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Ep 3 | Strolling with an Angel...
Episode 314th March 2022 • Backseat Confessions Podcast • JC
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I’m a rideshare driver in Atlanta. I ask riders to share their stories anonymously with us - Slide into the backseat and take a listen!

This episode has 5 separate Stories told by people that got into my car thinking that I was going to get them from place A to B, and I did, BUT I also asked them to share a story from their life during the ride. After agreeing to this, I hand them a mic and let them tell us whatever is on their heart. 

This episode includes themes of finding your friend made it to "The Shade Room", deciding that an abortion is your best option, launching a music label inspired by your mom, having an angel hang out with you, and having a stranger offer to pay your rent.

We get to meet Kedrick in this episode and you can find him on

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Welcome to backseat confessions podcast slide into the back seat as we listen to mostly anonymous strangers tell us stories from their lives.


I'm a ride share driver in Atlanta and the people getting in my car.


I have absolutely no idea.


I'm going to ask them to share.


My commitment to you is to tell at least a snippet of virtually every story recorded in my car in the order they were told to me.


My hope is that you laugh, cringe cry but mostly connect to these amazing people.


You may find a piece of your own story or just feel more connected to the rest of us join us, won't you?


So hey, my new friend, this is an adult podcast themes and languages are definitely not suitable for everyone.


Listener discretion is advised in this third episode, the five consecutive stories we'll hear cover a pretty wide range of writer experiences.


The first story spills some tea about a friend.


Next a young woman makes a really tough decision.


Then we move to an inspiring story about not giving up on your dreams.


From there we hear one of my favorite supernatural encounter stories and we finish with the kindness of a stranger so glad you're along for today's ride.


Let's Jump in.


The first story goes to show you that you can feel like you know someone and you might know parts of them, but not everything this guy isn't throwing shade, but the Shade Room is story number 11 friday october 30th, 2025 30 p.




A lot of people don't believe it, but like a moment No one probably believe Israel by me I guess it's not too far fetched but like I never knew my home, one of my homeboys, like one of my close homies homies, like it was actually a guy that was dating Jeffrey Star, Jeffrey Star.


Whoa yeah I had no idea like that that was like his life, his lane, you feel me?


But it's like I don't judge anybody but it's like dang.


I just like it would just call me a guy for almost like 2.5 years now been cool homies, everything you feel me but it's like the next thing you know you see him in the shade room why she's crazy And now all of a sudden it's an already hit the fan so what happened?


They're not together no more and I feel like buddy probably end up ruining his life man and it just there's nothing I can do about it and just pray for him continue man who I am a friend and a real person.


That's it.


But I also got to keep it real honest to and say like not everything is necessary when it comes to bread or money or anything like that.


Like it's gotta be a certain limit where you hold so that's why I say ego is a good thing, a lot of people trying to say ego and pride.


We'll get you messed up.


I say ego and products also save you two from doing life threatening decisions and life threatening mistakes.


So yeah, so The only reason I know about Jeffrey Star is because my daughter had told me about him being something of a makeup genius and according to Wiki, his net worth in 2020 was 200 million.


So apparently he's crushing it in the world of beauty and fashion.


This writer is such a cool friend because he's sticking by his friend, but he's also keeping it real about having integrity and respect for yourself.


He's right.


If you sacrifice yourself for the bag, you may end up with nothing to show for it and a hit to your reputation.


Stay classy out there.




This next writer has to make one of the most difficult decisions imaginable all while being quite young and on her own and trying to support her family on another continent.


She's a brave one Story # 12, Friday, October 30, 2025, 46 pm.


Um you know, I was in a relationship for like five years hell of a five years and during the second year I got pregnant and I had an abortion.


I didn't even, he agreed.


I didn't ask him though, but I just didn't want to have his baby and something about it.


I don't know why I just after that situation just made our relationship a little hard but easier and it was just like yes, but you know, it was, it's crazy because I really I only stayed because I guess the time, you know, I was young and naive and still fending for myself and getting to know what I want to do in life.


And it's just it just it just happened.


I mean, I don't regret it sometimes, you know, I like I wish it would have been different with him, then maybe my story would have been different, but I don't I don't regret it, like it's just like at the time, you know, I'm I'm by myself, I'm from a different country where you know, like I'm here but like I also support my family in my country, so you know, taking care of another life is another great expense.


You know, I already had sacrifice my career like as in going to school, so, you know at the moment I was only waitressing like uh you know, regular family restaurant business.


So you know, it's like it's like you know, I had to do what I had to do and like, you know sometimes you know, it's not a lot of people see eye to eye to that decision, but you know, everybody lives their own life.


Like I was just telling my mom, you know, like you can't let people decide for you or by about what you should do in the correct path of life.


Like everybody has their own if you're gay or if you're bisexual or whatever you are, you are your own person.


like you can't let anybody tell you, people could judge you and it will face you sometimes, you know, it'll hurt you, but at the same time you're still gonna do, you you're still gonna do what you wanna do, you're still gonna pursue what you want, you know?


And eventually I couldn't cut things with him because I also had to give pride to myself.


Like I couldn't continue something that wasn't making me happy just because I already put those years in, you know?


So eventually, like you just have to do something for yourself and not for catering to others, like how I was to him, alright, I helped him build himself up from, you know, not saying that he wasn't already up, but I built him greater.


Like to a good man, there's a good woman behind her, you know?


And so I just felt like I was investing so much in him that he was not investing in me where I was not making me great, it was decreasing my value, you know?


And and not only money wise, but like he like, you know, got everything he wanted except for me and that's just not, I just not could see it like that.


Well, I'll tell you just from my point of view, you are, you're just a really strong, strong woman and I'm really proud of you, thank you.


I mean, I'm older now, you know, I'm going to my thirties, so it's like, you know, it's a decision that I had to make and I feel like I wouldn't be anywhere near if I wasn't, you know, absolutely thank you so much.


One of the moments that really sticks out to me is that after the microphone was off, she thanked me for not judging her, not only would I never judge her, but I was really just so proud of the woman, she was so strong, you can tell by the way, she didn't even want to say the word abortion, how hard it was for her to tell this story.


She said she was from south America and a conservative background so she almost never shared this story with anyone hearing her story was when it first hit me that for some people they just need a safe space to get something off their chest and this podcast could be that place I feel honored to be trusted with these vulnerable moments.


People share my next rider breaks the rule of anonymity and this is one of the only times I can remember anyways where it officially was more of an interview than someone telling me a story and me reacting to it on rare occasions, I let people say who they are, if they have both an inspiring story and something to promote and Kedrick is just that kind of guy Story # 13 Monday November 2, 2027 07 pm.


Okay, so my, my, my, my recording company called start from my mom, my mom, my family in general, my mom's size big, real big on music.


Um I kinda wanted to, my mom died in 2000 and uh 17 and that was like a big deal for me.


Um actually I'm sorry 2011, I don't know where I got 17 from, she died in 2011.


So um, it was a big, real big thing for me and I kind of wanted to continue her legacy and I knew music, one of the things that we haven't cooking coming and so I just wanted to kind of implement that and I started a company called Lorraine Records.


So her middle name is Lorraine.


So that's pretty much how I started, that's my story.


So you know, I was just a young man who basically started from nothing honestly and I basically went with the dream, that's it.


Like um and that's how, you know, I'm in Atlanta today, you know, um it ain't been easy, it's been hard.


I haven't had, you know, got a big financial breakthrough yet, but I've been able to make breakthroughs through in other places that typically will cause you to have, you know, finances, but I didn't, I'm blessed to be able to get to a place where you know, I didn't need all that, I was able to just grow um with people that believed in me and you know, see an opportunity and you know, that's that's really my story, you know what I'm saying?


Um I even just started, I got a new building in Dallas texas.


If you're ever in Dallas texas, make sure you come check me out, uh touch me and hit me up.


But I have a new location that I've recently just started, it will be opening up in january, so make sure you be on the lookout for that and yeah, so what you guys, what you got, what questions you got for me?


I've never, I've never thought of it this way.


So you're my first person to ever do almost like an interview, but um what do you feel like is your biggest win so far in life?


What's the thing that just has brought you the most joy or you're most proud of?


Good question?


Alright, so my biggest win actually is my single that I release with Sean Austin stand up.


I feel like that single is uh it's bigger than me, it's bigger than the artist in general, like it's going to be one of those things that people going to kind of grasp too and they're going to understand that, you know what I'm saying?


The concept.


So it's like yeah, I think it's it's one that's one of my biggest accomplishments so far.


Yeah, it's amazing what is the hardest thing you've ever walked through that you when you did get to the other side, you were able to say, man, um I learned or I grew from it even though it was really hard.


Okay, so the hardest thing is me, honestly just going and actually staying to the task.


Like it doesn't, um, it's for a lot of people I see when they go through things, they look at it like it's gonna be something easy or something that's gonna be uh, a task, you know?


And honestly I understand that, but a lot of people give up, you know what I'm saying when they don't get what they need or getting what they were looking for and with me, I just feel like I ain't giving up with me, it's to death.


Do me part, you know, something that for, I'm going to do this to the end.


But I do, it becomes a challenge because things happen, like I lost my mom, I lost my brother, I lost friends, I've, you know, to the point where I don't even know who I got no more, you know what I'm saying?


But I know that I have a dream so therefore I'm sticking to that.


Like no matter what I go through, I'm dreaming to the highest instead that I could dream too.


And I'm putting in that work, it's not just a dream and I'm going hard for it and that's why I'm in Atlanta, you know, so we're okay.


So you've lost your mother you've lost your brother, you've, I had a lot of people close to you, obviously that you've lost, um where is your source of inspiration to keep fighting and going?


Like, where does that come from?


Is that like, does that come from your mother?


Does that come from somewhere else?


Where did that come from?


Be honest, I would say my mom, but it's bigger than that because I would say like, really to anybody that didn't get the opportunity to be where I'm at today, um there are people that are just mentally challenged.


There are people out there that crippled, you know, there's people out here that has died outside of my mom, you know what I'm saying, and they get the opportunity to do half of the things that I've done.


So I feel like I'm doing it for them, I'm living um for them, you know what I'm saying?


I don't want to put it into like, a specific person or anything like that, because today there's a lot of people that are not gonna be able to ever do what I'm doing and I want to make sure that I'm doing more than enough to be able to kind of, you know, feeling that feeling that whole, you know, so wow, that's amazing.


Um Let's say 10 years from now, you become a wild financial success and you've made it by whatever standards um that you have, or the industry has um what do you want your life and work to represent and what are some things you'd like to do with that leverage that platform and some of that, understand what push other people, like I feel like we wait so long to get to a place that we'll never get to, you know what I'm saying?


Like it takes people like me or you to understand like, okay, listen, we give it's up to you to kind of capitalize on that, you know what I'm saying?


Like I'm I'm in an Uber right now and I'm with a stranger right now, capitalizing on his, his Uber, you know what I'm saying?


And he's able to do more than just Uber and then now he's talking his Uber into a talk show.


So I'm all about that end of the day, like it's all about, you know what I'm saying, being able to, you know, take what you've got and make it more out of it because it doesn't take so much money.


It doesn't take so many people, it doesn't none of that.


It just takes you going out and having a dream and actually implementing that and people will come forth and help you with what you got going and it's going to take a lot.


Like I just told him it's trial and error just trial and error.


Like it's okay, you have to go through that to get to where you're going, I don't care how much knowledge you have, you still have to go to the airport, um if you were gonna leave, which you've already done this pretty well.


But if you if you were gonna leave a word of hope for a listener who may be going through a tough time right now, um what would you say to encourage them based on what you've learned through your life experience?


You've just kind of said, you make your own luck, bye bye.


You know, staying in the fight by keep trying, not giving up trial and error, but which may be what you leave.


But what would you say?


What would be your life message for someone?


My life message to be the stand up, You know, you know what you're supposed to do you have in your heart, you feel it, you know, I don't feel it, no one else would ever feel it to be honest with you.


So it's up to you like to kind of go ahead and push forward and you know, go hard and what you believe in.


You know, I or no one else would never be able to tell you, I believe the way you believe.


You know?


So I was my my goal is to tell you to like, look, go hard.


Like no matter what like people are gonna die, people gonna, you know, you're gonna, you're gonna have money, you're gonna have money, things going to happen in your life, but no matter what, like you have to stay consistent in what you believe, that's what I have, like that's what I've given persistence.


You don't have that and honestly I don't even think you're gonna go far because they telling this telling us oh so much, it's only gonna take you so much so far.


You don't have to grind.


Yeah, it's not gonna do too much for you.


Yeah, no you're you're right, there's there's been some amazing research that shows virtually every person who's ever been successful.


Talent wasn't the underlying thing, It was grit and persistence.


So you nailed it man.


It was Kendrick.


Right, Kendrick Malle with records, Kendrick, thank you so much for your story, my friend, Thank you for hanging out with me, awesome man, I appreciate you for having me.


This is very interesting.


Uber ride Kedrick is such a cool guy and I genuinely wish him nothing but the best.


Also I think he's dead on with the persistence over talent idea.


There's a great book that deals with the research on this idea called Grit and even though I don't know if he's ever read it, he nails it.


Additionally, I've linked his I G page in the podcast notes so you can give him a follow if you'd like this next story takes us down a possible supernatural path.


Have you ever encountered a person that later on, you wondered if they were fully human.


This young man seems like he may just have had such an encounter Story # 14 Monday, November 2, 2027 49 pm.


Alright so it was like I went to this camp called Y.








Located on cam Wilson Rhode island George.


So I used to go to the summer camp and it was this lady like I only remember her name because why is that crazy like but she used to always come get me out of my class like and she used to walk around the track at Y.








And we should be talking like she would be asking what I want to be in life and what like you know different little things like that and she was asking me, she was like did you ever want to you know start exercising and stuff like that.


But it was just like every time I went to her I used to be like why is this lady always like just concerned.


I don't know like she was always concerned so you know weeks don't pass some account.


The same lady, the same lady still talking we don't wanna trip, she'll come get me in my class like I get in trouble, she'll come get me in my class or whatever.


So I told my dad about, I kept telling her I was like dad this lady keep you know what I'm saying coming, I want you to meet her like cause she cool like like she cool like I said something about her dad like she told me that I'm gonna be something one day and like like she told me I was gonna be something I don't know what she meant.


She was like you're gonna be some one day she said trust me I'm telling you.


She was like she was like you Gotta stay to yourself.


She was telling me about the summer account like but I was so young so I was probably like what 7/6 grade so I'm understanding all the time like what like you just keep telling him every time she was like you're gonna be somewhere there I'm telling you.


So I used to tell my dad about the lady, tell her the lady she used to take me to her office Y.








I don't even know she was overwhelmed.


Say I don't know who the lady was like I don't know like but she used to be something important like that when I said to be taking me around you know what I'm saying?


I took my dad there he picked me up one day and he was like where the lady and I was like I gotta take you upstairs to her office.


He was like we can go we go believe me a lot.


I took this man to the office it was like a regular office with storage stuff hitting wait what?


Oh my god that's what I'm saying.


I took her to the I took my dad to the office where the lady take me and was talking to me with her dance and stuff and it was like a storage place.


Like they had ma saying it was in the office no more and I really don't need to tell this story too much because like I was young so I don't want nobody man.


Maybe you're just talking man, you crazy.


You know what I'm saying?


Like that?


I think it's crazy.


Somebody was telling me that I'd be like what are you talking about?


But no, like this is real serious.


Like my dad didn't know what I was talking.


He was like, man, you just had me come up here for no reason and I'm like dad, No, like it's a lady come get me out of my class talking to me.


I'm telling you.


Like I'm telling you, I'm not asking people to ask them.


They'd be like you will be a lady come get him and they were like, she's such and such set.


But they even with like some confused like the whole thing, which is weird cause I'm like I'm getting people to vouch for me and they also like Hipness ization like down you know what I'm talking about But they do know what I'm talking about.


I'm just like bro, I don't know.


So it was just like my dad like how you've been lying like you've been telling me, I'm like I'm telling you know so out of based out of this story I think what I got out of it.


I think it's angels in the world.


I think it's angels or if it's not angels it's something else because that is crazy.


Like that is so crazy.


Like when I tell you like I was so shocked like I'm like dad like what I was so confused remember this 6th and 7th grade me So I don't know what's going on.


I don't know like like that.


And after that I had like a couple weeks after the summer camp because it was time to go back to school.


That lady never came and got me out of my class since then ever since I saw him the office she never came back.


Got me.


I ask people like what is that?


Hey like wait No one else knew or saw her and one other one other like count count count teacher, he knew the lady but when my dad approached him was like who's the lady?


He was like confused.


Like he was saying it was another lady I was like no they want her.


He was like well I don't know I'm like what?


Like what do you mean bro?


You seeing her when I when I see her and this like person or angel like only ever like encourage you told you that you were gonna be something but she used to never tell me what I was going to be.


I'm young like I don't know, I don't think you just around me trying to mess with me.


I had a little chubby cheeks, you know what I'm saying?


But nah this is like for real because every time she was like, she she sat down, she was like listen to me, she was like you're gonna be something, she's just sit me down like, like seriously, like you're gonna be something like you so intelligent, you smart.


I was telling I was left handed you like you left handed.


She was like, oh my God, like she was just getting so excited and I'm like, I don't know, I just like the lady because when you come around her there was another type of feeling like a spirit or something was on you.


Like it's just a good vibe.


Like a good vibe.


That's why I used to come home and brag on the lady so much.


Like you gotta meet like she's cool dad, like you feel like you would probably even be like cool, it was that type of vibe.


That's incredible to build you up and then you said she would, the only other time she came was when you got in trouble, she would come and take you away when I got in trouble, come and take me away and be like, my question is how did she know you were in trouble?


Did she like I begin in trouble.


Like as soon as I get in like time out there and be like, you gotta sit out, she'll come and get me, come on, come on, we'll go get some snacks and just walk around the track and talk every time I go to her office and sit, I think first of all you told us that the wrong person because I actually believe in like the supernatural, so I'm down, I think that you may have had an interaction like how amazing is that?


I mean if it was a real person, great, it's still the same thing.


But how how amazing would it be if you actually had like a visitation from like an angelic being who was sent to you to tell you about your future and to build you up and I don't even want to say that because it was like, I kept questioning like she never I'm not gonna lie, she never was like on some I'm an angel.


No, no, of course, No, none of that.


Like you said you felt something when you're around felt something like I felt something but she never was like, oh no, like I never want to question you and I was like, it was a real person, right?


Yeah, but you know that's how most people that have seen angels, they don't know that they're angels until later when it doesn't make sense.


So if I see that later again, I might start crying because it's like where in the world?


Like don't be like where did you go, like why did you leave me or like is that type of vibe I'm telling I just met in summer camp.


So for me to be like why did you leave me?


It was that type of vibe.


Um wow dude, that is an amazing story, that's actually beautiful.


Um I know you're young, you're you're only 18, but um so you got a lot of life ahead of you?


I would probably no way for me to do it, but I would how amazing it would be like in 10 years from now to see if you better understood some of the things she told you, right?


Just like how incredible dude, that's a that's a freaking gift bro for real, I mean I know that thing, you don't tell a lot of people because they're gonna not everybody's going to believe you, but because for you, because I'd be thinking like man, I gotta tell my dad my dad today like you just be talking, telling you know, I'd be like dad, no real.


We went, I'm telling you that lady was in there.


Dude, I actually 100% believe you.


Quick little pro tip for the parents from my own personal experience, if your kid sees or experiences something that is supernatural try to ask questions and encourage them when my youngest was a little guy, he used to see things that the rest of us couldn't and it would freak me out instead of helping him develop the gift, I just wanted it to go away.


So yeah learn from me and uh don't do that.


Our last writer shares how in a moment of need without even telling the stranger what was going on, he stepped in to help her out and uh while we're on the subject um if there is a sugar daddy out there that wants to pay some of my bills with you know, getting really nothing in return.


Uh Well I'm open to the idea Story # 15 Monday November 2, 2029 07 pm.


Okay one day I was at a gas station and this stranger was like can I be your bill helper or your bill pair And I was like what do you mean by that?


He was like do you have any upcoming bills?


And I was like yeah I do.


He was like well take my number down and I'll be your upcoming bill payer.


So he was an anonymous person and for him to go My number and take my number down.


And then I called him, I was like well my dad gave me 500 upon my rent and he never came through and I just feel like he left me out in the blind or whatever.


He was like well you wait, I can give that to you, there's no problem.


I told you I really like you and I want to be your bill helper and I just felt like there was so there was a blessing.


Like that was so anonymous to me.


Like that was a blessing.


That is crazy.


And it wasn't like a sugar daddy situation.


It was just literally like I haven't even heard from him ever since.


Like wow, he might pocket out just to see like are you okay?


But it's like I never heard him ever since And it was anonymous because I was really stressing about like how am I going to get this 500?


My dad really didn't like this.


How am I gonna get this 500?


And he came out the blue and was like, I'll be a bill helper and he didn't know nothing about my situation, right?


So it was just strange for him to just be like the blue, like I'll be a bill helper.


That is like a I've heard of stories in my car before that reminded me of an angel.


He's like your, he's like your bill helper angel.






I could use a bill helper.


I know you're out there somewhere just wandering around looking for that.


You know, person who looks like they need their bills paid.


Yeah, I'm just just waiting right here sitting here.


Yeah, you know anytime I'll be right here in all seriousness though.


I am about that.


I want to be that generous and to know when and who to help.


It reminds me that in a world where bad news is what cells, there are small acts of kindness being done every day that far outweigh the negative.


Yet we, as humans are determined to see the world through the bad news lens.


Hmm Well I hope you are able to give or receive an act of kindness this week.


This is what happens when you are a ride share driver in Atlanta and ask people for their stories.


These weren't handpicked people with great stories, they just happened to get in my car and be gracious enough to share with all of us and who knows, maybe someday you'll be in Atlanta and need to grab a ride share and end up telling the rest of us the next great story on BCP.


I'd actually encourage you to every so often just ask a stranger to share a story from their life.


You never know what you might learn.


I believe that our stories are powerful.


They can make you laugh, cringe cry or even get you to think or feel differently.


Our stories can truly make this world a little bit better place.


So please subscribe rate and listen to this podcast and share it with as many adults as possible.


It would mean so so much to me first and foremost, I want to thank the incredible writers who trusted me with your stories.


You're my heroes.


Thanks also to all the people in the background who have believed in this project slash Dream.




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