I believe people constantly overlook the signs that directs us towards it. And I get it, how can we possibly pick up on it when we’re busy working long hours, running kids around, taking care of our parents, or just figuring out how to survive life? In this episode I talk about how our connection with all things in our world, not just people or animals, always, always exists, and by recognizing it we can easily tap into the natural flow of life. A lot of this recognitions comes from paying attention to coincidences, synchronicities and little magical or mystical moments that people tend to ignore or dismiss. And it all leads to how we can find meaning and happiness
I have personally seen so many people struggle with finding satisfaction in their lives even though to look at them, they look very successful and accomplished. Many people come to me because it does look like they have a perfect life on the outside, but inside they feel like they are missing something, some meaning or some purpose or general happiness. This is probably more common can you think, so if this is you, you’re not alone. Money does not create happiness; fame does not create happiness. What satisfies the heart and soul is not found in the outside world.
In this episode you will learn
I really hope to connect with you personally so please send me a message here or join me in my Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/connectednesswithrevkaren. And in the meantime, enjoy the show!
Hello, and welcome to the connectedness podcast.
Rev Karen:As you guessed it.
Rev Karen:I talk about connection on this podcast connection with the world
Rev Karen:around us, everything seen and unseen living and not living even.
Rev Karen:And whether you feel it or.
Rev Karen:We're connected.
Rev Karen:I'm gonna talk about how these connections affect our daily lives
Rev Karen:and how we can learn to live a better life once we recognize them.
Rev Karen:So welcome to the show.
Rev Karen:I'm your host, Reverend care in Cleveland.
Rev Karen:Hello welcome.
Rev Karen:And let's dig into episode one.
Rev Karen:I'm Reverend Karen Cleveland.
Rev Karen:And I want to tell you just a little bit about me.
Rev Karen:You'll probably hear more about me in the next two episodes than
Rev Karen:you will, the rest of the podcast.
Rev Karen:I just want you to get a little
Rev Karen:understanding of who I am, where I'm coming from, why I'm
Rev Karen:doing this, what my mission is.
Rev Karen:So I do just wanna tell you just a little bit about.
Rev Karen:I'm a minister with the center for spiritual living.
Rev Karen:And in that philosophy, we honor all paths to God.
Rev Karen:It doesn't matter what your background is, what religion you came from,
Rev Karen:what religion you're in right now.
Rev Karen:No matter the religion, we honor that getting to know your own personal truth
Rev Karen:and your own personal place and soul.
Rev Karen:How you need to do it is perfect for you.
Rev Karen:I can't tell you what's perfect for you and you can't tell
Rev Karen:me what's perfect for me.
Rev Karen:So we honor each other's path that leads to our own personal
Rev Karen:joy and soul development.
Rev Karen:I love the principles that we talk about in this philosophy.
Rev Karen:There's a lot of what we call spiritual principles.
Rev Karen:There's mindfulness practices and mindset practices.
Rev Karen:All of these are designed to get us back to our God.
Rev Karen:One of my missions with this podcast is that I want everyone to understand
Rev Karen:at the very basic level, the most basic level, there is a connection.
Rev Karen:Everything and how that connection can help us live a happier life, a more
Rev Karen:meaningful life, and how knowing this and living through this can help us know that
Rev Karen:everything is going to be okay in the end.
Rev Karen:It's going to be okay.
Rev Karen:I'm not going to use a lot of big fancy terms in this podcast.
Rev Karen:I do study a lot of consciousness and quantum physics, neuroscience,
Rev Karen:neurobiology philosophy
Rev Karen:I want to keep this simple to understand if the whole idea is new to you, I
Rev Karen:don't want to overwhelm you with ideas that are difficult to understand.
Rev Karen:If you don't have a background.
Rev Karen:My personal background, I started out my adult life, working in pharmacy
Rev Karen:and healthcare, working in hospitals.
Rev Karen:And I practically, never really left.
Rev Karen:I moved around a lot in what I did specifically, but it was always
Rev Karen:within the healthcare system and usually within pharmacy.
Rev Karen:I started as a pharmacy tech, but then I started teaching.
Rev Karen:I started doing some very specific.
Rev Karen:Program manager and project manager jobs.
Rev Karen:I went into pharmacy automation.
Rev Karen:I worked in pharmacy it so managing the pharmacy computer systems.
Rev Karen:So that was a lot of logical and scientific background work being
Rev Karen:in pharmacy and healthcare it, but at the same time, I also did
Rev Karen:other jobs and interest to spark my more spiritual and creative side.
Rev Karen:I've been an animal communicator for many years.
Rev Karen:I've done a lot of volunteer work with the animals, worked with the
Rev Karen:animal rights and also worked with people in transforming theirselves.
Rev Karen:Using spiritual practices and mindfulness techniques, all these kind of things
Rev Karen:to help with our personal connection.
Rev Karen:Now, many of you know, me as an animal communicator, I just want to.
Rev Karen:This podcast is not all about animals, but I am gonna talk about animals for a
Rev Karen:little bit because there is no escaping the fact we share the earth with animals,
Rev Karen:and I believe there's a reason for this, but I also really want to let make
Rev Karen:sure everyone realizes we are animals.
Rev Karen:I think people forget we're animals too.
Rev Karen:So anything that we see the animals do or anything we believe about animals?
Rev Karen:Let's remember.
Rev Karen:That's how it is with us too.
Rev Karen:We have different abilities.
Rev Karen:Obviously
Rev Karen:some of the self-reflection and way we think are different than the animals.
Rev Karen:But, at the end of the day, we are all animals and I believe that.
Rev Karen:The main problem we have in realizing that other non-human animals have
Rev Karen:the ability to feel things and to think things is because we
Rev Karen:don't understand their language.
Rev Karen:It's a language barrier.
Rev Karen:And I believe that's all it is.
Rev Karen:So I'm going to talk about all kinds of connection on this podcast.
Rev Karen:The connectedness of everything, not just life it might even be material things
Rev Karen:like the rock outside your door, or it might be the plant inside your house.
Rev Karen:It might be your career or your Homeland, your community, your body, your emotions.
Rev Karen:Your trauma.
Rev Karen:We have connections with all these.
Rev Karen:They all play a part in who we are and how we live life.
Rev Karen:We can't be separated from any of these, everything impacts us and we
Rev Karen:impact everything in our lives as well.
Rev Karen:Going back to me a little bit in my background, it wasn't until I had
Rev Karen:my first dog as an adult, since my childhood dog had died many, many years
Rev Karen:before that I started questioning my abilities with connecting with animals.
Rev Karen:My kids were teenagers, so I was well well into adulthood, right?
Rev Karen:I was old and my kids were teenagers and I would tell them things like,
Rev Karen:you know, buddy, our dog buddy wants you to let him outside.
Rev Karen:Buddy wants you to get him some water buddy wants this, but he wants that.
Rev Karen:I never thought anything about it until one day my daughter says to me,
Rev Karen:mom, how do you know what Buddy wants?
Rev Karen:and I was shocked because I thought to myself, how do you
Rev Karen:not know what Buddy wants?
Rev Karen:But it had explained a lot if no one else knew what Buddy wanted,
Rev Karen:no wonder they didn't help him.
Rev Karen:It really made me start wondering, well, I don't know,
Rev Karen:how do I know what Buddy wants?
Rev Karen:I just know, I don't know how I know at about the same time.
Rev Karen:I also started listening to a pet psychic on the radio.
Rev Karen:Now she's not around anymore, so you'll never be able to guess who she was, but.
Rev Karen:I would listen to her and sometimes I don't know why I continued listening
Rev Karen:to her because someone would call in, ask a question about their animal.
Rev Karen:She would answer them and I would just go what?
Rev Karen:That's not right.
Rev Karen:That's not right.
Rev Karen:I could do better than that.
Rev Karen:And I don't know why I thought I could do better than.
Rev Karen:I actually started asking myself, why do I think I could do better than that?
Rev Karen:Because she's the pet psychic, not me, but I know she's getting it wrong.
Rev Karen:so I started looking into it and I took an animal communication
Rev Karen:class and the rest is history.
Rev Karen:But I also realized not only could I communicate with the animals, but I also
Rev Karen:felt the animals and this is something a lot of people do with people and animals.
Rev Karen:It's called medical intuition.
Rev Karen:And it's about physically feeling how they feel or where they hurt, or if
Rev Karen:they have any discomfort anywhere.
Rev Karen:And it was one of the first indicators that I was in a connection with an animal
Rev Karen:that,, I was feeling something in my body that the animal had going on with them.
Rev Karen:After I started learning about it and looking back at my relationships
Rev Karen:with animals through my life, I realized it was more of just a.
Rev Karen:Daily connection, living with these animals, just like with your spouse,
Rev Karen:or your children, you know what they need, you know what they're thinking
Rev Karen:you just kind of live in harmony with each other without necessarily having
Rev Karen:to express your needs to each other.
Rev Karen:If we live like this within the entire world at large, we start to see.
Rev Karen:The balance, the harmony in life, we start to understand that the natural
Rev Karen:cycles are yes, sometimes it's good.
Rev Karen:And sometimes it's bad, sometimes it's good.
Rev Karen:And sometimes it's bad.
Rev Karen:Animals are not the only kind of connections I'm gonna talk
Rev Karen:about on this PA podcast though.
Rev Karen:I'm also going to talk about things like spiritual connectedness or emotional or
Rev Karen:physical, social professional connections.
Rev Karen:We are connected with so many other things in so many different ways
Rev Karen:that as I've said before, they all.
Rev Karen:Affect us and we affect them.
Rev Karen:So maybe, I don't know exactly how some of these connections show up in the world,
Rev Karen:but I can see the results of things or I can see the impact on other things.
Rev Karen:Let me just talk about, say twins for a minute.
Rev Karen:People.
Rev Karen:Most people are aware that there are special relationships between.
Rev Karen:Twins, even when they're not together that one can know what's going on with
Rev Karen:the other one at a distance, they can still feel something that going on or
Rev Karen:they can even communicate with them.
Rev Karen:I'm going to date myself, but there's probably a lot of
Rev Karen:you out there that remember.
Rev Karen:Telephone telepathy.
Rev Karen:So the telephone would ring.
Rev Karen:There was no caller ID.
Rev Karen:There was no special rings, but the telephone would ring.
Rev Karen:And we would know who was on the other end before we ever picked it up.
Rev Karen:I'm going to explain this later about how this happens.
Rev Karen:But there's something to the fact that you know, who is calling you
Rev Karen:without guessing, without saying, oh, I'm expecting a call from mom.
Rev Karen:That must be mom, no knowing who it was, having no idea that this
Rev Karen:person was going to be calling you.
Rev Karen:And then the thing that I call reverse telephone telepathy is
Rev Karen:the idea of bringing someone intentionally back into your life.
Rev Karen:And again, I'm gonna talk about this in a little bit, but accidentally.
Rev Karen:Running into someone in the store that you've been thinking about lately or
Rev Karen:talking about lately and you both saying, oh my God, I was just thinking of you.
Rev Karen:I've meant to be in contact with you.
Rev Karen:Let me ask you a question.
Rev Karen:Have you ever.
Rev Karen:Been out in public somewhere, or you don't even have to be in public, actually.
Rev Karen:It could happen in your living room where you have other people, but
Rev Karen:you are somewhere minding your own business and you get the feeling.
Rev Karen:Someone is staring at you,
Rev Karen:And I would say you're probably.
Rev Karen:Always right.
Rev Karen:Even if you don't see who the person is, but we can feel it
Rev Karen:when people are staring at us.
Rev Karen:Why do you suppose that is there's some kind of a connection there.
Rev Karen:There's something about a person focusing on you that your body,
Rev Karen:that energy in your body responds.
Rev Karen:This is all part of the interconnectedness with other people.
Rev Karen:And with life,
Rev Karen:the university of Geneva did some experiments with photons.
Rev Karen:Now I don't really know anything about photons, but I think it's amazing anyway.
Rev Karen:And I can't remember if it was a bonded pair of photons or they took
Rev Karen:one photon and split it two, but either way, they left one at point X and
Rev Karen:they moved the other one seven miles.
Rev Karen:So you have these two photons that are completely separate.
Rev Karen:They are not connected by any means.
Rev Karen:And they would apply a stimulus to the one at point to X.
Rev Karen:And the one that was seven miles away would respond.
Rev Karen:Now, I don't care what it is.
Rev Karen:What do you know can respond to a stimulus from seven miles away?
Rev Karen:There's a connection and it's the same way that I can talk to an animal
Rev Karen:that is 5,000 miles away from me.
Rev Karen:And yes I can.
Rev Karen:yes, I have.
Rev Karen:So there's lots of studies that go on.
Rev Karen:Lots of institutes are doing work, there's lots of quantum physics
Rev Karen:studies and there's the Institute.
Rev Karen:Of NOIC sciences and the heart math Institute, they do a lot
Rev Karen:of surveys and studies just exactly with this sort of thing.
Rev Karen:Heart math has shown that the electromagnetic field of the heart
Rev Karen:extends beyond the human body.
Rev Karen:So it goes outside of the human body.
Rev Karen:And in fact, So that's our energy field.
Rev Karen:Our energy field is not contained within our body.
Rev Karen:And even if you think about magnets, it doesn't stay contained within the
Rev Karen:magnet or the Earth's gravitational pole.
Rev Karen:It doesn't stay within the earth.
Rev Karen:Energy goes outside of ourselves and it extends beyond, and it's one of
Rev Karen:the ways we connect with each other.
Rev Karen:And it's one of the ways we connect with other things.
Rev Karen:These fields of energy allow connection, even if you don't understand it.
Rev Karen:And even if you don't know it's there, it still affects you.
Rev Karen:It totally affects you.
Rev Karen:Surely you've walked into a room and you could feel arguing or fighting in the
Rev Karen:room, or you walk past people on a street or in your workplace and you could feel.
Rev Karen:Something was going on there, We even have a saying.
Rev Karen:When you walk into a room where there's been an argument that we
Rev Karen:say the tension was so thick, you could cut it with a knife, right?
Rev Karen:but it goes both ways.
Rev Karen:You might also feel love.
Rev Karen:You might walk past a happy couple and feel joy and feel love from them.
Rev Karen:So this is just one example of how the energy between things between
Rev Karen:people, between animals can be felt.
Rev Karen:You don't have to know that it's there for it to affect you.
Rev Karen:You can walk through this energy field and be affected by it.
Rev Karen:You can be walking down the street and all of a sudden pass someone and start feeling
Rev Karen:happy or joyous for no reason at all.
Rev Karen:You get kind of mixed up in their energy field.
Rev Karen:So what I ultimately hope to inspire in people is that I want everyone
Rev Karen:to know a it's all going to be.
Rev Karen:and that they have hope.
Rev Karen:I want people to have hope that things can change and that it's all going to be okay.
Rev Karen:And we're going to look at how this is gonna happen through the lens of
Rev Karen:connectedness and through the lens of how we get connected back to our
Rev Karen:personal truth, our personal source, and how we can use that to our advantage.
Rev Karen:I want people to have faith in knowing that living in this connectedness
Rev Karen:intentionally helps you begin the discovery of the magic in life,
Rev Karen:and it opens you up to possibility.
Rev Karen:To begin to understand things that are there, but you don't
Rev Karen:even have to understand.
Rev Karen:It just opens you up to a greater sense of being, and to allow the magic
Rev Karen:and miracles to come into your life.
Rev Karen:There's always gonna be natural cycles of life.
Rev Karen:There's always gonna be ups and downs, as I've said before, if you're up right now.
Rev Karen:Just know that something might happen and you're not gonna be there forever,
Rev Karen:but also know if at your core, you know, everything's going to be okay.
Rev Karen:You're gonna manage through that time.
Rev Karen:Okay.
Rev Karen:Until you're in an up cycle again,
Rev Karen:knowing this ease and this bottom line, meaning and purpose and
Rev Karen:happiness in life, that's gonna get you through until everything.
Rev Karen:Is good again.
Rev Karen:And I want you to know this because I think everyone deserves to live better.
Rev Karen:I don't think people should have to struggle and you
Rev Karen:will hear about my struggle.
Rev Karen:I've been there and I think everyone deserves to live better.
Rev Karen:And then there's another very selfish reason.
Rev Karen:It's because I feel what goes on in the world.
Rev Karen:So the way that I feel what's wrong with the animals physically, I feel from
Rev Karen:other people as well, it's taken me 50 years to understand what I was feeling.
Rev Karen:I had no idea what was going on and it might make me a good animal
Rev Karen:communicator on the one hand.
Rev Karen:But on the other hand, When I'm in a room or a community or a country full
Rev Karen:of sad, depressed people suffering.
Rev Karen:It can drag me down.
Rev Karen:If I don't know how to manage my own energy.
Rev Karen:Some people call that this being an empath, whatever
Rev Karen:you call it, I don't care.
Rev Karen:it doesn't matter to me what it's called.
Rev Karen:And if you feel like that's true for you, sometimes I would encourage you to look
Rev Karen:into it because like I said, it took over 50 years for me to even figure that out.
Rev Karen:And once you figure it out, and once you understand that maybe that fear isn't
Rev Karen:yours, maybe that achy leg isn't yours.
Rev Karen:Actually, I had a friend say that she thought people go to the doctor for
Rev Karen:their spouse's problems all the time.
Rev Karen:And I think it's true.
Rev Karen:If you have a pet, you probably know that they pick up on your
Rev Karen:energy and it's true for people that what I said, we're animals.
Rev Karen:If it's true for your pets, it's true for us.
Rev Karen:We're people.
Rev Karen:I mean, we're animals . So if this might be you, I'm just gonna say
Rev Karen:Judith Orloff might be a good source to look at read one of her books.
Rev Karen:So that's my more selfish reason is that I want everyone to be uplifted
Rev Karen:so that I don't have to feel the pain
Rev Karen:if you are skeptical about feeling another person's pain or symptoms,
Rev Karen:Cove syndrome, Is a proven syndrome or phenomenon that men go through
Rev Karen:when their spouses are pregnant and they have the pregnancy symptoms.
Rev Karen:So this is something it might not be talked about a lot.
Rev Karen:It's not abnormal.
Rev Karen:It's something that.
Rev Karen:People have people feel other people, people feel other animals, animals
Rev Karen:feel other animals and animals definitely feel their people when
Rev Karen:they're living in the house from them.
Rev Karen:So you can pick up happiness and joy from someone, or you can pick up
Rev Karen:sadness and fear and anger from someone.
Rev Karen:And let me just point out if you're picking a happiness
Rev Karen:and joy from someone that's.
Rev Karen:, but that's not gonna last.
Rev Karen:You need to find your own bottom line, joy and happiness.
Rev Karen:And that's why we're here.
Rev Karen:I don't want you to get stuck in anyone else's emotions.
Rev Karen:I want you to have your own, live your own and know how to manage them.
Rev Karen:Having our own core joy is what's gonna anchor us and stabilize us.
Rev Karen:When we go through a bad time.
Rev Karen:So I'm going to give you an exercise, start you off, easy with, getting
Rev Karen:used to the connection around you.
Rev Karen:A simple little exercise.
Rev Karen:I talked about telephone telepathy briefly earlier, and I briefly talked about focus.
Rev Karen:So the reason, you know, who's calling on the phone or some of us do is because.
Rev Karen:That person is focusing on us.
Rev Karen:So if mom is calling you, mom is focusing on you and you're
Rev Karen:feeling that just like you feel it when someone is staring at you.
Rev Karen:So turn off the special ringers on your phone.
Rev Karen:Don't look at the caller ID, , start practicing, knowing who is at the other
Rev Karen:end of the phone when the phone rings or when you get a text or when you get an.
Rev Karen:It's not gonna happen right away if you start doing it
Rev Karen:today, you might guess, right.
Rev Karen:You, you might guess right tomorrow too, but eventually you're gonna
Rev Karen:get to a place where you start feeling like you actually know, and
Rev Karen:it's not so much a guessing game.
Rev Karen:Now don't aim for a hundred percent.
Rev Karen:No one gets it a hundred percent.
Rev Karen:Even the best psychics in the world, get it like 60, 65% of the time.
Rev Karen:but just start becoming aware of it because it's pretty
Rev Karen:cool when you get it right.
Rev Karen:When you know, you're not guessing and you're feeling like, you know, who the
Rev Karen:person is and the other exercise is what I call reverse telephone telepathy.
Rev Karen:So bring someone into your life that you miss that you have lost contact.
Rev Karen:That you would love to talk to again, someone that when you see them,
Rev Karen:you can say, God, I've missed you, or I've been thinking about you.
Rev Karen:I've been talking about you with, our mutual friend, start focusing on another
Rev Karen:person and see if they don't respond to that within the next week or month.
Rev Karen:How many times have you said, oh my gosh.
Rev Karen:I was just thinking of.
Rev Karen:Don't pick someone that owes you money or that you wanna
Rev Karen:tell off or anything like that.
Rev Karen:Pick someone that you love that is actually going to enjoy
Rev Karen:being in contact with you.
Rev Karen:The other thing is if you, when you start focusing on this person and it
Rev Karen:only has to be five minutes a day, just see yourself talking to them in your
Rev Karen:head, see yourself talking to them.
Rev Karen:See, if you notice little signs about that person, maybe a song you
Rev Karen:guys used to enjoy together, maybe a movie you saw together, maybe
Rev Karen:a place you used to go comes up.
Rev Karen:Things are gonna start coming up, which reinforce your connection
Rev Karen:with this person and will reinforce your connection with them as well.
Rev Karen:I understand if you think I'm crazy and that's okay.
Rev Karen:Because beginning to understand all this is going to.
Rev Karen:Help you manage through life a little bit.
Rev Karen:If you become aware and start to intentionally affect things
Rev Karen:in your life, we can't affect the situations we can affect.
Rev Karen:Only the way we respond to them.
Rev Karen:Only the way we react to 'em and how we decide to move forward from here.
Rev Karen:One of the things I'm talking about next season is shared death
Rev Karen:experiences, which are simply amazing.
Rev Karen:Simply amazing that there can be someone in Australia and when they're
Rev Karen:dying, the person in America is feeling it and sharing the experience
Rev Karen:as they walk toward the light.
Rev Karen:Amazing.
Rev Karen:That's all I can say.
Rev Karen:It kind of leaves me speechless, , but this connection is not limited
Rev Karen:by time or by space or by words.
Rev Karen:So go practice your telepathy or reverse telepathy exercises and get on
Rev Karen:Facebook and let me know how it goes.
Rev Karen:Or email me, contact me through my webpage, which is rev Karen podcast.com
Rev Karen:because I really wanna hear, I wanna have a conversation about it
Rev Karen:and everyone have a beautiful week.
Rev Karen:Bye-bye.
Rev Karen:If you enjoyed the show, don't forget to head over to rev.
Rev Karen:Karen podcast.com.
Rev Karen:That's R EV K a R E N.
Rev Karen:podcast.com.
Rev Karen:There you're gonna find the tools for finding more meaning
Rev Karen:and happiness in your own life.
Rev Karen:Plus, if you have a story that you want to share with me, either on or
Rev Karen:off the air, be sure to look for that.
Rev Karen:Make sure you follow me.
Rev Karen:So you get notified when new episodes drop and also I'd love to connect
Rev Karen:with you in my Facebook group, connectedness with rev, Karen.
Rev Karen:So head over to rev Karen podcast.com.