Join Minister Gio as he brings the Sermon on the Mount into a modern perspective, tackling the challenging ideals set by Jesus in Matthew 7. In this episode, we delve deep into the essence of true discipleship — it's not just about following Christ in name but embodying His teachings in every aspect of our lives. As we wrap up the series, we confront the stark warnings against false prophets and self-deception, and the stark reality that not everyone who claims to follow Christ truly knows Him. Through scripture, personal reflections, and tough questions, we explore what it means to bear good fruit, live by the Spirit, and build our lives on the solid rock of Christ's words. This powerful conclusion to our series is an urgent call to examine our hearts, our habits, and our obedience to God's commandments. Whether you're at the beginning of your spiritual journey or well on your way, this message is a beacon guiding us towards the narrow gate that leads to life.