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When Healthy Food Isn't an Option
Episode 677th September 2023 • Eating Habits for Life • Kate Johnston
00:00:00 00:18:37

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As you're on the journey of changing your eating habits for your health and/or to lose weight, you may feel like there are situations that are out of your control.

When healthy food isn't an option, it can leave you feeling frustrated, confused, and feeling badly about yourself afterward.

However, there are things you CAN control in any circumstance, and even if it's not much, you can ALWAYS control what you think after the fact.

So when healthy food isn't an option and you end up eating something much less healthy, you can choose what to think moving forward.

That way, you keep making progress instead of feeling like a failure.


Tired of trying to break bad eating habits and feeling like you're failing?

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*The content in this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice.



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