Robert:have when we are,
Robert:when we might feel
Robert:like we're attacked
Robert:or being accused of
Robert:being unworthy or bad.
Robert:It's like no, no
Robert:hold on hold on I'm
Robert:I'm a good person,
Robert:I'm not a murderer.
Robert:I don't cheat, I don't steal,
Robert:I don't.
Robert:I'm not a thief, you know
Robert:and then we sort of
Robert:fall into the trap of comparing
Robert:ourselves to each other.
Robert:It's like, well, I'm not as bad
Robert:as that guy, you know, I know,
Robert:I know what this person does
Robert:and I'm not like that
Robert:I'm I'm a good person
Robert:I don't try to harm anybody
Robert:you know, yeah, so
Robert:it's definitely
Robert:just something that
Robert:you'll hear from
Robert:you know
Robert:everybody, Jewish people,
Robert:Gentile people.
Derek:I don't know that anyone
Derek:Jewish or not, has ever said
Derek:those exact words to me
Derek:in response to me
Derek:discussing the gospel
Derek:with them,
Derek:but the sentiment has
Derek:been shared plenty of times
Derek:for sure, right?
Derek:But more often than not,
Derek:I think like what
Derek:Robert was saying,
Derek:I've seen the objection
Derek:as more of a dismissal
Derek:than a genuine claim.
Derek:That doesn't
Derek:make it easier to hear.
Derek:You know what it means
Derek:is that that person who says
Derek:this really has no idea
Derek:how a relationship
Derek:with God
Derek:works in the first place,
Derek:so they obviously don't
Derek:know Him, which is tragic.
Derek:Because if they did,
Derek:they'd know that being a son
Derek:or daughter of God
Derek:is not determined
Derek:based on merit,
Derek:but rather by faith in
Derek:Yeshua the Messiah.
Derek:And they would also have
Derek:a very different understanding
Derek:of what it means to be good.
Abe:Yeah, so so let's
Abe:talk about that, what-
Abe:let's define what people mean
Abe:when they say they are good
Abe:and how do most people decide
Abe:if they're even good?
Derek:I think most people
Derek:assume they're good
Derek:quote unquote good in
Derek:in a general moral sense,
Derek:just like Robert was saying,
Derek:I'm not a murderer,
Derek:I don't steal.
Derek:I don't whatever
Derek:the you know, the big,
Derek:the big hitters,
Derek:or at least
Derek:they find themselves to be
Derek:better than most, meaning
Derek:they judge themselves
Derek:generally by the choices
Derek:they've made,
Derek:where their internal
Derek:thoughts and feelings
Derek:compared to what
Derek:they observe in other people,
Derek:and we all know it's easy
Derek:to find examples
Derek:of people who you feel
Derek:objectively better than.
Abe:based on what you just said
Abe:and when Robert
Abe:mentioned earlier,
Abe:so people define good
Abe:when they're comparing
Abe:themselves really.
Abe:It's kind of like
Abe:they're they're measuring
Abe:themselves up against others,
Abe:and that determines
Abe:if they're good or not.
Derek:In my experience,
Derek:that's been more often
Derek:than not how people
Derek:define goodness.
Robert:Yeah, and I would add
Robert:you know if we are thinking
Robert:about the Jewish people
Robert:in general as well.
Robert:There is this concept
Robert:in more like religious
Robert:Jewish circles,
Robert:but it's also something
Robert:that kind of is prevalent
Robert:in just broader Jewish culture
Robert:even among more secular
Robert:Jewish people,
Robert:this idea of goodness
Robert:or even sin, and the idea
Robert:that original sin
Robert:is not the reality,
Robert:that original original
Robert:sin does not exist
Robert:in a lot of in religious Jewish
Robert:thought and theology.
Robert:Instead, there's
Robert:this concept, this idea
Robert:that everybody has
Robert:a good inclination
Robert:and an evil inclination.
Robert:The Yetzer Ha-Tov is the Hebrew
Robert:for the good inclination.
Robert:The Yetzer Ha-Ra
Robert:is the evil inclination
Robert:that we're born with these
Robert:these dueling
Robert:propensity's inside of us.
Robert:These dueling wills
Robert:and it's sort of our goal to
Robert:do enough good to sort of
Robert:squash the bad and
Robert:create opportunities
Robert:and make the choices
Robert:to give in
Robert:to the good inclination
Robert:rather than the
Robert:evil inclination.
Robert:I think that's something that
Robert:we definitely need
Robert:to keep in mind, and
Robert:especially when we're thinking
Robert:about engaging
Robert:with Jewish people
Robert:on this particular topic.
Abe:Yeah, and you bring up an
Abe:interesting point about this.
Abe:This battle between good
Abe:and evil, and I know C.S.
Abe:Lewis once argued
Abe:that "universal morality"
Abe:points to the existence of God
Abe:and when we look at the laws
Abe:in various countries
Abe:throughout history,
Abe:we see a lot of recurring
Abe:commands, right?
Abe:So, for example,
Abe:you see laws against theft
Abe:and murder, that's
Abe:pretty much universal.
Abe:Would you say that
Abe:God gave each person
Abe:the capability to know
Abe:the difference between
Abe:good and evil?
Derek:Yeah, well,
Derek:we know from the Bible that
Derek:one of the results
Derek:of the fall of man, you know,
Derek:going back to
Derek:the Garden of Eden is
Derek:the knowledge of good and evil
Derek:that's what God called the tree
Derek:that Adam and Eve ate from.
Derek:So it's interesting
Derek:to think that
Derek:they didn't really need
Derek:to become conscious of good,
Derek:they already knew what good was
Derek:because they walked with God.
Derek:All they knew was good.
Derek:So eating from the tree
Derek:made them aware of evil.
Derek:And so yes, in a general sense,
Derek:I think people have
Derek:a basic internal barometer
Derek:for recognizing moral
Derek:good and evil.
Derek:And of course, we know
Derek:culture plays heavily
Derek:on the more specific aspects
Derek:of recognizing good and evil,
Derek:and none of this
Derek:really addresses man's ability
Derek:to choose good over evil.
Derek:We're just talking
Derek:about recognizing it.
Derek:Mankind being born into sin
Derek:of course, is described
Derek:in the Bible
Derek:as being a type of slavery,
Derek:from which a person
Derek:can't free themselves.
Derek:So the next step
Derek:is not only recognizing
Derek:what good and evil is,
Derek:but talking about, do
Derek:we even have a choice,
Derek:or can we make a choice
Derek:in one way or another?
Abe:We're constantly told,
Abe:you know, we're sinners.
Abe:We've fallen short.
Abe:So are we good people?
Abe:Are we good?
Robert:That's an
Robert:excellent question, Abe.
Robert:Yeah, I mean who?
Robert:Who can possibly win
Robert:when you
Robert:when it comes down to it,
Robert:and you look at what God's
Robert:standard of goodness is
Robert:as defined in the scriptures
Robert:from Genesis to Revelation.
Robert:Does anybody- can
Robert:anybody actually live up
Robert:to that standard right?
Robert:And you know, going back
Robert:to this concept of
Robert:the good inclination versus
Robert:the evil inclination
Robert:honestly this developed in,
Robert:you know, Jewish
Robert:religious thought,
Robert:but when you really compare it
Robert:to what
Robert:the Scripture has to say,
Robert:it doesn't hold much water.
Robert:This idea
Robert:of a good inclination.
Robert:It's never mentioned
Robert:in Scripture, those words
Robert:are not used.
Robert:Evil inclination is used,
Robert:I mean, that's pretty clear.
Robert:I mean the heart,
Robert:the human heart,
Robert:the heart of man and woman.
Robert:It's described as being
Robert:deceitfully wicked
Robert:and like beyond comprehension.
Robert:Nobody can actually know
Robert:the heart, even even
Robert:our good deeds is defined
Robert:according to Isaiah as
Robert:being like filthy rags.
Robert:You know when you
Robert:look at the Hebrew
Robert:for that it's very descriptive,
Robert:very, very, very
Robert:you know nasty stuff,
Robert:and that's how our goodness
Robert:looks in God's eyes.
Robert:So when you when you
Robert:when we consider that
Robert:how does the scripture
Robert:talk about
Robert:the goodness of mankind?
Robert:It's like Derek mentioned
Robert:since the fall
Robert:since the Garden of Eden
Robert:when when Adam and Eve
Robert:willfully chose to disobey
Robert:God there hasn't been much,
Robert:you know, "goodness
Robert:on display for man".
Abe:I'm thinking about
Abe:the verses Romans
Abe:1:18 through 32.
Abe:Does that chunk of Scripture
Abe:hint at
Abe:giving people the capability
Abe:to know the difference
Abe:between good and evil?
Derek:I'd say that
Derek:that part in Romans 1
Derek:is referring more to those
Derek:who suppress the knowledge
Derek:of the existence of God
Derek:maybe more than the
Derek:definition of good and evil.
Derek:But I can definitely
Derek:say by extension,
Derek:insisting that God
Derek:doesn't exist has
Derek:all kinds of ramifications
Derek:on one's
Derek:moral compass, doesn't it?
Derek:So if God didn't exist,
Derek:then He can't define
Derek:what is good and what isn't
Derek:which means then, that
Derek:there's no absolutes
Derek:and of course we know
Derek:that isn't true.
Derek:So standing on that foundation,
Derek:that faulty foundation
Derek:leads us to all kinds
Derek:of waywardness in regard
Derek:to good and evil.
Robert:Yeah, I agree with Derek,
Robert:I think that that
Robert:section in Romans 1:18
Robert:can really explain so much
Robert:about the nature of of mankind,
Robert:and it does.
Robert:It all comes back to our
Robert:understanding of God
Robert:and our relationship with God
Robert:or lack thereof,
Robert:and the way that
Robert:mankind, the way that humanity
Robert:is described in Romans 1:18.
Robert:I'll just, I'll read a few
Robert:passages here so we can sort of
Robert:get a taste of what
Robert:Paul is writing.
Robert:Romans 1:18,
Robert:he writes this, "For
Robert:the wrath of God
Robert:is revealed from heaven
Robert:against all ungodliness
Robert:and unrighteousness of men,
Robert:who suppress the truth
Robert:in unrighteousness,
Robert:because that which
Robert:is known about God
Robert:is evident within them.
Robert:For God made it
Robert:evident to them,
Robert:for since
Robert:the creation of the world
Robert:His invisible attributes,
Robert:His eternal power,
Robert:and divine nature
Robert:have been clearly seen,
Robert:being understood
Robert:through what has been made
Robert:so that they are
Robert:without excuse."
Robert:So the way that Paul is,
Robert:you know, sort
Robert:of beginning this argument,
Robert:he's letting us know that
Robert:everyone, every human being
Robert:who has ever lived,
Robert:has some kind of
Robert:internal recognition
Robert:or understanding
Robert:that God exists because
Robert:God has communicated
Robert:His identity, His,
Robert:His deity, His nature.
Robert:And you know part of
Robert:God's nature is God's
Robert:goodness and God's
Robert:righteousness and and what
Robert:the standard of goodness
Robert:and righteousness is, that
Robert:this has been made clear to us
Robert:simply through creation
Robert:through the created
Robert:order of things.
Robert:So simply in creation,
Robert:we understand.
Robert:And we recognize,
Robert:or we're supposed
Robert:to understand and recognize,
Robert:that we have a great need, that
Robert:we fall short of
Robert:something, that we mess
Robert:up, that we do the
Robert:wrong thing in our lives
Robert:and you know this is
Robert:this is again
Robert:this is human nature.
Robert:You know if you were to talk to
Robert:a parent of children,
Robert:once you start having kids,
Robert:you understand pretty quickly
Robert:the fallenness of human
Robert:nature and mankind.
Robert:You know that the famous quip,
Robert:you know you don't
Robert:have to teach a child
Robert:how to lie right?
Robert:But we were just born with this
Robert:propensity to deceive, to lie,
Robert:to do the wrong thing,
Robert:to make those wrong choices
Robert:and you know what
Robert:Paul is laying out here
Robert:is that this is made clear
Robert:through through creation,
Robert:you know, and he goes on.
Robert:He talks about
Robert:the nature of man
Robert:now, so Romans 1:24,
Robert:"Therefore, God gave them over
Robert:in the lusts of their
Robert:hearts to impurity,
Robert:so that their bodies
Robert:would be dishonored among them,
Robert:for they exchanged
Robert:the truth of God
Robert:for a lie, and worshipped
Robert:and served the creature
Robert:rather than the Creator
Robert:who is blessed forever, Amen."
Robert:We'll be right back.
Robert:Shalom, my name is Nicole Vacca
Robert:and I'm one of the co-producers
Robert:of Our Hope podcast.
Robert:We created Our
Robert:Hope to be a window
Robert:into the Messianic community,
Robert:a place where we can discuss
Robert:Israel and the Bible
Robert:and a resource for people
Robert:who want to share their faith
Robert:more effectively
Robert:and compassionately
Robert:with the Jewish community.
Robert:If you are interested
Robert:in supporting what we do,
Robert:you can donate to Chosen People
Robert:at chosenpeople.com/donate.
Robert:You could also support us
Robert:by sharing this podcast
Robert:on social media with
Robert:your friends and family
Robert:or by writing a review
Robert:on Apple Podcasts.
Robert:We are so grateful
Robert:for your support
Robert:and we hope you enjoy
Robert:the rest of this episode.
Abe:We've been really focused
Abe:on the good part
Abe:of that question, right?
Abe:I'm a good person,
Abe:why do I need Jesus?
Abe:So before we tap
Abe:a little bit into the
Abe:why we need Jesus,
Abe:I think we need to
Abe:address something,
Abe:so to a lot of people,
Abe:the idea
Abe:of God simply forgiving
Abe:us, let's be honest,
Abe:it sounds really easy.
Abe:It's like oh He can
Abe:just forgive me just like that.
Abe:I think there's a lot
Abe:more to that, but,
Abe:some would argue that
Abe:God's grace because of Yeshua's
Abe:sacrifice leaves the door open
Abe:for people to continue
Abe:doing the wrong thing
Abe:to continue doing
Abe:what they're doing,
Abe:taking advantage of
Abe:God's grace.
Abe:How how can we respond
Abe:to this argument?
Derek:so the Bible addresses
Derek:this really specifically.
Derek:Paul in Romans 6
Derek:says this,
Derek:he says, "What
Derek:shall we say then?
Derek:Are we to continue in sin,
Derek:so that grace may increase?"
Derek:He's making the
Derek:argument saying,
Derek:since we understand grace,
Derek:should we just continue to sin
Derek:so that we can keep
Derek:seeing grace in our lives,
Derek:and he's setting it up
Derek:as a ridiculous argument.
Derek:He says far from it.
Derek:"How shall we who died to sin
Derek:still live in it?"
Derek:So in other words,
Derek:when one comes to
Derek:faith in Yeshua,
Derek:we experience
Derek:a total transformation
Derek:where we're not just forgiven
Derek:for what we've done or what
Derek:we haven't done in the past
Derek:or actually made
Derek:into new people,
Derek:no longer slaves to sin,
Derek:but rather walking
Derek:in righteousness.
Derek:So it's almost a moot point.
Derek:Why would- we can't even ask
Derek:that about ourselves
Derek:because if we truly know
Derek:Yesgya, we've been made new,
Derek:we wouldn't,
Derek:we don't any longer
Derek:have the desire
Derek:to want to run after sin.
Derek:It's so much more than
Derek:just being simply forgiven.
Derek:As you said, it's a it's
Derek:a death to the old self.
Derek:It's a new birth
Derek:into a new life in
Derek:the image of God that we were
Derek:always designed to have.
Derek:So everything about us
Derek:changes from that point.
Robert:which is something
Robert:I think we need to really
Robert:be careful of not
Robert:downplaying the magnitude
Robert:of the goodness of
Robert:God on display in
Robert:and through the death of
Robert:His Son, Jesus on the cross.
Robert:I mean it, it's it's amazing.
Robert:It's phenomenal because
Robert:like Derek said, before that,
Robert:you know, became reality
Robert:before we came to believe
Robert:and were transformed
Robert:that we're made
Robert:into new creations
Robert:and were born again.
Robert:You know, before that happens
Robert:the way that we're described
Robert:is again, like Paul uses
Robert:the very strong language
Robert:in Romans 1, but
Robert:we also see Yeshua
Robert:use language in John 3
Robert:and Paul use language
Robert:in Ephesians 1,
Robert:you know we are,
Robert:we were dead in our trespasses.
Robert:We were slaves to sin,
Robert:our status was different.
Robert:Before we were different,
Robert:we were dead in our trespasses.
Robert:Slaves to sin and and you know,
Robert:this is the language
Robert:that Jesus uses.
Robert:And John Chapter 3, we were
Robert:condemned already.
Robert:We were condemned already,
Robert:you know,
Robert:in that famous passage
Robert:in that conversation
Robert:between Yeshua, Jesus,
Robert:and Nicodemus in John 3,
Robert:where you know,
Robert:Yeshua says for "God
Robert:so loved the world
Robert:that He gave His
Robert:only begotten Son
Robert:so that whosoever
Robert:believes in Him
Robert:shall not perish
Robert:but have eternal life."
Robert:You keep reading that
Robert:passage in John 3:17,
Robert:and you see how
Robert:Yeshua refers to
Robert:the condition of man
Robert:and how we are changed
Robert:and transformed through
Robert:this encounter with Yeshua.
Robert:He says this in John 3:17, "For
Robert:God did not send
Robert:the Son into the world
Robert:to judge the world,
Robert:but that the world
Robert:might be saved through Him.
Robert:He who believes in
Robert:Him is not judged.
Robert:He who does not believe
Robert:has been judged already,
Robert:because He has not believed
Robert:in the name of the only
Robert:begotten Son of God",
Robert:that was our status
Robert:before Yeshua.
Robert:We were condemned already,
Robert:we were judged already,
Robert:we were dead in our trespasses.
Robert:We had been given over
Robert:to the lusts of the
Robert:hearts of impurity.
Robert:You know we were,
Robert:we were different,
Robert:but that encounter
Robert:with the true goodness of God
Robert:that is on display
Robert:through the death,
Robert:burial, resurrection
Robert:of the Messiah, Jesus,
Robert:changes us, transforms us.
Abe:How do we explain,
Abe:you were just
Abe:talking a little bit
Abe:about how Jesus responded
Abe:to some of this,
Abe:so how do we explain
Abe:Yeshua's role in
Abe:reconciling our sin
Abe:and brokenness to someone,
Abe:who doesn't think they need
Abe:Jesus or religion or anything?
Derek:So I'd say
Derek:there's little to gain
Derek:in arguing with someone
Derek:who doesn't want
Derek:to take an honest
Derek:look at themselves,
Derek:but for anyone willing
Derek:we can share about the intense
Derek:love that the Father has.
Derek:Because it is
Derek:that it is intense.
Derek:He sees and knows
Derek:every thought and every feeling
Derek:and it matters to Him
Derek:We are valuable to Him
Derek:in ways that we may
Derek:not even be able to understand.
Derek:We definitely can't understand.
Derek:He understands our brokenness.
Derek:He understands our sin,
Derek:and He wants so badly
Derek:to relieve us of it
Derek:and that's why
Derek:He promised Messiah
Derek:in the first place
Derek:to reconcile us to God
Derek:and make us sons and daughters.
Derek:Totally new.
Derek:Totally clean.
Derek:And so then,
Derek:thinking that you don't need
Derek:Yeshua or religion,
Derek:it doesn't change
Derek:the universal truth
Derek:you know, we do need it,
Derek:whether you think
Derek:so or not, we do.
Derek:All of us and He can't
Derek:wait for us to run to Him.
Derek:That's His anticipation.
Derek:So as believers then,
Derek:for anyone and everyone
Derek:who don't yet see,
Derek:we have an opportunity and
Derek:an obligation to pray
Derek:that God would open their eyes.
Robert:Yes, and I would add
Robert:that in addition
Robert:to praying for,
Robert:I mean obviously
Robert:we want to engage
Robert:with an discuss with
Robert:you know
Robert:people who need the Messiah,
Robert:who need this life-changing,
Robert:this eternity
Robert:changing encounter
Robert:with the risen Messiah,
Robert:Yeshua and
Robert:one thing
Robert:that I found to be
Robert:really important
Robert:when speaking with someone
Robert:who may have this objection,
Robert:you know, or
Robert:who may be seeking,
Robert:is the tone that we have,
Robert:you know, we want to have
Robert:that same kind of love
Robert:and commitment and passion
Robert:that Yeshua has.
Robert:You know, obviously,
Robert:we're not Yeshua, but
Robert:you know the Spirit of
Robert:the living God dwells
Robert:inside of us.
Robert:He has changed us.
Robert:He has transformed us.
Robert:He's given us gifts
Robert:and we ought to have
Robert:the same sort of burden
Robert:to proclaim the gospel
Robert:and to do it in a way
Robert:with love with truth
Robert:and with sincerity.
Robert:And again,
Robert:I think one of the
Robert:best examples that we have for
Robert:this in the New Testament
Robert:is Paul and I'm indebted to Dr.
Robert:Darrell Bock.
Robert:He gave a A Chapel message
Robert:once at the Feinberg Center
Robert:that just really blew my mind.
Robert:You know, I mean,
Robert:we've been looking
Robert:at Romans 1 here.
Robert:Well, he used Romans 1
Robert:as sort of the basis
Robert:and he said
Robert:this is the understanding
Robert:that Paul had of the people
Robert:that he was trying to reach.
Robert:This is, this is how
Robert:he described them
Robert:given over
Robert:to the lusts of their hearts
Robert:and then down in Romans
Robert:1, verses 28 to 29,
Robert:Paul's describing the people
Robert:that he's trying
Robert:to reach like this, "And
Robert:just as they did
Robert:not see fit to acknowledge
Robert:God any longer, God
Robert:gave them over
Robert:to a depraved mind
Robert:to do those things
Robert:which are not proper,
Robert:being filled with
Robert:all unrighteousness,
Robert:wickedness, greed,
Robert:evil, full of envy,
Robert:murder, strife, deceit,
Robert:malice, their
Robert:gossips, slanderers,
Robert:haters of God, insolent,
Robert:arrogant, boastful
Robert:inventors of evil,
Robert:disobedient to parents,
Robert:without understanding,
Robert:fun-loving, unmerciful
Robert:and although they know
Robert:the Ordinance of God
Robert:that those who practice
Robert:such things
Robert:are worthy of death,
Robert:they not only do the same
Robert:but also give hearty approval
Robert:to those who practice them."
Robert:So this is
Robert:how Paul is describing
Robert:the people that he's
Robert:you know trying to reach
Robert:and minister to the people
Robert:who need this message
Robert:of the goodness of God.
Robert:But when you follow Paul
Robert:throughout the Book of Acts,
Robert:especially on his
Robert:journeys as he's going into
Robert:a new town or a new city
Robert:as he's engaging
Robert:with and encountering
Robert:these people that he describes
Robert:in Romans 1, how does he go
Robert:about sharing the gospel?
Robert:How does he go about
Robert:sharing this good news?
Robert:You know, good news of Yeshua.
Robert:He doesn't come like
Robert:with guns blazing,
Robert:pointing out, hey,
Robert:you're you're filled
Robert:with malice,
Robert:you're an adulterer at heart.
Robert:You know you're-
Robert:You know, he doesn't list off
Robert:everything that he just
Robert:says in Romans 1.
Robert:Instead, what does he do?
Robert:the prime example is in Acts
Robert:17 with Mars Hill
Robert:when he was in Athens
Robert:and he encounters
Robert:idolators, you know,
Robert:and he's walking around,
Robert:you know, Acts 17:22.
Robert:So Paul stood in the midst
Robert:of the Areopagus
Robert:and said, "Men of Athens,
Robert:I observed
Robert:that you were very religious
Robert:in all respects.
Robert:For while I was passing through
Robert:and examining the objects
Robert:of your worship,
Robert:I also found an altar
Robert:with this inscription
Robert:to an unknown God.
Robert:Therefore, what you
Robert:worship in ignorance this
Robert:I proclaim to you,
Robert:the God who made the world
Robert:in all things in it.
Robert:Since He is Lord of
Robert:Heaven and Earth, does not
Robert:dwell in temples
Robert:made with hands, nor is
Robert:He served by human hands,
Robert:as though He needed anything,
Robert:since He himself
Robert:gives to all people
Robert:life and breath and all things.
Robert:And He made from one man
Robert:every nation of mankind
Robert:to live on all the
Robert:face of the earth, having
Robert:determined their
Robert:appointed times and the
Robert:boundaries of their habitation,
Robert:that they would seek God,
Robert:if perhaps they might grope
Robert:for Him and find Him,
Robert:though He is not far
Robert:from each one of us.
Robert:For in Him we live
Robert:and move and exist
Robert:as even some of your
Robert:own poets have said.
Robert:For we are also His children.
Robert:Being then the children of God,
Robert:we ought not to think
Robert:that the Divine Nature
Robert:is like gold or silver
Robert:or stone, an image
Robert:formed by the art
Robert:and thought of man.
Robert:Therefore, having overlooked
Robert:the times of ignorance,
Robert:God is now declaring to men
Robert:that all people everywhere
Robert:should repent,
Robert:because He has fixed a day
Robert:in which
Robert:he will judge the world
Robert:in righteousness
Robert:through a Man whom
Robert:He has appointed,
Robert:having furnished proof
Robert:to all men, by raising
Robert:Him from the dead."
Robert:So the way Paul went about it
Robert:was he looked for
Robert:those connection points
Robert:in the men of Athens,
Robert:in their culture.
Robert:He looked for those
Robert:redemptive analogies
Robert:and he did it with a tone with
Robert:an attitude
Robert:that wasn't coming in
Robert:heaping condemnation.
Robert:You know, he he knew
Robert:what the reality was
Robert:for the hearts of
Robert:these people that
Robert:he was talking to.
Robert:I mean he lays it out
Robert:for us in Romans
Robert:1, but here in Acts 17 he's
Robert:seeking to bridge the divide,
Robert:doing it with love
Robert:and with
Robert:with the proper attitude,
Robert:and I think that
Robert:for me is always been
Robert:just such an important lesson
Robert:in evangelism.
Derek:Yeah, it reminds me,
Derek:speaking of tone and approach.
Derek:The fact that we
Derek:see throughout the Gospels
Derek:when Yeshua encountered people,
Derek:any and all people,
Derek:He encountered them with
Derek:overwhelming compassion.
Derek:Yeah, it says in
Derek:Mark 6 and elsewhere
Derek:that he saw a large crowd
Derek:and he felt compassion for them
Derek:because they were like sheep
Derek:without a shepherd.
Derek:And then because
Derek:of that compassion
Derek:He determined to
Derek:save us from our sinful state.
Derek:So if we are ambassadors
Derek:of Messiah in the world
Derek:then we should and naturally
Derek:can as we walk with the Lord,
Derek:have that same compassion
Derek:for people
Derek:and it should show in the way
Derek:that we communicate the
Derek:good news of the gospel.
Derek:Yeah, just to add that
Derek:the Greek word that's used
Derek:there for compassion in Mark
Derek:6 and in Matthew 9, which is
Derek:Matthew's parallel passage.
Derek:The Greek word is "splagchnon".
Derek:Just just rolls off
Derek:the tongue, right?
Derek:And what it what it is,
Derek:it sounds like a
Derek:strange, very picturesque
Derek:kind of word because it's like
Derek:the Yiddish would be "kishkes",
Derek:you know, deep in your gut.
Derek:So what Yeshua felt
Derek:was this compassion that He
Derek:actually felt in His gut.
Derek:It, like it turned His stomach
Derek:to see His people
Derek:like sheep without a
Derek:shepherd and mistreated
Derek:and just left for dead
Derek:is you know how it's
Derek:the wording is described there.
Derek:So so yeah.
Derek:I mean you know God
Derek:give us that
Derek:kind of splagchnon, you know
Derek:God give us that kind
Derek:of compassion for people.
Abe:So I have a last
Abe:question for you both.
Abe:We've heard a lot
Abe:about the theological
Abe:reasons and
Abe:for needing Jesus and
Abe:we define good and we
Abe:really tackled this question.
Abe:But ultimately,
Abe:for each of you personally
Abe:why did each of you
Abe:decide that you needed Jesus?
Derek:Yeah, for me
Derek:it took me comparing
Derek:the Holiness
Derek:and the perfection of God
Derek:that I came to understand
Derek:through the Bible
Derek:with an honest look at myself
Derek:and the comparison of the two.
Derek:My thoughts, my motives,
Derek:my decisions, all of it.
Derek:And you know, I wasn't
Derek:some wild rebel by any stretch.
Derek:I don't have that
Derek:kind of testimony.
Derek:But I understood that
Derek:like everyone, I fell
Derek:far short of perfection.
Derek:And that didn't make me upset,
Derek:at least not for long
Derek:because I was confronted
Derek:with the fact that God loved me
Derek:so much and gave Himself for me
Derek:in the person
Derek:of Yeshua the Messiah.
Derek:He wanted me to be His son.
Derek:He wanted to walk
Derek:with me through life.
Derek:He wanted to spend eternity
Derek:with me personally.
Derek:He wanted to fill me
Derek:with His Spirit,
Derek:and He couldn't wait
Derek:for me to run to Him.
Derek:It wasn't like it was,
Derek:I realized it wasn't
Derek:like He was put out
Derek:and just felt obligated.
Derek:He wanted that desperately,
Derek:deeply wanted that from me.
Derek:And He showed me that and I was
Derek:I was undone, I was undone.
Derek:I gave Him my life
Derek:and the rest is history.
Robert:Yeah, so for me
Robert:I was 19 years old.
Robert:I was heavily involved in drugs
Robert:and just a very,
Robert:very dark lifestyle
Robert:and over the course
Robert:of about three months,
Robert:the Lord began to convict me
Robert:about the way I was living, and
Robert:I remember driving down
Robert:the road in the car
Robert:with some friends
Robert:and even telling them
Robert:how convicted I felt
Robert:and they said why,
Robert:and I said because
Robert:I know the Bible says something
Robert:about not doing this
Robert:and they all laughed at me and
Robert:just kind of brushed it off
Robert:and it came to a head
Robert:one evening
Robert:when I was just
Robert:confronted again
Robert:like Derek said, just with
Robert:an honest look at myself
Robert:and I knew I knew
Robert:with beyond a shadow of a doubt
Robert:that I was steeped in
Robert:sin and wickedness.
Robert:I mean, it was clear to me,
Robert:I had no delusions
Robert:that I was good and
Robert:for the first time in
Robert:my life from that place, from
Robert:that really just
Robert:like bottomed out
Robert:kind of place, I spoke to God.
Robert:I prayed really for
Robert:like the first time in my life
Robert:and I said, God,
Robert:if you're real, show me
Robert:and within moments
Robert:of praying that prayer
Robert:He answered
Robert:and I was overwhelmed
Robert:and flooded by the
Robert:Holy Spirit of God
Robert:and just
Robert:transformed, transformed
Robert:totally completely.
Robert:I knew God's
Robert:love in that moment
Robert:and I just had an
Robert:undeniable recognition
Robert:that Jesus answered me.
Robert:And everything changed,
Robert:everything in my life changed
Robert:from that moment forward.
Abe:And we don't
Abe:stop needing Him,
Abe:need Him every single day,
Abe:every single moment
Abe:of every hour.
Abe:I'm so grateful to you
Abe:both for being here.
Abe:I'm so grateful
Abe:for your testimony
Abe:that has ultimately
Abe:brought you here
Abe:to this episode.
Abe:It is just so encouraging
Abe:to hear from you both.
Abe:Derek, thank you so much
Abe:for this being your first time,
Abe:I hope it's not the last time
Abe:and it was great
Abe:to hear your thoughts and I'm
Abe:excited for
Abe:the rest of this
Abe:season to really dive
Abe:into more of these questions
Abe:so thank you.
Abe:“But now apart from the Law
Abe:the righteousness of God
Abe:has been manifested,
Abe:being witnessed by the Law
Abe:and the Prophets,
Abe:even the righteousness
Abe:of God through faith in Yeshua
Abe:Messiah for all those
Abe:who believe; for
Abe:there is no distinction;
Abe:for all have sinned
Abe:and fall short
Abe:of the glory of God,
Abe:being justified as
Abe:a gift by His grace
Abe:through the redemption
Abe:which is in Messiah Yeshua.”
Abe:Romans 3, verses 21 through 24
Abe:Not one of us can ever be
Abe:good enough to meet God’s
Abe:standard of goodness—but
Abe:the good news is that
Abe:God sent His Son
Abe:to cover our offenses
Abe:with His sacrifice.
Abe:We will never be perfect,
Abe:but Yeshua lived a perfect,
Abe:blameless life—and though
Abe:we fail, by God’s grace,
Abe:because of Yeshua,
Abe:we can get back up
Abe:and continue following Him.
Abe:We hope you
Abe:enjoyed today’s episode.
Abe:Next week,
Abe:we are going to answer
Abe:another important question
Abe:that we often hear—“Is
Abe:believing in Jesus idolatry?”
Abe:Tune in next week to find out
Abe:how God can become a man,
Abe:and the relationship
Abe:between God and Yeshua.
Abe:Thank you for listening
Abe:to this week's
Abe:episode of Our Hope,
Abe:featuring chosen
Abe:People, Ministries,
Abe:staff members, Robert Walter
Abe:and Derek Blumenthal.
Abe:This episode was
Abe:produced by Nicole Vacca
Abe:and edited by Grace Swee.
Abe:This episode is also
Abe:brought to you by Dr.
Abe:Mitch Glaser, Brian Crawford,
Abe:Kieran Bautista,
Abe:and Neal Surasky.
Abe:I'm Abe Vazquez
Abe:until next time.
Abe:Thanks for
Abe:listening to Our Hope.
Abe:If you like our show
Abe:and want to know more,
Abe:check out ourhopepodcast.com
Abe:or chosenpeople.com.
Abe:You can also
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