Artwork for podcast Systems Famous: Create Better Client Results in Your Coaching Business Using Airtable & Automations
5: Make Curriculum Your Head Coach to Create Consistent Client Results with Kirsten Roldan
Episode 524th August 2023 • Systems Famous: Create Better Client Results in Your Coaching Business Using Airtable & Automations • Ashley Rose
00:00:00 00:43:41

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It’s not enough for your program to get clients wins.

To scale a group program, you have to consistently get the *majority* of your clients to achieve your one, trackable program promise. 

That’s exactly what Kirsten Roldan’s head coach curriculum concept does for your program. 

In this episode, Kirsten shares what head coach curriculum is and how it creates consistent client results, the value of simplifying your curriculum, and how to add the right program features that support the head coach curriculum. 

She also shares how she’s created a rewards program for clients who have achieved her program promise of earning 25% of their income using email and the curriculum updates she’s planning to support them with a phase 2 promise to encourage re-enrollments.     

01:53 — What it means to make your curriculum your head coach in your program 

05:03 — The biggest mistake coaches make when creating their curriculum 

06:44 — The best group programs have just one, trackable result

09:13 — How Kirsten tracks results for her program promise: make 25% of your income with email

13:58 — Rally your clients behind a collective goal 

15:13 — Creating a rewards program for clients that achieve the program promise

19:30 — Systems that reduce the client results gap 

20:39 — No one wants a feature that isn’t systematized 

27:40 — How to engage clients that have already achieved the program promise

35:39 — What to do if your curriculum isn’t your head coach yet 


Kirsten Roldan (she/her) is the founder of Kirsten Roldan coaching with her signature programs Million Dollar Email and Million Dollar CEO.  She specializes in making social media optional via email and helping CEOs to create strong teams and systems to allow their business to scale in peace! Kirsten is a Puerto Rican woman who was born to a teen single mom. Kirsten beat those odds and scaled to a $1 million business with a small email list, following, and a team of contractors. 

Spicy Sunday Email Series:


Million Dollar Peace Podcast: 




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Kirsten Ronaldo:

Having a curriculum that is so repeatable and proven that your team

Kirsten Ronaldo:

can easily be trained on it and deliver the curriculum and its concepts and all

Kirsten Ronaldo:

of that to your clients so they always have consistent coaching and it allows

Kirsten Ronaldo:

your clients to get results, whether they have someone in front of them or not.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

That's head coach curriculum.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Welcome to Systems Famous, the podcast where we're revolutionizing the coaching

Kirsten Ronaldo:

industry by putting client results first.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I'm Ashley Pendergraft, a systems and automation expert with over five years

Kirsten Ronaldo:

of experience in the coaching industry.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Let's get into the show.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Hi everyone and welcome to the show.

Ashley Pendergraft:

I am so excited to have my coach, Kirsten Roldan, on the pod.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Kirsten, go ahead and share who you are, the programs that you

Ashley Pendergraft:

have and kind of the client results that you help your clients get.

Kirsten Ronaldo:


Kirsten Ronaldo:

Can I just start by saying I'm so excited that you have this podcast and I'm so

Kirsten Ronaldo:

excited you named it Systems Famous.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

It's so good, so, so good.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

My name is Kirsten Roldan.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I have two offers.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I have a, an email marketing program called Million Dollar Email that

Kirsten Ronaldo:

helps coaches and service providers make social media optional.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And then I have my team systems and mindset program, Million Dollar CEO,

Kirsten Ronaldo:

which helps coaches and agency owners clear at least, and usually more, 20

Kirsten Ronaldo:

hours a week off of their calendar so that they can have more peace in

Kirsten Ronaldo:

their business and scale peacefully.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

So that is that's what I do and that's the results my clients get.

Ashley Pendergraft:


Ashley Pendergraft:

I love it.

Ashley Pendergraft:

I have been with Kirsten, what isn't it.

Ashley Pendergraft:

It's more than two years now.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Like Kirsten is my ride or die.

Ashley Pendergraft:

I was in million dollar email.

Ashley Pendergraft:

I was actually in Finesse Your Funnel before it became million dollar email.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Like I've been with you forever and just watching all of your clients.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Get results.

Ashley Pendergraft:


Ashley Pendergraft:

I'm a walking testimonial.

Ashley Pendergraft:

I'm a walking case study of how amazing Kirsten is.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Something that I wanted to chat about today that I think is relevant to

Ashley Pendergraft:

everybody listening is, you have said this before and I'm, I've been in your world

Ashley Pendergraft:

for so long, that it just makes sense.

Ashley Pendergraft:

But when I drop this, as a thought people's like brains explode, which

Ashley Pendergraft:

is making curriculum your head coach.

Ashley Pendergraft:

And I would love for you to talk about one, what that means because as we are

Ashley Pendergraft:

scaling business owners, the having a co-coach is so popular in our industry.

Ashley Pendergraft:

We want to get a delivery so we get a co-coach.

Ashley Pendergraft:

But oftentimes those co-coach are super confused.

Ashley Pendergraft:

So I'd love for you to talk about your thoughts on co-coach

Ashley Pendergraft:

and what you mean when you say make curriculum your head coach.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Oh my goodness.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I could go for days.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I'm like, where do I start?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I want to start with, I see curriculum as a system.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Like to me, curriculum is a system for client results, and if your clients aren't

Kirsten Ronaldo:

getting results, it's a systems issue.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And it ties back to curriculum.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

So I've always seen curriculum as a system and curriculum.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

You know, when we think about like smooth systems and having smooth systems, your

Kirsten Ronaldo:

program will run smoothly when your curriculum systems are together, right?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And so for me, curriculum being your head coach, what that means is, having your

Kirsten Ronaldo:

clients be able to get results just from the curriculum and with or without you.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I feel like I can nerd out here.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Is that, is that okay if I nerd out?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I feel like I can,

Kirsten Ronaldo:

this is a stake

Ashley Pendergraft:

is the space to do so.

Ashley Pendergraft:

This is a safe

Kirsten Ronaldo:


Kirsten Ronaldo:

I nerd out because for me, like the way I think of curriculum, I think

Kirsten Ronaldo:

of it as a system, and I think that it's so important for you when we

Kirsten Ronaldo:

think about automations, right?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And we think about how automations save us time, save us energy, save

Kirsten Ronaldo:

us, all these different things.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I think about curriculum in that way where it saves our clients from having to need

Kirsten Ronaldo:

a person in front of them to get results.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

It saves our clients from having to hopefully get a very detailed response

Kirsten Ronaldo:

from a, from a coach to fully understand their question, whatever it is.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I get really nerdy when I talk about curriculum because I think it's

Kirsten Ronaldo:

literally, so it's the most important system in your program is your

Kirsten Ronaldo:

curriculum, and so in your group program.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And so when it comes to having a head coach curriculum, what that means

Kirsten Ronaldo:

is your curriculum is able to coach your clients and train your team.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

So it's having a curriculum that is so repeatable and proven that your team can

Kirsten Ronaldo:

easily be trained on it and deliver the curriculum and its concepts and all of

Kirsten Ronaldo:

that to your clients so they always have consistent coaching and it allows your

Kirsten Ronaldo:

clients to get results, whether they have someone in front of them or not.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And so that's, that's head coach curriculum.

Ashley Pendergraft:

I love the point about not only like helping your

Ashley Pendergraft:

clients, but also training your team.

Ashley Pendergraft:

I feel like there's so much weight of onboarding a team member and

Ashley Pendergraft:

just be able to say, go through the curriculum and you'll be good to go

Ashley Pendergraft:

for next week's call is so powerful.

Ashley Pendergraft:

When people come to you with their curriculum and they haven't really

Ashley Pendergraft:

thought about it as, I know you've mentioned like converting curriculum.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Curriculum is your head coach.

Ashley Pendergraft:

What are some like rookie mistakes that you see in curriculum that

Ashley Pendergraft:

you're like, oh, this is not head coach curriculum material.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

oh my goodness.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

That's really good.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

So very similar to any system, right?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Some rookie system mistakes are like complicated, complicated systems, like

Kirsten Ronaldo:

having a million steps and having a million things to do to achieve one thing.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Like that's the definition of a, of a complicated system.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And so with curriculum, the biggest rookie mistake I see people make is

Kirsten Ronaldo:

they have way too much in it, and they're teaching way too many skills.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

You were actually one of those people, right, that came in like, we're teaching

Kirsten Ronaldo:

everything about Airtable, right?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And that it's.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

That's going to be the biggest rookie mistake that I see is how much and how

Kirsten Ronaldo:

complicated the curriculum actually is.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And even though clients can get results from a complicated curriculum,

Kirsten Ronaldo:

like, listen, when I had Finish Your Funnel, as good as it was,

Kirsten Ronaldo:

it was also very complicated.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

So I get it.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I speak from experience, clients got results, but they

Kirsten Ronaldo:

didn't get consistent results.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

They weren't all getting the same results and so when we're talking about having

Kirsten Ronaldo:

a converting curriculum and a head coach curriculum, curriculum that is delivering

Kirsten Ronaldo:

the result you're actually promising to as many people in your program as possible,

Kirsten Ronaldo:

not just having a decent result here, a decent result there, a good result there.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

A great result here, right?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

So that's going to be the biggest mistake I see is definitely

Kirsten Ronaldo:

that people don't have inside.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

My programs, we call it a one skill curriculum.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

People don't have a one skill curriculum.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

They have like a 20 skill curriculum or a 10 skill curriculum rather than one skill.

Ashley Pendergraft:

I've seen that and I'm currently going through, our like

Ashley Pendergraft:

client results framework and the, the first one is like refining your result.

Ashley Pendergraft:

And it's not that your program is bad, it's that there's so much inside

Ashley Pendergraft:

of it that you can't point to that.

Ashley Pendergraft:

I think the best programs in the industry have one result that

Ashley Pendergraft:

they can promise your clients.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

My my program promise for a million dollar email is replace

Kirsten Ronaldo:

25% of your monthly income with email.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

So if you make 10,000 a month on average, you'll make at least $2,500 with email

Kirsten Ronaldo:

in the first 30 days of the program.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

So it's a 30 day promise.

Kirsten Ronaldo:


Ashley Pendergraft:

That's why we are a match made in heaven because having

Ashley Pendergraft:

that one refined skill and result.

Ashley Pendergraft:

You can't track 50 skills, like to be able to say this is the result.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Did they get it?

Ashley Pendergraft:

Yes or no?

Ashley Pendergraft:

We can track anything, but you have to be really clear

Ashley Pendergraft:

about what you're tracking and

Ashley Pendergraft:

that's why I love that you say like, curriculum is a system

Ashley Pendergraft:

because that's the first system.

Ashley Pendergraft:

And I think the overcomplicating curriculum, stuffing too much

Ashley Pendergraft:

inside of it, is something that we think, oh it'll get our clients.

Ashley Pendergraft:

More results are, they'll,

Kirsten Ronaldo:


Ashley Pendergraft:

going to out myself.

Ashley Pendergraft:

It's not that I thought my clients would get more results if I stuffed

Ashley Pendergraft:

more Airtable trainings in the program.

Ashley Pendergraft:

I felt like they'll like me because I'm adding so much more value.

Ashley Pendergraft:

And when you.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I felt the same.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I felt the same.

Kirsten Ronaldo:


Ashley Pendergraft:


Ashley Pendergraft:

because I'm like, I'm looking at all my stuff now and I'm like, because

Ashley Pendergraft:

we're going through our own auditing process of like our results framework.

Ashley Pendergraft:

It's like shit.

Ashley Pendergraft:

I looked at my onboarding form and it was like, oh, I just wanted to be liked.

Ashley Pendergraft:

I wanted you to like me.

Ashley Pendergraft:

That's why I added this training.

Ashley Pendergraft:

I wanted you to feel like you were getting so much and not like,

Ashley Pendergraft:

what's the result that we promise?

Ashley Pendergraft:

What's that one skill curriculum?

Ashley Pendergraft:

And when you don't have that, it's not a strong foundation so I think systems

Ashley Pendergraft:

mindset and looking at curriculum as a system is just so strong.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Yeah, and I'm sure we'll get into this, but having one skill and

Kirsten Ronaldo:

one result is so easy to track as well.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I'm sure we'll talk about my Airtable system that I have

Kirsten Ronaldo:

for tracking my client results.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I'm able to go in and look at, okay, like I want people

Kirsten Ronaldo:

hitting this promise in 30 days.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I'm able to see.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

When, when exactly did they, from when they joined, hit the promise, right?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Did they even hit it?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And then when did they, and I'm able to see that in all in one place,

Kirsten Ronaldo:

and then refine from there and say, why aren't they, what did they do?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

What didn't they do?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Et cetera.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And so like, you can't do that efficiently with a ton of different

Kirsten Ronaldo:

results and a ton of different skills.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Being able to just look and say, this is what we're working on and this

Kirsten Ronaldo:

is what we're consistently refining and making better is just so much

Kirsten Ronaldo:

easier for you as well as the c e o and as the group program founder.

Ashley Pendergraft:

So you have a very clear program promise, how do

Ashley Pendergraft:

you track that and tell us about how Airtable and some of the Systems Over

Ashley Pendergraft:

Stress systems are helping you do that?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Yes, first of all, when they get onboarded,

Kirsten Ronaldo:

we have an onboarding form.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And on that form we ask just a few simple questions.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

We kept it really short, really quick because we just want

Kirsten Ronaldo:

people to answer it, right?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And so the questions that we ask the classic like name an email, but then we

Kirsten Ronaldo:

ask, what is your average monthly income?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And we tell them, take a guess.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Take a guess.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

If you don't know, what's your just best guess, average monthly income.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

So let's say someone puts $10,000.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

That gets saved in our system and anytime they submit our Airtable email

Kirsten Ronaldo:

wins form, which is a sales tracking form, which just asks you, Hey,

Kirsten Ronaldo:

how many email sales have you made?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

How's it feel?

Kirsten Ronaldo:


Kirsten Ronaldo:

Submit that, then sends them a really beautiful, simple Airtable

Kirsten Ronaldo:

email that sends them a progress update that says, Hey, you joined.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And this is how much you are working on making.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

They put their monthly income and then our system tracks 25% of that.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

So it sends 'em an email automatically that says, Hey

Kirsten Ronaldo:

thanks for submitting your win.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

This is how close you are to your goal.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And then when they actually hit their goal, following the Systems Over

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Stress principles of also using Zapier.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

We have a Zap that automatically adds them into our rewards program,

Kirsten Ronaldo:

which includes a portal and another coaching calendar, things like that.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And so it just adds them all in one step and.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

We are at, I believe we're about to hit 60 people since implementing that

Kirsten Ronaldo:

system, and that's so exciting to see.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Like I was just like, oh my goodness.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Like just tracking it alone is so much fun and so exciting to see.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

But that, that's our actual process.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

So we have an onboarding form, it collects their information, and then we

Kirsten Ronaldo:

have automation set up to update them on their progress and then add them into

Kirsten Ronaldo:

our rewards program once they're ready.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And what's so cool about it that I personally love is I was looking at

Kirsten Ronaldo:

my my submissions the other day for those that have Hit what we call 25%

Kirsten Ronaldo:

MVP, which is our rewards program.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And I was like, wow right?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I'm looking at their client profile and I'm like they've

Kirsten Ronaldo:

made way more than their 25%.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

How can I help them make six figures?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

How can I help them make multiple six?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

What are we not including in the program that could help them make even more.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And so it helps me also not just get them the program promise, but actually get them

Kirsten Ronaldo:

beyond it just because I'm tracking it.

Ashley Pendergraft:

I love that and I think that a lot of the time when

Ashley Pendergraft:

we set a program promise, and I'm curious if you resonate with this, is

Ashley Pendergraft:

like, it's kind of your best guess.

Ashley Pendergraft:

It's like I, I'm pretty sure I can get them 20% of email sales, but then when

Ashley Pendergraft:

you actually have all the data in one place, you're like, Actually, on average

Ashley Pendergraft:

it looks like we get our clients 50%.

Ashley Pendergraft:

So you can like, you can raise the standard of your program promise

Ashley Pendergraft:

because you have like the receipts and the data to back it up.

Ashley Pendergraft:

What were you doing to track client wins and client results

Ashley Pendergraft:

before you had our Airtable system?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Why'd you ask that question?

Ashley Pendergraft:

The head, the head nod of shame.

Kirsten Ronaldo:


Kirsten Ronaldo:

Literally, I'm like, wow.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Well now I look dumb.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I'm genuinely trying to think.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I definitely didn't have anything robust like that.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I will say I did the classic feedback form thing.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Like I did the classic like 90 day progress report that

Kirsten Ronaldo:

we would manually post.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

It was an Airtable form, and we would manually post it and we'd be

Kirsten Ronaldo:

like, Hey, what have you achieved?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

What haven't you achieved?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Like, what's your goal?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

What questions can we answer for you?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

But nobody would ever fill it out.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And I had to give them like a Starbucks gift card to like

Kirsten Ronaldo:

get anybody to fill it out.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And so that is what I was doing back in my Finesse Your Funnel days.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

That's what I was doing, honestly.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And then, you know, before I joined SOS I did start doing a little more robust

Kirsten Ronaldo:

tracking by having like an onboarding form, but it didn't have, you know, the

Kirsten Ronaldo:

beautiful like progress report automations and all of that before I joined SOS.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And so, joining SOS really like, really helped me up level for sure how I was

Kirsten Ronaldo:

tracking and also how I was tracking, but also it also improved my client

Kirsten Ronaldo:

experience because my clients were so excited that they were able to get

Kirsten Ronaldo:

progress updates and things like that.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

But no, before SOS I wasn't really tracking like that.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I was doing feedback forms, progress updates in exchange for

Kirsten Ronaldo:

like $5 Starbucks gift cards.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Yes, yes.

Ashley Pendergraft:

That's or that's so normal.

Kirsten Ronaldo:


Kirsten Ronaldo:


Ashley Pendergraft:

something that I, I also think about that, I think you, you

Ashley Pendergraft:

are a great example of this too, and, and it's part of our framework, but we

Ashley Pendergraft:

really, we want to make sure that your clients are rallying behind a mission.

Ashley Pendergraft:

They're getting reminded and they're getting rewarded.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Those are like three things to help ensure you don't need to bribe

Ashley Pendergraft:

them with a Starbucks gift card.

Ashley Pendergraft:


Ashley Pendergraft:

And I think that something you do that's, that's amazing.

Ashley Pendergraft:

And if anybody's listening and doesn't have something like this is having a

Ashley Pendergraft:

collective goal that your clients are working towards together, I remember

Ashley Pendergraft:

like the Slack channel was crazy because it's like we're so close to a million

Ashley Pendergraft:

dollars in like email, like in in

Kirsten Ronaldo:


Ashley Pendergraft:

email sales.

Ashley Pendergraft:

And that that too, it's so simple.

Ashley Pendergraft:

But when you have all that data, it's a rallying cry to

Ashley Pendergraft:

be like, look at what we're

Kirsten Ronaldo:


Ashley Pendergraft:

as an industry, as a program.

Ashley Pendergraft:

How that's been and how, how you've been able to kind of create a

Ashley Pendergraft:

culture of people actually filling, filling out these results forms.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Actually submitting it for sure.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I think the first thing is, like the nerdy answer is we actually have

Kirsten Ronaldo:

automations that remind them to, like, it's so simple but so valuable.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

We would just manually post it when we remembered, but now we

Kirsten Ronaldo:

have a weekly automation that just reminds them every single week.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Submit this.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

So it creates a culture of like, we want your submissions starting there.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And then, I considered trying, doing this whole like, incentive

Kirsten Ronaldo:

thing to get people to fill out the forms where like if you did it and

Kirsten Ronaldo:

you filled out, every $10,000 you submitted, you got like a certain thing.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And I was thinking about doing that, but then I realized like, first of all,

Kirsten Ronaldo:

filling out the form helps them because they get to be in the 25% MVP program.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

So how can we instead really promote and celebrate the 25% MVP

Kirsten Ronaldo:

program, which is their reward.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Like that's the incentive of submitting the sales form, but also what we're

Kirsten Ronaldo:

doing is so incredible and insane.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Honestly, like the amount of money my clients make in an

Kirsten Ronaldo:

email program is unheard of.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And so for me, I just started posting like we're about to, we're about to

Kirsten Ronaldo:

hit 500 K, we're about to hit 700 K, we're about to hit a million, and

Kirsten Ronaldo:

now we're about to hit 2 million.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And I was actually just going to post that.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

So, I was going to tell people, make sure you submit we're about to 2 million.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And I think the reason why that's helpful for people is like everybody wants to

Kirsten Ronaldo:

be a part of a community for one thing and they want to be a part of a community

Kirsten Ronaldo:

that's winning and they want to be a part of a community that they're proud of.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And you know what I love is like people are so proud to be million dollar

Kirsten Ronaldo:

emailers and that I think is powerful and helps people to get behind a goal.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And so I really just, instead of thinking of it as like this

Kirsten Ronaldo:

incentive, I really just was like, no.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

How can I get them excited to be a part of this community?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Like you're a part of a community that makes you social media optional.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

That's unheard of.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

You're a part of a community that makes a million dollars in submitted email sales.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And I say submitted because we got way more than that, that aren't submitted.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Like you are a part of this community.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

You're a part of a community that has millionaires in the Slack channel

Kirsten Ronaldo:

learning email with you, submitting their offer stories with you.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

That's something to be proud of.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And so for me, that was really what I focused on, and that got way more

Kirsten Ronaldo:

and perform way better than Starbucks gift cards, incentivizing bonus

Kirsten Ronaldo:

calls, incentivizing bonus workshops.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Incentivizing a private Slack channel like that did way better.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Yeah, and I think what you're getting at too is that

Ashley Pendergraft:

you are not asking for the results so you can put it on the sales page, like

Ashley Pendergraft:

that's not the energy it's coming from.

Ashley Pendergraft:

It's like, oh, I don't send you a feedback form.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Just because I'm about to launch, which like, I have done that in

Ashley Pendergraft:

the past, it's like, Ooh, who are my favorite case studies?

Ashley Pendergraft:

Like, let me, and when you have this culture of regularly reminding them

Ashley Pendergraft:

and rewarding them and celebrating them, it just, it changes the energy.

Ashley Pendergraft:

And I really believe like what you focus on grows.

Ashley Pendergraft:

And if you're not tracking your client results, how are those

Ashley Pendergraft:

client results going to get?

Ashley Pendergraft:

Like, how are you going to get better?

Ashley Pendergraft:

How's the program going to get better?

Ashley Pendergraft:

How's all that going to get better?

Ashley Pendergraft:

So I love, I love all that

Kirsten Ronaldo:

That's interesting you say that because it's It's so true.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

We don't only use these things when we launch.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

We don't even always promote the wins that we get.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Like our email wins Slack channel is constantly blowing up and

Kirsten Ronaldo:

we can't even keep up with the amount of wins that we get.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And so it's so true.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

It's just built in like, no, this is just what we do.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

We celebrate each other and we celebrate our wins.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Yeah, and you mentioned this and I want to just circle

Ashley Pendergraft:

back because we're so deep in like the Airtable, the tech of it all that

Ashley Pendergraft:

it seems so of like, of course this could happen, but just that your Google

Ashley Pendergraft:

sheets and your Google forms could never like, Kirsten's clients submit

Ashley Pendergraft:

their wins and it's an Airtable form and on the back, Airtable automatically

Ashley Pendergraft:

knows, because they have this like customer profile, student profile, how

Ashley Pendergraft:

many wins they've submitted over time.

Ashley Pendergraft:

And then that's where when she was like, oh yeah.

Ashley Pendergraft:

And they get a customized email report that doesn't say, thanks

Ashley Pendergraft:

for submitting, have a good day.

Ashley Pendergraft:

It's like, Thanks for submitting.

Ashley Pendergraft:

You just submitted a thousand dollars.

Ashley Pendergraft:

You've made $10,000 in the program.

Ashley Pendergraft:

It knows all that stuff automatically because it's an Airtable.

Ashley Pendergraft:

So that's just the how of it all.

Ashley Pendergraft:

So if you're interested in like these things, your spreadsheets

Ashley Pendergraft:

cannot, your Google form cannot.

Ashley Pendergraft:

The answer is Airtable.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

No, it, it really can't.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

The answer is no.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Like it can't.

Kirsten Ronaldo:


Kirsten Ronaldo:

No, that's so true.

Ashley Pendergraft:


Ashley Pendergraft:

Curriculum is a system your client results tracking is, is a system.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Tell me about some other systems that you've added to your program that

Ashley Pendergraft:

has reduced the client results gap.

Ashley Pendergraft:

I'm thinking about your email reviews and how you've been able to not only have

Ashley Pendergraft:

curriculum be your head coach, but you've been able to support your coaches to help

Ashley Pendergraft:

like get your clients even more results.

Ashley Pendergraft:

What are some of the systems you've done for that?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Yeah, so we've been able to add in the infamous copy reviews.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Like people love the copy reviews.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

It's so insane.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

When I first started the million dollar email program, you had

Kirsten Ronaldo:

to come to the call on Mondays.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Bring your emails and hope you get coached on it.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Like, because you might not have, that was before.

Kirsten Ronaldo:


Kirsten Ronaldo:

And I would read your emails on the call and if the call was canceled, nobody

Kirsten Ronaldo:

got their emails read like, Nobody got their emails right in the program before

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I implemented the copy review system.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

But I was scared to implement that because I was like, if there's a

Kirsten Ronaldo:

hundred people plus people in this program and every person can get a

Kirsten Ronaldo:

copy review whenever they want, I need to have tight systems for that.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Like I need to be able to make sure everything is okay

Kirsten Ronaldo:

and everything runs smoothly.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And I'm a firm believer that your client doesn't want a

Kirsten Ronaldo:

feature that isn't systematized.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

This is where I can get nerd nerdy again, like nobody wants you to do

Kirsten Ronaldo:

copy reviews if it's going to take a week to, to get it back like we want

Kirsten Ronaldo:

systematized, smooth features, right?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

That's what we want.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

We want it to be easy for us as the customer.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And so I was like, it's not going to benefit anyone if this isn't systematized.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

So that was my thought process.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And for copy reviews, I also really wanted it to be where

Kirsten Ronaldo:

the entire group could benefit.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

because that was something that I liked about reading emails on the calls

Kirsten Ronaldo:

were that was that people could take notes on people's email feedbacks.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

What Ashley helped me to do was implement a copy review system and process that is

Kirsten Ronaldo:

automated, but also can benefit the group.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

So here's how it goes.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

So basically someone submits an Airtable form and it is for a copy review, right?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And they submit their copy and that gets automatically assigned to my co-coach.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

We do alternating, right?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

So it gets automatically assigned based on an alternation to my co-coach that

Kirsten Ronaldo:

gets sent to my co-coach Slack channel.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

So they don't even have to look at Airtable to know

Kirsten Ronaldo:

that they have a copy review.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

They go in, they do it, they click send, and it automatically adds into our copy

Kirsten Ronaldo:

review Slack channel so that anybody can see it and anybody can benefit it.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And I think this helps for a few reasons.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

For one thing, it helps if you were just on a Monday call, let's say,

Kirsten Ronaldo:

and you know, they kept talking about romanticizing your offer and you don't

Kirsten Ronaldo:

fully know what it means in practice.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And then you go to the copy reviews channel and you see the title

Kirsten Ronaldo:

says Romanticizing your Offer.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And you click on that and you actually see that in practice.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

You see that concept being coached on, on an actual email.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

It also helps the people that are shy to get copy reviews, like I've

Kirsten Ronaldo:

learned as a coach that getting copy reviews, especially from my team,

Kirsten Ronaldo:

because we are not easy on our clients.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

We we're pretty direct.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

We keep it, you know, honest and to the point.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

That can be hard for some people.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

It can be actually very activating to receive a copy review sometimes.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And so, and I'm going to get into how our systems have solved for that as well.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

But, you know, if, if someone never submits a copy review because they're shy

Kirsten Ronaldo:

or they're scared or whatever, I want them to be able to benefit from copy reviews.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

So that's how we've been able to do it all with Airtable and Zapier.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

A really simple automation to get that, to get that done.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

The way we've continued to improve it is we noticed that, like I said, copy reviews

Kirsten Ronaldo:

can be pretty activating sometimes.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And so we've added to our copy review delivery email links where basically

Kirsten Ronaldo:

we say, Hey, let, let's just give you some copy review mindset tips.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

You know, just because we gave you feedback doesn't mean it's not good.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Just because we gave you feedback doesn't mean you shouldn't send it.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Just because we gave you feedback doesn't mean you're a bad writer.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Like we give them some thoughts to think before they even

Kirsten Ronaldo:

go into the Slack channel.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And then also we say, Hey, did you get feedback on romanticizing your offer?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Look at this training.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Did you get feedback on your subject lines?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Go to this training.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Did you get feedback on your pitches?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Go to this training.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

So that's all automated while before we noticed that like, You know, the, the

Kirsten Ronaldo:

threads were getting thick because people had so many like, clarifying questions

Kirsten Ronaldo:

instead of going to the curriculum.

Kirsten Ronaldo:


Kirsten Ronaldo:

Or because they, for whatever reason were like, oh, like now I'm a bad writer

Kirsten Ronaldo:

and I feel bad, and all these things when now a simple Airtable email solved

Kirsten Ronaldo:

for that and reduced that drastically.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And so, the adding copy reviews into my program was a.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

It wasn't just a program changer, it was a life changer.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Like being able to say that I can offer on-demand, copy reviews,

Kirsten Ronaldo:

changed my program, changed my sales, it changed everything,

Kirsten Ronaldo:

but I wouldn't have been able to do that if I didn't have the systems to do it.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Yeah, and Airtable makes all of that possible and it

Ashley Pendergraft:

really like, it grinds my gears when people are like, well, I have Kajabi,

Ashley Pendergraft:

which is an all in one platform, or I have Kartra, and it's like, Those,

Ashley Pendergraft:

they can't do, they can't do this.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Like Airtable is a requirement for a results focused group program because

Ashley Pendergraft:

Sure, you can put up a, a zoom, but I love that you, you know, people might

Ashley Pendergraft:

not be able to make that Zoom call so they might not be able to get results.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Or as the program grows, how is, how is that going to scale?

Ashley Pendergraft:

And when you think about, I want to get my clients results,

Ashley Pendergraft:

here are the different options.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Airtable and these systems, like you were just able to.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Reverse engineer what you wanted it to be.

Ashley Pendergraft:

And not only that, but then add even, even more of like, oh, we need a mindset.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Little note here.

Ashley Pendergraft:

it's so customizable.

Ashley Pendergraft:

And when you are looking at it from results focused and results

Ashley Pendergraft:

forward, your features are not like a desperate attempt to get people

Ashley Pendergraft:

to like you and how do I like really help our clients get more results.

Ashley Pendergraft:

I know your systems would be able to tell you, but I don't know if

Ashley Pendergraft:

you track, if you track this yet.

Ashley Pendergraft:

What's the average number of copy reviews, people submit until they

Ashley Pendergraft:

get into like your, your 25% VP club.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Do you know that?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Yeah, I'm glad you said that.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

So we haven't tracked that specifically yet, but we actually plan to, because

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I'm going to be doing a curriculum revamp and the way I've been tracking it

Kirsten Ronaldo:

currently has been, I have a question.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

In the 25% MVP form that says, how'd you do this?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

How did you do this?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And people will tell me, like, I submitted 20 copy reviews, or I

Kirsten Ronaldo:

submitted a copy review a week, and I really focused on listening to

Kirsten Ronaldo:

the private podcast, whatever it is.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

our clients are so generous and telling us how they did it, which is very helpful.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

But I think it benefits both of us.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

It benefits them so that they know their success.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Formula that they can apply again, but it benefits us because we're

Kirsten Ronaldo:

like, oh, this is what's really impactful for the program versus this

Kirsten Ronaldo:

isn't as impactful as we thought.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And so we're definitely going to be tracking that.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Another way that we track is we actually look at the date to join

Kirsten Ronaldo:

versus the date they enrolled ratios.

Ashley Pendergraft:


Kirsten Ronaldo:

like, okay, we're talking, you know, our goal is for

Kirsten Ronaldo:

everyone to get 25% MVP in 30 days.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

How did they do it faster?

Kirsten Ronaldo:


Kirsten Ronaldo:

What trainings were they looking at?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Oh, this one got got in on 15 days.

Kirsten Ronaldo:


Kirsten Ronaldo:

This one got in on seven days?

Kirsten Ronaldo:


Kirsten Ronaldo:

This one took 45 days?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Why this one took 90 days?

Kirsten Ronaldo:


Kirsten Ronaldo:


Kirsten Ronaldo:

And sometimes, honestly, it as simple as the answer is, I didn't

Kirsten Ronaldo:

even look at the content until now.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And then in 30 days of looking at the content, I did it.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

So I think it's important for group program founders to know that there is

Kirsten Ronaldo:

nuance to your results and that's okay.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

But overall it's been really, really helpful to look at that another thing

Kirsten Ronaldo:

that's helped me is like, why do people stop submitting their email

Kirsten Ronaldo:

sales even after they hit 25% MVP?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And for me, I realized like, oh, because they've made whatever, $50,000

Kirsten Ronaldo:

and they're like, I already hit 25% MVP, so why, why do I need to do it?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

So what I've been thinking about is how can we set a new goal after 25% MVP?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

How can we set up an automation that says, here's your new goal, six figures, right?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Or here's your

Kirsten Ronaldo:

new goal.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

200 K, you, you already hit six figures.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Here's your new goal.

Kirsten Ronaldo:


Kirsten Ronaldo:

And so we've actually been thinking about like, man, I was recently

Kirsten Ronaldo:

looking at our thing and I was like, we got all these six figure earners.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

We should be sending them a new goal.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

We should be sending them time to double your conversions.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Get back in here.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Also using the data to think about like how to keep people engaged because

Kirsten Ronaldo:

it's so much more than the 25%, right?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Especially if you have a program like mine, my program isn't lifetime, it's 12

Kirsten Ronaldo:

months, and I do offer a re-enrollment.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

You want to keep people engaged, and so how can you do that while

Kirsten Ronaldo:

getting more and more results?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

That only benefits you and the client at the same time.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Yeah, I love that too, because it's not like, It's not a

Ashley Pendergraft:

big pivot to, okay, you did email like now let's move to YouTube or whatever.

Ashley Pendergraft:

It's like, how do you now like collapse time and like really get even more, more

Ashley Pendergraft:

results on that same one skill curriculum that one result that you've promised.

Ashley Pendergraft:

But to get to the next level of that.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

We thought about even like potentially, do we keep it monetary?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Do we keep it six figures or do we do a conversion formula where you

Kirsten Ronaldo:

submit your conversion rate at?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Like, we've thought about it all, but I wouldn't have even gotten

Kirsten Ronaldo:

there if I didn't know of the capabilities of Airtable to do that.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Like I know that anything I want can be delivered by through a system.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Whether it's Airtable, Zapier, anything else either way.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Knowing that there's a software that can help me to get creative

Kirsten Ronaldo:

with how I do things is exciting.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And, and I, we've been talking a lot about million dollar email, but I even told

Kirsten Ronaldo:

you recently about Million dollar c e o.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I'm like, what if I collect their calendars, screenshots of

Kirsten Ronaldo:

their calendars?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Like, what can I do?

Kirsten Ronaldo:


Kirsten Ronaldo:

Or like, what are some things I could, should I send them time reports?

Kirsten Ronaldo:


Kirsten Ronaldo:

So like just, I, I wouldn't even get that creative if I didn't know of

Kirsten Ronaldo:

the, that it was available to me.

Ashley Pendergraft:

You're a systems person, you're a data person, but

Ashley Pendergraft:

for those people who aren't systems or data people, or if someone's

Ashley Pendergraft:

like, why do I need to track it?

Ashley Pendergraft:

What would you say to them?

Ashley Pendergraft:

Why is, is tracking the data for your group program so important?

Ashley Pendergraft:

What would you say to that?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I am glad you said that because I, I can definitely nerd out hard.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

There's a few reasons for one thing, marketing, like, so you can use it in your

Kirsten Ronaldo:

marketing and it can be that simple right?

Kirsten Ronaldo:


Kirsten Ronaldo:

I remember back in the day before I even knew Airtable existed when

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I was selling one-on-one coaching, I didn't know what Airtable was.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I, I tracked client wins because I needed help with content and

Kirsten Ronaldo:

like what content do I create?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

How can I market these results?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Or what results can I market, et cetera.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And so there's that.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

There's the marketing side of it.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And I think also just in general delivery improvement, you should want

Kirsten Ronaldo:

to consistently improve your program.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And for me it was incredibly helpful to collect results, to think about

Kirsten Ronaldo:

how I could improve my program, what new trainings I could add,

Kirsten Ronaldo:

what I should take away so that I could be the best in the industry.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Like that's all I ever wanted was to be the best in the industry.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And I feel like if you want to be the best in the industry, whether you're

Kirsten Ronaldo:

doing Airtable, Google forms, whatever, Sorry, Ashley, whatever you're doing,

Ashley Pendergraft:


Kirsten Ronaldo:

like, please don't tell people Google for, but like if

Kirsten Ronaldo:

we're talking about like softwares aside, if you want to be the best in

Kirsten Ronaldo:

the industry and you're not tracking your client results, do you want

Kirsten Ronaldo:

to be the best in the industry?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Like that's my thought process.

Ashley Pendergraft:


Ashley Pendergraft:

Like what do you care about?

Ashley Pendergraft:

And that's where I think so many of us go.

Ashley Pendergraft:

It's not that we don't care about our client results.

Ashley Pendergraft:

It's like we literally did not know how.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Like they, people don't know that this solution exists.

Ashley Pendergraft:

And yeah, it's like, oh, like I wait until they like, tell me about it in

Ashley Pendergraft:

the Slack channel that they gotta win.

Ashley Pendergraft:

That's not tracking your client results and that's not like, Coming

Ashley Pendergraft:

to a sales call or coming, putting on your sales page just like a wall

Ashley Pendergraft:

of wins and a wall of receipts.

Ashley Pendergraft:

That's how you be the best in the industry, is you.

Ashley Pendergraft:

You help your clients get the results that you promise.

Kirsten Roldan:

I've had people that told me they only joined Million dollar

Kirsten Roldan:

email because they could not believe how many, how they just scrolled

Kirsten Roldan:

through my sales page and it was, it was more results than it was copy.

Kirsten Roldan:

Like there were like that alone.

Kirsten Roldan:

Just the optics of that was enough to sell me.

Kirsten Roldan:

And I think it's so true.

Kirsten Roldan:

You should want to track client results.

Ashley Pendergraft:

I even think too, like tracking client results, and this is

Ashley Pendergraft:

a, a pretty nuanced thing, but tracking client results is a lot different than

Ashley Pendergraft:

tracking client wins or testimonials.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Like some of us are in the habit of screenshotting when they say they

Ashley Pendergraft:

love the program or screenshotting when they say they have a win.

Ashley Pendergraft:

And then you're sales pages just like flooded with like well wishes.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Everybody's like, like, yay, I, I love you.

Ashley Pendergraft:


Ashley Pendergraft:

Different, much different than saying this person made X amount in, in MDE, this

Ashley Pendergraft:

person made this amount, that's results.

Ashley Pendergraft:

And a wall of wins is very different than than tracking and

Ashley Pendergraft:

show showcasing your results.

Ashley Pendergraft:

And I think that that's just, it's if you think that you're

Ashley Pendergraft:

tracking your results by saving your slack wins, it's not enough.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

That's such a good point.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

It's almost like.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Wins are just whatever, you know, happy, happy, fun, wins people get in the

Kirsten Ronaldo:

program while results are the actual program promise that they're hitting.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Like them actually hitting the program promise.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

For sure.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And I think like there are things that I don't put on my sales page,

Kirsten Ronaldo:

even though they're beautiful and lovely messages and incredible, I'm

Kirsten Ronaldo:

like, no, it's not on my sales page.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

UN until it's this right.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Or a variation of this or that, whatever.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And Yeah, for sure.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

The amount of wins I actually don't share because I'm, I'm primarily focused on,

Kirsten Ronaldo:

the result is huge and I, and I think it's important to know, like it's not because

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I don't value those wins, I do, but every time I see a win, for example, if

Kirsten Ronaldo:

someone's consistently, like, I got great opens no sales yet, but I got great opens

Kirsten Ronaldo:

and they're saying that over and over again, I'm asking myself, okay, great.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

They're getting great.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Opens fun.

Kirsten Ronaldo:


Kirsten Ronaldo:

I'm excited for them, but like, Why aren't they getting sales?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And so it's interesting, like having a detective, a detective mind while you're

Kirsten Ronaldo:

going through while you're looking at your winds too, is important rather

Kirsten Ronaldo:

than just being like, this kind of goes back to like being happy to be liked.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Of course we get a win, we get a dopamine hit, but how quickly do we

Kirsten Ronaldo:

also look at it and observe it and say, okay, like, how can we help?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

This person

Kirsten Ronaldo:

as well.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And so I think it's both celebrating, but also having like a detective brain.

Ashley Pendergraft:

I have done a lot of work, and if you have helped me

Ashley Pendergraft:

with this of a client loves me, yay.

Ashley Pendergraft:

They love the program, and then in the inbox, a client hates me.

Ashley Pendergraft:

They're demanding a refund, and like you just like oscillate between the two.

Ashley Pendergraft:

But what actually keeps me really grounded and neutral is pointing to the results.

Ashley Pendergraft:

It's like, how do I not let either of those make or break my day and just

Ashley Pendergraft:

say, wow, so happy that they love me.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Here's the receipts.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Or like, I am not a terrible person.

Ashley Pendergraft:

I'm not a scammer.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Because look at these receipts like you have, like the results can

Ashley Pendergraft:

be very grounding to your nervous system as well, and you're not

Ashley Pendergraft:

just like constantly seeking like the wins, like the glory, all of

Kirsten Ronaldo:

For sure.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I'm like, I'm not crazy.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I've got $2 million in here.

Kirsten Ronaldo:


Kirsten Ronaldo:

So like for sure it also helps you emotionally to track your results.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Oh, so much work to be done still.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Ah, Kirsten, this has been lovely, had a great time.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Any last words, any thoughts on client results or curriculum?

Ashley Pendergraft:

What's one takeaway if someone you feel like their curriculum

Ashley Pendergraft:

is not their head coach yet.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Like where do you think they should go?

Ashley Pendergraft:

What do you think they should do?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I think the biggest thing is if you currently do not have a head

Kirsten Ronaldo:

coach curriculum, look at your results.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And what results are you creating?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

What results do your clients value the most?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Even if you're not currently tracking it, like you can find that trend, like

Kirsten Ronaldo:

this are the results that are consistent.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

This is what they value the most.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And then from there, what skill do they use for that?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

So let me use Ashley as an example to ground it, Ashley realized that

Kirsten Ronaldo:

her clients that valued Airtable the most were group program founders

Kirsten Ronaldo:

that wanted to grow their program and maintain their client experience

Kirsten Ronaldo:

and maintain their client results and even grow it, et cetera, et cetera.

Kirsten Ronaldo:


Kirsten Ronaldo:

And so that alone, just knowing that helped her to then create, a dedicated

Kirsten Ronaldo:

program to group, program founders and their needs and the one skill.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Which is group program management.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And so that's going to be really where you start, is really looking at like, what

Kirsten Ronaldo:

currently is happening in my program and what is the actual result of it, rather

Kirsten Ronaldo:

than just like, oh, they need all of it.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

People say that all the time, like, oh, well, really, it's

Kirsten Ronaldo:

just, it's so much more than that.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

That's what people always say.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

It's so much more than that.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

It's, it's everything.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

It's all of it.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

All of it is needed and it never is.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

If you're actually looking at like what is actually happening in your program?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And so, I think that's going to be the first step to creating

Kirsten Ronaldo:

a Head coach curriculum.

Ashley Pendergraft:

I agree.

Ashley Pendergraft:

And I actually, I've been, I've been revamping because you're always

Ashley Pendergraft:

refining, always refining like your, your results and your promise.

Ashley Pendergraft:

And something that's been helpful for me is, I have, so like group

Ashley Pendergraft:

program management at Airtable is, there's so many pieces to it.

Ashley Pendergraft:

But that's like, you can't say yes or no.

Ashley Pendergraft:

I manage my program in Airtable.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Like there's, it's not, that's not the result that I want to track.

Ashley Pendergraft:

We're working on what, what, what that, what we're refining that to be.

Ashley Pendergraft:

But what's helpful is to have, and I don't want to like spoil what our new,

Ashley Pendergraft:

our new refined result is, but to be able to promise one thing on the sales page

Ashley Pendergraft:

very clearly that they can get finished in a week, and then that rewards program,

Ashley Pendergraft:

they can unlock other, other things, other aspects, but we're not tracking.

Ashley Pendergraft:

We are not, that's not what we're leading with.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Like, they're, they have this like treasure trove of other resources to

Ashley Pendergraft:

like, enhance their group program.

Ashley Pendergraft:

But to say like, here's the one thing that we're tracking.

Ashley Pendergraft:

So even if you feel like your program is overstuffed and you can't get rid of

Ashley Pendergraft:

anything, you can still pick like, what's the one result I want to lead with?

Ashley Pendergraft:

And start there.

Ashley Pendergraft:

And inevitably you'll, you'll, you'll cut down and you'll, you'll slim down later.

Ashley Pendergraft:

But that's been really helpful for, as me personally, someone

Ashley Pendergraft:

who's like always, who's refining, refining my process as well.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

It is so true.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Like what do you want?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Also, what do you want to teach?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

What is the one skill you want to teach?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

What do you want to lean into?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I think that's important too, for sure.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Something I said to a client today was, if you have your who

Kirsten Ronaldo:

and you have your result, you can create curriculum right now.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

So a lot of people will be like, I'm not really clear on this or this or that.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

If you know your idle client and you just choose a result, any result, my

Kirsten Ronaldo:

first result for million dollar email was make high ticket email sales.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

That was my first result was make email sales.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

And so like whatever it is, just get started there and start brainstorming.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

What would you take away from your curriculum?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

What would you add in?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I think that's going to be huge.

Ashley Pendergraft:

I am just so honored to be in a community like million

Ashley Pendergraft:

dollar email and million dollar CEO who, who are so results forward and

Ashley Pendergraft:

we do care so much about making good curriculum, getting our clients results.

Ashley Pendergraft:

So thank you so much Kirsten, for having these containers and

Ashley Pendergraft:

chatting on the podcast today.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Where can people find you?

Ashley Pendergraft:

Where do you want to direct them to?

Ashley Pendergraft:

You're an Instagram queen.

Ashley Pendergraft:

What's, what's your handle?

Kirsten Ronaldo:

Instagram Queen.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

I'm an email queen.

Ashley Pendergraft:

You're an email queen.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Obviously go get on the email, but like your Instagram is also fun.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

No, it's true.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

It's true.

Kirsten Ronaldo:

No, I, i.

Ashley Pendergraft:

both end, say two, save two.

Kirsten Roldan:

No, I love it.

Kirsten Roldan:

My Instagram is at Kirsten Roldan, and if you want to join my email list, head

Kirsten Roldan:

over there, you'll find my website.

Kirsten Roldan:

But if you want to go straight to my website, do, and

Kirsten Roldan:

you'll be able to join my email list and learn all the good things about

Kirsten Roldan:

e email team systems and mindset.

Kirsten Roldan:

And that's where you can find me.

Ashley Pendergraft:


Ashley Pendergraft:

Love it.

Ashley Pendergraft:

Thanks Kirsten.

Ashley Pendergraft:

See you.

Ashley Pendergraft:

See you in all the Slack channels.

Ashley Pendergraft:

We'll talk to you soon.

Ashley Pendergraft:

If you are committed to getting your client's results and creating

Ashley Pendergraft:

the go-to coaching program in your industry, we want you to join us.

Ashley Pendergraft:

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Ashley Pendergraft:

to see all the system strategies and behind the scenes stories of

Ashley Pendergraft:

what it takes to create the most impactful coaching program you can.



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