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How Dream Managers Transform Organizations with Mattie Riley, Employee Engagement Coordinator at Lighthouse Behavioral Wellness Centers
Episode 3612th September 2023 • Lead with Culture • Kate Volman
00:00:00 00:27:01

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“Helping people live their dreams is the best job.”

In this episode, we dive into the extraordinary role of a Dream Manager with guest Mattie Riley. Mattie shares her experiences and insights as a certified Dream Manager at Lighthouse Behavioral Wellness Centers, where she helps team members achieve their dreams and build a culture of passion and excitement.

With practical tips and real-life examples, this episode provides valuable inspiration for business leaders who want to empower their teams and see measurable results. Join us as we explore the power of dreaming and creating a culture where everyone thrives.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  1. By providing support and holding individuals accountable, they are more likely to take action towards their goals. Incorporate systems to track progress and provide encouragement along the way.
  2. The use of tools like the rhythm of life scorecard can help team members become more self-aware and understand how different aspects of their lives are interconnected. By encouraging regular reflection, individuals can make more informed decisions and better understand their own needs and goals.
  3. The impact of the Dream Manager program extended beyond the workplace. Encourage team members to share their experiences and learnings with family and friends, creating a ripple effect of dreaming and positive change in their personal lives as well.

Things to listen for:

[02:26] What’s surprising about being a Dream Manager

[05:41] Understanding the Rhythm of Life scorecard

[08:54] How others have achieved their dreams through the program

[10:04] Why the program accelerates dream attainment

[12:09] What dreams can do for people’s confidence

[13:56] What the Dream Manager certification program is like

[19:25] Advice for people considering becoming a Dream Manager

[20:03] The effect of dream storms

[22:32] Overcoming tragedies through the Dream Manager program


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Team members that are really doing incredible things, in the work that they get to do over there with helping so many people in so many different locations.

So we hope you enjoy this episode. Mattie, I'm so excited for this conversation. Thank you so much for joining us today.








so we got to hear a little bit about her experience in leadership and coaching and some of the things that she's been doing. And then she said, Hey, you should. Chat with Mattie because she is our certified dream manager and really get all the inside scoop on the program and how you've been rolling it out and just the impact that it's had on your organization so far.

So why don't we start out with how has your experience been being a dream manager?


And then, Jessica said, Hey, I want you to, try this. I said, okay, and I did the training, went through everything, had a dream manager myself, Michelle. Amazing. and then, This is exactly what I wanna do. I wanna help people and I feel like I am helping people in the way that, I'm pouring into the employees and they're pouring into, people in our community.

And so I'm still getting to help and I'm getting to help people become the best version of themselves. And I say that a lot, from the book, and getting to help people live their dreams is the best



how many

of, those are you currently working with in the program?


making the time and everyone's schedules to introduce it. So we're really excited for the future and, what the Dream Manager program's


bring here at




After that it just starts flowing and you start, Thinking of your dreams more often. And so that was one of the first things how uncomfortable it can be to dream at first. and then it becomes a whole mindset. And then the other thing was through this program, how important accountability is.

I have had multiple people who, have wanted to do these things and quite literally all they needed was for someone to sit there and say, okay, let's do it. and they have absolutely taken off within the first three months of the program. it's just absolutely



They actually have someone encouraging them and they have someone that, Hey, your dreamers do not wanna come to a session with you, Mattie, and say, I didn't do the things I said I was going to do.

I was the same way with my dream coach. I'm like, I can't let her down. and it's not necessarily, just knowing that they're gonna have someone say, Hey, did you do this? Or, let's look at your homework.





whether you're at work, whether you are at home, wherever you're at, The pride that you have of, Hey, I've done this. and just the positivity, the encouragement of encouraging other people to dream and, people coming in your office and saying, Hey, I'm really thinking about doing this.

Okay, what can I do to help? honestly the positivity throughout this program is just,




you're not just doing this for yourself, you're doing this to be the best version of you for your family, for your coworkers, for your consumers, for everyone around




What's going on in their day, why they're feeling that way. and so I think that's just a really cool part of this program that is something so small that makes such

a difference.


They're talking to their friends, and then they get to ask the question and their friends are saying that shock value of wait a second, what're doing over there at work, that you're coming back asking me about my dreams.




the Dream Manager is probably, the biggest part of my job. it takes up about two weeks of my month because I do travel to our locations and we are in nine different counties. Between prepping and driving and then the appointments and all of those things. But there are smaller things that I do on the side.

it all revolves around employee engagement, asking them how they're doing and learning their names and how are your kids today? it all ties



leaving because they just don't feel appreciated. They feel like they're just a number. So it sounds like you're really responsible for that appreciation piece, but also now really feeding in and coaching them through Dream Manager.


How are you doing today? Or What's been going on today? You're more so doing that for the other people. So when I first come in and I do the bio form and I'm like, I'm going to ask you something that you probably haven't been asked in a while. Tell me about yourself. getting to talk about yourself and become the best version of yourself is so vital and just absolutely life changing.


so far?


usually whenever you break it down, it's a lot easier than it looks. we have a couple people who have renovated their houses and, them and their family have talked about it for years and years.

But us sitting down, starting that plan, they've already accomplished it within, six months or so. we had another one who wanted to travel, but she wanted to do it by herself. didn't have a passport at the time or anything like that. Within eight months, she said, I haven't told a lot of people this, but I am going to Mexico by myself next week.

She already got her passport, which was part of our plan. she had already booked the trip. She did everything by herself, had a blast. And so that's something, because, you know, that pulls in a lot of different areas. You got the financial, emotional, of course, physical things, it just puts it all together.

And that was. huge for her, and that's huge for anybody. And so things like you'll never forget, have been

some of the ones that have

stuck out to



it's just mind boggling sometimes

that's part of the program. That's part of what Matthew, when he, developed the curriculum, it was supposed to be very simple for people. let's get out of our head and actually taking charge of our lives.


you take that out. You can't say that you didn't have time to do this because. you had an hour throughout the month that we have, taken you off the clock or kept you on the clock, but, separated that from your work and gave you a time to do that.

So you can't necessarily say that. And that has been a huge one for me because I'm like, I can't say I didn't have time for it. 'cause I did, I


didn't do it.


We like to blame other people for why we haven't achieved the things that we wanna

achieve. this is why coaching makes such an impact. so that woman, let's just use her as an example.

Talked about it, made it happen, and now she got to take her trip. Think about how much that empowers someone. On the personal side and then how much they're like, I can achieve more at work. some of the things that we've been talking about that I might be talking myself out of like, it's too hard or I can't get that promotion.

Or who am I to speak up in a meeting and have this idea, these are all things that we wanna be able to pull out of our people. So how have you seen the confidence grow


some of your dreamers?


nine times outta 10, if they've completed one of their, 12 month dreams. They've probably already been working on their one to five year. I mean, I have people who have three knocked out already, and they've only been in the program for nine months. they just, started doing it and then it just became, oh, well this was easy.

I can do this. Why wait until next year to do that? Let's just do it now. And so, the confidence plays a huge role in





paying off cars, being debt free. And one thing that here at Lighthouse that we try to do is through each of these areas, we have an outlet for you. we do some with Smart Dollar, we have a corporate wellness program, we try to give them the tools to also work on that.

through that, the financial and the health have been probably, Two of the biggest in the one to five year. Because, if you wanna lose 40 to 50 pounds, you probably shouldn't do that in 12 months. And so just seeing them get so close, we're only one year in and they've already reached 75% of their one to five year.

we have another one. Probably about a month ago that is now debt free. And that's a huge thing to say and to be able to do.


big dream

so you come to certification. How was your experience in certification?


It was unlike any certification, any training, anything like that I've ever been to. It was so interactive I truly learned so much from it. And I think that was probably the moment, that I was like,

this is gonna change



Is there. One key thing that happened in certification that really pops out in your mind that sticks with you?


Whenever you get done with that chapter, you're gonna feel so motivated. And it's gonna sound so easy and simple yet challenging. But doable.


so you got certified. Talk a little bit about how long it took you to go from certification to actually implementing the program and what that looked



And then the ball just got rolling. we were planning dream storms. I actually just did a dream storm today. what we do with that is we invite everyone from our clinic to come to that and they, do the dream storm. They get to keep their notebooks, and then if they're interested in doing the program after that's when they sign up for it.

I'm big about planting seeds, so even if right now is not the time for you to make this one year commitment, they're going back to the office or they're going home thinking about their dreams. there might be a time in the next couple years when they're like, Hey Mattie, I'm ready to do this that's great.

But if not, at least we got 'em thinking about their dreams. we planted that seed and I think that's what we're called to do. And so,the ball is still rolling. We are still rolling it out. We're trying to get it rolled out in each of our clinics.

And,that's kind of the process from the transition I don't think the momentum has slowed down because this program is so hard to slow down. it just keeps you so encouraged and every day being able to help someone. gives you that food you need to keep doing it.



You gotta make it your own. I'm very task oriented. Let's do this, and this. And this has really made me, start to get more creative and, okay, how do you wanna approach this? And I feel like it had nothing to do with the, tools that they gave us. 'cause I feel like they gave us plenty.

But I think that's part of the program once you do that first implementation,you're good. you just have to get out there and do it. sometimes it can be a difficult program to explain

There is no words to explain the way you feel whenever you start to accomplish these dreams it's, Unexplainable in a good way,


people that wanna be healthy or more fit. They wanna go on vacations, they wanna spend more time with their family. They want to, be financially free. There's things that we can't control in life and things that we can, I think often we focus on the things that we can't instead of things that we can.

And so as a dream manager, you're constantly bringing people back even when Dreamers will sometimes talk about all the reasons why it didn't work or it's not gonna work or I can't do it. The dream manager's role is to say, what can you do?





not just that they're achieving their dreams, they're approaching their life differently

personally and professionally, when you get to be the person that does that, like you said, this is the best job in the world.

who wouldn't want that?





It has changed so many other people's lives. just give it a shot. what do you have to lose?


I love that you talked about the momentum. It just doesn't stop. once you open that can of worms and start talking about dreaming, then that's what people wanna focus on. And that's what people wanna talk about too.

Have you seen that among the team members? Are they talking to each other about their



I've been hearing so much about this and especially, doing the dream storms in one office at a time. Whenever they leave there and they go back to the office. they're talking about that. And so,just keeping that energy there I think is so important.

yes, we are having a lot of, well, so and so said that they just, bought a car or bought their first home, and that this program's really helped 'em. can I try it? I'm like, sure, absolutely. I'm never gonna tell anybody.




I thought, now's the time. And I'm enjoying it so much and I'm so glad that I just did it. another one was reading the entire Bible. I've always wanted to do that. I was already doing it before this program, but, that helped with that accountability, that momentum, and keeping that, a priority, And so those are, two things that I'm. Proud of and excited about, and Ican't even explain all the dreams that I've, seen people achieve. So they're all so



yes. these are the dreams. Amazing.

A lot of times so many people. Have a challenging time putting some of the dreams on the creative category. And that's what those things are. It's like photography or dancing or singing or some of those creative pursuits that we feel like, this is kind of a waste of time.

I have so many other things to do. And so to make the time to do that, is incredible. So.I'm so glad you're doing that for yourself. That is amazing. is there anything else that we need to know about Dream Manager or Lighthouse that you really wanna share with anybody that might be listening?


it builds so much in you and so much confidence learning your capabilities that you never know When you're going to need that confidence, when you're going to need that understanding of yourself. I don't feel like you can ever know yourself too well.

not just the material dreams of buying the car and things like that, but growing her relationship with God. then all this stuff happening. she was so thankful for this program, and I think that is just one that will always stick out to me.

And it's not, one of those that, you can necessarily measure, with, saying this dream was achieved, that dream was achieved, but this truly changed her life and helped her, get through a lot of tough times.


So we might as well prepare before it happens.


exactly right.


Mattie, thank you so much for chatting today. I know that, the listeners got a lot out of it because. It was just a fun conversation about certification and thank you for sharing some of the successes and dreams achieved.

So hopefully people are leaving this episode, adding some dreams to their list.


Thank you guys so much for having me and for this program.

it was an honor.

Thank you



And there you have it. I absolutely love talking to our dream managers. I hope you enjoy hearing the stories that each of them shares. And obviously Mattie is doing an incredible job over there and really encouraging. their team members to dream again. it's interesting how we hear from so many of our dream managers that one of the surprising things that they've recognized when they roll the program out is how many people have stopped dreaming.

And so as a dream manager, that is what we get to do is to. Help people dream again. And when people are dreaming in their personal lives and they're achieving all of those goals in their personal lives, then they're gonna start to show up differently at work and start to achieve their professional dreams in a much different way as well, which obviously helps the entire organization.

So this was a really fun conversation. I hope that you got a lot out of it. I hope that you also, took some notes if you are considering. Becoming a dream manager or implementing the program, there are a lot of different ways that you can roll out the program and how you can leverage it. And if you have a full-time dream manager or you have somebody that's doing it along with some of the work that they're doing, whether they are a culture advocate in some other way or employee engagement.

whatever the role that they're in. We do have people that, for some it is their full-time role being a dream manager. And for others they are the director of hr and it's just a part of the role that they play. And so there's lots of different ways to roll the program out, and that is what we.

Get to help you discover when you come to Dream Manager Certification. So if you are interested in learning about the certification and how you can start rolling that program out to really transform your people, transform your culture, and achieve your dreams in your business, we would love to talk to you.

So you can just go to the dream, check that out, and then one of our incredible coaches will reach out to you to have that conversation. Thank you so much for listening. We hope you enjoyed this episode and until next time, lead with culture.





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