Stacy and Brenda talk with Joel Bennett, author and President of Organizational Wellness & Learning Systems of what true spirituality is, and living it vs talking about it.
We discuss:
- How we can build relationships and investigate together
- What is the relationship between time and intimacy?
- Tuning into synchronicities
- Opening up to different forms of time
- Why does the planet's future depend on having a revised language for time?
- Soulful Capacities: Acceptance, Presence, Flow, and Synchronicity
- Cultivating our soul
- How can we begin to shift the consciousness of our constructed idea of time?
- What role does time play with addiction?
- Patterns showing up in relationship and doing deep soul work
- How his work is supporting the bigger picture of healing the world and what their Macrovision is for the work that he does
Joel Bennett, Ph.D., is President of Organizational Wellness & Learning Systems (OWLS), a consulting firm specializing in evidence-based wellness technologies to promote organizational health and employee well-being. Dr. Bennett first delivered stress management programming in 1985, and OWLS programs have since reached nearly 250,000 workers across the United States and abroad, including training over 1,000 facilitators and coaches. He is a primary developer of “Team Awareness” and “Team Resilience,” evidence-based culture of health programs recognized by the U.S. Dept. of Health and Surgeon General as effective in reducing employee behavioral risks. In 2022, Dr. Bennett was acknowledged with the "Lifetime Achievement Award" from the National Wellness Institute and, internationally, with the "Positive Leadership Award" from the Positive Leadership Institute. Dr. Bennett has authored/co-authored seven books, including "Raw Coping Power," "Heart-Centered Leadership," and "Your Best Self at Work,"
Joel Bennett's links:
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This episode was edited by Chelsea Weaver