How do you create boundless opportunities? Sometimes, all you need to do is surround yourself with people who are already where you want to be. Get into a relationship with them, and the best way to do that is to offer them value. Ask them what you can do to serve them. That is the premise of The Mentee Podcast.
In today’s conversation, Brian Luebben shares his story of how he got into the room with a group of millionaires and how he tripled his net worth after meeting them in just 12 months. There weren’t any direct business relationships or direct partnerships that occurred. He simply grew into the conversations around him.
Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:
- Overcoming the fear of getting in the room with big people
- Generating passive income through house hacking
- How it’s like house hacking your actual house
- Brian’s hunger to maximize opportunities
- The power of putting yourself in a room full of successful people
- Joining Emerge by GoBundance
Episode Highlights:
[08:25] Overcoming the Fear
It's easy for a lot of people to put others on pedestals. They think these people have it all figured out and that they are better than everybody else. Putting yourself in a room full of successful people can be a bit intimidating but everyone is “just ” human and everyone is “just” a person. Instead, learn from them. Aspire to be always green at something, otherwise, you’re not growing. Be glad about your mistakes and the faults or missteps that you've had in the journey because that builds you to who you are today.
[18:37] Mastering the Art of House Hacking
When Brian bought his first house at 24, people were telling him it was a stupid idea. He moved in anyway and had another person rent the top floor. The moment he got the first rent payment, he realized it worked. Three years later, he’s renting out multiple units, with his passive income knocking out his expenses.
[39:55] The Power of Surrounding Yourself with the Right People
Recognize that sometimes your family and your closest friends are some of your harshest critics. That's not necessarily their fault. It's just where they're at. It’s their perspective. Meet them wherever they’re at, but it doesn’t mean they’re going to be riding that car of life with you in the front seat.
Be very intentional with every relationship. Meet every person where they're at to make them feel seen, known, heard, and valued. Just being in the room meeting the right people and having the right frame of mind will triple your net worth because we all grow into the conversations around us.
Resources Mentioned:
The Action Academy Podcast
GoBundance - Emerge