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How to write a product specification
Episode 125th June 2020 • Bring Your Product Idea to Life • Vicki Weinberg
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What is a product specification and why do you need one?

A product specification is a full description of your product, what it is, what it consists of, what it does, etc. 

This would give a potential supplier all the information they need to confirm whether they can meet your brief and what it’ll cost.  

What do to first

If you’re thinking about writing your product specification then I hope you’ve already carried out some customer and market research. 

If not, try some of the blog posts and previous episodes linked below.

Why do I suggest you do all of this pre-work before writing your product specification?

  1. You’ve hopefully used what you’ve learnt from your customers, the market and your competitors to really refine your product, down to the smallest details. It’s important to figure out what makes your product unique from other, similar products already on the market.
  2. Doing this work in advance means you have a really clear idea of what you’re looking for and a really tight brief. This makes the sourcing process a lot simpler, as it’s much easier to start ruling out anyone who can’t meet your specification.
  3. If you’ve done the work and are still here, it means you’ve had some validation that there’s a need for your product and that the costs stack up and it can be profitable. I always think it’s good to have that!

What kind of things should my product specification include?

Your specification needs to include everything someone would need to confirm that they can meet your brief (or not) and give an accurate quote for your product.

Here are some of the things you might include in your production specification:

  • A brief description of what your product is
  • The sizes and / or dimensions 
  • The weight
  • Material(s) to be used
  • Any specific notes on quality and finish
  • Colour(s) / patterns
  • Designs 
  • Will the product have variant? If so, how many and what will these be
  • How you want your product packaged
  • Ingredients or components to be used or omitted 
  • The number of items in total – i.e is your product a pack containing more than one product
  • Any branding requirements – i.e. do you want a sticker on a box, or custom-made packaging
  • Any labelling requirements – i.e. do you require a washing label, or a swing tag applied

This isn’t a definitive list, as the requirements vary so much between different products and product types. It’s just a starting point.

How do you write a product specification?

I suggest using the list above as a starting point and listing out all the details you have.

This will then form the basis of any communication you’ll send to potential suppliers and manufacturers.

I also suggest pulling together sketches, photos, etc, to help explain what you’re looking for.

You can read the entire blog post here.


Episode 5 - Want to create a product? 4 things to do first

Episode 6 - How and why to validate your product ideas

Episode 9 - How to carry out your own customer and market research

Product validation mini-course


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This episode is sponsored by Cara Bendon Brand Consultancy

If you need branding & packaging for your product, Cara is my go-to. She and her team create beautiful and unique branding so that your product will impress retailers, stand out on the shelf and look great online. They also offer packaging and e-commerce website design, so that you can get everything set up and ready to launch, confident that it looks brilliant. If you’d like to chat to Cara about branding for your business, she’s offering a free no-obligation call for my listeners.

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How to write a product description that sells


Welcome to the, bring your product ideas to life podcast, practical advice, and inspiration to help you create and sell your own physical products. Here's your host Vicki Weinberg.

Vicki (:

Hi, thanks so much for being here. So today we're going to talk about writing compelling product listings for your products. So you've put all the work into research and your customer. You've created the best product you can. You found a supplier and now you're almost there. And if you've been following along with this podcast, right from the start, which I know some of you have been, then perhaps this is where your wrap. So the next thing to think about after you've done all of this hard work is to create a product. Listen, it really sells your products. And even if that's not where you are right now, assuming that you are listening, because you're creating a product that you want to sell online. At some point you are going to need a product description. It's also probably worth listening to this episode. If you have a product that's currently selling and you're not making as many sales as perhaps you would like, cause you will get some tips and advice in this episode on how you can optimize that listing to generate more sales.

Vicki (:

So the tips I speak about today applies to anywhere where you'd say your product online's whether that's your own website or wherever that has a specific marketplace, the only exception are Amazon product listings, which are slightly different. And I'm actually going to tackle those a bit later in the episode separately, because there were some extra things and some different things you need to be aware of. If you're planning on selling your products on Amazon, but regardless of where you plan to sell your product, the first thing to do when you're thinking about writing your product listing. And in fact, right at the beginning of your product creation journey, as we've spoken about many times before is knowing who your customer is. As I say, we've spoken about this a lot, hopefully by now you've done a lot of research and you have a really good idea of who your customer is and who you're writing your product description for.

Vicki (:

So we've spoken about this in lots of episodes. So I'm not going to go into detail about it. Now it's a great episode to listen to, if you want to know a little bit more about research and your customer episodes, five episode six and episode nine, and I'm going to link to all of these in the show notes to make it super easy to find them. And if you haven't done this, if you, so you, hopefully you know who your customer is, but if you haven't specifically done this next step, I think it's a good time to get a pen and paper or type. However you've had to do it and to write down the problems or concerns that your customer has and how your product helps with this and how it will improve their life. And if that sounds a bit vague to you and a bit of a pointless exercise, bear with me, and I'm going to explain why that's really important.

Vicki (:

So a really good product description. It talks about the benefits of the products and not just the features. So it's really easy to fall into the trap of listing out all the things that your product has and all the things your

product does. And this is important. So customers may well want to know what your products of what the zone mentions are it, you know, what ingredients are depending on what it is you're selling. That information is important, but if you know who your customer is and how your product can help them, it's much easier to talk about the benefits. So this is more, much more compelling for a customer because you're telling them how by purchasing your product, it will improve their life in some way. And this can be a really small thing as well. Like it doesn't literally have to be life-changing, but these small things really do make a difference.

Vicki (:

Say for example, my tiny chipmunk bamboo had her details a bigger than most houses on the market and they were really good quality. So I designed them, they lost some newborns right up until four to five years of age. And the advantage here is that you only have to buy one tower, which will last for years and it can be handed down to other children. So how I've written this in my product description, and I'm going to read you exactly what it says is a larger size 90 centimeters by 90 centimeters makes this tail perfect from newborn to toddler. And then in brackets up to four to five years with plenty of room for growth, the size and quality means this, how will be used for years to come and be in great condition when you're ready to pass it on. So rather than just stating the size, my description tells my customers that I understand a problem they might have, which is buying things for their babies.

Vicki (:

That just don't last. And I also tell them how my product solves this. So coming back to what I said before, if you don't know what problem your product sells, now's the time to act to think about that. So you can make sure that is included in your listing because remember it's benefits that sell and not just features. So the next thing to think about when you're writing your product description is sharing a little bit of yourself. So what I mean by this is if you've created your products, would you, you know, presumably you have created your product, it means something to you. Then tell people that tell people what it is wherever it is. I saw there was a gap in the market, or I had a problem and I came up for this solution.

Vicki (:

People do want to hear your story because people want to buy from people, not just baseless brands. So for example, I share the, I created my products when I had my second baby and realized that very few of the things I bought from my first baby were ups being used again. That's what, that was the catalyst for starting my business and selling my, creating my products. And I talk about that a lot because it's a true story. That's why I'm, you know, that's why I'm doing it. And I feel like people can perhaps relate to that and resonate to that and kind of under understand a bit more about me and where I'm coming from. And I think that's it. And I do think that's important. See, I think that sharing a story is actually quite compelling and don't worry.

Vicki (:

I mean, if you're creating a product because you want to make a lot of money, that's fine too, by the way, it's just about, you know, how you sort of how you want to sh how you want to share that. So you could say

something like after years in the corporate world, I wanted to do something where I can earn money, but also fits around my family. I've always loved crafting and I wanted to start selling my own course. Supplies is an example. So I don't worry about why you've come in to doing this so much, but anything about yourself and your story that you can share. I think he's really good. And if you don't feel, there's a particular story about yourself that you want to share or perhaps offer your reason for creating your products, then why don't you tell a story about an aspect of your product?

Vicki (:

I think storytelling is like a really important and sometimes overlooked part of, of writing product descriptions. I write lots of descriptions. I wrote product descriptions every week for a variety of clients. And one thing I always try and do is tell a little bit about that brand or that individual, and just put a bit of personality into it. Feedback I often get when I write product descriptions for people, it's all that doesn't look like it description that I've written before. It doesn't look like the kind of thing I'm used to seeing. And I think I'm taking that as a compliment. I hope it's meant in that way. I have lots of good reviews right. To my product listings. So hopefully that is that's meant ina nice way, but I think it's because too often, you know, they are quite dry and just state what a product is and what it does.

Vicki (:

But I think putting some personality into it is really important. And as I say, if you don't feel there's story behind you, then there must be a story about your product or an aspect of your product. Maybe you use a really unusual ingredient or component. What is it that makes it special? So in my product description, for example, I talk a lot about the natural properties of Bambi, because this is a key element of my products. I really do genuinely believe that the best fabric choice for babies and children. And so I talk a lot about that and I want to share why it is that I feel that and why I made the decision to create my products in bamboo when I could have just made them from cotton or from any other, any other fabric. And that's something that I talk about a lot.

Vicki (:

Another good example of this is I met a lady last week who sells products that are made from olive trees. And if the, and the would the, the olive word that she makes their products from would have been otherwise bad if she didn't, you know, if that, if she wasn't using them using this word another way. And I think that's a really good story. It's interesting. And I remembered it and I remembered to tell you, whereas if she had just told me that she makes products out of olive trees without adding that extra little detail, perhaps it wouldn't have been so memorable. So that's just something to think about. Okay. So getting a little bit more technical, if you want to say that well, don't, don't get scared of, so technical, another thing to think about when you're writing your description on, on, on top of all of this is to make sure you're including relevant key words.

Vicki (:

But my caveat here is to make sure that this makes sense. So what do I mean? So if you want your product

to be found, you need to include relevant keywords in your product description. And when I'm in keywords, I, in the simplest terms, I mean, what are the kind of words that customers or potential customers would be using if they were searching for product like yours, wherever they're searching on Google or on any online marketplace, what things would they actually type into the search bar? So these might vary across the marketplace as you list your product on, and you might want to slightly tweak your product description and the keywords you use for each of them. So for example, a keyword that you use on Etsy might or might not be different to a keyword that will drive traffic to your website via Google search.

Vicki (:

And then Amazon is a whole different story. When we talk about keywords and we will go into that in more detail very soon. So in general, the keywords you use won't vary that much, but you just might want to make some tweaks for different marketplaces, and you can use free tools such as Google keyword planner to look into potential keywords. So this is things like I know just to make sure I'm being really clear. So this is thing. So for example, I sell Bambi missing swaddles. So obviously some of the things people might type into Google, let's just use Google as an example, if they were looking for my products or products like mine is they might take swaddles for newborns.

Vicki (:

They might type how to swaddle because they might be looking at information on how to do it. They might be looking at things they might be looking for bamboo swaddles. They might be looking for bamboo wraps. That's the term that people also use. There's all kinds of things that people might actually type into the search bar. If they were looking for products like mine. And I need to make sure that as many of those keywords, the thing and the words that people are searching for are included in my product listing, but in a way that makes sense. So the main thing too, when I say that, that needs to make sense. The main thing to remember when you write them in your listing is to ensure that what you're writing actually makes sense, and you're not just doing what's called keyword stuffing.

Vicki (:

And when we talk about Amazon listings a bit later on, I will explain this in a bit more detailed because I see in Amazon product listings, especially in product titles, you can really see when someone's just trying to cram those keywords into that. And it, the title reads like a list of words that don't actually make a whole lot of sense. And that's what we want to avoid so ways to do this naturally would be, for example, if we use my swaddles and example that let's say some people use the terms, what on some use the term wrap in one sentence I might write our bamboo swaddles are. And then in another sentence, I might refer to them as our bamboo raps to cover both of those keywords, but it's a natural way included in the description.

Vicki (:

And just by sort of changing how you define something, it's just a really natural way of including the acute in the different terms people might be looking for in your writing, but in a way that actually still makes sense. So

the next thing, and probably the final thing to think about with your product description is to remember that you also need to have some great face Hayes to accompany this great text that you're writing. So well written informative. Text is really important, but you, yeah, you do need great images to go along with it. And I have written some blog posts in the past about how to hire and brief a professional photographer and also how to take your own product vatos. And I will link to both of those in the show notes for this episode in a few weeks time, I'm actually recording today.

Vicki (:

In fact, I'm an episode, we have a product photographer. Who's going to talk more about how to take your own product betas. So do listen out for that one, as I say, I've, I've have a blog post on the subject when I had a go at doing it myself, which I think turned out okay. But let's see what a professional says. She's found to have some really good advice and hints on all kinds of things like how to set up she's bound to have loads of really fantastic tips. So yeah. Do listen out for that one. That's coming out in just a few weeks time. And I guess the overview, the main things to think about is wherever you're taking face Hayes yourself, or whether you're briefing someone else to do it, it's just think about what kind of images you need. So, you know, you want images that show your products, all kinds of angles, depending on what your product is.

Vicki (:

You might want images of the inside and the outside. You might want images that shape the packaging. You might want ones that sort of zoom in on a particular feature. You might want what's called lifestyle images. So images of someone actually using your product. For example, I have images babies wrapped up in my swaddles images of babies, where am I headed towels, images of children eating from my bowls. So, you know, you might be want some pictures like that. So a good place to start is to just write down a list of the images that you think you'd need. And then you can think about, you know, whether you're going to take them yourself or whether you're going to need some help.

Vicki (:

If you have a little bit of budget graphics, also really good way to highlight particular aspects of your product, and you can see some great examples of this on Amazon product lessons, have a good place to, to see. So this, I mean, you might have an image showing a product and there might be text on that image highlighting

the key features, for example, or there might be sort of a magnify, you know, part of the product might be magnified. And then there might be some texts explaining a particular feature. If you have an idea of what you'd like these images to look like, and you can perhaps even sketch them or mock them up somewhere, you know, just a really rough mock up. It actually shouldn't be that expensive to find. Someone's create them for you on a freelance insights, say something like five or more people per hour.

Vicki (:

And it's actually a really nice way of adding a bit more to your overall product listing, particularly on some sites where character length is limited. You can get a little bit of extra text on these images. And also

remember that people don't always read everywhere that you like people are often skimming them. And on lots of sites to images are pretty prominent. And, you know, by flicking through the images, they might be able to get the jest of your products, get some of the benefits and the features, even if they don't want to read the text in great detail. So it's just another way to help sell your product. So let's now talk about how you actually write a product description.

Vicki (:

So if you're unsure of where to start, I would suggest a really good structure is a title containing as many keywords as you can, but making sense why don't see paragraphs of text, given an AVP of the product, what it is, who it's for. And then three to five bullet points outlining the benefits of the product. Remember to be really clear on what it is, who it's for and how it makes their lives better. I actually think it was helped to have that in front of you. When you sit down to write your product description, you obviously don't want to make bold claims that aren't true or might not be true or white, anything misleading, but do remember on the other, on the other end of this, the goal of your product listing is to sell your book product.

Vicki (:

So you can't be sure I am modest Iver, obviously. Yeah. Don't make bold claims that aren't true, but if your product genuinely does something, is something benefits. Somebody say it, you do actually need to say it. The structure that I'm recommending is actually really similar to the structure of an Amazon product listing, which we'll go into a few into more than a few minutes. I actually write all of my own product listings for my products with Amazon in mind. So I liked the product listings to go on Amazon, and then I tweak them for the

other marketplaces I sell them on because I actually think it's a really good structure. I think having a clear title product title is good because often that's the first thing people see, they see your title when they see your first image, depending on whatever marketplace they're looking at.

Vicki (:

I think that having bullet points is really good because it's, you know, it's just short snappy P Stu information. People can skim them really nicely. And then the paragraph of text is I think if someone wants more information, the way I like to think of it is title grabs brings them in the bullet points are kind of like all the key information they need that needs to be in there. And then the descriptive text might be where you just talk a bit more about yourself, your story, your brands. And I think that that's the, you know, the last thing that someone would look out, so that's equally important, but I think that when you're structuring it, it's kind of like when they talk about, you know, writing for newspapers, you know, the title needs to have everything that someone would need and then the bullets and then the description, I think you need to sort of make sure your most important information is upfront.

Vicki (:

Yeah. And structured it like that. So one, yeah. Do you have written product description? You've got something you're happy with. I think it's always a good idea to do a bit of a sense check. So I would read

through it and I would check for typos and spelling mistakes check that your spelling is right for the country or that you're listing your products in. So for example, if you are writing a product description for, it's a Do you make sure you've got Maverick and English spelling check that it sounds natural and conversational as well, as I said, I think it's nice to hatch to write something that sounds, you know, a bit has a bit of personality to it.

Vicki (:

And my top tip for working out if something does, is read it aloud and obviously do it on your own. If it makes you feel better, if it doesn't feel natural or you feel uncomfortable saying any of it, then perhaps think about making some edits. Also share it with a friend. If you've got someone that you trust, a friend, partner, family member, anyone get them to read for a bit and give you some feedback and see what and see what they think. And remember that you, that, you know, you can get some help if you need it. If this, what I've gone free, feels like way too much. I'm here to help. I offer a product description, writing service, or I can edit a product description you've already written, or we can just get on the phone and you can show you me.

Vicki (:

And I can just give you one or two, you know, really quick things you can do to improve. Hopefully you paired. I offer free 20 minute calls in 20 minutes. We could definitely come up with sort of, you know, free things that you could do really quickly to work on your listing. If that's the kind of help that would be useful for you. So if it

is, please get in touch, I'll link to my website. It's Vicki, go over there and see if I can possibly help you. But now I want to move on and talk about Amazon product listings specifically, because these differ slightly, as I mentioned from listing and other marketplaces, because there are lots of rules. You have to follow around the word you can use, and can't use number of characters.

Vicki (:

You can use the fields you have to complete and how you images have to lick. I've written a really detailed blog post on this, which I'll also link to in the show notes. I just wanted to cover the basics with you because I do know that a lot of you are looking at Amazon as a potential platform. So I didn't want to overlook that. I did also have a free guide on how to write a well optimized Amazon product listing is basically a checklist of things to make sure you have before you hit publish on that listing. And again, I'll link to that for the show notes for this episode. So there were a few things I think you need to do to create a really well optimized Amazon listing. And the first thing is to do your research, which you've already covered. And the next thing is to do some more Amazon specific keyword research.

Vicki (:

So as I mentioned before, there were plenty of free keyword tools on the market, as well as pay keyword tools. If you do want to pay for at all, the one I use is jungle scout. I think it's really good. I'll link to it over in the show notes. You can take a look often they do free trials. And if you're just looking to write one product listing for now and actually a free trial, you know, might be all that you need. So if you don't want to pay for

any kind of keywords or which I code, which I totally get, there's lots of costs when you're getting set up, you can do a lot of really good research yourself just using the Amazon search bar by looking at other listings and taking notes of the words they use, particularly in their titles using the Amazon search.

Vicki (:

But there's actually a really good way of getting long tail keywords. And you do this by pretending to be a customer say, long tail keywords are effectively a keyword phrase. I Muslim swaddle blanket for newborns. So flick sample. So I sell a hundred percent Bambi business models if I go to Amazon's home page. So the not Amazon seller central, but that home page that you would go to as a customer. And I typed swore though, in the search bar, it brings up a list of options to finish that search term. So you know that these are the things people are actually searching for. So examples what'll blanket for newborn is the first one that came up when I looked at that this morning. So I, you know, I know from that, that that's something that people are often typing into the Amazon search bar because Amazon have brought that up as the first example, as soon as I've typed swaddle, that's what they think I'm looking for.

Vicki (:

So you can use this method to work out the terms people are searching for, and then include those in your product listing and in your paid advertising, if you decide to use any Amazon paid advertising further on down the line. So I think that's quite a nice little hack and a free way of getting some really good search. So for example, I might search, I would search swaddle and see what came up. I might also type the words blanket in and see what came up newborn sort of, I would look for any kind of words and phrases around my products and see what other suggestions Amazon gave me. And then I think you can do, you know, do that spend half an hour to 20 minutes, half an hour, doing that.

Vicki (:

And you should end up with a really nice list of keywords and long tail keywords as well. Just as I say, you can include these in your product listing and then do keep a note of them as well. So that if you do decide you want to do any paid advertising on Amazon down the line, then you know, you've got them ready. So

you've already researched that. So you have your keywords, something, an Amazon to think about as well as including them in your listing is to make sure you complete your backend search terms field. So when you set up her listing on Amazon, and I'm not going to go into massive detail about that now, because that's probably something for another podcast, there are various fields you can complete depending on the kind of product that you're listing, but for any products in any category, you will see when you go to create your listing a little tab that says search terms, and you can add, and you can now add 250 characters for keywords.

Vicki (:

It used to be a lot more. So you need to use these wisely. And the best way to do this is to use, enter your keywords. It's a string of words with no punctuation, no commerce, no repetition, and just use spaces to

separate them. It's okay to repeat words in here that you've used in your description text, but don't duplicate words in your search terms. Don't write sentences. Don't wite phrases, don't use words like, and or of an always use the wall where you can. And if it no sense, it probably is worth having a look at the blog paste for this episode. You really understand what I mean, but I'm going to try and explain this.

Vicki (:

So let's say for example, you're selling coffee bags and some of your key words are premium coffee bags, single serve coffee bags, organic coffee bags, coffee bags, organic coffee. So we've got one, two, three, four, five search terms that you've come up with. You wouldn't write them as I've just read them in your search term fields, you would write premium coffee bags, single serve organic, and the algorithm would do the rest. So what you're doing is you're stripping out energy plication. You're adding the pool to words where it makes sense. So you'd want bags rather than bag. And this is really the best way to optimize the space, the space that you've got.

Vicki (:

So when you're thinking about your backend search terms, that's something to keep in mind. And I think that's actually quite hopefully quite a useful tip. So still talking about search terms is that all keywords, however you want to call them another common thing I see. And I mentioned this earlier is product titles on Amazon, which are so full of keywords that they don't actually read correctly or make a lot of sense. So here's an example of a title, stuff of keywords I've actually seen. I'm going to read, I'm not going to, I'm goin to leave out the brand name. I'm going to read the rest of the title. So it reads squeaky fun dogs, toys, gifts, set, large plush non-staff jewel, verbal raccoon and scribble animals interactive to exercise, play rate with tennis ball for puppy adult dogs.

Vicki (:

So here's the same title with the same key words we arrange in a more logical way. This isn't actually one I've written I've worked on. This is just an example I wanted to create for you. So you can see, you know what I just read maybe sounded like a string of words, but, but listen to it like this squeaky fund dog's toy gift set, large non-staff durable plush raccoon, and scribble animals, interactive play rate with tennis ball for chewing boredom games and exercise for small, medium and large puppy and adult dogs. Now I'm not going to say that's perfect. That's just something I've mocked up, you know, for the purpose of Fs and the blog post and do take a look at it on the blog post as well, because perhaps it will be something that's clear, but when you actually can see it, but I hope that's helpful just to demonstrate how you can use the same words, but by putting them in sentences and just organize them a little bit better, they'll actually make a bit, a bit more sense.

Vicki (:

And how I would organize them into sentences is weave with the product titles is I just put a dash between each you know, the bit where I would want someone support. I just picked low dash to separate those out.

And if you go and take a look at Amazon, which, and if you are looking to put an Amazon product description, I do recommend you always go to Amazon and look at your competitors and look at how they've written and structured their product listings. Not to copy. Definitely don't copy people do not think you should do that, but just to get an idea of the kind of words people are using, because you can use the same words, but you can,

you know, you need to be putting them in your own voice, your own tone. You can't just copy somebody's title, but you can also look at how they've, how they've structured it.

Vicki (:

And that will give you a really good idea of how to create your rhyme. So let's move on and talk about images specifically on Amazon, because the rules for images are different and they can and do change. So I do recommend looking at again, looking at the blog post for this episode and following the link to the Amazon image guidelines, just in case something changes between me recording this and you listening. And if you're listening in the future, then that may well be the case. But the key thing to know is that your main product image has to just show the product. So you can't show anything that isn't sold on it. You can't, you know, you can't show any your main image. Basic, can't be a lifestyle image. There can't be any text on it.

Vicki (:

There can't be any accessories that aren't sold, included in that picture. It's just the product on a plain white background. And that's the one shot that you absolutely have to have. So even if you've got lots of lovely lifestyle images or pictures taken on a colored background, you can use those for the other images, but for the main one, you want to have the white background. It's a pretty easy image to get. And I will link to a post where I talk about how I got those shots, myself, using my iPhone to take them, and then Canva to take the background out can have a background remove at all, which is pretty easy. So if you do have these images already, but they don't have a plain background, or you have a plain white background, you could use a tool like Canva to take the backgrounds out of an existing image rather than having to take another one.

Vicki (:

And again, if this is something that you don't fancy doing yourself, this will be such a quick job. I think you'd be able to find someone really easily on a freelance insight who could do this for you quickly and cheaply. So that's all I'm going to say about images, because that's the only thing that's really different with Amazon images. For the rest of them. You can have lifestyle shots, you can have people in your images. You can have texts, as I mentioned before, just make sure you have that one main image on a plain white backgrounds. So we stayed in a bit, a little bit already about the structure of your, of your product listing. So you, first of all, you'd have the title which we covered. Title was obviously key because it impacts search results. And along with that main image plays a big part in whether someone actually decided to go through and click it or not.

Vicki (:

You then have your bullet points on Amazon. You can have five bullet points of features. I recommend that

you use all of them, even if it might mean sort of, you have to break down what you wanted to say to, to cover all of them. An exercise it's possibly worth doing is to think about the features of your product, the features of your brands, you know, the things that make you different and list out those five, then write a bullet point for each of them. So for example, you might have a couple of bullet points on particular features

of your product. Say, say, for example, you might have a couple of bullet points around some particular features and you know how they're going to benefit someone. You might have a bullet point that tells a little bit about a particular element of your product or ingredient component, or like, as we spoke about before.

Vicki (:

So for example, I might have a bullet point about bamboo, and then you might have a bullet point that explains a little bit more about your brand or your processes. Say, for example, I've written quite a lot of ad product listings for food products recently that don't contain preservative. So, you know, that's where before bullet point, perhaps they're hand jars, that's something that's also quite nice, perhaps your products, you know, perhaps you, you know, you make them yourself or there may be a really small team, whatever it is that you think makes you and your product unique at that in the bullet points. And then the final aspects of it, Amazon product listing is a description. So this is the paragraph or couple of paragraphs of texts that we've spoke about before.

Vicki (:

And I guess my key thing to mention for the Amazon product listings is that if you just write, you know, in a, in a Google doc words or whatever, a paragraph or two of text, when you paste it into Amazon, all that formatting disappears and having a well formatted description, obviously looks much more professional than just a block of text, which is what you'll get. If you take your text and paste it straight in. So my top tip here is to use basic HTML coding to break your text into paragraphs and to highlight key phrases. So for example, you might want bullet points in there. You might want some, some text to be in bold, and you can see an example of what I made on the blog post.

Vicki (:

It's pretty simple. And I actually have a really good sort of tip to do this, which is to use something called where to HTML. So it's website where it's free. It's really quick. I'll link to it in the show notes as well. So all you really have to do is paste your text into the first screen, click HTML, and it will give you the code you before you paste the code into Amazon, you might want to tweak it slightly because sometimes it adds in random characters, but you can do this all on the editor. I promise it's really easy and definitely worth doing, just to make your listing look that little bit more professional. You can also use something called A-plus content to give you even more options of how to organize your text.

Vicki (:

You could have



Vicki (:

You can also use something called A-plus content on Amazon to give you even more options for your product description. If your brand is registered with Amazon. So if you have a brand that's been registered as a trademark, but I think that's probably one for a separate episode because there's a lot more scope into, and I feel like that's probably enough for today. So remember if you do need help, I have the free Amazon product listing checklist, which is a great starting point. And I think will actually help with listings for other marketplaces too, as while I'm, as in a quite strict on, you know, the wall was on character limits and which word you can and can't use, which I haven't listed out here because they change all the time. And that's something you can go over to Amazon seller portal and take a look at it does really apply anywhere.

Vicki (:

You're writing a product description. I do actually think that the format, you know, title, but its description is good. I think thinking about your search terms is always good. So I think that's hopefully a really useful resource. And as I mentioned before, I'm also really happy to help you. So I write and edit lots of product descriptions every week. If you think I can help you just get in touch. I'd love to hear from you. It's So thank you so much for listening for making it through to the end. Oh no, that's quite a long one. Hopefully you found that useful. If you have, please do tell your friends and please do subscribe. So you don't miss out on what we've got coming up.

Vicki (:

So thank you so much. Have a lovely day, have a lovely rest of your week and I'll talk to you soon.



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