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UWR 049 Simplification
11th November 2019 • Financial and Lifestyle Freedom for UK Business Owners • Annette Ferguson
00:00:00 00:04:09

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In today’s episode, I am speaking about simplification, so let’s dive in. It’s a phrase I hear a lot from clients, “I want to simplify now,” and it’s often from people who are feeling burnt out from their business or are feeling a little resentful of their business now, that perhaps they’ve lost that little bit of spark that they had for their business. They’ve spent years, perhaps, adding different programmes and courses, adding layer upon layer of tech or automation and team, and things just feel heavy now. Things feel … well, complex, so I want to share with you what I think is key when you begin to feel that way. First, looking at all of your offerings, which do you actually enjoy and which now feel like a burden to you?

Be really honest with yourself and understand which spark joy in you and which just feel heavy, and next, really be clear on which are making money and which are not. Again, get really honest. Make sure that you layer in all costs, including team time, payment processor fees, as well as your own time. Anything that is losing money needs to go straight away. Anything that you are no longer loving doing, then what is the impact on your take home, if that goes straight away? What is the financial impact in terms of any refunds or repayments that you would need to make? Assess what would happen if these programmes you hated went away. It might be that you can’t do that straight away and you need a phase out plan, but getting the ball rolling and starting moving on that is a good idea. There is no better way to breed resentment for your business and ultimately for your clients if you hate the programmes you are running.

Now, what does your business look like with a more streamlined offering, ones that are profitable and that you love? And what finances would you deliver to your family’s pocket over the next 12 months with a more aligned and simplified offering? Does that work? If not, what needs to happen? What needs to change? Ask yourself these questions to get to a place where your business is not so crazy and it’s feeling a lot more simplified and in alignment with yourself and what you want from your business. And what about the funnels and tech to support those bits that you are no longer planning on having, that you are planning to strip away? What is the phase out process for that? And what about team? Hours or responsibilities need to be changed now. Make sure you get really clear on what can be done away with and what needs to stay in place for each phase of the phase out, of the transition to a more simplified model.

This will help you move towards a much more simplified business, and one that you can start being in love with again. So I hope that this episode has been useful to help you think about simplification, and whilst we are here, I would love to let you know about the next wealth lab that we have happening inside the Uncover Wealth Community. The wealth lab runs from November 11th to 15th, and during it we will be building out your profit plan to release the next six figure take home from your business. Head to, which I realise is a bit of a mouthful. So it may just be easier to click the link in the show notes and you can register your place. Thank you so much for listening. Until next time, let’s find the clarity in your numbers, increase your wealth, and get more money in your pockets.




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