Artwork for podcast Next Up Nation ‪- The Secrets to a Profitable and Popular Podcast
How to Build Your Brand the Right Way with Monique Idemudia
Episode 3112th July 2022 • Next Up Nation ‪- The Secrets to a Profitable and Popular Podcast • OMH Agency
00:00:00 01:36:10

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In this episode of Next Up Nation, Tiffany Youngren interviews an experienced podcaster, Monique Idemudia, who shares their insights on how to create a successful show. They discuss the importance of niching down, building an engaged community, and creating quality content that provides value to your audience. And step-by-step instructions for achieving certain results in the next 30 days.


Find Monique Idemudia at Dragon Digital Marketing


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Disruptive Podcasting


Tiffany Youngren:

Hey there, I'm Tiffany Youngren host of next up

Tiffany Youngren:

nation where we help podcasters and youtubers with vision become

Tiffany Youngren:

preeminent thought leaders in their industries. You are about

Tiffany Youngren:

to have the incredible opportunity to listen as we dig

Tiffany Youngren:

into the why, who and what of a podcaster show. Then at the end,

Tiffany Youngren:

we're gonna identify one powerful how one action that she

Tiffany Youngren:

can take for results in the next 30 days. Let's welcome Monique

Tiffany Youngren:

Idemudia, a host of Dragon Digital Marketing Podcast.

Tiffany Youngren:

Monique, welcome.

Monique Idemudia:

Hi, thank you so much for having me, Tiffany.

Monique Idemudia:

I'm so excited to be here.

Tiffany Youngren:

Oh, I'm excited to have you as well. I'm

Tiffany Youngren:

i like i said i was listening to your show beforehand. So I'm

Tiffany Youngren:

really excited to dig in. And just a little bit about Monique

Tiffany Youngren:

Dragon Digital Marketing Podcast has released 49 episodes from

Tiffany Youngren:

March 13 of 2020 until the day of this recording, which is June

Tiffany Youngren:

22 2021. Monique is the founder like with other marketing agency

Tiffany Youngren:

with the same name as the podcast, Dragon digital

Tiffany Youngren:

marketing, and it's an agency for small businesses based in

Tiffany Youngren:

St. Petersburg, Florida. She is a bright, execution driven

Tiffany Youngren:

consultant, public speaker and educator. So Monique, tell me

Tiffany Youngren:

why did you start Dragon Digital Marketing podcast?

Monique Idemudia:

Yeah, I wanted. So I'm an inbound

Monique Idemudia:

marketer, I'm all about content and publishing that content,

Monique Idemudia:

distributing it online, and providing as much value as I

Monique Idemudia:

possibly can for my audience. And I don't do any, you know,

Monique Idemudia:

cold outreach, or cold calling advertising and any of that

Monique Idemudia:

stuff. So in the pandemic, everybody was sitting at home,

Monique Idemudia:

were locked down. And I was saving a lot of time, I didn't

Monique Idemudia:

have to, you know, commute anymore. I ordered everything,

Monique Idemudia:

literally every little thing online. I have barely had to

Monique Idemudia:

leave the house for anything. And I had so much extra time

Monique Idemudia:

when podcasting was just you know, it's a growing industry

Monique Idemudia:

was blowing up in popularity. So I was like, let me start a

Monique Idemudia:

podcast for my digital marketing agency and get into podcasting.

Monique Idemudia:

And I haven't regretted it ever since.

Tiffany Youngren:

That's so I mean, is it? Is it something

Tiffany Youngren:

that you just did? Because you loved or did you have some kind

Tiffany Youngren:

of outcome that you wanted out of it? Were you inspired by

Tiffany Youngren:


Monique Idemudia:

Yes. So I just have a lot to talk about, I have

Monique Idemudia:

so much content, it helps me to repurpose my content, it helps

Monique Idemudia:

me to network and get to know more people, I get to interview

Monique Idemudia:

great people, I get to be on guests and other people's

Monique Idemudia:

podcasts. Like Like I'm a next up nation right now. I get to

Monique Idemudia:

learn so much myself and build my online presence and you know,

Monique Idemudia:

have another channels so to speak, that I can use to market

Monique Idemudia:

myself and promote my agency and just be seen as a thought leader

Monique Idemudia:

and get out there build awareness, where people can

Monique Idemudia:

discover me, so there's so so so many benefits of being a

Monique Idemudia:

podcaster and having a podcast, and it gives me more content, it

Monique Idemudia:

helps me with my SEO, it helps me with so many things. The

Monique Idemudia:

benefits of having a podcast for any business are just yeah,

Monique Idemudia:

almost endless. So it just made sense. It just clicked. I guess

Monique Idemudia:

it was a time issue that I had inserted it even earlier than

Monique Idemudia:

that. But I've always liked listening to podcasts myself. I

Monique Idemudia:

knew kind of like the landscape and what was out there. I knew

Monique Idemudia:

the other marketing podcasts, the most popular ones, and most

Monique Idemudia:

of them are for marketers, so I wanted to, you know, put a

Monique Idemudia:

different take on it and make one that's actually for business

Monique Idemudia:

owners and not for marketers.

Tiffany Youngren:

Oh, I love it. You know, I always I always say

Tiffany Youngren:

that podcasting is a content marketers dream. You know, How

Tiffany Youngren:

many years did we spend working with our clients? You know, we

Tiffany Youngren:

started as a, you know, web we, we develop websites, and then we

Tiffany Youngren:

robot blog posts, repurpose them into social media and into email

Tiffany Youngren:

campaigns. And it was always a matter of when I would talk to

Tiffany Youngren:

new clients or potential clients. They're just like, I

Tiffany Youngren:

don't know what we would write about. And of course, we're

Tiffany Youngren:

like, oh, well, there are these, you know, this idea and this

Tiffany Youngren:

idea. But with podcasting, it just creates itself. It's like

Tiffany Youngren:

it is just you don't have to come. The editorial calendar is

Tiffany Youngren:

so much easy. Like I just feel it before we even help people

Tiffany Youngren:

with podcasts. We that's how we did it was without a podcast.

Tiffany Youngren:

And then when we started incorporating the podcast, I was

Tiffany Youngren:

like, Oh my gosh, this is so much easier. So I love that you

Tiffany Youngren:

does it sounds like you're kind of in that same space where you

Tiffany Youngren:

like to organically bring in, you know, attention for your

Tiffany Youngren:

clients through through content. And so how was that transition?

Tiffany Youngren:

Did you have that same experience where it was just

Tiffany Youngren:

exciting to have that content practically write itself?

Monique Idemudia:

Yes, absolutely. Um, a lot of the

Monique Idemudia:

times the guests already include topics that they want to talk

Monique Idemudia:

about in their pitches that they send to you. So you can just

Monique Idemudia:

pick your favorite topic that you haven't talked about yet, or

Monique Idemudia:

you would just, you know like to cover next from the list that

Monique Idemudia:

they give you. And everything just falls into place. You can

Monique Idemudia:

have different episodes, episode formats, too. So when I am an

Monique Idemudia:

expert on the same topic, we can make it more of like a natural

Monique Idemudia:

conversation. And it's like 50/50, I talk 50% of the time,

Monique Idemudia:

my guest talks 50% of the time, and it's just a conversation.

Monique Idemudia:

Whereas when I'm not an expert myself on the topic, I just take

Monique Idemudia:

a step back, and I just ask the questions, and let the person

Monique Idemudia:

talk the entire time and get enlightened myself and learn

Monique Idemudia:

something new. and benefit from it just as my audience would.

Monique Idemudia:

And then I take the transcripts from every episode. So it gives

Monique Idemudia:

me a blog post essentially, and more a test content that I can

Monique Idemudia:

just put all the way down to tweets, basically, I can just

Monique Idemudia:

put like one quote or take one sentence or two sentences of it,

Monique Idemudia:

make a tweet out of it, make a social media post out of it for

Monique Idemudia:

LinkedIn, Facebook, whatever. So it's really, really versatile

Monique Idemudia:

the amount of content that I can create from it. And then I also

Monique Idemudia:

always record the video and make it like a video cast as well.

Monique Idemudia:

And I upload the video version on YouTube. I also embed it on

Monique Idemudia:

my website, I create a show notes page for each of my

Monique Idemudia:

episodes, where I put you know, everything that was mentioned,

Monique Idemudia:

sometimes people mention handy tools that they like, resources,

Monique Idemudia:

other websites, statistics, whatever it may be. And I have

Monique Idemudia:

the s how notes page. And I also always put a summary there. So

Monique Idemudia:

people don't have to take notes, they have like a little

Monique Idemudia:

checklists, or actionable tips, exercises, whatever it may be

Monique Idemudia:

everything that has been talked about. So people can really take

Monique Idemudia:

action on it. And they don't just feel hyped up, I want to

Monique Idemudia:

make it as helpful as I possibly can. And all of that gives me so

Monique Idemudia:

much content, the video gives me more content. Even and I can

Monique Idemudia:

take you know, little video snippets from it that I can also

Monique Idemudia:

share on social. I use it for my email newsletter campaigns a lot

Monique Idemudia:

too. So I use the insights that we've been talking about in one

Monique Idemudia:

of my episodes and make it an email newsletter. And yes, this

Monique Idemudia:

is so many different things. Yeah, do with the content, it's

Monique Idemudia:

really great.

Tiffany Youngren:

Well, good for you for really optimizing that a

Tiffany Youngren:

lot of times I'm having this conversation. And I'm always

Tiffany Youngren:

like, if you don't do anything else, like have a blog post, and

Tiffany Youngren:

I have to say when I looked at your blog, it is the poster

Tiffany Youngren:

child of what I think an excellent show notes is I really

Tiffany Youngren:

enjoyed being able to scroll to the bottom and you have you

Tiffany Youngren:

know, like a list of these are the 10 things that you should do

Tiffany Youngren:

based on what we just heard. And in addition to the story format,

Tiffany Youngren:

because I feel like you know, some of us are like, give me

Tiffany Youngren:

just the bullets and some people like that story. And so they

Tiffany Youngren:

want to hear it. And I feel like you do a really good job of

Tiffany Youngren:

combining that. So very good. And before we talked before we

Tiffany Youngren:

spoke, you had said that what you want from your show is brand

Tiffany Youngren:

awareness, authority and thought leadership. Um, in fact, I think

Tiffany Youngren:

in one of your episodes you coined, what was it? There's

Tiffany Youngren:

like a acronym, there's eta, or what was the Oh, yes, yeah. See,

Tiffany Youngren:

expertise, authority and trust? Yes. Excellent. Why do you think

Tiffany Youngren:

that that's so important.

Monique Idemudia:

Um, it just helps people to get to know you

Monique Idemudia:

better. And, you know, people do business with people. So it's

Monique Idemudia:

not about you know, the brand name or the company name, but we

Monique Idemudia:

always want to know who's the person who's the face behind

Monique Idemudia:

that logo, or behind that, you know, company name behind that

Monique Idemudia:

brand. So we want to get to know the person. And it's important,

Monique Idemudia:

not just that the person, you know, is real and authentic and

Monique Idemudia:

sympathetic to us. But you also need to know that they're

Monique Idemudia:

trustworthy. Are they actually an expert on what they claim to

Monique Idemudia:

be an expert in? So is there any proof of their expertise? Do

Monique Idemudia:

they have any content out there that backs it up? Is there

Monique Idemudia:

social proof? You know, does that person have any media

Monique Idemudia:

appearances, online presence, all those kinds of things. And

Monique Idemudia:

that is just like a prerequisite to make people trust you.

Monique Idemudia:

Because it's an online world, most people don't get the

Monique Idemudia:

opportunity to meet you in real life in person. So that's all if

Monique Idemudia:

they have if they perform a Google search for you, you know

Monique Idemudia:

what comes up when they do that. So you need to build trust

Monique Idemudia:

digitally, so to speak, and content marketing is the way to

Monique Idemudia:

do it. And if you're really really good at it, you become an

Monique Idemudia:

authority in your field over time. So you're not just

Monique Idemudia:

trustworthy and you're not just you know, an expert, but you're

Monique Idemudia:

also an authority and like the go to resource. What's your

Monique Idemudia:

website look like? Are you like a content hub of all different

Monique Idemudia:

things like blog posts podcast episodes videos, other

Monique Idemudia:

collaboration, conference talks, speeches that you given, and all

Monique Idemudia:

the different media that you've been featured in. And people can

Monique Idemudia:

see that and you're a trusted resource that your you know, the

Monique Idemudia:

people in your audience come to, to learn to, you know, just get

Monique Idemudia:

value, get their questions answered, get their problem

Monique Idemudia:

solved, and just, you know, find help. And that's what you want

Monique Idemudia:

to achieve. And that helps you in almost any regard than the

Monique Idemudia:

acronym eat, or EA T, actually comes from the SEO space,

Monique Idemudia:

because that's what Google wants to see, when they rank a website

Monique Idemudia:

on top of the search results. They don't want to you know,

Monique Idemudia:

leave their own users, Google's users to spammy shady websites,

Monique Idemudia:

where people claim things that are not proven and you know,

Monique Idemudia:

give, I don't know, phony advice, or whatever. We're

Monique Idemudia:

whatever it might be to us people or get their money, scam,

Monique Idemudia:

dumb, so many different things, websites that are not secure

Monique Idemudia:

websites that load slowly, all those kinds of things. So they

Monique Idemudia:

want to make sure that only the best of the best pages rank and

Monique Idemudia:

ETS a huge factor in that. And you own you can only prove it

Monique Idemudia:

over time. And that's why it's so important. Yeah.

Tiffany Youngren:

Well, and so let's kind of move on to to like

Tiffany Youngren:

who it is that you serve you what you just said, I'm a mat

Tiffany Youngren:

use, you know, you mentioned that your small business owners

Tiffany Youngren:

like that's who your primary audience is. And I like on

Tiffany Youngren:

behalf of small business owners, that sounded overwhelming.

Tiffany Youngren:

Honestly, like, there's a lot of stuff out there. But I'm sure

Tiffany Youngren:

that you're I mean, I've listened to you and I've seen

Tiffany Youngren:

your website, like there's an approach to it to build on to

Tiffany Youngren:

the different pieces, but just getting it out there. And

Tiffany Youngren:

really, the first thing comes down to who you're speaking to,

Tiffany Youngren:

I you know, you're so good at target audiences. So I'm

Tiffany Youngren:

imagining that you probably have it pretty pinned down to what

Tiffany Youngren:

kind of small businesses that you work with, can you share

Tiffany Youngren:

that a little bit.

Monique Idemudia:

Um, so our agency dragon digital marketing

Monique Idemudia:

is for small businesses, and everything is designed for small

Monique Idemudia:

businesses. Small businesses is basically every business that

Monique Idemudia:

has less than 200 employees. And we target businesses that really

Monique Idemudia:

want to grow, they really want to grow and scale, they don't

Monique Idemudia:

want to be small anymore. And small doesn't mean you know,

Monique Idemudia:

adding a lot of people and adding a lot of employees, you

Monique Idemudia:

can be even a one person business and generate millions

Monique Idemudia:

of dollars every year and be really successful. So the size

Monique Idemudia:

is up, you know, comes also down to the revenue. And that's

Monique Idemudia:

business owners who really believe in marketing and believe

Monique Idemudia:

in being inbound and providing value and creating content and

Monique Idemudia:

attracting people to them organically because they trust

Monique Idemudia:

and their products and services. They know that they're superior.

Monique Idemudia:

And their challenge is to let the world know and make people

Monique Idemudia:

see how amazing it is that they do. And yeah, basically attract

Monique Idemudia:

people to them organically grow their online presence. And they

Monique Idemudia:

don't believe in growing solely through, you know, being

Monique Idemudia:

intrusive, advertising, cold, emailing cold, LinkedIn, direct

Monique Idemudia:

messaging, cold calling all of all of those methods. They don't

Monique Idemudia:

want to be seen as that because it doesn't fit their philosophy

Monique Idemudia:

and their brand and what they want to do. So that's, that's

Monique Idemudia:

who we focus on in a nutshell. most business owners are not

Monique Idemudia:

younger people, they're older, they're like in the boomer

Monique Idemudia:

generation, they're not really technical. So they're easily

Monique Idemudia:

overwhelmed by technical stuff. And there's a lot of technical

Monique Idemudia:

stuff in digital marketing. So yeah, that's what that's what we

Monique Idemudia:

help people with basically.

Tiffany Youngren:

Yeah. Okay. Well, and I know you mentioned

Tiffany Youngren:

in there about, you know, that them having trouble being sent

Tiffany Youngren:

you seen as being a challenge. So in your words, what problem

Tiffany Youngren:

do you solve for the people who are specifically listening to

Tiffany Youngren:

your show? And I'm, I mean, and let's just clarify to are the

Tiffany Youngren:

people listening to your show? are you imagining that's the

Tiffany Youngren:

same audience that you work with for your business?

Monique Idemudia:

Yes, exactly. Yeah, that's the goal. So that's

Monique Idemudia:

what all of our content serves to. There might be other like,

Monique Idemudia:

if you imagine your target audience and you imagine like

Monique Idemudia:

this, like this target like this bull's eye, the content is

Monique Idemudia:

created for the center point for for the perfect ideal target

Monique Idemudia:

customer, but automatically, you're going to attract people

Monique Idemudia:

in the circles around that person. So there might be the

Monique Idemudia:

you know, one or one or a couple of marketers listening to or

Monique Idemudia:

other people or people from other countries because we focus

Monique Idemudia:

on solely the United States market at this point but our

Monique Idemudia:

target audience our core target audience, our ideal customers,

Monique Idemudia:

as well. So it's all tailored to them. And the basic problem that

Monique Idemudia:

we help people solve is to be seen by the right people and say

Monique Idemudia:

the right things to the right people, and be at the right

Monique Idemudia:

places. Where are the people that you want to reach, hang out

Monique Idemudia:

and create content that basically solves their problems,

Monique Idemudia:

answers their questions, handles their objections, and just

Monique Idemudia:

educates them and inspires them, informs them about what they

Monique Idemudia:

need to know some people are not even problem aware yet. So

Monique Idemudia:

you'd have to start from the very basics. So the basics, as

Monique Idemudia:

you've already said, is to define the target audience and

Monique Idemudia:

to create by your personas, that is the very first step before

Monique Idemudia:

you can do anything you need to know. Okay, who are the people

Monique Idemudia:

who I want to reach in the first place? What do they like? What

Monique Idemudia:

do they don't like that much? Where do they hang out? what

Monique Idemudia:

purpose do they hang out in certain places for and then you

Monique Idemudia:

decide, okay, in order to reach my goals, I have to be on social

Monique Idemudia:

media platforms XYZ, I have to create XYZ content, and just

Monique Idemudia:

reverse engineer it that way. And really, really serve those

Monique Idemudia:

people. And that's how you become successful. And that's

Monique Idemudia:

what we help clients to do in the digital and online world.

Monique Idemudia:

Love it. Love it.

Tiffany Youngren:

One thing that you said on your podcast was

Tiffany Youngren:

that you want to help people continue the conversation, their

Tiffany Youngren:

ideal clients having already and just continue that conversation

Tiffany Youngren:

with what they're saying. I thought that was really

Monique Idemudia:

Exactly you want to join the conversation

Monique Idemudia:

already going on back your customers head. Yeah,

Tiffany Youngren:

right. Exactly. And really, it's funny,

Tiffany Youngren:

because podcasting is exactly the same way we call it, you

Tiffany Youngren:

know, in marketing, you know, I've done a lot of, you know,

Tiffany Youngren:

avatars, you know, before, after grids, you know, transformation

Tiffany Youngren:

statements. But with podcasting, a lot of times I found that

Tiffany Youngren:

marketers skip that. And it's like, and we call the audience

Tiffany Youngren:

promise. So like, if someone listens to your show over the

Tiffany Youngren:

course of a year, what transformation Do you expect

Tiffany Youngren:

that they'll have, even if they never work for you work with

Tiffany Youngren:

you. And so it's really interesting to hear. And it's

Tiffany Youngren:

nice when we're doing a show that's congruent with what we do

Tiffany Youngren:

for a living, because it's easy, right? You're already on track.

Tiffany Youngren:

To do that you don't have to create this whole other persona,

Tiffany Youngren:

you don't have to create this whole new transformation. It's

Tiffany Youngren:

really a continuation of it. So I think it seems like that's

Tiffany Youngren:

what your show is and how you've approached it. So you've been

Tiffany Youngren:

podcasting for over a year? What have you been getting feedback?

Tiffany Youngren:

Specifically, I want to know, have you had ways to evaluate

Tiffany Youngren:

your content? And really looked at? Is it resonating? Have you

Tiffany Youngren:

made adjustment based on that feedback?

Monique Idemudia:

Yes. So obviously, I look at the stats,

Monique Idemudia:

and I see correlations of what topics people like the most and

Monique Idemudia:

which episodes are the most listened to and the most

Monique Idemudia:

downloaded. And when you know which ones do not get as many

Monique Idemudia:

listens, and as many downloads. And Funny enough, copywriting is

Monique Idemudia:

my number one most popular topic. So whenever I publish

Monique Idemudia:

something about copywriting, people just like it a lot. And a

Monique Idemudia:

lot of people struggle with writing. And you know, making it

Monique Idemudia:

beginner friendly. For people who are not industry experts

Monique Idemudia:

like themselves, we tend to use, you know, jargon and just

Monique Idemudia:

technical terms, because that's how we speak on a day to day

Monique Idemudia:

basis. But a lot of people struggle with breaking it down.

Monique Idemudia:

And there's this quote from Albert Einstein that basically

Monique Idemudia:

says, If you can't explain it for a little child, you don't

Monique Idemudia:

even understand it yourself. So that's a key point that we do to

Monique Idemudia:

really, really break it down into simple terms. And there is

Monique Idemudia:

a concept, there's a structure that each and every episode

Monique Idemudia:

follows. So whenever I have an expert on my show about a simple

Monique Idemudia:

about a certain topic, it starts with a quick question, what is

Monique Idemudia:

blank? Why is blank important? Why should small business owners

Monique Idemudia:

even care about implementing it? And then we start with, you

Monique Idemudia:

know, with some myths, basically, it's not just for

Monique Idemudia:

large businesses, you do not need a million dollar marketing

Monique Idemudia:

budget to realize it. There's small and simple steps that you

Monique Idemudia:

can take today that are already going to make a huge difference,

Monique Idemudia:

because your chances are you competitors are not doing that

Monique Idemudia:

already. Because they're paralyzed themselves and they

Monique Idemudia:

believe you know, all of the mess and false false beliefs

Monique Idemudia:

that are around there or they just have analysis paralysis,

Monique Idemudia:

and they're overwhelmed with the technical stuff. They don't know

Monique Idemudia:

who to ask or who to hire. They maybe had bad experiences before

Monique Idemudia:

because they just wanted to work with somebody in Fiverr and

Monique Idemudia:

realized that's maybe not the quality of work that they need,

Monique Idemudia:

and then it goes into the How to part. And that is actionable

Monique Idemudia:

steps, step one, this is what you have to do first step two,

Monique Idemudia:

this is what you have to do next, and so on and so forth.

Monique Idemudia:

And it basically becomes a list. And that's the list that you've

Monique Idemudia:

talked about that I always put in the show notes that people

Monique Idemudia:

can see at a glance, and execute, and there's always it

Monique Idemudia:

has to be action packed. It can't just be you know, bla bla

Monique Idemudia:

bla bla bla, two people are talking and then you don't know

Monique Idemudia:

what the takeaway is that make it very, very clear what the

Monique Idemudia:

takeaway is, I have people you know, include exercises, or

Monique Idemudia:

specific action steps that they can take, I offer help a lot of

Monique Idemudia:

the times I have a template, or a value added guide, or a

Monique Idemudia:

checklist or whatever myself that I offer, that will be my

Monique Idemudia:

lead magnet for the episode then. So every single episode

Monique Idemudia:

offers a lead magnet as well, that they can download directly

Monique Idemudia:

on the show notes page for free, and then join my email list. And

Monique Idemudia:

that's what I do. And then in the end, I give the guests a

Monique Idemudia:

chance to talk about themselves and talk about you know, their

Monique Idemudia:

business, promote their new book, or course or whatever it

Monique Idemudia:

may be. So they got a couple, they got got a couple of minutes

Monique Idemudia:

that they can do it in the end. But that's not the main focus of

Monique Idemudia:

the episodes. And none of the episodes really focus on the

Monique Idemudia:

person and their background story and what the name of their

Monique Idemudia:

dog is. And nobody really talks about. So we get to the meat and

Monique Idemudia:

potatoes right away. There is always a teaser, which is

Monique Idemudia:

basically a compilation of highlights throughout the

Monique Idemudia:

episode that I put in the very beginning even before the intro,

Monique Idemudia:

so people just know what to expect. And they listen to the

Monique Idemudia:

entire episode. And you know, they don't waste the first two,

Monique Idemudia:

three minutes with hearing the intro music and and Hi, my name

Monique Idemudia:

is Monique Idemudia. I'm your host and you're listening to

Monique Idemudia:

episode number da-da-da and this is the dragon digital marketing,

Monique Idemudia:

podcast and flow. You know, that's just boring people people

Monique Idemudia:

have short attention spans so give them some value in the

Monique Idemudia:

very, very beginning. And that's kind of the recipe that I

Monique Idemudia:

follow, I get some really good feedback from it. Because it's

Monique Idemudia:

really for people to learn. And it's not for, you know, people

Monique Idemudia:

to get all hyped up about what's possible. And then they still

Monique Idemudia:

don't take any action on it. So I want people to take action on

Monique Idemudia:

it. And I make it as easy as possible for people to take

Monique Idemudia:

action on it. A lot of the episodes have a summary in the

Monique Idemudia:

end as well where put everything in a nutshell again and sum it

Monique Idemudia:

all up if it's been a whole lot, and it's been a really long,

Monique Idemudia:

comprehensive episode. So there's really no excuse. And

Monique Idemudia:

that's the transformation process. I take a person from a

Monique Idemudia:

novice at any given topic, and I make them educated enough and

Monique Idemudia:

dangerous enough so to speak. So they can do it themselves on a

Monique Idemudia:

very basic level, they can implement some stuff themselves,

Monique Idemudia:

they can give it to somebody on their team. And they have enough

Monique Idemudia:

knowledge to know what to look for when hiring a consultant or

Monique Idemudia:

a digital marketing agency to do it for them. And it's no longer

Monique Idemudia:

just this mystery for them, they get the basics. And each episode

Monique Idemudia:

is also about just one specific topic. So we talk about just

Monique Idemudia:

video marketing, or press release marketing or buyer

Monique Idemudia:

persona marketing, or you know, podcast marketing, whatever it

Monique Idemudia:

may be in one episode, and we do not jump, you know, from topic

Monique Idemudia:

to topic within the same episode. So it's really, um,

Monique Idemudia:

yeah, basically categorize for the different channels so people

Monique Idemudia:

can know what to expect when they're looking to implement a

Monique Idemudia:

certain thing in their business. And they really know what they

Monique Idemudia:

get. So yeah, you basically scroll through the episode

Monique Idemudia:

titles, and you instantly know what you're going to get. It's

Monique Idemudia:

not clickbait, it's not, you know, a mysterious title that

Monique Idemudia:

you not really know. So you can jump in and they're all

Monique Idemudia:

evergreen. So if you want to learn about a topic that I've

Monique Idemudia:

published a couple of months ago, you can see that from the

Monique Idemudia:

episode title, and it's still gonna be really, really relevant

Monique Idemudia:

for you. And you do not have to, you know, worry about just that

Monique Idemudia:

just the latest episode that have been released matter or

Monique Idemudia:

something like that. So it's really a long term resource that

Monique Idemudia:

I building there.

Tiffany Youngren:

Yeah, that's great. So that kind of leads me

Tiffany Youngren:

to another question is with so many so many marketing podcast

Tiffany Youngren:

because you said it yourself? Like, it seems like most I mean,

Tiffany Youngren:

it's probably not I don't know if it's true, but it to a

Tiffany Youngren:

marketer, it seems like it's mostly marketing podcasts that

Tiffany Youngren:

are available. What is your unique value proposition?

Monique Idemudia:

Yeah, my unit in a nutshell, my unique value

Monique Idemudia:

proposition is that it's a podcast for small business

Monique Idemudia:

owners and not for marketers, and I teach small business

Monique Idemudia:

owners do digital marketing strategies and tactics that they

Monique Idemudia:

can implement in their own small business and they can do it

Monique Idemudia:

themselves. And I break it down, I make it very, very simple. And

Monique Idemudia:

I don't confuse them with jargon or technical terms, and I give

Monique Idemudia:

them actionable steps. And it's very concise, and there's

Monique Idemudia:

basically no fluff about it.

Tiffany Youngren:

Okay and so as you have you gotten feedback,

Tiffany Youngren:

like directly on your show from listeners, or has it mostly been

Tiffany Youngren:

looking at the data?

Monique Idemudia:

Oh, both both. Yeah, sometimes I get messages

Monique Idemudia:

on social media, or just comment underneath my content that

Monique Idemudia:

people really liked it and it's helped them out and they learn

Monique Idemudia:

something. Sometimes people reply to my newsletter, which I

Monique Idemudia:

also always really, really like. That's also a tip that I can

Monique Idemudia:

give you don't use like a no reply email, or any generic

Monique Idemudia:

email that people can't respond to. But really encourage a

Monique Idemudia:

conversation and, you know, allow people to give you

Monique Idemudia:

feedback. So yeah, I get there are some times when I just meet

Monique Idemudia:

people on a networking event, and they're like, Hey, I tuned

Monique Idemudia:

into your podcast, I really liked it. So yeah. And the rest

Monique Idemudia:

is from stats. I would say, though, that it's more from

Monique Idemudia:

actual people. And I also care more about the advice that I get

Monique Idemudia:

from people directly, then from the podcasting stats, just

Monique Idemudia:

because the stats are not as advanced when it comes to

Monique Idemudia:

podcasting, yet, you can't see you know, as many things as your

Monique Idemudia:

website, website analytics, or other analytics, tools, social

Monique Idemudia:

media, analytics, etc, give you it's very, very basic as of now.

Monique Idemudia:


Tiffany Youngren:

Unless you unless you do some really

Tiffany Youngren:

advanced tricks in the background and eBuy it's

Tiffany Youngren:

unreliable. So what I'm, I have to ask to your really good about

Tiffany Youngren:

your call to action? What has been your capture rate? Like?

Tiffany Youngren:

How many leads Would you say that you get from your call to

Tiffany Youngren:

action? Which is your buyer persona worksheet? Right? Isn't

Tiffany Youngren:

that right? Is that you,

Monique Idemudia:

um, most of the time, most of the time,

Monique Idemudia:

because it's so fundamental, and everything builds on knowing

Monique Idemudia:

your audience. And most of the time, it's our free buyer

Monique Idemudia:

persona template that I use as a lead magnet. But there's other

Monique Idemudia:

lead magnets too, depending on the topic, there is a free email

Monique Idemudia:

marketing campaign planning calendar, there's an SEO

Monique Idemudia:

checklist. For branding related topics, I have a free brand new

Monique Idemudia:

course called brand story, how you can basically build a brand

Monique Idemudia:

and tell your story and your stories, what makes your brand

Monique Idemudia:

unique, and how you stand out from your competitors. So

Monique Idemudia:

there's a there's a bunch of things, um, the podcast is

Monique Idemudia:

actually, the, if you look at it, from a surface level, the

Monique Idemudia:

least effective lead generation mechanism that I have in my

Monique Idemudia:

business, it's still a good one, and I'll continue to pursue it.

Monique Idemudia:

But there's definitely so if you're doing if you're trying to

Monique Idemudia:

do a podcast just for lead generation, and don't do it if

Monique Idemudia:

that's your main goal. But there's so so many other

Monique Idemudia:

benefits from it. The main benefits from podcasting is not

Monique Idemudia:

lead generation, it's really building your online presence,

Monique Idemudia:

the content that you get from it, the content marketing

Monique Idemudia:

benefits, and the networking benefits that you get from all

Monique Idemudia:

of the people that you need, and that you get in touch with.

Monique Idemudia:

Because if you had a conversation, and you sat down

Monique Idemudia:

with a person for an hour, it's not like those, you know, empty

Monique Idemudia:

connections that you just have sitting around their LinkedIn,

Monique Idemudia:

but you don't really know the person, you're not really

Monique Idemudia:

connected, you haven't ever, you know, really connected. Anyways.

Monique Idemudia:

So that's what podcasting opens a lot of doors for you, it makes

Monique Idemudia:

your platform more interesting for a lot of people, when you

Monique Idemudia:

can create that win win situation, and they get

Monique Idemudia:

something out of it, which is, you know, more exposure for

Monique Idemudia:

them. Maybe it's a backlink for their SEO, just though, you

Monique Idemudia:

know, mention them online, whatever it may be. So that's

Monique Idemudia:

what podcasting is the most powerful for, for lead

Monique Idemudia:

generation, it is still effective. But there's other

Monique Idemudia:

things that you'd probably rather want to do if that's your

Monique Idemudia:

main goal

Tiffany Youngren:

well, and money to let me just, I just

Tiffany Youngren:

want to kind of back up to like, what I'm trying to do right now

Tiffany Youngren:

is establish like a baseline of like, these are the things that

Tiffany Youngren:

you're doing so that when we move into the next part, I'm not

Tiffany Youngren:

making assumptions, because I know there are like a million

Tiffany Youngren:

things that you're doing and you're just getting so much out

Tiffany Youngren:

of it. But they're always indicators. And one of the cool

Tiffany Youngren:

things is I've done a lot of these hot seats, and I'm able to

Tiffany Youngren:

see some trends. And so by understanding the lead side of

Tiffany Youngren:

it, sometimes I mean, I've literally had podcasters come on

Tiffany Youngren:

and they're getting leads like crazy, I mean hand over fist.

Tiffany Youngren:

And I've one thing that I found too is that when we treat our

Tiffany Youngren:

podcasts like a landing page, it's amazing because Then it's

Tiffany Youngren:

just a matter of like, is that the format? Is it that, you

Tiffany Youngren:

know, they're not listening to it as far in as our call to

Tiffany Youngren:

action is, you know, and then is our call to action? The

Tiffany Youngren:

headline, you know, I know you had a writer on recently, and

Tiffany Youngren:

that's what they said, you know, we spend more time on our

Tiffany Youngren:

headline than on the content. And so it's really helpful for

Tiffany Youngren:

me to ask all these questions. I, I, you know, there are

Tiffany Youngren:

personally I'm like, yeah, I'm like, I'm with you. It's like

Tiffany Youngren:

relationships, the number one thing, there is nothing that I

Tiffany Youngren:

get out of podcasting that I value and cherish more than the

Tiffany Youngren:

people I meet on the show. And the people who reach out after

Tiffany Youngren:

the show, I mean, there if I didn't get anything else I that

Tiffany Youngren:

would be enough for me, you know? So I 1,000% agree with?

Monique Idemudia:

Absolutely, yeah, me too. I agree. And then

Monique Idemudia:

networking and relationship benefits are the base one.

Monique Idemudia:

Everything is basically what you make it you know, how you how

Monique Idemudia:

you design it from the get go and what you want out of it, and

Monique Idemudia:

then you can use it for whatever you want to use it. It's more

Monique Idemudia:

like, you know, reinforcing certain things. And making

Monique Idemudia:

people feel better that they've made the right decision, because

Monique Idemudia:

it's another it's another point where I can showcase my

Monique Idemudia:

expertise on and it just, you know, help people to feel

Monique Idemudia:

better. And to just be reassured, so to speak. Hello.

Monique Idemudia:

That's what I think it helps with the most it's really 80.

Monique Idemudia:

Yeah. But again, yeah, depends on the podcast. You're right.

Tiffany Youngren:

That's awesome. Okay, so and I know

Tiffany Youngren:

you've we've talked about your blog, and you've got a really

Tiffany Youngren:

amazing social media strategy. And have you joined any online

Tiffany Youngren:

groups or forums that were created, like for businesses who

Tiffany Youngren:

are trying to, to, you know, get better at marketing or just

Tiffany Youngren:

entrepreneurial sites in general? And just answer

Tiffany Youngren:

questions and kind of be there as a Have you kind of engaged in

Tiffany Youngren:

anything like that to get known. And eventually, I know, none of

Tiffany Youngren:

us want to be salesy on the group. So we're, you know,

Tiffany Youngren:

providing so I and I know your approach. So I'm assuming you're

Tiffany Youngren:

the same way, but have you gone in and, and done much of that to

Tiffany Youngren:

become more of a presence and make people more aware of your

Tiffany Youngren:

brand? Right? Yeah,

Monique Idemudia:

absolutely. Absolutely. I'm in a couple of

Monique Idemudia:

groups. I'm in a bunch of groups on LinkedIn. I'm also a member

Monique Idemudia:

of the C suite network, which is a network for entrepreneurs and

Monique Idemudia:

business owners basically see C level executives to network and

Monique Idemudia:

to help each other out, answer each other's questions, you find

Monique Idemudia:

content collaboration, there, everything you need, basically.

Monique Idemudia:

And my approach is not to be salesy, obviously, but all I

Monique Idemudia:

have to do is basically get people to follow me and to

Monique Idemudia:

connect with me, because if they do that, they'll see my content.

Monique Idemudia:

And I post daily on every network that I'm on. So content

Monique Idemudia:

is really everything if you're an inbound marketer, and you

Monique Idemudia:

don't focus on outbound marketing, and then I'm

Monique Idemudia:

automatically on their radar. And I can automatically stay top

Monique Idemudia:

of mind with my content, and they'll see the value in it,

Monique Idemudia:

they see the knowledge and I have the expertise that I can

Monique Idemudia:

bring to the table. And then over time, it can be weeks, it

Monique Idemudia:

can be months for some for some people, but they make that

Monique Idemudia:

connection in their head themselves. And they come to

Monique Idemudia:

that realization themselves. I don't have to brag about myself,

Monique Idemudia:

because nobody, you know, likes doing that, and telling people

Monique Idemudia:

Oh, I'm so great, I've won this. And that award, I've achieved

Monique Idemudia:

this in that it's so much better and more effective if they can

Monique Idemudia:

see for themselves. And in their own pace that is so important

Monique Idemudia:

too. So they can stop me if they want to. There's enough content

Monique Idemudia:

out there for that. But they can also let it you know, flow as

Monique Idemudia:

well. And whenever it will be it will be and you're still cycle

Monique Idemudia:

gets a lot longer if you do that strategy. But the quality of all

Monique Idemudia:

of your interactions, and what you build your business on, and

Monique Idemudia:

your brand is just so much better. And it's more pleasant,

Monique Idemudia:

and it's just more positive and all the feedback that you get

Monique Idemudia:

and all the interactions. So that's how I approach it.

Monique Idemudia:

Basically, I help people out and answer their question. And all

Monique Idemudia:

of those groups, I try to provide as much value as I

Monique Idemudia:

possibly can. And then I say, hey, let's connect on LinkedIn.

Monique Idemudia:

And most of the people the vast majority of the people obviously

Monique Idemudia:

say yes, because who has, you know, something against

Monique Idemudia:

connecting with somebody on LinkedIn? And then that's how

Monique Idemudia:

everything starts. A fan. LinkedIn is also because I'm in

Monique Idemudia:

b2b. It's a very, very important channel for me personally for

Monique Idemudia:

you, it might be something else. But um, so yeah, so that's how I

Monique Idemudia:

approach it.

Tiffany Youngren:

Yeah, LinkedIn is great. That's, well, that's

Tiffany Youngren:

good. That's so good. And so when you invite people onto your

Tiffany Youngren:

show as a guest How do you determine who you want? Like? Do

Tiffany Youngren:

you just put a call out there? Or do you? Do you like have a

Tiffany Youngren:

list of people? And then you reach out to them? How, what is

Tiffany Youngren:

your approach? Just?

Monique Idemudia:

Yeah, sure. So that is all inbound to all the

Monique Idemudia:

people reach out to me, I get so many different pitches every

Monique Idemudia:

single day on social by email, then there are those agencies

Monique Idemudia:

out there that are podcasting agencies, basically. And they're

Monique Idemudia:

pitching their clients to me as guests. And I just look through

Monique Idemudia:

the pitches. And if it's a good pitch, I have all the

Monique Idemudia:

information that I need to already get their bio on the

Monique Idemudia:

page with their expert in some topic suggestions, social media

Monique Idemudia:

links, links to episodes that they've been a guest on before.

Monique Idemudia:

So I can like really check them out and see what what kind of

Monique Idemudia:

value they can add, if they're, you know, a good fit. And that's

Monique Idemudia:

how I decide and then I'll just basically reply, hi, I think

Monique Idemudia:

you're a great fit. Here's my schedule. With scheduling link,

Monique Idemudia:

you can grab the time. And that's it, basically. So it's

Monique Idemudia:

really, really simple. There's no back and forth or whatever. A

Monique Idemudia:

lot of people have a podcast, one sheet, which is like a

Monique Idemudia:

resume with their most important information that also includes a

Monique Idemudia:

headshot of them. So it has that for my episode thumbnails as

Monique Idemudia:

well. So you already have everything that you need right

Monique Idemudia:

off the bat, basically, there's also those matchmaking platforms

Monique Idemudia:

like PatMatch and , where you can find guests, I

Monique Idemudia:

had profiles created there. And the beginning when I just

Monique Idemudia:

started my podcast, I have deactivated them now, because

Monique Idemudia:

it's been so much like I'm getting so much that I don't

Monique Idemudia:

even have to, you know, actively look for guests anymore. So

Monique Idemudia:

yeah, so podcasting is really blowing up right now. And it's

Monique Idemudia:

on its way to become a billion dollar industry. So if you're

Monique Idemudia:

looking to start a podcast, you do not have to worry about you

Monique Idemudia:

know, finding no guests anymore. I will not gonna be one of your

Monique Idemudia:

problems is going to be the least of your problem.

Tiffany Youngren:

And I have to say like, and I and I say this

Tiffany Youngren:

all the time, but it seems like overnight, it went from 550,000

Tiffany Youngren:

to 2 million over 2 million podcasts. And, you know, three

Tiffany Youngren:

out of every five quits. So there's that too. But even with

Tiffany Youngren:

that, when when the pandemic, you know, I was podcasting. In

Tiffany Youngren:

fact, I wrote a book based on interviews before podcasting was

Tiffany Youngren:

a thing. And then when podcast came out, I'm like, I love

Tiffany Youngren:

interviewing people, like I love putting them on a platform, and

Tiffany Youngren:

you know, like extracting how genius they're like, it's my

Tiffany Youngren:

favorite thing. And so I just did a marketing podcast for

Tiffany Youngren:

small business owners, called chat and grow. And it was just

Tiffany Youngren:

so much fun. And then I started another one, because someone had

Tiffany Youngren:

given me the idea of, you know, interviewing people who are in

Tiffany Youngren:

my ideal audience. And so I was meeting clients and

Tiffany Youngren:

collaborators and, and also screening out people I didn't

Tiffany Youngren:

want to work, and things like that. And, and but I still is

Tiffany Youngren:

doing content marketing, as I was, as I had started to do from

Tiffany Youngren:

the beginning. And then when the pandemic came, I had multiple

Tiffany Youngren:

coaches and mentors just be like, yeah, you should go show

Tiffany Youngren:

people how you're doing this, because you're similar to what

Tiffany Youngren:

you're doing. It's like, you know, multiplying the content, I

Tiffany Youngren:

had a system and VA is and all these things, and they're like,

Tiffany Youngren:

you should show people how to do that. And, um, but it just

Tiffany Youngren:

seemed like, right at that point where everybody got into it, it

Tiffany Youngren:

seemed like everybody was podcasting. Everybody was giving

Tiffany Youngren:

people advice on podcasting, even if they had just gotten

Tiffany Youngren:

into it. Like it was their first podcast. And, you know, in the

Tiffany Youngren:

first two months, they had 100,000 people, did they have

Tiffany Youngren:

sales? No, did they know any of the people? No. So I was always

Tiffany Youngren:

one of those. Like, if you're not building relationships, it's

Tiffany Youngren:

just not worth it to, you know, right. And so I just, I kind of

Tiffany Youngren:

almost was like, why did I decide to, you know, go,

Tiffany Youngren:

podcasting. I liked it so much better when I wasn't a pot, you

Tiffany Youngren:

know, like I was just podcasting for myself. But what I love is

Tiffany Youngren:

right now, I feel like there's a new transformation happening.

Tiffany Youngren:

And there's a lot more interest, kind of more away from the

Tiffany Youngren:

commercialization of it and away from, you know, at first,

Tiffany Youngren:

everybody wanted the first 100,000 500,000 downloads that

Tiffany Youngren:

it took to make 20 bucks a month, you know, I mean, and it

Tiffany Youngren:

was like, I like that's not why I podcast, I can't help you, you

Tiffany Youngren:

know. And so that way, I'm podcasting. And so, but now,

Tiffany Youngren:

like what you're talking about where people are starting to

Tiffany Youngren:

come back to I just want to be on everybody's show. I just want

Tiffany Youngren:

to get out there and do it. They're valuing, getting help to

Tiffany Youngren:

do it and things like that. So I feel like there's more of a true

Tiffany Youngren:

podcasting culture, formulating then in the big, you know,

Tiffany Youngren:

explosion that happened early on, have you do you? I mean, I

Tiffany Youngren:

know you got into it right about at that March point. And I don't

Tiffany Youngren:

want to get too in the weeds because I want to make sure to

Tiffany Youngren:

keep my promise to you. But just real briefly, like do you have

Tiffany Youngren:

you seen anything like that or have you As a culture shift

Tiffany Youngren:

again in this industry, yes, absolutely

Monique Idemudia:

the good will survive is to say what

Monique Idemudia:

everything. So a lot of people get into something because they

Monique Idemudia:

want to hop on a trend. They want to make quick money, they

Monique Idemudia:

want to make a quick buck. They're just, you know, I'll

Monique Idemudia:

live for the hype or whatever. But they're not serious about

Monique Idemudia:

it. They don't love podcasting as a medium. They don't want to,

Monique Idemudia:

you know, genuinely build relationships and do it for the

Monique Idemudia:

love of it. So they'll either not be successful in the long

Monique Idemudia:

run, or they'll just give up. I've heard what's the statistic

Monique Idemudia:

again, like most podcasts, don't even have their first 10

Monique Idemudia:

episodes or whatever. So right most people wait. Yeah.

Tiffany Youngren:

It's called pod fade. And yes, yeah. I

Tiffany Youngren:

remember at 550,000 podcasts pod fade happen at seven episodes.

Monique Idemudia:

Seven. Yeah, right. I know, under 10. It's

Monique Idemudia:


Tiffany Youngren:

Just now told me it's 12. But I think that

Tiffany Youngren:

that's because it became more popular to release more in the

Tiffany Youngren:

beginning. Like for myself, I'm like, okay, so pod fades at 12.

Tiffany Youngren:

We launched this with 12 episodes, and honestly, our

Tiffany Youngren:

first 12 episodes of next step nation was what we had until

Tiffany Youngren:

just recently, because we've been, like testing, I always

Tiffany Youngren:

say, like, My show is the testing ground. And so, but even

Tiffany Youngren:

with that, you know, now we have like, 30 episodes that we're

Tiffany Youngren:

gonna, like, push out in the next couple months, but you

Tiffany Youngren:

know, it definitely is a thing. I'm just glad that it's, it's

Tiffany Youngren:

coming back around. And ultimately, as an industry, the

Tiffany Youngren:

content is what needs to matter. I feel like, you know, the why.

Tiffany Youngren:

And our approach to it creates that, like, it's a it's a

Tiffany Youngren:

indicator of the heart behind it. But ultimately, at the end

Tiffany Youngren:

of the day, what listeners care about is do I want to listen to

Tiffany Youngren:

the content. So anyway, so again, I don't absolutely I

Tiffany Youngren:

could talk about that all day, cuz I'm guessing, but I, you

Tiffany Youngren:

know, let's kind of I just, I have kind of these bullet

Tiffany Youngren:

questions for you. And then we can kind of move into this next

Tiffany Youngren:

part. So I'm just gonna ask you a few questions, just to kind of

Tiffany Youngren:

clarify a few things. Um, so I got an idea of who your guests

Tiffany Youngren:

are that you bring on. And usually they're specialists just

Tiffany Youngren:

to clarify, is that right? Like they're people who are experts

Tiffany Youngren:

in your in the realm? what i what i say it's like, you share

Tiffany Youngren:

an audience, but you don't directly compete with each

Tiffany Youngren:


Monique Idemudia:

Yes, exactly. Yeah. So I invite subject matter

Monique Idemudia:

experts on the top they sent my episode is about each episode is

Monique Idemudia:

on one specific topic. And then I asked them the right

Monique Idemudia:

questions. And I asked them really simple questions. So they

Monique Idemudia:

don't even get to, you know, get going on their high level, but

Monique Idemudia:

they're really keeping it really simple. And I yeah, I basically,

Monique Idemudia:

I'm the moderator, I make sure that it really stays. Yeah,

Monique Idemudia:

small business owners should be able to comprehend it, and get

Monique Idemudia:

actionable takeaways from it and not be overwhelmed. That is the

Monique Idemudia:

worst case scenario that I want to avoid at all costs to have

Monique Idemudia:

people more confused. Yeah, will Wellman paralyze Them before

Monique Idemudia:

they were listening?

Tiffany Youngren:

Yeah, for sure. That's why I'm not allowed

Tiffany Youngren:

to talk about SEO, because I feel like I want I want my

Tiffany Youngren:

listeners to be able to hear what I'm saying. But if I start

Tiffany Youngren:

talking about SEO, lookout, it's not going to be fun for anybody

Tiffany Youngren:

to have an assistant I'd be like, Okay, can you just could

Tiffany Youngren:

you listen to me for like five minutes, I want to talk to you

Tiffany Youngren:

about this really great tool for like, it was about metadata or

Tiffany Youngren:

something. And she's just like, fine. It's just like, get to go

Tiffany Youngren:

off about the solution that I found. So yeah, yeah, I feel

Tiffany Youngren:

you. So I think it's really good that you keep it approachable,

Tiffany Youngren:

and can you know, consumable by your audience? And so just real

Tiffany Youngren:

quick, do you? Do you pick the topics? Or do you filter through

Tiffany Youngren:

the guests and decide who what the topics will be based on the

Tiffany Youngren:

experts that are coming to you?

Monique Idemudia:

That's upon sometimes people recommend

Monique Idemudia:

really amazing topics, for example, the press release

Monique Idemudia:

marketing episode that I population that you enjoyed very

Monique Idemudia:

much. My guest, Mickey Kennedy, he basically proposed a topic to

Monique Idemudia:

me and I was like, Oh, great. Yeah, let's talk about that. And

Monique Idemudia:

sometimes it's me who proposes a topic. So it really it really

Monique Idemudia:

depends on how the right decision suggestions are. And

Monique Idemudia:

it's also very subjective. You know, maybe I've already

Monique Idemudia:

published an episode. You know, the week prior to that about the

Monique Idemudia:

same topic that I don't need to talk about that again, but if

Monique Idemudia:

they're an expert, and they're super knowledgeable, I'm happy

Monique Idemudia:

to still have them on the show and just talk about something

Monique Idemudia:

else. So it really it really depends. Yeah.

Tiffany Youngren:

Okay, awesome. And, um, so also, I want to kind

Tiffany Youngren:

of just real quickly ask you about your audience. If you

Tiffany Youngren:

don't mind. Like, I have three parts to this. What is your

Tiffany Youngren:

audience like? What is the size of your audience, as you would

Tiffany Youngren:

estimate it based on the crappy statistics that were provided

Tiffany Youngren:

with and that could include you know, your website gets this

Tiffany Youngren:

much your YouTube gets this much your podcast gets about this

Tiffany Youngren:

many downloads, what platform gets the most. And what gets

Tiffany Youngren:

them there? What have you found a few picks one way, what has

Tiffany Youngren:

been the most effective way to get them there?

Monique Idemudia:

As the way website, I would say is my is

Monique Idemudia:

definitely my vote most valuable digital asset, because it's the

Monique Idemudia:

main driver of revenue, and there's everything on there. So

Monique Idemudia:

the website bundles, all of the content that I created that I

Monique Idemudia:

put out there, then social media is really important for me,

Monique Idemudia:

which is LinkedIn, and then my email list. So those are

Monique Idemudia:

definitely the top three. And then after that, it's my blog,

Monique Idemudia:

and my podcast, and my online course. Um, yeah,

Tiffany Youngren:

so what is your audience size, would you

Tiffany Youngren:


Monique Idemudia:

It's about a million people and about 10,000

Monique Idemudia:

people are in the very core of it 10 to 10,000, businesses are

Monique Idemudia:

at the very core bit better, like the very ideal clients,

Monique Idemudia:

which means really small businesses with over

Monique Idemudia:

proportionally high revenue. So they got the budget to spend,

Monique Idemudia:

and they can do the most things. And they just need a strategy

Monique Idemudia:

and plan of action that is tailored to them, not a cookie

Monique Idemudia:

cutter template of a whatever standard funnel that you can buy

Monique Idemudia:

out there, but really want to work with me as a consultant.

Monique Idemudia:

And I can analyze the situation recommend what's best for them.

Monique Idemudia:

And we can implement it without, you know, having to Penny pinch,

Monique Idemudia:

so to speak. And so when you did they have experience with

Monique Idemudia:

marketing, and they feel that inbound philosophy, they believe

Monique Idemudia:

in the philosophy of doing business by being human and

Monique Idemudia:

personal will and providing value, and they're not even

Monique Idemudia:

interested in going down that old school route? So that is

Monique Idemudia:

really important to Well,

Tiffany Youngren:

let me clarify, how many downloads Do

Tiffany Youngren:

you get per month, let's say or within the first seven days,

Tiffany Youngren:

however you measure it? And how like, how many visits? Do you

Tiffany Youngren:

have your website's? Like, how big is your literal audience?

Tiffany Youngren:

Like people listening and watching you?

Monique Idemudia:

Yeah, the podcast is around 1000. The

Monique Idemudia:

whack The website is around five 6000. Okay. And social media all

Monique Idemudia:

combined is maybe like 7000. Awesome, awesome. So it's not

Monique Idemudia:

super large. But it's very targeted. That's,

Tiffany Youngren:

that's actually really, really good.

Tiffany Youngren:

You know, a lot of times, you know, I, you know, in

Tiffany Youngren:

podcasting, it's so funny for being an industry where the

Tiffany Youngren:

statistics are so unreliable, they're always changing the

Tiffany Youngren:

metrics to they're like, Oh, you have to find out, like, how many

Tiffany Youngren:

listens you get in the first seven days, then it's the first

Tiffany Youngren:

then it's the first 30 days, then it's back to the first

Tiffany Youngren:

seven days. I mean, if you talk to 10, podcasters, they've had

Tiffany Youngren:

advice all across the spectrum. And I do and I always say, like,

Tiffany Youngren:

at the end of the day, we just have to look at trends, you

Tiffany Youngren:

know, because a download, if you really look at it, you have you

Tiffany Youngren:

really don't know what that is, like it could be they listen to,

Tiffany Youngren:

you know, it's different. I don't know, there's just so many

Tiffany Youngren:

different variables. So

Monique Idemudia:

I love to see how long people are exactly

Monique Idemudia:

listening. And when you have the biggest jump off and like, as

Monique Idemudia:

you can do with your video analytics, basically, for your

Monique Idemudia:


Tiffany Youngren:

well, and you can use analytic tools to do

Tiffany Youngren:

that, and put those special, you know, attribution links in there

Tiffany Youngren:

and things like that. Which, if it were further, we're all

Tiffany Youngren:

guinea pigs right now. So even that I feel like Well, I mean,

Tiffany Youngren:

we could, you know, hire somebody to do that. But let's

Tiffany Youngren:

just focus on producing it and watching trends. So I and I, and

Tiffany Youngren:

I do believe we're getting right into that space of the big boys

Tiffany Youngren:

understanding how to do it internally, because I feel like

Tiffany Youngren:

that's what the market demands isn't. You know, I mean, the

Tiffany Youngren:

awesome, brilliant geeky people who can do that, I think will go

Tiffany Youngren:

out and and hustle that but I think the rest of us are just

Tiffany Youngren:

gonna be like, no big boys. You guys are just gonna figure this

Tiffany Youngren:

out. Like, this is why we don't do free hosting, you know, so,

Tiffany Youngren:

and I and I do think there it's so much improved. So I'll say

Monique Idemudia:

yes. And it's improving really fast already.

Monique Idemudia:

So there's already so many more things that you can measure

Monique Idemudia:

right now. Versus like, even six months ago. So Exactly. It's

Monique Idemudia:

definitely improving. That's true.

Tiffany Youngren:

Well, and I'm on Lipson, and it's actually

Tiffany Youngren:

getting pretty, I never thought that would happen. Like I've

Tiffany Youngren:

been with Lipson since day one. And I'm like, Wow, this looks

Tiffany Youngren:

like one of the original websites of the world of the

Tiffany Youngren:

internet. And, um, but they have it in kind of beta where you can

Tiffany Youngren:

opt to go over to their new platform, and it's really

Tiffany Youngren:

pretty, so I will I will just give them a little shout out

Tiffany Youngren:

that they're doing a great job there. But um, so would you

Tiffany Youngren:

consider You're just going to ask me like, four more questions

Tiffany Youngren:

would you want is would you consider your show profitable?

Tiffany Youngren:

If someone asked you that question? Well, I guess I just

Tiffany Youngren:

did. But

Monique Idemudia:

yeah, it's a it's a tough ROI to measure, I

Monique Idemudia:

would say yes. But I can't pinpoint it down to a specific

Monique Idemudia:

value like this is how much it costs me to produce an episode.

Monique Idemudia:

And this is what every episode on average, returns to me in

Monique Idemudia:

revenue or in profit. But it's really one more element of my

Monique Idemudia:

online presence that I can use as like an anchor point to

Monique Idemudia:

delight and nurture my audience, basically. And they turn to

Monique Idemudia:

clients over time, and it's more content, and I repurpose it

Monique Idemudia:

across all the other channels that I'm using, basically. So

Monique Idemudia:

it's definitely profitable. It's benefiting me on so many levels.

Monique Idemudia:

So again, I would say yes, but it's not a numbers value. It's

Monique Idemudia:

just very qualitatively Yeah.

Tiffany Youngren:

Well, it's a marketing play. Like I always

Tiffany Youngren:

try to tell people, you know, just like you would hire a

Tiffany Youngren:

marketing company, it's it's evaluating ROI like that. I

Tiffany Youngren:

mean, I will say, I mean, we do have ways to, to profit without

Tiffany Youngren:

hurting the content, things like that. But it's also just

Tiffany Youngren:

legitimate as a free standing marketing play for sure. So do

Tiffany Youngren:

you do all the production and the promotion yourself? Or do

Tiffany Youngren:

you delegate,

Monique Idemudia:

I do sell myself and I delegate some of

Monique Idemudia:

it. So social media marketing, I delegate most of it. I'm the

Monique Idemudia:

scheduling and evaluating which guests I want on the show, I do

Monique Idemudia:

all of it myself, I look at all of the people myself, and I look

Monique Idemudia:

at their, you know, social profiles and online presences.

Monique Idemudia:

And then I determine if they're a good fit or not. I'm editing,

Monique Idemudia:

cutting and stuff like that. It depends. I still do a lot myself

Monique Idemudia:

though, with editing style that I just like, and I'm more happy

Monique Idemudia:

when I so whenever I have time, and I can free up time I

Monique Idemudia:

leverage marketing automation a lot in my business. Yeah. So

Monique Idemudia:

when I came free,

Tiffany Youngren:

it's a great assistant, don't you think?

Tiffany Youngren:

person you know, and if and if that assistant messes up? It's

Tiffany Youngren:

my fault. Yeah, it helps me when I hire humans, because I'm like,

Tiffany Youngren:

oh, was that my fault? Wait, no, was it? Yeah. Right. Was I

Tiffany Youngren:

supposed to Yeah. So you know, it's really uh, you know,

Tiffany Youngren:

manager helper. Also, I love it. I love it that you do

Tiffany Youngren:

automation, too. I'm such an automation geek. That's the

Tiffany Youngren:

other thing I shouldn't probably talk about too much. So you do

Tiffany Youngren:

some of the editing and the cutting and things like that. Or

Tiffany Youngren:

sometimes you delegate it, whoever you're writing.

Monique Idemudia:

Um, that is almost all outsourced or

Monique Idemudia:

delegated, or I have a lot of guest bloggers and guest

Monique Idemudia:

contributors people that reach out to me, and I have a look at

Monique Idemudia:

their content. And sometimes, you know, it's super low

Monique Idemudia:

quality. And then I tell them, it's not a good fit for lack.

Monique Idemudia:

And sometimes it's really amazing. And I also work with a

Monique Idemudia:

lot of agencies when it comes to that. So there's a lot of like,

Monique Idemudia:

blog, blogger, outreach agencies and content marketing agencies

Monique Idemudia:

that are writing really, really great research articles with

Monique Idemudia:

great sources and you know, everything and I can literally

Monique Idemudia:

almost just copy and paste it and put it on my blog and their

Monique Idemudia:

client gets a backlink. And I have fresh content, and we're

Monique Idemudia:

all happy. But I also do some blogging myself, okay, started

Monique Idemudia:

doing all of the blogging myself, when I launched a blog,

Monique Idemudia:

I have written all of the articles, but now it's like, mix

Monique Idemudia:

and match. And I love also that I get to focus on the things

Monique Idemudia:

that I love doing the most. So yeah, other other people can do

Monique Idemudia:

the writing. And I really love the podcasting and filming

Monique Idemudia:

videos more than more than writing. Yeah, content creation.

Tiffany Youngren:

Well, and before this interview, I had

Tiffany Youngren:

asked you if you would rather focus on preeminence or profit,

Tiffany Youngren:

because I feel like I want to make sure that when we're

Tiffany Youngren:

talking about it, we're optimizing our time. But I

Tiffany Youngren:

always talk about both because it's hard to get one without the

Tiffany Youngren:

other. Right. And so, um, and this really cuts into exactly

Tiffany Youngren:

why I feel like profit is so important, because if you can't

Tiffany Youngren:

delegate it, it is unsustainable. It just is like,

Tiffany Youngren:

I don't care how much we love podcasting. It's fun until it's

Tiffany Youngren:

not fun anymore. And if we have too many of those things, that

Tiffany Youngren:

it's not our highest and best use, or it's just not our zone

Tiffany Youngren:

of genius. I mean, some of the things I do definitely not my

Tiffany Youngren:

highest issues, but I love it. So it just gives, it's like I'm

Tiffany Youngren:

sitting watching TV with my husband, and I get to do that

Tiffany Youngren:

part of my work, you know. And so I think that that keeps it

Tiffany Youngren:

sustainable. It makes it so that pod fade is less likely if

Tiffany Youngren:

you're able to delegate those things. So I think that that's

Tiffany Youngren:

really why

Monique Idemudia:

you should do what you love in your own

Monique Idemudia:

business. That's why we have created that freedom for

Monique Idemudia:

ourselves. And if you choose to do something yourself, it should

Monique Idemudia:

always be because you want to do it. And not because you have no

Monique Idemudia:

other option and you can't outsource it, and you have to do

Monique Idemudia:

it yourself. So that's how it always should be. And my best

Monique Idemudia:

tip for that is always create a process, create a standard

Monique Idemudia:

operating procedure SLP that you share with people. And it makes

Monique Idemudia:

it really easy for you to train people to teach people and to

Monique Idemudia:

just find assistants who can do it for you. And it's really

Monique Idemudia:

clear and it's standardized. And you can ensure that you still

Monique Idemudia:

have the quality of your content. In short, if you choose

Monique Idemudia:

not to do something yourself, that's really really important.

Tiffany Youngren:

Exactly. In fact, one of the first 12 I the

Tiffany Youngren:

first 12 episodes of next up nation I called my masterclass

Tiffany Youngren:

because we interviewed just the top in the industry, I feel like

Tiffany Youngren:

we covered just about every topic, you would need to really

Tiffany Youngren:

build a great podcast and one of the people we interviewed was

Tiffany Youngren:

Nathan Hersh and he has a company called outsource school,

Tiffany Youngren:

he's he started free up, which is a very well known VA hiring

Tiffany Youngren:

company. But now he's got this out, he calls it outsource

Tiffany Youngren:

school, but it they it's full of slps. So it's got SLP for

Tiffany Youngren:

writing for social media for sales for like every department

Tiffany Youngren:

that a business so and they're always asking like, Okay, guys,

Tiffany Youngren:

what do you need next? And, and I could not agree more, in fact,

Tiffany Youngren:

he even had, and so I, and it goes back to like, go listen to

Tiffany Youngren:

that, not you, you know, like gold is anybody who wants help

Tiffany Youngren:

with that, like, it sounds like you've got it going on. But a

Tiffany Youngren:

lot of times, I feel like business owners are intimidated

Tiffany Youngren:

by that, because we've all had experiences that scar a little

Tiffany Youngren:

bit. Because we're like trying to run our business and we hire

Tiffany Youngren:

somebody, and we're not really putting as much thought or

Tiffany Youngren:

energy into it. And those SRP is really, you have to give people

Tiffany Youngren:

the tools that they need to be successful. It's funny, because

Tiffany Youngren:

I say the same thing about websites, I say that every page

Tiffany Youngren:

is like an employee, and it needs a goal and a way to do it.

Tiffany Youngren:

And humans think about how much more important that is, you

Tiffany Youngren:

know, cuz that's a person who wants to succeed. And, and if

Tiffany Youngren:

you have a willing person, and they're not succeeding, it's us.

Tiffany Youngren:

And as business owners, it's hard, you know, so it's not

Tiffany Youngren:

anything against the business owner, like they're a bad

Tiffany Youngren:

person. Although a lot of times, that's how people come out

Tiffany Youngren:

feeling is like they failed at it. And so I think slps are like

Tiffany Youngren:

the life raft. No, it's like, if you did nothing else, just get

Tiffany Youngren:

yourself some recipes. And what I The reason I thought of

Tiffany Youngren:

Nathan's interview, he really puts it well about how the more

Tiffany Youngren:

detailed you are, the less expensive it is. And a lot of

Tiffany Youngren:

times podcasts are a side gig, right? So people are running a

Tiffany Youngren:

business, and then Oh, I love a podcast, and I want a podcast

Tiffany Youngren:

well, and they don't really have a lot of vision for profit or

Tiffany Youngren:

what they're doing. But they're having fun to get listeners.

Tiffany Youngren:

And, and ultimately, they're going to need to like I always

Tiffany Youngren:

say it's like, if you don't delegate, you know, you're in

Tiffany Youngren:

trouble. And, and like Nathan saying, he goes through the

Tiffany Youngren:

three different levels of hiring and how, basically, it comes

Tiffany Youngren:

down to how detailed are you, if you're not very detailed, you

Tiffany Youngren:

need to be ready to pay a lot because that person has to do

Tiffany Youngren:

the thinking. And everybody's doing the thinking, but it's

Tiffany Youngren:

just a more strategic hire, it's not somebody who's just gonna,

Tiffany Youngren:

like do the tasks. And a lot of times podcasters are such

Tiffany Youngren:

control freaks, that you better just write down the stuff and

Tiffany Youngren:

be, you know, pay less, because you want to done a specific way

Tiffany Youngren:


Monique Idemudia:

to do that and to execute your task

Monique Idemudia:

consciously, and make the effort to write down every single step,

Monique Idemudia:

no matter how little that step might be. Because for the other

Monique Idemudia:

person, it's not just a logical no brainer, that that's how you

Monique Idemudia:

do that. And that's how you get from this to that. But you have

Monique Idemudia:

to write it out and put it in writing, and really treat your

Monique Idemudia:

business like a franchise, the more detailed the better have

Monique Idemudia:

processes for everything. And that's how you grow in scale.

Monique Idemudia:

That's so important. Because Yeah, that's what scaling is.

Monique Idemudia:

Basically you want to remove yourself, from the day to day

Monique Idemudia:

work of your business more and more, and work on your business

Monique Idemudia:

more than in your business. And really, you are the one who

Monique Idemudia:

strategizes and navigates the ship, so to speak words going

Monique Idemudia:

and people need direction and things have to work even if

Monique Idemudia:

you're not there. I think that a lot of businesses would

Monique Idemudia:

collapse. In Two, three, four weeks, and that would be it. All

Monique Idemudia:

of their clients will be unhappy and things would just you know,

Monique Idemudia:

end up in chaos. So you don't want that to happen. That's why

Monique Idemudia:

it's So important. Yeah,

Tiffany Youngren:

absolutely, absolutely. And, um, let's see,

Tiffany Youngren:

I think that that was about it. Um, as you saw, I was taking

Tiffany Youngren:

notes throughout the whole thing. So if it looks like I was

Tiffany Youngren:

distracted, I was really documenting as I went, because,

Tiffany Youngren:

you know, this next part is coming. So one of the things

Tiffany Youngren:

that you again, kind of going back to what we said at the

Tiffany Youngren:

beginning, the thing is that you can envision from your show your

Tiffany Youngren:

your, you know, what you want to get out of it, is the brand

Tiffany Youngren:

awareness, the authority and the thought leadership. If you were

Tiffany Youngren:

to pick something that was between you and achieving that,

Tiffany Youngren:

what would that thing be? In your question? I think I'm on

Tiffany Youngren:

track pretty much. Yeah. Awesome. Awesome. Um, and but

Tiffany Youngren:

you I'm, I mean, I'm guessing you're here because you want to

Tiffany Youngren:

grow your audience. So is that true? Exactly. And okay, one

Tiffany Youngren:

other thing. Okay. Now, I keep saying one more question. But

Tiffany Youngren:

one thing you mentioned on the forum, because we do have a form

Tiffany Youngren:

that people fill out before they come on the show, is that you

Tiffany Youngren:

mentioned that you wanted to grow your audience, and optimize

Tiffany Youngren:

based on the changes that Apple recently made? Are you referring

Tiffany Youngren:

to the subscription model?

Monique Idemudia:

Oh, yes, absolutely. So that's a new goal

Monique Idemudia:

now to also get more subscribers on the podcast. I feel like the

Monique Idemudia:

listeners that I'm getting right now are my audience members, who

Monique Idemudia:

I just I just tell them, basically, Hey, I just published

Monique Idemudia:

a new episode, it's about XYZ go ahead and check it out. And then

Monique Idemudia:

they do, but it's not really you know, people who stumble upon

Monique Idemudia:

the podcast, because you know, if your list is, if your podcast

Monique Idemudia:

is not trending, or in the top 100 list or whatever, from

Monique Idemudia:

Apple, it's really, really hard for people to discover you show

Monique Idemudia:

in the first place. So I want to get more subscribers. So my avid

Monique Idemudia:

listeners, my subscribers are subscribed, and that's how they

Monique Idemudia:

always get notified. And then I also want to focus on you know,

Monique Idemudia:

having more visibility within podcasting apps or platforms

Monique Idemudia:

that more people can actually discover the show. So okay,

Monique Idemudia:

that's like a, like a new goal of mine. I think it's gonna be

Monique Idemudia:

really, really important in the future, otherwise, Apple

Monique Idemudia:

wouldn't have launched the feature and having subscribers

Monique Idemudia:

on your on your podcast will be just as important as having, you

Monique Idemudia:

know, a certain amount of subscribers on social media. So

Monique Idemudia:

you want to keep an eye on that. And yes, I'm, I'm taking it

Monique Idemudia:

seriously. And I will incorporate more calls to action

Monique Idemudia:

to do that in the future. In my episodes, too.

Tiffany Youngren:

It's funny if Apple or Google make a move,

Tiffany Youngren:

we're all like, okay, or Spotify? Oh, yeah, we're like,

Tiffany Youngren:

okay, Oh, here we go. Everybody. Look alive. Yes. That's awesome.

Tiffany Youngren:

Okay, so if it's okay with you, we're gonna go ahead and move

Tiffany Youngren:

into the kind of my take on it and continue the discussion. But

Tiffany Youngren:

I want to just want to talk more about first we're going to talk

Tiffany Youngren:

about the things that I see that you're doing well, which is

Tiffany Youngren:

they're abundant. So anything that I have to say is just going

Tiffany Youngren:

to be about tweaking something that you're already doing and

Tiffany Youngren:

barely even that the first part will be, like I said, what I

Tiffany Youngren:

feel like you're doing well. The second part will be

Tiffany Youngren:

opportunities that I see. And not in any kind of priority, but

Tiffany Youngren:

just like in general like observations. And then the last

Tiffany Youngren:

thing I'll share is like if there was one thing that you

Tiffany Youngren:

could do that I could see that you could grow in the next 30

Tiffany Youngren:

days, that would that would be it. So I just want to clarify

Tiffany Youngren:

too now. We talked about preeminence. We talked about

Tiffany Youngren:

getting listeners. So would you say you're really looking in

Tiffany Youngren:

general for listeners? Or do you specifically want Apple

Tiffany Youngren:


Monique Idemudia:

Both and I hope that my subscribers will

Monique Idemudia:

also not just subscribe, but also listen regularly.

Tiffany Youngren:

Yeah, okay, but if you could pick one, like

Tiffany Youngren:

if you had to focus on one thing,

Monique Idemudia:

then I pick listeners.

Tiffany Youngren:

Yeah, okay. Okay, cool. Love it. Let me just

Tiffany Youngren:

make one more note. So subscriber part. And you can see

Tiffany Youngren:

like clarifying that just helped me know, like, would that have

Tiffany Youngren:

anything to do with it if I were the boss of the world and gave

Tiffany Youngren:

you one thing, but since that's not the priority, it really is

Tiffany Youngren:

just generally getting more listeners. We'll just focus on

Tiffany Youngren:

that for now. But okay, so it drives your permission to

Tiffany Youngren:

transition into this next phase.

Monique Idemudia:

Honestly, Yeah! So excited I love getting

Monique Idemudia:

feedback and I'm you know, always open to get feedback and

Monique Idemudia:

get a you know, also implement from other people's tips. I love

Monique Idemudia:

I used to being in the role of the one giving all the tips. So

Monique Idemudia:

I love to receive the advice and I'm really excited. I know that

Monique Idemudia:

you're a true expert on it. Oh, I'm ready.

Tiffany Youngren:

I'm excited. I love like i said i love it. And

Tiffany Youngren:

this is more fun when I'm kind of a fan of Already of what

Tiffany Youngren:

you're doing, which I am, you know, I was a high school

Tiffany Youngren:

cheerleading coach. And when I jumped in and started coaching,

Tiffany Youngren:

I love these girls, but they were the worst cheerleaders

Tiffany Youngren:

ever. My pastor who was also one of our best friends, he was a

Tiffany Youngren:

basketball referee. And when I took the position as the head

Tiffany Youngren:

high school cheerleading coach, he was like, oh that's cool. And

Tiffany Youngren:

I told him, he was just like, Oh, my gosh, they're so

Tiffany Youngren:

terrible. And I'm like, you're the pastor, like, what the heck

Tiffany Youngren:

are you even supposed to say that, you know, but they were,

Tiffany Youngren:

they were just miserably terrible. And within about 90

Tiffany Youngren:

days, they became awesome. But the things that I was telling

Tiffany Youngren:

them in the first, you know, months, was a lot different than

Tiffany Youngren:

what I was telling them six months down the road, you know,

Tiffany Youngren:

six months down the road, they actually ended up competing by

Tiffany Youngren:

the end of the year, which was our goal was that they wanted to

Tiffany Youngren:

be competition ready. And so while we were preparing for

Tiffany Youngren:

competition, the conversation was just completely different. I

Tiffany Youngren:

wasn't teaching them how to cheer. I was teaching them how

Tiffany Youngren:

to move their arm just a little bit perfectly, you know, more

Tiffany Youngren:

precisely, I should say. So I feel like that's where we're at.

Tiffany Youngren:

I feel like that you just you're already a pro, you know exactly

Tiffany Youngren:

what you're doing. And so anything I observe is just going

Tiffany Youngren:

to be I think you're already doing it. Well, it just this is

Tiffany Youngren:

something that I am seeing that you're probably won't even come

Tiffany Youngren:

as a surprise to you. Excuse me. So as I move into that, I always

Tiffany Youngren:

want to start with the four Ps of preeminence. I feel like

Tiffany Youngren:

these are the four things that are really important actually is

Tiffany Youngren:

important for preeminence and to have a sustainable show, but

Tiffany Youngren:

also a growing show. Number one is to know your purpose, which

Tiffany Youngren:

we talked about in the beginning, your why why did you

Tiffany Youngren:

start it? What are you hoping to accomplish? Know Your people

Tiffany Youngren:

really dial in on your messaging, which your proact you

Tiffany Youngren:

teach people about that? optimize the promotion of your

Tiffany Youngren:

show, which honestly, I don't think there's one thing I'm

Tiffany Youngren:

gonna have to say that you could do better at that. I think your

Tiffany Youngren:

repurposing remarketing is just spot on. And then fourth,

Tiffany Youngren:

earning proceeds or profit to help pay for delegating. So

Tiffany Youngren:

those are the four things that I think I always try to have that

Tiffany Youngren:

framework in mind when we go through this. So I really feel

Tiffany Youngren:

like number one, you're amazing at the at the blog post and the

Tiffany Youngren:

website. You know, I agree with you, it's the greatest asset

Tiffany Youngren:

anyone's going to find it's the top way people find your show,

Tiffany Youngren:

you know, when they're looking on Apple for podcasts? Yeah,

Tiffany Youngren:

there's there's some other things we have to do optimize,

Tiffany Youngren:

optimize it. However, everybody's on Google looking up

Tiffany Youngren:

topics, right? So they're looking up, do press releases

Tiffany Youngren:

matter anymore, you know, and boom, there's your interview.

Tiffany Youngren:

And there's, you know, that's exposure, and then it's just a

Tiffany Youngren:

matter of how do we convert that into your top priority. And then

Tiffany Youngren:

number two is you and back to the blog, again, the fact that

Tiffany Youngren:

you have clear takeaways, notes, actionable steps, it's one thing

Tiffany Youngren:

to talk about having actionable steps. It's another thing to say

Tiffany Youngren:

like just go look at the show notes, I've got a list, you

Tiffany Youngren:

don't have to take notes, I feel like there's a there's a video

Tiffany Youngren:

that I watch regularly about real estate investing. And I

Tiffany Youngren:

love it. And he's super smart. And he just like drops bonds all

Tiffany Youngren:

the time, like I'm just constantly, but I can just sit

Tiffany Youngren:

and listen to him. Because I know that I can go back to this

Tiffany Youngren:

website and grab the show notes. And I feel like yours is

Tiffany Youngren:

formatted so much like that, that it's just brilliant. And so

Tiffany Youngren:

it's consistent with the goal that you want to accomplish with

Tiffany Youngren:

your show. You also have a great call to action that makes sense.

Tiffany Youngren:

I'm always telling people you know, as a podcaster. Everybody

Tiffany Youngren:

wants to build this authority and trust and have people know

Tiffany Youngren:

that they know their stuff. But if they don't have a next step

Tiffany Youngren:

for those people, once that happens, like assume that it's

Tiffany Youngren:

going to work, you know, like you want to build authority,

Tiffany Youngren:

okay, you're building it. So now what and so having that next

Tiffany Youngren:

step or call to action, a lot of people are held back because

Tiffany Youngren:

they feel like it's too salesy, but it's actually the opposite.

Tiffany Youngren:

I feel like it's too selfish not to, and you have a really good

Tiffany Youngren:

one, it feels natural, it feels like I mean, honestly, the the

Tiffany Youngren:

audience is number one and knowing your audience, I feel

Tiffany Youngren:

like any other step, it's you know, does it matter? Like if

Tiffany Youngren:

you don't know who you're talking to you, how do you build

Tiffany Youngren:

great content? How do you send good emails, you know, so, but

Tiffany Youngren:

on the other hand, you have listeners who have been

Tiffany Youngren:

listening and so they're like, yeah, I already did that one. So

Tiffany Youngren:

what else you got for me, you know, um, and then I love your

Tiffany Youngren:

format. And I'm probably calling it the wrong thing, but I always

Tiffany Youngren:

call it a cold open where there's just content from the

Tiffany Youngren:

middle that just gets plopped at the beginning. I love that,

Tiffany Youngren:

because it really gives it gets to the meat of it before they

Tiffany Youngren:

even start listening. And you do all this work to drive people to

Tiffany Youngren:

your show. And then if you don't grab them in that first little

Tiffany Youngren:

bit of time, you're shooting yourself in the foot. And I

Tiffany Youngren:

think that you did a really good job of that. And even beyond the

Tiffany Youngren:

cold open, it doesn't drag on, it really does a good job of

Tiffany Youngren:

just like moving on. And then I love your outro, too, I thought

Tiffany Youngren:

your outro was really good, as well. So great format, you know,

Tiffany Youngren:

your audience, you repurpose your content like a pro, because

Tiffany Youngren:

you are a pro. And then Okay, so this is another thing, this is

Tiffany Youngren:

such a pet peeve of mine, and I am so sorry to like, I love my

Tiffany Youngren:

guests so much. And I am so proud of them. Like, I think

Tiffany Youngren:

they're brilliant. But so often, I'll say what is your web

Tiffany Youngren:

address, and they'll give me apple or they'll give me

Tiffany Youngren:

Spotify, or they'll give me and it's like, just give me your web

Tiffany Youngren:

address. Like, if you don't have your podcast on, then, you know,

Tiffany Youngren:

put it on there and then give it to me. But I just feel like it

Tiffany Youngren:

needs to be people are going from one platform to another. It

Tiffany Youngren:

just needs to not be freaky, like anything we can do to

Tiffany Youngren:

remove those barriers, the better. And so I love I love

Tiffany Youngren:

that you do that you also have in your descriptions I saw on

Tiffany Youngren:

Spotify, you have a link right in the first part, which I think

Tiffany Youngren:

is brilliant. Also I and we're going to be releasing an episode

Tiffany Youngren:

with Mark Kumar. And he, he makes bank like he profits so

Tiffany Youngren:

much. In fact, he was on I'm just like, I don't even know,

Tiffany Youngren:

Why are my show like, seriously. I mean, I had ideas for him

Tiffany Youngren:

because like, I don't really care because I already make

Tiffany Youngren:

money at it. I'm like, Okay, great. But that's how you can

Tiffany Youngren:

grow your audience. So I don't know what else to say. But, but

Tiffany Youngren:

that's one thing he does, it's so everything he says to do when

Tiffany Youngren:

it comes to profit, I've already started changing how I do

Tiffany Youngren:

things. So when we were talking about our podcast, being this

Tiffany Youngren:

whole conversion rate optimization exercise, I feel

Tiffany Youngren:

like having that link in the first paragraph, I think was

Tiffany Youngren:

just spot on. So good job on that. Um, so any feedback or

Tiffany Youngren:

feelings about that, or?

Monique Idemudia:

Yeah, I agree with you and everything so far.

Monique Idemudia:

And I do all of that, um, purposefully. Yeah. So it's not

Monique Idemudia:

an accident.

Tiffany Youngren:

Yeah, sure. Awesome. Awesome. I, you know,

Tiffany Youngren:

as a mark marketer to marketers, though, don't you feel like

Tiffany Youngren:

sometimes people don't notice, like, just like things just,

Tiffany Youngren:

like, I just want to acknowledge you like, very good job, I see

Tiffany Youngren:

what you're doing. You're doing it really, really well. I have a

Tiffany Youngren:

lot of respect for how you podcast and how you formulate

Tiffany Youngren:

you also just get to the point to you're really good at that on

Tiffany Youngren:

your show. In fact, um, do you so you must have an outline. And

Tiffany Youngren:

you kind of mentioned it earlier, where typically your

Tiffany Youngren:

your questions are formatted in a really specific way. And so

Tiffany Youngren:

it's answered in a really specific way as well, yes,

Monique Idemudia:

I don't want to waste any person's time I

Monique Idemudia:

want them to get value, I want it to be value packed. And I

Monique Idemudia:

want to not just get straight to the point, but have the entire

Monique Idemudia:

episode be about the point. The whole point.

Tiffany Youngren:

Yeah. Okay. And so let me just talk about

Tiffany Youngren:

just some areas that in again, this may fit within what you're

Tiffany Youngren:

doing, it may not, but it's just things I observed that maybe I

Tiffany Youngren:

just want to bring up that I feel like could potentially be

Tiffany Youngren:

opportunities. Number one is, so the call to action, I just think

Tiffany Youngren:

is brilliant. There's an episode that we do in the first 12 in

Tiffany Youngren:

the masterclass series for next step nation with Tom Schwab. And

Tiffany Youngren:

he is like the premier guest marketer. So he is all about the

Tiffany Youngren:

guests coming on the show. And he trains and as a host, I

Tiffany Youngren:

thought this was brilliant and really helpful. His people go

Tiffany Youngren:

into shows, and they get leads. So they go on the show, and

Tiffany Youngren:

people sign up for their stuff. And I thought, wow, as a guest,

Tiffany Youngren:

you know, maybe our expectations as well should be higher, if

Tiffany Youngren:

they can do it as guests, right. And so it just made me think

Tiffany Youngren:

that one of the things that he does that he swears by, and he's

Tiffany Youngren:

been doing this for a long time, is that he's got he, they

Tiffany Youngren:

actually have three levels of calls to action. They have the

Tiffany Youngren:

easy like the free, and then the, the it's just like a

Tiffany Youngren:

funnel. So then it's like the next step, like the not very

Tiffany Youngren:

expensive thing. And then they've got they're like, hey,

Tiffany Youngren:

if you actually want to work with me, this is you don't have

Tiffany Youngren:

to go through my funnel. This is how you just like work with me.

Tiffany Youngren:

For myself, I've translated that into two, because I feel like

Tiffany Youngren:

three's a lot as a host, especially because our listeners

Tiffany Youngren:

hear all this stuff over and over again. But having that free

Tiffany Youngren:

gift, especially for new listeners is really valuable.

Tiffany Youngren:

Because you know, you know, you know all the reasons and we

Tiffany Youngren:

talked about on the show all the time. But the other thing is

Tiffany Youngren:

having that third level step because then again going back to

Tiffany Youngren:

that thought that or the second level or even mixing it up, but

Tiffany Youngren:

having those two steps because people have been listening to

Tiffany Youngren:

you for a long time because that's what you want. You want

Tiffany Youngren:

loyal listeners, right? You just don't want people randomly

Tiffany Youngren:

listening. And so you want them to feel like, you know, you've

Tiffany Youngren:

been listening a long time. This is how you just like you, you

Tiffany Youngren:

email this email. And that's how you I'm the one that you get or

Tiffany Youngren:

you go to this website, you fill out this form, I'm the one that

Tiffany Youngren:

you meet with or you know, or whatever your processes are,

Tiffany Youngren:

this is the person that you meet with. And that having those two

Tiffany Youngren:

levels, I think, is is really helpful. The other is to

Tiffany Youngren:

consider having your called and again, I hate even talking about

Tiffany Youngren:

messing up with your format, because I, I love it. But I also

Tiffany Youngren:

with the as an optimization specialist, I'm always thinking

Tiffany Youngren:

like, Okay, so how can we kind of play with it? And maybe not

Tiffany Youngren:

change it a ton, but maybe find a way to softly do a call to

Tiffany Youngren:

action? Not at the end of the show? Or do your your main call

Tiffany Youngren:

to action at the end of the show? Where, in fact, I had one

Tiffany Youngren:

guest where he said, Yeah, I do my call to act. In fact, it's

Tiffany Youngren:

the same one. It's Mark Kumar, I'm pretty sure he's the one who

Tiffany Youngren:

said this. So like I said, anything he says about

Tiffany Youngren:

converting is like gold to me, but and he he will go he'll be

Tiffany Youngren:

talking about something and then he'll just drop it like, Oh,

Tiffany Youngren:

yeah, you know, this. And by the way, if this is something you

Tiffany Youngren:

need help with, and I It feels weird as a host to kind of, and

Tiffany Youngren:

I asked him that I'm like, Well, isn't that weird? Because like,

Tiffany Youngren:

you're talking to this person, and then you just oh, by the

Tiffany Youngren:

way, you know, here's this car salesman that's trying to sell a

Tiffany Youngren:

car in the meantime, and he's like, No, it doesn't. I get

Tiffany Youngren:

sales all the time, was like, okay, so but it's always that.

Tiffany Youngren:

He said, it's always at a spot where it's natural. It's just,

Tiffany Youngren:

but anyway, just there are a lot of ways to do it. And you're

Monique Idemudia:

trying it out for sure. Yes. And because I

Monique Idemudia:

know, some people have those heartbreaks where it's like,

Monique Idemudia:

just completely interrupted in the episode like a commercial

Monique Idemudia:

break when you're watching TV, and they have this pre recorded

Monique Idemudia:

insert that they just put in there. That is Yeah, so salesy

Monique Idemudia:

and promotional. almost feels like an ad and you're just in

Monique Idemudia:

your head, turning your ears off, basically. And you're,

Monique Idemudia:

yeah, you're just waiting, or you're skipping and the player

Monique Idemudia:

you like, fast forward 15 seconds, please.

Tiffany Youngren:

And I need to, I need to revisit this with them

Tiffany Youngren:

too. Because I don't know. Like, I wonder if it would work as

Tiffany Youngren:

well. And I'm actually testing with my show with this whole

Tiffany Youngren:

series is, you know, right now we have it towards the

Tiffany Youngren:

beginning, but just messing around with like, as you're

Tiffany Youngren:

listening or as we I have a I have a creative assistant that

Tiffany Youngren:

that's the person who pulls cool content, like it's like, oh,

Tiffany Youngren:

that was interesting. And so whether it's her myself, just

Tiffany Youngren:

listening for that break was like, Oh, this would be a great

Tiffany Youngren:

spot to put that little insert where it is an insert, and it's

Tiffany Youngren:

huge. It's huge. You saying something like, you know, now

Tiffany Youngren:

might be a good time, just to let you know that this is how I

Tiffany Youngren:

help people. This is you know, how you get a hold of me. And

Tiffany Youngren:

then if this is your first time to the show, don't even worry

Tiffany Youngren:

about it. I got some free for you. Like I have a gift for you

Tiffany Youngren:

just to say thank you or something like that. So it's

Tiffany Youngren:

like genuinely from you. It's genuinely what your the message

Tiffany Youngren:

you're trying to be. But we're more obvious about it instead of

Tiffany Youngren:

hoping that they assume the right thing. Does that make

Tiffany Youngren:

sense? Yeah, definitely makes sense. Yeah. And then going back

Tiffany Youngren:

to the subscribers, and we've we're testing this right now

Tiffany Youngren:

too. But with the call to action being earlier, I really like

Tiffany Youngren:

having the last call to action to be to subscribe, like a high.

Tiffany Youngren:

Wasn't that awesome? Because you're still here? I'm assuming

Tiffany Youngren:

you like the show.

Monique Idemudia:


Tiffany Youngren:

It's it's a good time to go press subscribe.

Monique Idemudia:

Much more sense than given beginning

Monique Idemudia:

before you even know.

Tiffany Youngren:


Monique Idemudia:

like it because you know, you just

Monique Idemudia:

started listening. So

Tiffany Youngren:

yeah, and then hopefully, they listened to the

Tiffany Youngren:

next episode as well. And then they get that call to action

Tiffany Youngren:

again. And so then that way, it's soft still. And it's a, you

Tiffany Youngren:

know, joining their conversation. But it again, if

Tiffany Youngren:

they're trusting you, they're wanting to know these things. So

Tiffany Youngren:

it's not like you're trying to push anything on them. Right.

Tiffany Youngren:

Um, and then the third thing is guest management. This is

Tiffany Youngren:

actually something I feel like, it's my, like, it's my

Tiffany Youngren:

superpower. I love it. In fact, I only recently started, like,

Tiffany Youngren:

you approached me as well, and I get pitched all the time from

Tiffany Youngren:

people. So we do have a process for our guests. Once you're in,

Tiffany Youngren:

it's like, I care so much about my guests. So I just want them

Tiffany Youngren:

treated awesome. I want them to get great value. I want it to be

Tiffany Youngren:

everything they hope it is and then to get great promotion

Tiffany Youngren:

afterwards. But getting in is harder. It's kind of like the In

Tiffany Youngren:

fact, I'm really quick to cancel if, like if someone doesn't show

Tiffany Youngren:

up, unless they're like, dude, I'm so sorry. But if they're

Tiffany Youngren:

like, Oh, well, I you know, My car broke, you know, like, not

Tiffany Youngren:

my car broke down because I would totally be cool with that.

Tiffany Youngren:

But like, Oh, you know, Oh, I forgot that. I'm kinda like

Tiffany Youngren:

okay, well, sorry, did work. You know, because it really I just

Tiffany Youngren:

feel like you're taking somebody's spot like this is you

Tiffany Youngren:

know, like, we put so much into it as hosts, like we put so much

Tiffany Youngren:

into preparing, you know, research promotion, all of it.

Tiffany Youngren:

And, and I want to until I don't. And then I'm like,

Tiffany Youngren:

nevermind, like this is all about the relationships. I feel

Tiffany Youngren:

bad now. And and I have to say, I get over it quick to like I

Tiffany Youngren:

had one person that just didn't show up was like, Oh, I forgot

Tiffany Youngren:

about it. No, I thought it was a different time. And I'm like,

Tiffany Youngren:

how could you have like, you've got my emails, you know, like,

Tiffany Youngren:

there's a Google version. There's like everything.

Monique Idemudia:

Oh, yeah, the reminders, all of that. So you

Monique Idemudia:

should take.

Tiffany Youngren:

And I have, I mean, I've screwed up. So I get

Tiffany Youngren:

it, that stuff happens. But at the end of the day, I don't like

Tiffany Youngren:

all that part. Like I don't like all the I love screening, like I

Tiffany Youngren:

have to be the one to screen it sounds like we're similar like

Tiffany Youngren:

that, like, No, they're not coming on the show, unless I

Tiffany Youngren:

personally have looked at it was like, Okay, I read everybody's

Tiffany Youngren:

answers. I'm like, Okay, this is gonna be so much fun, you know,

Tiffany Youngren:

um, but I just feel like if there was a way to make it more

Tiffany Youngren:

streamlined for you, maybe, then you could open up the

Tiffany Youngren:

floodgates, but they're gonna self fall off. You know what I

Tiffany Youngren:

mean? Like, for example, like, and I haven't gone through your

Tiffany Youngren:

process, but do you have a form that you use? or anything? No,

Monique Idemudia:

I don't have a form, I really eliminate all the

Monique Idemudia:

friction. Um, I think it just makes it easier if they provide

Monique Idemudia:

all of the information that I need anyways, as a host, right?

Monique Idemudia:

They're in their pitch. And most of the pitches are professional

Monique Idemudia:

pitches from you know, agencies, or people that are really

Monique Idemudia:

experienced with being a guest on podcast, I don't even have a

Monique Idemudia:

need for form anymore. I have it all in their email, or in their

Monique Idemudia:

podcast, one sheet.

Tiffany Youngren:

Well, and it depends on what do you use the

Tiffany Youngren:

form for? So if I was using the form just for information, I

Tiffany Youngren:

probably wouldn't use it. Because you're right, like the

Tiffany Youngren:

pitches have all of that in it? I mean, there are things I want

Tiffany Youngren:

to know. But most of what I ask, are qualifying questions.

Tiffany Youngren:

They're like, is this a good fit for my show? Because even

Tiffany Youngren:

though, on paper, they are like in, you've had great show, so I

Tiffany Youngren:

know, but it's just it eliminates it, you're able to

Tiffany Youngren:

open it up to more people, but yet filter it before it gets to

Tiffany Youngren:

you. So you don't even have to look at it. You know, yes, maybe

Tiffany Youngren:

some of the information is repeated from there one sheet,

Tiffany Youngren:

but it shows that they're committed to being on your show,

Tiffany Youngren:

like it shows commitment, it shows, you know, it's formatted

Tiffany Youngren:

in a way that it's self sifting, you know, have you ever had

Tiffany Youngren:

problems with like, once you have someone coming on your show

Tiffany Youngren:

that or has it just all been smooth, like, smooth, that's so

Tiffany Youngren:


Monique Idemudia:

those people just they have, they're already

Monique Idemudia:

experts, and they have an online presence. They know how

Monique Idemudia:

important it is. That's why they're interested. And being a

Monique Idemudia:

guest on my podcast in the first place, they get the importance.

Monique Idemudia:

And there's just a lot of proof out there that they absolutely

Monique Idemudia:

know what they're talking about. And they're subject matter

Monique Idemudia:

experts, and I do not have to worry about them not being able

Monique Idemudia:

to answer any of my questions. And I see that really quickly.

Monique Idemudia:

So I don't do a whole lot of research on them. I just

Monique Idemudia:

basically scroll through their social profiles and their

Monique Idemudia:

websites for like, a couple of minutes, like under five

Monique Idemudia:

minutes, sometimes even. And I get a really, really good

Monique Idemudia:

understanding of who they are, and what I can expect. So yeah,

Monique Idemudia:

I guess it depends on, you know, your show, and what kind of show

Monique Idemudia:

you have, if you don't have a show like that, where you have,

Monique Idemudia:

you know, experts on, you might want to screen people more. And

Monique Idemudia:

yeah, everybody should do whatever makes sense for them.

Tiffany Youngren:

Well, and we're really strategic about our

Tiffany Youngren:

guests, too. So like, it's more than just topical in it. And I

Tiffany Youngren:

don't even just mean next step nation like, in when, when I

Tiffany Youngren:

help when I do consulting for other, we actually have a tool

Tiffany Youngren:

that does the guest management that we you know, share with our

Tiffany Youngren:

podcasters. But you know, a lot of times the people who come on

Tiffany Youngren:

our show, we want a relationship beyond that. So we're either

Tiffany Youngren:

looking for collaboration or something, not that it happens

Tiffany Youngren:

usually happens naturally, or it doesn't happen. But even if it

Tiffany Youngren:

happens naturally, if there's not some sort of really

Tiffany Youngren:

deliberate, this is how we see this playing out. Because this

Tiffany Youngren:

is the type of people that we're working with, you know, that

Tiffany Youngren:

really comes more into the monetization and the optimizing

Tiffany Youngren:

the relationships kind of things, which is why I you know,

Tiffany Youngren:

it's not going to end up on my one thing list, but I just would

Tiffany Youngren:

say like, of the things that I observed. I think that I'm just

Tiffany Youngren:

kind of putting, I think you could get so much out of your

Tiffany Youngren:

guests as far as like afterwards and then also reduce some of

Tiffany Youngren:

the, you know, the longer you do this, the more I don't know, the

Tiffany Youngren:

more you're going to I don't know, maybe you're different

Tiffany Youngren:

than I am, but I've just like after a while I'm like no, I

Tiffany Youngren:

just want to make sure you know, and I go

Monique Idemudia:

that's perfectly fine. Everybody has

Monique Idemudia:

their own systems. Yeah. just sent that I've also been really

Monique Idemudia:

lucky with the reliability. in general. They're all

Monique Idemudia:

professional people. They show up on time. Very rarely has it

Monique Idemudia:

happened that somebody forgot or didn't show up. Yeah, really?

Monique Idemudia:

Yeah. Most of them do. And they're prepared. And yeah, what

Monique Idemudia:

else? I wanted to say something else, and I forgot about it now.

Monique Idemudia:

Um, it's just yeah, it's just really reliable. It's really

Monique Idemudia:

smooth. I never really ran into a lot of issues ever with any

Monique Idemudia:


Tiffany Youngren:

Yeah, well, and I have to say to my guests

Tiffany Youngren:

have all been awesome. So I don't have any issues. But I

Tiffany Youngren:

also will say that when I first started doing this, like you,

Tiffany Youngren:

I'm automated. So I just, I feel like that's my assistant to

Tiffany Youngren:

like, do the intake. And then by the time I'm meeting with my

Tiffany Youngren:

guest, it's just kind of spoon fed. And I've been able to kind

Tiffany Youngren:

of open it up to more people, so And also, yeah, anyway. And then

Tiffany Youngren:

if I come up with somebody that I invite, they automatically go

Tiffany Youngren:

into that system, and then they get the same kind of thing. So

Tiffany Youngren:

anyway, before we Yeah, like, I feel like too, that's probably

Tiffany Youngren:

not a priority. But you know, down the road as you have like,

Tiffany Youngren:

a million listeners, and you know, you're only having famous

Tiffany Youngren:

people on your show, that might be something that work, you

Tiffany Youngren:

could do, okay, so an

Monique Idemudia:

I'm really particular about, I want to have

Monique Idemudia:

the people on my show that are able to provide the most value

Monique Idemudia:

to my target audience. It's all about my audience. So it's not

Monique Idemudia:

about having, you know, celebrities, or the most famous

Monique Idemudia:

people on my show, but I want people that can break things

Monique Idemudia:

down in the way that I want them to. And I know it helps my

Monique Idemudia:

audience members out the best. And there's not this, you know,

Monique Idemudia:

huge gap between them, because how can a small business owner

Monique Idemudia:

relate to a person who has built an eight figure business or

Monique Idemudia:

whatever, you know, they live in entirely new and totally

Monique Idemudia:

different worlds. So I really want to invite people who can

Monique Idemudia:

provide the most value, and I'm not, you know, chasing guests

Monique Idemudia:

based on that. That's also a criteria where I know, they're

Monique Idemudia:

probably not a good fit for my show, if their entire pitches

Monique Idemudia:

about, Oh, I got 50,000 followers, and they're and I

Monique Idemudia:

got, you know, I got this and that, and it's all about some,

Monique Idemudia:

you know, some meaningless stats about how many followers they

Monique Idemudia:

got, they got other things they've achieved, but it's not

Monique Idemudia:

what shows me, hey, that's how I can provide value to your

Monique Idemudia:

audience. You know, it's all Me, me, me and achievements that

Monique Idemudia:

don't tell me that you can provide a lot of value to my

Monique Idemudia:

audience. Exactly.

Tiffany Youngren:

Well, and I think that there's a lot to be

Tiffany Youngren:

said, For that I, you know, definitely, I always feel like

Tiffany Youngren:

content is king. So if anything hurts the content, whether it's

Tiffany Youngren:

monetization, or how we're bringing guests on, it's out

Tiffany Youngren:

like it has to really, you know, sometimes we'll use a different

Tiffany Youngren:

strategy just to shake it up. So start pouring. But it has to

Tiffany Youngren:

still achieve that audience promise, like I was telling you

Tiffany Youngren:

about earlier. And, you know, I know when we're doing our

Tiffany Youngren:

strategy, we, and when I'm coaching, same thing is that,

Tiffany Youngren:

you know, having like a 5% of the time having a rock star,

Tiffany Youngren:

what I call a rock star on our show, I love doing that, because

Tiffany Youngren:

I feel like people, a lot of times limit themselves. And

Tiffany Youngren:

mindset is usually what holds business business owners back.

Tiffany Youngren:

And people who have achieved like, there already were, you

Tiffany Youngren:

know, we all aspire to be like you said, you know, you want

Tiffany Youngren:

people who wants to be able to see themselves having that kind

Tiffany Youngren:

of revenue. And so when we see these people who've achieved

Tiffany Youngren:

these amazing things, it's I think it's nice, just to kind of

Tiffany Youngren:

bring us out of our own space, it kind of takes it from looking

Tiffany Youngren:

really closely at the paper to kind of sitting back and going

Tiffany Youngren:

Yes, this is Yeah, this is what every once in a while. Yeah,

Tiffany Youngren:

exactly, exactly. But I agree with you. That well, and just to

Tiffany Youngren:

kind of on the other side of it, like I'm like you like if they

Tiffany Youngren:

tell me they have 50,000 followers, maybe I care just

Tiffany Youngren:

because but probably not. Because usually, I don't like

Tiffany Youngren:

that as a metric. I like, like how many people engage with you

Tiffany Youngren:

based on what you put out there that that's impressive to me.

Tiffany Youngren:

Um, and, you know, yes, we've had people with a lot of

Tiffany Youngren:

followers, bestselling books. And I will tell you, those

Tiffany Youngren:

episodes do really, really well. You know, they get listened to

Tiffany Youngren:

by more people, we get exposed to more people that wouldn't

Tiffany Youngren:

have found us otherwise. But it is never, I'm going to them

Tiffany Youngren:

going. You are the type of person who would inspire the

Tiffany Youngren:

people that we're talking to what do you think, you know, if

Tiffany Youngren:

we teamed up so I agree with you wholeheartedly, right. So with

Tiffany Youngren:

that, so we talked about some areas of opportunity, which is

Tiffany Youngren:

so helpful, because then it gives me a sense of a better

Tiffany Youngren:

sense of like, where you're wanting To go, what kinds of

Tiffany Youngren:

things fit in better with what you're trying to do. At the end

Tiffany Youngren:

of the day, if you were to just make one change that I feel

Tiffany Youngren:

would would really help you get more listeners, it's definitely

Tiffany Youngren:

something that you have to tweak and kind of play around with.

Tiffany Youngren:

But I do think it's just that how to structure the call to

Tiffany Youngren:

action. But having that, because your show is shorter, it's very

Tiffany Youngren:

to the point, I think that having a subscribe now at the

Tiffany Youngren:

end of the show would be really effective. Again, you want more

Tiffany Youngren:

listeners. So when it comes to that, I would just say that. I

Tiffany Youngren:

mean, again, I don't know what I was thinking. I just think,

Tiffany Youngren:

again, this, like, Wow, my number one advice has nothing to

Tiffany Youngren:

do with getting more listeners. However, it does have everything

Tiffany Youngren:

to do with getting loyal listeners, you know. So as

Tiffany Youngren:

you're building kind of your tribe, per se, it's really like

Tiffany Youngren:

they're there. Okay, now you've got them, you know, they're on

Tiffany Youngren:

your email list, or they have a closer relationship with you,

Tiffany Youngren:

then they're referring, right, what's the number two way that

Tiffany Youngren:

people find shows is through referrals? So if you've got

Tiffany Youngren:

these people who are close, they're like, Yeah, I was

Tiffany Youngren:

listening to her show. And then I, you know, I got this free

Tiffany Youngren:

download. I think it really helped you, you know, did you

Tiffany Youngren:

know that since I found my target audience that now this is

Tiffany Youngren:

where I'm at? Or Oh, I heard this on this other show. So

Tiffany Youngren:

you've got beyond just like more listeners, you've gotten that

Tiffany Youngren:

loyal listener base that will the referrals are the I feel

Tiffany Youngren:

like the most valuable listeners you're gonna get. So you just

Tiffany Youngren:

really get those golden listener. So I would say that

Tiffany Youngren:

that would be the thing that I would play with is just getting

Tiffany Youngren:

them for deeper into becoming a loyal listener helpful. Yeah,

Tiffany Youngren:

definitely. Okay. Good, good. Well, is there anything else

Tiffany Youngren:

that you wanted to add when it comes to what we just talked

Tiffany Youngren:

about, like growing your listener base? The observations,

Tiffany Youngren:

anything like that? think I've shared everything. Okay.

Tiffany Youngren:

Awesome. Well, and too, as you're listening to this show,

Tiffany Youngren:

be sure to go check out dragon Digital Marketing podcast, you

Tiffany Youngren:

can look it up on your favorite podcasting platform or go to

Tiffany Youngren:

dragon dash digital dash marketing, com hit podcast, and

Tiffany Youngren:

Monique, is there anywhere else that people can find you or

Tiffany Youngren:

anything else you want everybody to know?

Monique Idemudia:

The best way is the website. Because there

Monique Idemudia:

you can find all of the content, the podcast of lack the free

Monique Idemudia:

branding course. All other resources, the free downloads

Monique Idemudia:

and cheat sheets, checklists, templates, all of that I have on

Monique Idemudia:

there that you can grab. And there you can also find all the

Monique Idemudia:

social links on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and on

Monique Idemudia:

YouTube. And that's also the best way to reach out. So yeah,

Monique Idemudia:

I love that website. And has everything you need on there.

Tiffany Youngren:

Well, I have to say, you know, I, when I when

Tiffany Youngren:

I do my research, because I promise two things. One, I

Tiffany Youngren:

promise, an actionable step that you can take that will help you

Tiffany Youngren:

get more listeners, but then also that I'm prepared. And in

Tiffany Youngren:

doing so I usually will listen to bits and pieces of a lot of

Tiffany Youngren:

episodes. And then I'll listen to a bulk of one episode. And we

Tiffany Youngren:

talked about it beforehand, the press release episode you had

Tiffany Youngren:

and the person was that you interviewed. What was his name?

Tiffany Youngren:

Mickey Kennedy. Yeah, yeah. Awesome, obviously. I mean, he

Tiffany Youngren:

he does press releases for what, like a third of the shark tank

Tiffany Youngren:

of the people who end up on Shark Tank and yeah, I he just

Tiffany Youngren:

was so, so helpful. And we talked about beforehand how

Tiffany Youngren:

before the internet press releases was really how I got

Tiffany Youngren:

out there. And it hasn't changed. Like it's just so

Tiffany Youngren:

powerful. And it's a it's a great way to get out there. So I

Tiffany Youngren:

highly recommend that episode. The other one that I listened to

Tiffany Youngren:

a bit was, it was a writer who's also a poet like at night. He's

Tiffany Youngren:

a poet and I just thought that was so fascinating. Like, that's

Tiffany Youngren:

somebody who really likes to write. So I would say like you

Tiffany Youngren:

definitely have great guests, I highly recommend the show.

Tiffany Youngren:

Monique, is there anything else you'd like to add before we

Monique Idemudia:

I am good. So yeah, thank you so much. For

Monique Idemudia:


Monique Idemudia:

those shout out of your of your of your favorite episodes of

Monique Idemudia:

mine. Definitely check it out. And again, the website URL is

Monique Idemudia:

dragon dash digital dash

Tiffany Youngren:

Awesome. Well, hey everybody, don't be average.

Tiffany Youngren:

Be brave, take action and make magic happen. Thank you for



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