Artwork for podcast EntreArchitect Podcast with Mark R. LePage
EA100: Featuring You! [Podcast]
19th November 2015 • EntreArchitect Podcast with Mark R. LePage • EntreArchitect // Gābl Media
00:00:00 00:36:12

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So, this is it!

Episode 100 of the EntreArchitect Podcast. This is certainly a milestone in the history of the EntreArchitect Platform and there is no way this could have happened without you, the EntreArchitect Community. Those of you who subscribe and download and listen to this show each and every week have been the motivation and inspiration to continue and proceed with sharing what I know and helping others to share what they know.

To honor the friendships and support for one another that has formed around this podcast as well as the entire EntreArchitect Platform on the blog, at the newsletter and throughout our many groups on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and other social media; this week on the on the EntreArchitect Podcast, I asked you to share your answer to this question:

What is one thing that you did this year to improve your business, your leadership or your life?

This week, on this very special Episode 100, I am featuring you, the EntreArchitect Community.

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Photo Credit: Shutterstock / Anton_Ivanov


The post EA100: Featuring You! [Podcast] appeared first on EntreArchitect // Small Firm Entrepreneur Architects.

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