Artwork for podcast Vital Life Connection with Orrin Rudolph
Power in Failure
22nd September 2021 • Vital Life Connection with Orrin Rudolph • Orrin Rudolph
00:00:00 00:31:51

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Failure does not need to define you, but it can empower you if you allow it. Orrin concludes his interview with Tammy as they explore the process of failure that through correct choices can turn into success!

In this four part interview, Orrin speaks to Tammy Thrasher, a best-selling published author, international speaker, world traveler, and the world’s greatest mom – per her children. Tammy is a real estate investor, a commercial mortgage broker specializing in amplifying wealth through relational, emotional, and financial capital. Tammy is known for her curious conversations, which create authentic connecting and strategic investing discussions. With nearly 25 years of experience, she has made authentically connecting with people the center of her business.




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