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Real Life Coaching: How To Bring My Creativity Into The World with Melissa Moran-Ep: 091
Episode 911st May 2022 • She Coaches Coaches • Candy Motzek | Life & Business Coach
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Join me for a real-life coaching demonstration with my client Melissa. We talk about creativity and passion projects and how to bring more of them out into the world.

This is a common challenge creatives face. We have so many amazing and brilliant ideas and then they get stuck in draft. We talk about how to get the right ideas out into the world and how to manage our UFOs (unfinished objects)

Endnote: Check out the result of this coaching. Two days after this coaching session Melissa published her journal, The Narrator Planner 2022 and she is now a published author


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Candy Motzek:

Hey welcome to sheet coaches, coaches, I'm your

Candy Motzek:

host, Kandi motsek. And I'm going to help you find the

Candy Motzek:

clarity, confidence and courage to become the coach that you are

Candy Motzek:

meant to be. If you're a new coach, or if you've always

Candy Motzek:

wanted to be a life coach, then this is the place for you. We're

Candy Motzek:

going to talk all about mindset and strategies and how to,

Candy Motzek:

because step by step only works when you have the clarity,

Candy Motzek:

courage and confidence to take action. Let's get started.

Candy Motzek:

Hello, friends, and welcome to this episode of she coaches

Candy Motzek:

coaches, I've got another real life coaching demonstration for

Candy Motzek:

you. It is with one of my favorite clients, Melissa. Now,

Candy Motzek:

I know you guys are gonna say candy, you say all of your

Candy Motzek:

clients are favorites. And they are. They're all my favorites in

Candy Motzek:

different ways. Melissa specifically, is a creative

Candy Motzek:

genius. And what you're going to hear in this coaching is what so

Candy Motzek:

many of us creatives struggle with. We have so many brilliant

Candy Motzek:

ideas. But which ones do we make real? Which ones do we put out

Candy Motzek:

in the world? And which ones are just ideas to keep that divine

Candy Motzek:

inspiration pump flowing. I hope you enjoy it as much as I

Candy Motzek:

enjoyed coaching her. So what's changed since the last time we

Candy Motzek:

met? What do you want to talk about today?

Melissa Morgan:

Huh? Wow, I'm so good question. I thought I had

Melissa Morgan:

it. Um So last night, I was going a little crazy. And this

Melissa Morgan:

kind of ties into what we've talked about in the past, with

Melissa Morgan:

my desire to go 5 million different directions. Because

Melissa Morgan:

once I get an idea in my head, I'm like a dog with a bone. And

Melissa Morgan:

I started to work on this project last night. And I just

Melissa Morgan:

felt so much passion for it, that like I didn't go to bed

Melissa Morgan:

until almost midnight. And then I started to ignore my work that

Melissa Morgan:

I had to get into this morning because I was still working on

Melissa Morgan:

that project. And finally, I just kind of gave up and decided

Melissa Morgan:

to outsource some of it. Because I didn't know how to finish off

Melissa Morgan:

the rest of it. But yeah, I feel like if I don't. The problem is

Melissa Morgan:

I feel like if I don't finish it right away, I'm going to lose

Melissa Morgan:

the the excited feeling I have for it, and just give it up. And

Melissa Morgan:

then I'll be disappointed in myself.

Candy Motzek:

And okay, yeah, so you have an idea. You get super

Candy Motzek:

passionate about

Melissa Morgan:

it super, like can't sleep, because I'm so

Melissa Morgan:

excited about it.

Candy Motzek:

You dive in, you start you put other things to

Candy Motzek:

the side. And at this point, the reason that you do that is

Candy Motzek:

because you think that the emotion of the satisfaction of

Candy Motzek:

that new passion project could never be captured tomorrow.

Melissa Morgan:

And it's it's so frustrating because like, I have

Melissa Morgan:

so many things like that, where I I get so excited. And then I

Melissa Morgan:

started and I I realized in doing it that it's not coming as

Melissa Morgan:

naturally as I had hoped. And so I start slowing down on it, I

Melissa Morgan:

lose my excitement, and then it goes away. But then a week

Melissa Morgan:

later, I'll think about and I'm like, I should finish that.

Candy Motzek:

Where's the switch? Where does the switch

Candy Motzek:

happen? You have the excitement and you kind of rising This is

Candy Motzek:

great. We're gonna do this, this is good. You get started. And

Candy Motzek:

then something happens and then it starts is kind of like

Candy Motzek:

puncture a balloon with a pin right? And then what happens

Candy Motzek:

there? Is it common like is it a thought or?

Melissa Morgan:

I think it's that. Okay, so I'll give you

Melissa Morgan:

specifics. So I came on With this project that I could self

Melissa Morgan:

publish, so I went on. And it's something super simple. And I

Melissa Morgan:

think that's part of the problem. So it's something super

Melissa Morgan:

simple that I came up with, that would help my community. And one

Melissa Morgan:

of my careers, in my, in my narration career, I thought of

Melissa Morgan:

like a really exciting tool that would really, really super help

Melissa Morgan:

my community. And maybe I can make a little money off of it,

Melissa Morgan:

too. So I thought, Okay, I'm going to self publish it, it's

Melissa Morgan:

going to rock, I did the templates, I get to the website

Melissa Morgan:

to upload everything. And I realize, Oh, my God, this is

Melissa Morgan:

going to take so much more research than I thought. And it

Melissa Morgan:

I think that's when the balloon pops because I, I get so excited

Melissa Morgan:

because I and this is see, even when talking about it, I

Melissa Morgan:

realized how silly it is. Knowing how to upload something

Melissa Morgan:

on KDP or whatever, anything technical. Why do I expect

Melissa Morgan:

that's just going to come naturally?

Candy Motzek:

Right? Yeah.

Melissa Morgan:

Um, so because when they're not like, matching

Melissa Morgan:

vibrations, like I have this idea, and I do it, and I have

Melissa Morgan:

the templates, and I'm gonna be like, yes. And that I get to

Melissa Morgan:

that point no, like, no.

Candy Motzek:

Talk about the matching vibrations? Is it that

Candy Motzek:

you move from the from the place of imagination and vision to the

Candy Motzek:

3d world where now I have to push the button and it's going

Candy Motzek:

to be real? Or is it something about the mechanics of a system?

Candy Motzek:

That kind of squishes that creativity?

Melissa Morgan:

Yeah, I think it's the mechanics of it.

Melissa Morgan:

Because, as far as I'm concerned, like, I can't wait to

Melissa Morgan:

get it out into the world, I don't really have any kind of

Melissa Morgan:

imposter syndrome about that. It's just the the technical

Melissa Morgan:

side, it doesn't match my passion. Like, I think I'm gonna

Melissa Morgan:

get on there and go click, click, click, click, click. It's

Melissa Morgan:

out in the world. And in

Candy Motzek:

just a second here, so but you know this, you

Candy Motzek:

know that you have that arc. And more and more interestingly, is

Candy Motzek:

that this idea that if I have this idea, and it's a great

Candy Motzek:

idea, it will only be a great idea, if I do it right now, it

Candy Motzek:

won't be a great idea tomorrow. What's the deal with that? Like,

Candy Motzek:

how does that not serve you? Well,

Melissa Morgan:

I mean, it doesn't serve me because I have

Melissa Morgan:

all of these unfinished projects that I once felt super excited

Melissa Morgan:

about. And now they're just sitting there. And it doesn't

Melissa Morgan:

serve me because it, it feeds into my narrative that if I

Melissa Morgan:

don't get it done now, it won't be good.

Candy Motzek:

Or this. There it is. Yeah. And then. So do you

Candy Motzek:

notice what happens here? Sorry, I can't look at you while I'm

Candy Motzek:

doing this. You have the idea. You make a start? It gets hard,

Candy Motzek:

you lose interest, you don't quite complete it. And then it

Candy Motzek:

goes on to that pile of unfinished objects. And all of

Candy Motzek:

those unfinished objects. I mean, there might be two or

Candy Motzek:

three or five, it doesn't matter, right? All of those

Candy Motzek:

unfinished objects are amazing ideas that never make it out

Candy Motzek:

into the world.


Mm hmm. So that piece,

Candy Motzek:

the place where maybe like you said, you could

Candy Motzek:

use some help completing them, maybe that's something where you

Candy Motzek:

learn to rely on somebody else to say, Listen, I'm the idea,

Candy Motzek:

visionary person here. I need somebody to help me make that

Candy Motzek:

part real. Or maybe there's something else about piling

Candy Motzek:

another unfinished object on an already brilliant pile of stuff.

Candy Motzek:

Like if just one of those things got done. How would you feel?

Melissa Morgan:

Oh, that'd be amazing. Yeah. And especially

Melissa Morgan:

this because it's, it's not like a whole book. Like it's a very

Melissa Morgan:

simple project, but I know it could be a huge help. And no, it

Melissa Morgan:

I think it it could even start the the domino effect because I

Melissa Morgan:

think, you know, like, we've talked a little bit about

Melissa Morgan:

publishing and all that and I think the hardest thing to do is

Melissa Morgan:

to just get that first thing done. I mean, They're all

Melissa Morgan:

challenging in their own ways. But I think once you've done the

Melissa Morgan:

thing, it's just that much easier to get it done again.



Melissa Morgan:

yeah, because I just I, I have so much

Melissa Morgan:

admiration for people who publish things like anything,

Melissa Morgan:

you know, they they have the drive, and creativity, and

Melissa Morgan:

something inside of them that says, I am putting this out into

Melissa Morgan:

the world.

Candy Motzek:

Like Eisen, I'm just gonna interrupt you right

Candy Motzek:

there. Because somehow you're saying that you're not that

Candy Motzek:

person. Somehow that you're saying that I have the great

Candy Motzek:

idea that it doesn't get done, then that means I am not one of

Candy Motzek:

those people that has that drive and determination. And I don't

Candy Motzek:

think that's true. If you've got a pile of unfinished stuff, can

Candy Motzek:

you give yourself the gift of just completing one? Too much?

Melissa Morgan:

I mean, I know if I could get over this hump

Melissa Morgan:

of, of, you know, dealing with this technical stuff, if I could

Melissa Morgan:

get over that hump,


I think I could. Um, and,

Melissa Morgan:

yeah, I think maybe I just overwhelm myself

Melissa Morgan:

with thinking or would have, like, in terms of, of writing a

Melissa Morgan:

book. I think when I think of a book, it's like, 200 300 pages.

Melissa Morgan:

But, I mean, for instance, I went to the bookstore the other

Melissa Morgan:

day, and I was looking through all the different styles of

Melissa Morgan:

books that are out there, like there are endless, like, books

Melissa Morgan:

about this size, that are illustrated, and adorable. And,

Melissa Morgan:

you know, they don't have like, a massive amount of written

Melissa Morgan:

content, but they're amazing little books to have. And I'm

Melissa Morgan:

like, maybe I need to reconsider my, my thought of what a book

Melissa Morgan:

is, it doesn't have to be like 300 pages of written word. Maybe

Melissa Morgan:

it could be, like a, like a journal style or illustration,

Candy Motzek:

is that what is that? What's going to be

Candy Motzek:

satisfying? Or is this another sort of hot track?

Melissa Morgan:

Um, I think either one would be just as

Melissa Morgan:

satisfying. Maybe even more so. With illustrations, because that

Melissa Morgan:

would marry so much of my, you know, like, creative life into,

Melissa Morgan:

into it.

Candy Motzek:

So listen, I'm going to challenge you to not

Candy Motzek:

create a new project. And I think there is something here.

Candy Motzek:

And I've probably shared this with you in the past, you know

Candy Motzek:

that I have my journals, right. And every month, I start with

Candy Motzek:

one of these journals. And then at the back of my journals, I

Candy Motzek:

always have, here's my random great ideas, ideas that I would

Candy Motzek:

love to work on. And I capture it in there. So I know that I've

Candy Motzek:

kind of honored that creative thought. And then I don't forget

Candy Motzek:

it. Because a lot of times and like you said, you kind of come

Candy Motzek:

back is like that is a great idea. Like it comes back to you.

Candy Motzek:

But I would love to challenge you just to complete the one

Candy Motzek:

project. And the one that you started use already said, hey,

Candy Motzek:

it's not that big of a deal. It's only a little technical

Candy Motzek:

hump. What resources do you have available to you in your

Candy Motzek:

community? Like that somebody you could ask for help. And then

Candy Motzek:

you could just be like, off to the races and call that one

Candy Motzek:

done. And then you can go on to maybe I want to publish 100

Candy Motzek:

Really cool illustrated fun books, but start with the one.

Candy Motzek:

So what's the one resource? The one piece of help? The one thing

Candy Motzek:

that you can do to make this one project complete? Yeah,

Melissa Morgan:

it's it's just finding someone to help me get

Melissa Morgan:

through the the technical side, whether that's on a like, like a

Melissa Morgan:

virtual assistant kind of a website or even someone in my

Melissa Morgan:


Candy Motzek:

Yeah. So what's your first step for today?

Melissa Morgan:

I'm looking up who could help me with that?

Candy Motzek:

Yeah. Okay. And you're gonna circle back with

Candy Motzek:

me, and let me know.

Melissa Morgan:

Yes. I will, and I will. And I will show you the

Melissa Morgan:

final project.

Candy Motzek:

Yes. Will that be satisfying? Well, that sort of.

Candy Motzek:

It's not just satisfying. It's like, does it kind of complete

Candy Motzek:

that need of finding that passion and really bringing it

Candy Motzek:

home? That's this piece that is seems important.

Melissa Morgan:

Yeah, it is important because it will, it

Melissa Morgan:

will say, like, you can finish things. And you can also do

Melissa Morgan:

something that helps other people. And how cool is that?

Melissa Morgan:

And that, that would open up a whole world of who else can I

Melissa Morgan:

help? Ooh, what else can I do? That might get me into trouble

Melissa Morgan:

in the future? Because that's

Candy Motzek:

okay. We care about the one right now. Do one

Candy Motzek:

at a time. And once you get one done, then you can decide if you

Candy Motzek:

want to do another or not. Like, no matter what, for the rest of

Candy Motzek:

your life, you're going to have a bazillion creative genius

Candy Motzek:

ideas. Like that's kind of a given, right? Yeah, you get to

Candy Motzek:

choose, which are the ones that you're actually going to make

Candy Motzek:

come into this world and which are just going to be, I don't

Candy Motzek:

know, just kind of like fun ideas just to play like play in

Candy Motzek:

your head. Some of that's just fine, too. Right. Okay. So

Candy Motzek:

that's it for the little coaching. How was that for you?

Candy Motzek:

So thanks for joining us listening to that real life

Candy Motzek:

coaching. And I know it was a bit of an abrupt end, our

Candy Motzek:

conversation went on a little bit longer. But what I really

Candy Motzek:

wanted you to know is that two days later, I got an email from

Candy Motzek:

Melissa, she had published that journal that she had designed.

Candy Motzek:

From this coaching, she took her brilliant idea that was already

Candy Motzek:

there and started and it didn't take her long to now become a

Candy Motzek:

self published author is one more creative endeavor that she

Candy Motzek:

has succeeded at. I am so proud of you, Melissa, for taking that

Candy Motzek:

idea and making it a reality. Now, I am going to share the

Candy Motzek:

link to her narrator's journal in the show notes. You guys

Candy Motzek:

should check it out. It's pretty amazing. I gotta say. So thanks

Candy Motzek:

again for joining me in this episode of she coaches, coaches.

Candy Motzek:

And I hope that you listened to the coaching in a couple of

Candy Motzek:

ways. First, how does it apply to you? What can you learn? How

Candy Motzek:

do you resonate or have a similar challenge in some area

Candy Motzek:

of your life? And secondly, as a coach, what did you notice about

Candy Motzek:

the coaching itself? What can you take away? And what can you

Candy Motzek:

do to continue to improve and master your coaching skills,

Candy Motzek:

becoming an amazing coach is a lifelong journey, where you are

Candy Motzek:

right now is just perfect for you. And you can always grow. I

Candy Motzek:

appreciate you being here. And if you'd like to find out more

Candy Motzek:

about how to work with me, I'll put the link in the Episode

Candy Motzek:

Notes. I'll talk to you on the next episode. Thanks again for

Candy Motzek:

listening today. Please hop on over to Apple podcasts and leave

Candy Motzek:

a review. Also, I would love to hear from you. It's something

Candy Motzek:

that I say resonate. What else would you like to learn about?

Candy Motzek:

Click the link in the player and leave a comment on the post.

Candy Motzek:

This is going to give me great ideas for future episodes so I

Candy Motzek:

can help you best. Join me again next week. For more coaching,

Candy Motzek:

support and teaching to help you become the competent coach. You



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