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Reclaim Your Sexy At Midlife. Part 1. Breaking Free From The Male Gaze - 66
Episode 666th August 2023 • The Star Monroe Show • Star Monroe
00:00:00 00:26:50

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So, let's get real here. If you want to reclaim your sexy at midlife, you need to be aware of the brainwashing that has infiltrated your system. It's time to disrupt and agitate it, break free, and choose how you claim your sexy in midlife. What does sexy mean to me? Freedom, embodiment, emotional awareness, and conscious communication. Taking care of my body, embracing my age, and living life on my terms.

The male gaze has conditioned us to see sex as a goal-oriented, fast, and loud act focused on penetration and orgasm. But as we age, this approach may not work anymore. It's time to reject the male gaze and embrace the female gaze. The female gaze is about slowing down, embracing softness, and connecting with our bodies. It's all about the internal sensations, not just the external appearance.

So many women have been brainwashed into believing that sex is all about pleasing men and conforming to unrealistic beauty standards. It's time to reclaim our bodies and desires. Let's stop seeking external validation and focus on pleasing ourselves. Our bodies are beautiful, and there's nothing wrong with them. We need to celebrate and cherish ourselves.

Reclaiming your sexy at midlife is a revolutionary act of empowerment and self-liberation. It's time to break free from age-related stereotypes and demand the freedom to embrace our desires and sexual expression on our own terms. No more conforming to outdated expectations.

The female gaze invites us to tease our senses and prioritize our pleasure. Slow down and connect with your body. Cultivate gourmet sensual experiences with yourself. This journey may challenge you, but there are no rules. Each woman's path is unique. Embrace the female gaze and liberate yourself from the male gaze.

Your libido is your force, your radiance, and magnetism. It's not something that creams or Botox can enhance. Cultivating your libido through the female gaze means embracing your body, accepting and celebrating yourself, and connecting with your desires. This is your birthright, not something to seek external approval for.

It's time to stop living by the old rulebook and embrace your power. Reject the male gaze and celebrate yourself. The most important relationship you'll ever have is the one with yourself. Be your own aphrodisiac, be racy, stimulating, and suggestive with yourself. You don't need anyone else to bring pleasure and joy into your life.

You live in a world that trivializes and dismisses the sexuality of mature women. But it's time to break free from age-related stereotypes and claim your sexy. You are not defined by your youth or appearance. Celebrate your body, your desires, and your power. Reclaim your sexy at midlife, and it's a bold declaration of self-liberation and empowerment.

So let's flip the script and embrace the female gaze. Slow down, connect with your body, and prioritize your pleasure. You don't need to please others or fit into unrealistic standards. This is your journey, your sensuality, and your sexuality. Embrace it and celebrate yourself every step of the way.

If you're intrigued and want to take the next step in your journey, I invite you to join me on my 30-day program. THE LOVE AFFAIR. Let's have a love affair with ourselves and explore our desires. It's time to make some noise and break free from the male gaze.

Reclaim your sexy, my friend, and liberate yourself from the suffocating embrace of societal norms. You deserve to embrace your desires and celebrate yourself fully. Join me on this journey, and together, we'll ignite a wildfire of empowerment and self-liberation. It's time to step into your power and reclaim your sexy at midlife!


New Episode of The Star Monroe Show drops weekly.

Other places to find me:

Instagram: msstarmonroe

TikTok: starmonroe

Facebook: starmonroe

LinkedIn: starmonroe


® Star Monroe is a midlife psychotherapist and relationship coach helping you create your very own wild love affair with life, love & your libido.




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