Artwork for podcast The Vicca Law Podcast: Protecting Legacies. Resolving Conflicts.
Ep. 29 What to do with Foreign Assets in your Estate Plan
Episode 298th August 2024 • The Vicca Law Podcast: Protecting Legacies. Resolving Conflicts. • Vicca Law
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8 August 2024

The Vicca Podcast

Ep. 29 What to do with Foreign Assets in your Estate Plan

Today, we're exploring the complex world of managing foreign assets in your estate plan. When most people think of foreign assets, they envision real estate in another country. However, foreign assets can also include shares in overseas companies, vehicles, personal belongings, or even bank accounts held abroad.

Imagine owning a villa in Spain, stocks in a UK-based company, and a bank account in Switzerland. Each of these assets needs careful planning and consideration. In this episode of the Vicca Podcast, we'll explain why it's crucial to have a will in every jurisdiction where your assets are located. Whether you're dealing with real estate, financial assets, or personal property abroad, understanding how to manage these foreign assets is essential for comprehensive estate planning. Tune in now to gain valuable insights and learn the steps you need to take to effectively manage foreign assets in your estate plan.

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