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Time To Share An Expert Secret | Ep.15
Episode 158th September 2022 • Diaries of a 6 figure Coach • Theresa Lambert
00:00:00 00:29:36

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Time to share an expert secret: It's all about drawing out the wisdom that already exists within your business. In this week's episode, I am sharing a juicy expert secret and Business Audit to help you gain clarity + awareness on where you may have a bottleneck in your biz, so you can spot it, remove it and get clear on what needs to be done to reach your next level!

PLUS I am offering you to send me your answer and I will help you spot the bottleneck to get clear on what you need to do to get to your next level and scale. CLICK HERE to book a FREE Call and mention The Business Audit or send me the answers via Instagram, WhatsApp or email them to me at

The Business Audit:

●      What are your current offers?

●      What is the price of your current offer?

●      How many do you have to sell each month to hit the $10k/mth goal?

●      Do you have the capacity + time to serve this many clients?

●      Do you rely on PIF clients to hit this sales goal with your current offers?

●      Do you have a recurring cash model so you can stack your Income?

●      Do you have a scalable + signature offer?

About the Host:

Theresa Lambert is an Online Business Strategy Coach with an impressive hotelier background in luxury Hospitality in the #1 Ski Resort in North America. She supports Female Coaches and Service based Entrepreneurs to get their first clients or scale to 6 figures and beyond through strategic, tangible, and practical support.  Her mission: To make Business EASY so your life can be more FULL.

In 2020 Theresa became the Bestselling Author of her book  Achieve with Grace: A guide to elegance and effectiveness in intense workplaces. She is also a Speaker and the Podcast co-host of Dissecting Success.

Theresa has been recognized as a business leader in Whistler’s Profiles of Excellence, and is being featured in publications such as Hotelier Magazine, Thrive Global and Authority Magazine.

Instagram: @theresalambertcoaching


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Theresa Lambert:

I believe in divine timing. I believe that the right people information, wisdom, guidance, heck things arrive when we're ready for them. I believe that owning our own truth unconditionally is the path to not only creative fulfillment, but mobile success and abundance. This is not only a podcast to help you get strategic and mastered a position of success. It's a declaration to share the truth. It's a commitment to keep going to make it happen no matter what. It's an activation and invitation for me for you and for us to play a bigger game. So my question for you is this. Do you really want it? Do you really want to make your dreams come true? Do you really want to become a six figure coach? Welcome to the diaries of a six figure coach podcast, I am your host, Theresa Lambert, and I dare you to get ready to show up, boss up and make it happen.

Theresa Lambert:

I'm going to share with you an expert secret that I released in the scale to 10k master class that happened last week that was fire. And it's the second one. And you know what that expert secret is that it's truly all about drawing out the wisdom that already exists within you, that already exists within you. I think so often as entrepreneurs, as coaches as mentors, as as people in general, we have been so programmed to look for the answers outside of us to find what's not working outside of us to learn more to gain more wisdom to get more tools, systems, all of this stuff. And we keep looking outside of our businesses for the answers in order to allow ourselves to grow and scale our businesses. But the truth is that what we really need to do is extract the wisdom that already exists within and see where we actually have bottlenecks. And how we get the clarity so we know how to remove them. So that we are able to get to that next level so that we are able to welcome more clients so that we are able to make a bigger impact and make more money and do all these things. But we have this tendency to look outside of us we have this tendency to say what we have isn't enough, what we have is broken, what we have isn't working. And I want you to know that that is a BS story. That is a BS story. Because ultimately, yes, you may need some strategies, you may need some systems, you may need some outside guidance to remove the bottleneck or implement something new to help you get things going. But the thing is, for as long as you're guessing what's not working, you're always going to be literally

Theresa Lambert:

doing this trial and error process of adding more and adding more and adding more and adding more in order to scale your business isn't actually the thing that works. And when we come from this place of lack and not enoughness that we look at our businesses, right? What do we have isn't enough, what we know isn't enough, what we're doing isn't enough, and we always go out, but we don't understand what's really going on in our business and what's really working and not working. We are having a tendency to literally spend a lot of money on things that might be the wrong thing at the wrong time in your business. And I have learned this lesson the hard way. I have learned this lesson the hard way and I have literally probably spend a solid $50,000 on learning more than adding more on being like I am going to have to learn this and when I need to build bigger funnels I'm going to need to make it more complicated. It was always dislike what there is isn't enough. So let's add more and more and more and oftentimes found myself frustrated. And still in a situation where the consistency wasn't there. It wasn't working. It was like what is wrong, I need to get better at video I need to get better at this. I need to get better at this right. Like it was always like, I need I need I need something more instead of actually pausing and getting clarity on what is actually working and what isn't. And then from there understanding where my bottlenecks are in my business and then choosing to get the right support choosing to make the right adjustment that really started to move the needle forward. And this is something that has made a huge, huge difference in my business. And inside the scale to 10k masterclass which happened last week, which is no longer available by the time this airs. I shared how to do a business audit that can help you spot those bottlenecks. And I've also offered everyone to get in touch with me. So I can help you not only spot the bottlenecks, but remove the bottlenecks. On a quick call, absolutely free, you can apply for it. And I'm going to extend that to you as well. And I will be sharing with you the questions that I shared with them on how to do a business audit what questions you go through to be able to do that, so that you have the questions. And if you're watching it on YouTube, here, you're going to see my screen, I'm going to pull up a little presentation, so you get the visual. But I'm also going to be putting the questions in the show notes for us. So if you're listening to this podcast, on Spotify, or Apple podcasts, or your favorite podcast player, you still have an opportunity to be able to get those questions and then I invite you to reach out to me, connect with me, send me the answers to these questions via Instagram messenger or Facebook Messenger or you can also email them to me at Teresa, Teresa Lambert And then I would love to just dive into it with you to help you find some solutions to what you might be experiencing it. And I invite you to apply for that call. The link will be in the bio. So let's do it. So I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to share my screen with you because this is really, really magical. And this is the great thing about doing things on beautiful YouTube so we have vintage shoe.

Theresa Lambert:

All right, let's see. Let's see. Let's see if it puts up perfect. So I spoke about expert secret ones I released three expert secrets in this incredible masterclass. And I will run this masterclass again, but as I already said, it's all about drawing out the wisdom that already exists within your business. And that is what I wanted to dive in with you today on this week's podcast. So we're gonna be technical, we're gonna be diving into Business Week, because I'm really feeling it. And I'm really feeling in this vibe of scaling and building my business I literally today it's September 1, I have brought in some new team members, I now have a team of actually five people I have an OB M Patricia I have two incredible VAs Jess and Sally, I have a copywriter who my emails Emily and I also have a copywriter supporting me for all the other goodness which is Latina. So I am pumped pom pom pom pom, to have this team and to get ready to scale. But in order to be able to know who to bring in, I also needed to extract the wisdom within my business and realize that the last couple of months as I've been sharing my story with you here through this podcast, I was reaching capacity and in order for me to scale from six to multi six figures, I knew I needed to bring in a team in order for me to be able to serve my clients the way I desire to do with done for you services. So the business audit that I'm going to share with you is essentially what I do for you in just a more comprehensive way. And then I create a business model that scalable I create offers that are irresistible, I literally take what you give me all of your magic and I put my CEO and creator hat on and I create for you a business model that you can grow with scale with expand with step into your next level with which is so exciting. But I needed the wisdom out of my own business and the realization that I was at capacity and that I wasn't going to be able to continue to grow my business from there, there was no answer outside of me that could have given me that I needed to go in and this is just one example where I found a bottleneck in my business that helped me see You know what, spending more money on coaching spending more money on some of these things. While it's amazing to continue to grow and I believe in coaching and mentorship what I really needed at this point in my business at this point in my life was tangible support people coming in and taking some of the pieces that I was doing off my plate and as a solopreneur This is a natural evolution so there's going to be a time in your business where in order to scale more you will require to bring in team members and or implement systems and more automation and or both in my case I've had a ton of automation already now it was really about bringing in more support but let's dive deeper into this hit a little bit for you. So we really want to get out of the guessing game out of the guessing game like I don't know about you but there was something about always being like Oh, I wonder what's broken I'm not sure why it's not working. I like I feel like I do all the things but I can't just seem to get to the income level that I want like there's so much guessing that's going on and then we're dangled all the lake you know golden like Nuggets with dangled all this like you know inflammation all the marketing mess Something that's like do this to get to 10k months quick. Just fix your messaging, just do this, just do that. And then everything is going to work in your business. And we totally fall into this trap of being like, oh, that must be the answer that program must be the answer, that tool must be the answer these steps must be the answer. And then we invest. And when we invest in, it doesn't work religiously at the same place where we're like, oh, I don't know why it's not working. I don't know why it's not working. So this process of going inward, this process of understanding that it's not about looking outside for answers at this place, and time if you're ready to scale, but within is really, really key. So whether it is about getting to 10k months, or 20k months of 30k months, wherever you're at or maybe more, or maybe from zero to 5k months, it's really understanding what's working, what isn't working, so that you can make the necessary adjustments, to not just detect the bottlenecks. But remove the bottlenecks and move forward in a way in with a business model that is actually compatible with the vision that you have for your business. And that is what I what I do for you for my clients and what I taught in this masterclass and what I've given you a snippet off today in this juicy episode of diaries of a six figure coach podcast. So let's look at these questions. Let's look at these questions. And let's look at some of the ones that I believe are really, really key to do a quick mini audit for you that you can do that will help you figure out where you might have a bottleneck. And again, I encourage you to go through these questions to answer them. And then to send them to me, you can message me on my instagram at Teresa Lambert coaching, message me on Facebook, Theresa Lambert or you can email me again, I will have my email in the show notes as well. So you can contact me that way. Or actually, maybe I'll make it my whatsapp, so you can WhatsApp me.

Theresa Lambert:

In any regards, there was a way to get a hold of me through this. If you're on YouTube and you want to get in touch, you can also comment below this video as well. So the business audit here is pretty simple, but we want to reflect and then we can refine and then we can repeat the process. So doing business audits is actually healthy to do we at least quarterly I would say but but if you if you are have never done one, this will be the first one. But once you have done it, I would recommend doing these quarterly at least to really see where you're at. These are some of the questions that I asked my clients when they come in, there's a lot more that I look at to do a comprehensive one. But this one is pretty quick to help you get to 10k or see what needs to change for you to be able to hit 10k months. So the first thing that we always want to do, we want to understand what our current offers are. So take some time and write down. What are your current offers? What are you currently offering in your coaching business in your consulting business and your service based business? Whatever your business is, what currently do you have, and maybe pick your one main offer that you're excited to sell? The second thing that I encourage you to do is figuring out what is the price of your current offer? What do you charge for your current offer? Right? So we know what offer Do you have? And what's the current pricing pay? Then I want you to look at and get your calculator out and really think about how many would you have to sell to hit that 10k month goal. Right? If you have a program that's $1,500, in order to hit the 50, the $10,000 for the month, you're gonna have to sell SEVEN, SEVEN TIMES 1500 believe that's to 10,500 without my calculator, okay, so you would have to have seven that you would need to sell in one month. Okay, to get to $10,000 a month. Now, the next thing is do you have the capacity in time to serve that many clients, you have the capacity and time to serve seven clients, 10 clients, 50 clients, 20 clients 30 clients like really think about that. And what happened as I have received some of the answers from the incredible entrepreneurs that were in the scale to 10 came off so fast was that for a lot of them, they realize they need 30 to 40 clients in order to be able to hit that 10 game on goal every single month. But that's way beyond their capacity. So right there, we can spot a bottleneck. And we have an opportunity to look at revamping our offers changing our pricing and just changing the way we run our business. So that 10k month is actually something that is possible for you. But if you need 40 clients to get there and you don't have capacity for 40 clients, guess what? You're not going to be able to get that so do you have the capacity and time to serve this many clients? get honest with yourself? Do you rely on painful clients to hit this sales goal with your current offers? That's another really big one. You know, one of the things that I I'm really big on is really getting people off the pay in full clients bed we'll chasing pay in full clients all the time. Now don't get me wrong, I love a great painful clients. But the security. And the ease that you give your nervous system when you have a recurring cash sales strategy, such as payment plans is huge is huge, because now you know that an X amount of money is coming in for the next three, four or five or maybe even 10 months, right? It feels really good.

Theresa Lambert:

Now, do you have a recurring cash sale model so that you can stack your income, right? When we have a business model where there's money coming in every single week, when there's money coming in consistently, then what happens is if you already have 567 $1,000 on payment plans, and then you sign up in full clients for, say, five or $6,000, guess what happens? You very quickly go up over this 10k threshold, you'll also very quickly to be able to get from $10,000 to 50, and then to $20,000. So this is really, really cool. And lastly, do you have a scalable and signature offer? Do you actually have a program that's scalable, and what I'm talking about here is a program where you go from one to one, to one to many, or something that's an evergreen product, a pre recorded product, something that you can use and sell. That means you can sell more off without it taking more time and capacity to do. So these are seven really powerful questions. And I'll be dropping these in the show notes as well that you can ask yourself, and what I would, again, invite you to do is actually go through these questions, answer them, and I'm offering you to send me the answers. And I will help you spot the bottleneck and removed a bottleneck from your business through this quick mini business audit, you can send it into me you can ply to schedule a call and just let me know that you completed the audit and then I'll get in touch so I can get your answers beforehand. But this is a really powerful way to really realize what is working and what isn't. So when we draw this wisdom from within this is when we start to know how powerful would it feel to know what isn't working in your business and know what change you have to make. So you can actually get there. How good wouldn't feel to actually know that $10,000 month on to something that is like this dreamy idea, but that it's actually doable for you and your business, that not only do you have it in your vision, but you have a strategy that is actually working for you, you have a business model that is supporting that vision, that is literally you taking action towards it that makes it inevitable that eventually you're going to be at that level and are able to maintain it. Because it's not just about getting that it's about maintaining it as well. So this is the thing that I really want to hit home for you is that no matter what you go and look at outside of your business, no matter what new tool you learn, no matter what new strategy is out there that gets you clients files, like lead generation, all these things, you really want to pay some attention and spend some time and dedication at looking at, like looking in your business, looking into the core, looking what you already have. And when we do this from the beginning, when we do this at early stages, what ends up happening is that scaling starts to work naturally for us, because we always make sure that what we're selling what we're offering in the process that we're following supports that vision, it allows us to get there, instead of it actually holding us back. So for a lot of these incredible entrepreneurs who got back to me with the answers with their messages, it was like big breakthroughs, where it was like, wow, with what I currently have, I need your sign fatti eight clients to be able every single month to be able to hit $10,000. And I don't have capacity for that. And then to be able to get the support and guidance and receive that to say okay, here's the quick pivot I can make, here's the adjustment I can make. Here's the change I can make in order for me to get there. That is huge. That is huge. Right? So it doesn't matter what stage of business you're in, necessarily, but going within is key. If you're brand new, now's the time to really sit down, sit down and think about what is it that I want to earn every single month and what do I need to charge and what often do I need to create in order to be able to get there and once we have that chances are you might also hit some resistance. You know it's easy to say that you know if you have a coaching program that's To $1,500. And with 10 clients, if it's a three month program and 10 is your max, you're maxing out at $15,000 every quarter. So you can't actually hit your $10,000 a month goal, you can hit a $5,000 a month goal on average, but not 10. So a quick solution here would be just up your pricing in this case, it would be doubling your prices from 1500 to 3000. Now with 10 clients that you can serve at capacity each quarter, that's $30,000. So an average $10,000 A month like it's pretty simple math here, right? But are you ready to double your prices? Do you believe that the value you're offering is worth $3,000? Do you stand and own the value of your work, these are other pieces that then start to come in. And this is one of the reasons why I don't know only create scalable business models and systems and processes and plans that work for clients to help them be able to create the success that they want, but also coach them on the inner work to guide them on the inner work guide them on the spiritual journey, the energetic journey and the mindset to be able to really own our own work on the value of our work and stand behind it. Which is so so key. So there's small adjustments that we can make in business that will allow us to have this beautiful vision that we have be compatible with our business model. But then we have to truly become the person and be the person and value our work in a way that allows us to be in the embodiment of our work, to embody it to be the person that makes $10,000 month to be that boss to be the person that scales, right, to hold that much responsibility to be able to, to get that and to hold it and to maintain it. There was work that needs to be done, there was resistance that needs to be moved. And honestly, removing the resistance is such a big piece. But even this audit, you might feel some resistance, you might be like, you know, I don't need to go through these questions. I don't need to answer them, you know, I know, I know what's not working and, and I'm just gonna keep doing what I've been doing. Without looking without looking because the process of looking, the process of creating clarity on awareness can be incredibly comfortable. Because that is when we have to really start to admit to ourselves, oh, that's not working.




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