This week features a fascinating chat with Keri Wallace, co-founder of Girls on Hills and author of a brilliant new book; Running Challenges: 100 of the best runs in England, Scotland and Wales. you can buy it here;
Keri talks about her love of running, some of the races she has done and ones she would like to do. She talks about how Girls on Hills started, how it has grown as well as how you can join events and the swift half map you can buy to support Glencoe Mountain Rescue. Keri talks about writing the book and the challenges within it as well as her plans for the future in terms of running.
As always also go through our week of running and cover some recent race results, shout outs to listeners and some future topic suggestions. If you have any results you want us to cover or topics for future episodes, get in touch, or if you are interested in being coached by Paul (email Paul with 'podcast offer' to get a 10% coaching discount), please email us or connect on any social media. We will back every Monday with a new episode and here is how you can connect with us to help build the running partners community;
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