How to Build a Home that will Stick A(round) with Steve Linton
Episode 4420th July 2022 • Construction Disruption • Isaiah Industries
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Climate change is at our doorstep, and it cannot be ignored. As natural disasters increase in frequency and temperatures climb, this global issue affects all industries, but the construction industry especially. People are more conscious of their homes and want them to last for future generations. The homes we’ve been building won’t stand up against what’s to come.


President of Deltec Homes, Steve Linton joins us today to discuss how Deltec is building environmentally friendly homes resistant to today’s rapidly changing weather patterns. Deltec is passionate about creating innovative technology while protecting people and the planet.


These homes are not only resilient and fortified, but feature a unique round design. A Deltec home is tough like a bunker but comfortable like a modern nest. They create 80% less waste during the building process too!

Listen in for an enlightening conversation on the future of building homes.


Topics discussed in this episode:

  • How Deltec builds environmentally friendly homes
  • Innovation in sustainable building
  • How Deltec is changing the way the world builds
  • Are people interested in fortified homes?
  • Importance of resilience
  • What makes Deltec special
  • Deltec corporate culture
  • The process of building a Deltec home
  • Advancements in building and construction 
  • Advice for people getting started in the sustainable home industry


Visit for more information on building environmentally friendly homes!


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Steve Linton:

The thing that we're most focused on right now is this idea that

Steve Linton:

And so the question that we keep coming back to is what is the home of our

Steve Linton:

And how do we build it in a way that's gonna benefit future generations?

Todd Miller:

Welcome to the Construction Disruption podcast, where we uncover

Todd Miller:

I'm Todd Miller of Isaiah Industries, manufacturer of specialty metal

Todd Miller:

And today my co-host is Seth Heckaman, also of Isaiah Industries.

Todd Miller:

Our goal here at Construction Disruption is to provide timely and forward-looking

Todd Miller:

As part of that, we look at new innovations as well as trends in the

Todd Miller:

Basically our goal is to learn of new and emerging things that are going to shape

Todd Miller:

Then go out and find an expert in that area to be spotlighted as a guest on the show.

Todd Miller:

So, Seth, I have a couple questions for you.

Todd Miller:

Three questions, actually.

Seth Heckaman:

All right.

Todd Miller:

Is that okay, to start with some questions?

Todd Miller:


Todd Miller:

What do a tick and the Eiffel tower have in common?

Seth Heckaman:

No idea.

Todd Miller:

They are both parasites, Paris sites.

Todd Miller:


Todd Miller:


Seth Heckaman:


Seth Heckaman:

Badum tis.

Todd Miller:

Don't worry, they get worse.

Todd Miller:

what do you call a poor Santa Clause?

Seth Heckaman:

I'm at a loss

Todd Miller:

At a loss, I'm stumping you.

Todd Miller:

Saint nickel-less.

Seth Heckaman:

There you.

Todd Miller:

Told you they got worse.

Todd Miller:

Okay, last one.

Todd Miller:

Why don't eggs tell jokes?

Seth Heckaman:

Because it cracks them up.

Todd Miller:

You're right.

Seth Heckaman:

I got that one.

Todd Miller:

One out of three is not bad.

Seth Heckaman:

Good dad jokes.

Seth Heckaman:

It's been a while.

Seth Heckaman:

Thank you.

Todd Miller:


Todd Miller:

You can go home and tell your girls those.

Todd Miller:

Well, thank you.

Todd Miller:

Um, and thank you for tuning into here to Construction Disruption.

Todd Miller:

Um, always enjoy these episodes.

Todd Miller:

Uh, today we are talking with a longtime partner of ours here at Isaiah Industries,

Todd Miller:

North Carolina, Deltec Homes describes themselves as a home design company

Todd Miller:

Their vision is truly to change the way the world builds.

Todd Miller:

Known for working with customers to design their very unique and

Todd Miller:

They've also branched out in recent years, uh, to non-round designs with their

Todd Miller:

Uh, Deltec of course, uh, with everything they do places strong

Todd Miller:

Steve, welcome to Construction Disruption.

Todd Miller:

Truly a pleasure to have you as our guest today.

Steve Linton:

Thanks, Todd.

Steve Linton:

Thanks Seth, that's, uh, it's great to be here and thanks

Todd Miller:

Well, we appreciate and looking forward to this conversation.

Todd Miller:

So I wanna really dig into the way in which you folks are designing homes that

Todd Miller:

Um, and I wanna look deeper into that, but can you first give our

Steve Linton:

Sure, be happy to.

Steve Linton:

So Deltec started in 1968 and as you mentioned, we're based out

Steve Linton:

Uh, they're in all 50 states and in almost 30 countries.

Steve Linton:

We've built over 5,000 homes, uh, since our inception.

Steve Linton:

And like you said, our, our big dream, our vision is to change the way the world builds.

Steve Linton:

And we see that in three particular ways just to give the, the listeners an understanding

Steve Linton:

First is resisting hurricanes and natural disasters.

Steve Linton:

So we're creating these panoramic homes, these circular homes that are intentionally

Steve Linton:

Second, is really about providing exceptional sustainability.

Steve Linton:

Uh, how do we have a positive effect on the planet?

Steve Linton:

How do we expand how we think about sustainability to be, uh, what I think

Steve Linton:

And then the third thing that a Deltec Homes does, that's really special, is it

Steve Linton:

You really have to get inside of one of these homes, but you know, often say in a

Steve Linton:

You get this connection to the outdoors that is unique and,

Steve Linton:

And a lot of people build our homes in beautiful places.

Steve Linton:

Say on a coastline where there are hurricanes, you know, you

Steve Linton:

You could, but living in Deltec sort of gives you that connection to the outdoors

Steve Linton:

And, um, so yeah, that's who we are and, um, yeah, looking forward to, to sharing more.

Todd Miller:

Wow, I love that.

Todd Miller:

What was that?

Todd Miller:

You said nature is your wallpaper.

Todd Miller:

Is that what you said?

Todd Miller:

That is a fantastic, uh, line.

Todd Miller:

And does, uh, very descriptive of what you folks do.

Todd Miller:

Um, so Steve, I know that you have been with Deltec for about 15 years, and

Todd Miller:

And I think a lot of what you did at that time was you really brought to

Todd Miller:

Um, it seemed like I, I really saw that shift, uh, with your presence.

Todd Miller:

Um, tell us about some of the ways in which you folks do, uh, ensure that

Steve Linton:

Yeah, that's a great question.

Steve Linton:

We really, since our inception have always had customers highly interested in

Steve Linton:

And when I came on in 2007, it was to provide really additional expertise and,

Steve Linton:

And so there are really sort of three directions that, that we took it.

Steve Linton:

One was, you know, what services can we provide to coach people through

Steve Linton:

But, you know, how can we help them with creating the best details for, um, for

Steve Linton:

So that was sort of one aspect.

Steve Linton:

Then there was the, the product side.

Steve Linton:

And so we spent a lot of time and we still do innovating the product, you know,

Steve Linton:

our energy wall, where we have gaskets between the pieces, which is pretty unique

Steve Linton:

You know, looking at how do we design a passive solar home that takes advantage

Steve Linton:

Really, how do we get that building envelope to be as efficient as possible?

Steve Linton:

And then we can look to renewable energy sources and other technologies

Steve Linton:

So that's the product side.

Steve Linton:

And then the third piece was, the sort of process or the, the manufacturing side.

Steve Linton:

So we're an offsite manufacturer of, of homes.

Steve Linton:

And how can we build a green home in a green way?

Steve Linton:

So our, so our facility here is powered by a hundred percent renewable energy.

Steve Linton:

We have a giant solar array that we put in at 2007.

Steve Linton:

Um, just after I started, we really try hard to manage waste.

Steve Linton:

So we have about 80% less waste that goes into our home than a typical home.

Steve Linton:

So, you know, those are kind of the, the things that we tackled when I

Steve Linton:

I think the other thing that's just interesting to point out that people

Steve Linton:

panoramic home as we often call it, there's this really cool thing that happens with

Steve Linton:

So it's actually, it's nature's most efficient shape.

Steve Linton:

There is not as much external area in contact with the outdoors

Steve Linton:

And so, for any engineers in the crowd or, or people who love geometry,

Steve Linton:

So with less surface area, you have less heat transfer.

Steve Linton:

And so right off the bat between 15 and 20% less heat loss is gonna

Steve Linton:

And our homeowners have seen that all along.

Steve Linton:

You know, they tell us how inexpensive it is to operate a Deltec.

Steve Linton:

And part of that just goes right back to the shape.

Steve Linton:

Uh, obviously in addition to that, we do lots of enhancements that I mention.

Todd Miller:

Very interesting.

Todd Miller:

Um, and I remember once before you telling me about that 80% less waste, uh, compared to

Todd Miller:

And, um, I think something that folks oftentimes don't even think about.

Todd Miller:

So I, I think that's, uh, that's a very interesting fact.

Todd Miller:

You know, one of the things I think about when I think of you folks is a lot of the

Todd Miller:

from a very, very high-end, custom-designed, custom-built home and, and they would have

Todd Miller:

And instead you folks are bringing it all together in a predesigned

Todd Miller:

And, uh, is that, so when you talk about changing the way the world builds, it,

Todd Miller:

Does that mean partly these things, you know, being able to incorporate them intoa

Steve Linton:

That's definitely a big part of it.

Steve Linton:

You know, it's hard to imagine a future a hundred years from now

Steve Linton:

And, you know, as I'm sure all of the listeners would understand.

Steve Linton:

We're pretty much building homes the way we did a hundred, two

Steve Linton:

There really haven't been a lot of changes when you look at the big picture.

Steve Linton:

And so, you know, we're starting to see all kinds of interesting solutions to, yeah.

Steve Linton:

How can we get to the level of advanced manufacturing that we see

Steve Linton:

You know, the phones in our pockets, our cars, all those things are

Steve Linton:

It just doesn't make sense.

Steve Linton:

And so that's one of the ways that, that we're out there seeking to

Steve Linton:

Yeah, let's, let's build this stuff in a facility that's, you know, conditioned

Steve Linton:

gets put together much more quickly and it's out of the elements and it's

Steve Linton:

So that's definitely a big, a big piece for sure.

Steve Linton:

Todd of, of what we're doing.

Todd Miller:

Good stuff.

Todd Miller:

Well, I wanna talk a little bit about resiliency and sustainability of your homes.

Todd Miller:

And I know, you know, I certainly have seen on your website and maybe

Todd Miller:

you know, where your homes and Deltec homes have survived, uh, hurricanes

Todd Miller:

Um, are you finding that as we look at changing weather patterns, um, is

Todd Miller:

Um, is it something they're asking you for?

Steve Linton:

Without a doubt.

Steve Linton:

I think people are, you know, experiencing, uh, how the world is changing and

Steve Linton:

And so that's kind of the mindset that we all have to take is, you know,

Steve Linton:

And so that idea of resiliency is absolutely essential when you start to

Steve Linton:

know, back to what you asked last, uh, about changing the way the world builds

Steve Linton:

You know, we have to get away from just building a house in a way that's not designed

Steve Linton:

So yeah, the way that we approach that, we have a lot of homes

Steve Linton:

We have an amazing track record, uh, you know, 99.9% of all of our homes over our

Steve Linton:

And so year after year, storm after storm, the Deltec are the homes that are left

Steve Linton:

a lot of homeowners have, um, went through all these storms have been the beneficiary

Steve Linton:

And that drives a lot of interest in what we do.

Steve Linton:

And, um, so yeah, that's, without a doubt, you know what we're seeing

Steve Linton:

But it's more intense storms.

Steve Linton:

That's really where the, where the science is pointing.

Steve Linton:

And so what does that look like when we have a storm that's 200

Steve Linton:

And that's really, what's driving our innovation at this moment right now.

Seth Heckaman:

Are you finding more, uh, and more of your customers are being

Seth Heckaman:

fortified home program certification for instance, or some of these other sort

Seth Heckaman:

Are you, are you seeing those initiatives driving, uh, demand for Deltec and,

Steve Linton:

Yeah, I think so.

Steve Linton:

You know, people, when they come to Deltec, they, they see a higher standard, right?

Steve Linton:

Whether that's in sustainability or resiliency and you know, it's really,

Steve Linton:

And right off the shelf, our home, you know, is gonna put them into a, a home that can

Steve Linton:

And you know, similar things can be said about the sustainability aspect.

Steve Linton:

So yeah, you're, you're already many steps ahead when, when you work with Deltec.

Todd Miller:

You know, as I, as I think about that, I mean, Seth kind of alluded

Todd Miller:

know, have resiliency and sustainability, but the other side of that coin is I think,

Todd Miller:

I think that homeowners are increasingly concerned about the aesthetics of the

Todd Miller:

And they're seeing them more and more as a reflection of themselves, or maybe they're

Todd Miller:

Um, Really a person only has to go to your website and see the incredibly, um, fresh

Todd Miller:

Um, just kind of curious when someone steps into a Deltec home for the

Steve Linton:

One of my favorite experiences, Todd is when I walk into a Deltec with

Steve Linton:

And just the almost, most often, honestly is the speechless response.

Steve Linton:

Like I, you know, you, you really can't comprehend what it feels like to be in a

Steve Linton:

So it's, um, it's generally either wow with the wide eyes or a speechless response.

Steve Linton:

And you know, what, what I think is interesting is we all have gotten

Steve Linton:

outside in, you know, what, what does our home look like from the driveway or

Steve Linton:

And every home has that, um, sort of aesthetic and they're

Steve Linton:

It's really only a Deltec that can be viewed from the inside out.

Steve Linton:

And that's kind of what makes it special.

Steve Linton:

So when you get inside the home, you really feel like you're living outside, but you're

Steve Linton:

And that's what always strikes people.

Steve Linton:

Um, as what's most, you know, magical about the experience and, you know, I think about.

Steve Linton:

You know, architecture and how it creates situations that

Steve Linton:

And, you know, really at the end of the day, we, we become different

Steve Linton:

And what, what I find fascinating is talking to homeowners who live in a Deltec, describe

Steve Linton:

I don't wanna overstate it, you know, but in some ways has changed their life.

Steve Linton:


Steve Linton:

It's changed their view of the world.

Steve Linton:

And so that great design really helps us all kind of strive for

Steve Linton:

And it's a really cool concept that I think isn't talked about a whole lot, cuz it's

Todd Miller:

Well and it makes every bit of sense.

Todd Miller:

I mean, so many of your customers are building in very beautiful

Todd Miller:

Um, just these beautiful locations.

Todd Miller:

So it makes every bit of sense to have a home that brings the outside in,

Todd Miller:

Just, uh, just as you get, when you go out and stand in your yard and look at the

Seth Heckaman:

For those that are interested, you have a couple of show

Seth Heckaman:

Uh, that they can come and see, and at least one with a beautiful metal

Steve Linton:

We do, yes.

Steve Linton:

And, um, you know, we have homeowners across the country who open their doors

Steve Linton:

know, so if you're not anywhere close to Asheville, uh, we can still often

Todd Miller:

Well, and, and Seth led into this perfectly.

Todd Miller:

Um, you know, as I had mentioned earlier, our companies have had a

Todd Miller:

And one of the things that's always struck me about Deltec is you folks are very focused

Todd Miller:

I'm, I'm just kind of curious, how would you describe, um, your corporate culture

Steve Linton:

Yeah, great question.

Steve Linton:

We, we describe our culture as one of caring craftspeople.

Steve Linton:

And you, you know, you sort of already brought some of that out in your observations

Steve Linton:

and that sort of creates a, you know, really special environment where people come to

Steve Linton:

Um, the way that we think about our homeowners is they're at

Steve Linton:

And so we're constantly asking the question, what does the homeowner want?

Steve Linton:

How are they gonna experience this and how can we support them?

Steve Linton:

And so an example of something that we did a few years ago is sort

Steve Linton:

So rather than being handed off from one department to the next, we now have

Steve Linton:

And so that's just one example of what you're talking about, which,

Steve Linton:

And so that's, that's a great part of, uh, I think what both of us are able to do.

Steve Linton:


Todd Miller:

That's good stuff.

Todd Miller:

And that definitely separates, uh, uh, the great companies in a, in a lot of aspects.

Todd Miller:

So good.

Todd Miller:

Um, so I'm kind of curious, can you kind of talk us through the process of receiving and

Todd Miller:

What does that look like for your customers and who are the local trades

Steve Linton:

For folks who build a Deltec in the Southeast, we have

Steve Linton:

And so that's sort of one pathway that, that often happens.

Steve Linton:

But as I mentioned, we have homes go around the world.

Steve Linton:

And so for someone in California, for example, they're gonna have, you know, a

Steve Linton:

And so we can send one individual person out there to work with

Steve Linton:

Honestly, this thing goes together really quite simply.

Steve Linton:

Uh, we've perfected it over many years, but the process is yeah, gets unloaded

Steve Linton:

And the, all of the pieces are gonna be, you know, assembled almost in a, in a

Steve Linton:

Um, you know, you put the floor system in and, uh, wall panels that

Steve Linton:

So the wall panels would go in kind of around the circle.

Steve Linton:

Um, and then the roof system goes on and all the, you know, trusses are

Steve Linton:

So oftentimes it's about a week from start to finish where that home is dried in, which

Todd Miller:

Yeah, that's amazing in terms of speed, to be able to do that.

Todd Miller:

And what, what do the, what is the size range of homes that, uh, you folks provide?

Steve Linton:

So it's almost across the board.

Steve Linton:

We, we have a model that is 300 square feet is our smallest.

Steve Linton:

That would be an eight sided, um, structure.

Steve Linton:

We go up to 22 sides, which is 2,500 square feet on a single level.

Steve Linton:

But what's unique about the, the Deltec panoramic homes is you can sort of craft

Steve Linton:

So you could go multiple stories.

Steve Linton:

You could connect multiple structures.

Steve Linton:

So we've had people do 10,000 square feet and we've had people do 300 square feet.

Steve Linton:

You know, most of the time it's 1500 to 2,500 square feet is kind of the, the sweet

Steve Linton:

And, um, we've got tons of options in between those ranges and, um, yeah.

Todd Miller:

So you talked about that speed of assembling and

Todd Miller:

I I'm just curious.

Todd Miller:

I mean, with the labor shortage and everything going on, is, is that something

Todd Miller:

with more that you can do in the plant, um, and then less on the job site, or do

Steve Linton:

No, we're always asking that question and sometimes it's the little

Steve Linton:

Or like you said, there's, uh, you know, the labor market is so challenging now

Steve Linton:

And so, um, just had a conversation about some ideas with our plant manager yesterday.

Steve Linton:

So yeah, it's a very common topic of, of discussion something we're

Todd Miller:


Todd Miller:

Well, I know, and we've got a meeting coming up here in a couple weeks where we've invited

Todd Miller:

And what does that mean?

Todd Miller:

As far as the application of our products as well.

Todd Miller:

I'm, I'm kind of curious a little bit, you know, we're seeing homes being built so

Todd Miller:

Is that something your customers are asking for?

Todd Miller:

Or a lot of times, because someone's going, you know, building out in

Steve Linton:

Yeah, that's an interesting question.

Steve Linton:

I think you nailed it there.

Steve Linton:

It's it's actually both.

Steve Linton:

I see some homes that are highly tech-forward and some that are intentionally not

Steve Linton:

And, you know, an example that comes to my mind, one of the, the model homes

Steve Linton:

There's no TV in the whole, you know, sort of living side of the home, but

Steve Linton:

drop down if you wanna watch TV, but it doesn't take away from the experience

Steve Linton:

So I'll see people do things like that as well, where they're trying to kind

Todd Miller:

Hmm, makes a lot of sense.

Todd Miller:

Is there anything that, you know, you are seeing out there as far as

Todd Miller:

construction or, um, things that you think are going to become trends or

Todd Miller:

You know, further that we can go more that we can do.

Todd Miller:

Um, just kind of curious for your thoughts on that as someone who has

Steve Linton:

Well, I'll share the direction that we're going.

Steve Linton:

And then maybe we can, um, volley back and forth a little bit

Steve Linton:

The, um, the thing that we're most focused on right now, I alluded to earlier, is this idea

Steve Linton:

And so the question that we keep coming back to is, what is the home of our

Steve Linton:

And how do we build it in a way that's gonna benefit future generations?

Steve Linton:

And so the, the issue that we are tackling right now is this one of resilience

Steve Linton:

So what we saw in hurricane Dorian, for example, um, was sustained winds at 185 miles

Steve Linton:

And you start to ask yourself, well, what's next?

Steve Linton:

You know, how do we prepare for that?

Steve Linton:

So that our homes can continue to, to make it through these storms unscathed.

Steve Linton:

And so we've got a project now we call Project 225, which is with the

Steve Linton:

Maybe it's 50 years from now, before that becomes a thing, but let's build

Steve Linton:

And so that's kind of a big focus of our innovation, um, in the greater

Steve Linton:

And I, I think the title of the podcast is very interesting, cause I, I think a

Steve Linton:

Um, so obviously we're, we're focused on a particular side of that with the resilience,

Todd Miller:

Yeah, no, I think that's interesting and certainly I agree.

Todd Miller:

I think resiliency is one of those driving factors.

Todd Miller:

I, I think as we touched on saving labor is going to be another driving factor.

Todd Miller:

Uh, I think incorporating more tech, both in the how and the

Todd Miller:

Um, are going to be factors as well.

Todd Miller:

And as I think about younger folks entering our industry, um, those all seem like

Todd Miller:

There's gonna be things that permanently change, uh, those areas.

Todd Miller:

Um, I'm just kinda curious along those lines, because we do think, uh, a number of

Todd Miller:

Um, any advice you have for folks who are getting started in a career in this industry?

Steve Linton:

I would probably, I would say two things first, be open to learning as

Steve Linton:

Cause I think the, the real innovations are gonna come from people who've seen

Steve Linton:

So like, you know, as you're early in your career, be open to trying all those different

Steve Linton:

And then I think the other thing I would say is just, um, you know, ask yourself what

Steve Linton:

You know, so for me, it's how do I leave things better than I found them and

Steve Linton:

And so if I'm learning new things and I'm finding ways to take care of the planet, then

Steve Linton:

And if you can mirror that with a, uh, or match that with a company,

Todd Miller:

Yeah, that's gonna be your sweet spot.

Todd Miller:

Love it.

Todd Miller:

Good stuff.

Todd Miller:

Well, we are really getting close to the end of our time here.

Todd Miller:

And again, I want to thank you for your time.

Todd Miller:

Um, before we close out, though, I do want to ask you if you're willing to participate

Todd Miller:

So, this is seven questions, may be a little serious, some may be silly.

Todd Miller:

Um, your only commitment is to provide a answer for each one and our audience needs

Todd Miller:

In fact, we had someone the other day who had to pass on a question and that's fine too.

Todd Miller:

Um, but, uh, anyway, anxious to see if you're willing to participate in it.

Steve Linton:

Sure, why not?

Steve Linton:

Let's do it.

Todd Miller:


Todd Miller:

Well away we go.

Todd Miller:

We're gonna alternate asking you the questions.

Todd Miller:

I'll let Seth start.

Seth Heckaman:

All right.

Seth Heckaman:

Question number one.

Seth Heckaman:

All right.

Seth Heckaman:

Uh, Steve, what is your favorite hobby?

Steve Linton:

Rock climbing.

Steve Linton:

That's an easy one.

Steve Linton:

You're in a pretty

Todd Miller:

good area for that too.

Todd Miller:

I suspect.

Steve Linton:

Yeah, for sure, there's tons of it.

Seth Heckaman:

Very neat.

Seth Heckaman:

I've never done it.

Seth Heckaman:

I've watched all the Alex Honnold documentaries on Netflix, but I'm

Todd Miller:

Your mom warned you years ago to stay on flat ground as much as possible.

Seth Heckaman:


Todd Miller:

You've told that story.

Todd Miller:


Todd Miller:

Question number two.

Todd Miller:

Um, do you think you have ever seen a, or have you ever seen a UFO?

Steve Linton:

Have I ever seen a UFO?

Steve Linton:

Um, wow.

Steve Linton:

Never been asked that question before.

Steve Linton:

I'm gonna have to go with no, but.

Steve Linton:

There was, we were backpacking a couple years ago in the middle of nowhere.

Steve Linton:

And you, you do see things that just don't make sense, but, um, I attribute them to

Todd Miller:

I, uh, couple of years ago, um, I was outside late at night and just this

Todd Miller:

I mean it was incredibly bright and fast.

Todd Miller:

And, uh, the weirdest thing was, I mentioned it to my business partner

Todd Miller:

And he had been outside and seen the exact same thing at the exact same time.

Todd Miller:

So I, I thought that was kind of cool.

Todd Miller:


Todd Miller:

Question three.

Todd Miller:

It's up to you now.

Seth Heckaman:

If you could trade places with anyone living in the

Steve Linton:

Trade places.

Seth Heckaman:

Even just temporarily.

Steve Linton:

who would I trade places with?

Steve Linton:

Um, temporarily, I'll give you one that pops to my mind.

Steve Linton:

Uh, Charles LeClerc, Formula One driver for Ferrari.

Todd Miller:


Todd Miller:

Good answer.

Todd Miller:

Uh, okay.

Todd Miller:

Fourth question.

Todd Miller:

Was there anything that you seemed to consistently get in trouble for as a child?

Steve Linton:

You know, I was a pretty well behaved kid.

Steve Linton:

But there was probably the stuff that my parents didn't know that I was doing,

Steve Linton:

Um, the one story, I do remember a friend of mine and I took my aunt's Polaroid

Steve Linton:

Like, uh, that one stands out in my mind, but, uh, yeah, nothing, nothing too juicy.

Todd Miller:

I think those were like a buck an image even back in that day or something.

Seth Heckaman:

Alright, next question.

Seth Heckaman:

what's the worst haircut you've ever had?

Steve Linton:

Ooh, worst haircut.

Steve Linton:

Um, you know, I know that it's back in style now, but I definitely had

Steve Linton:

So that's, that's an easy answer for me.

Todd Miller:

Yeah, it was more like college years for me.

Todd Miller:

Okay, next to last question, I think.

Todd Miller:

But did I give him an extra question, no.

Todd Miller:

Next to last question, what's a weird fact that you happen to know?

Todd Miller:

We, we made challenging ones for you, Steve.

Steve Linton:

These are, you guys are really twisting the screws here.

Steve Linton:

Um, A weird fact.

Steve Linton:

I'm trying to think of something that would actually be fun.

Steve Linton:

And, and, uh, all right.

Steve Linton:

Gimme the last question.

Steve Linton:

Let me keep working on that one and I'll, I'll come up with something.

Seth Heckaman:

All right now.

Seth Heckaman:

Second, uh, last question.

Seth Heckaman:

Is there any food you'd have a tough time living without?

Steve Linton:

So that one's pretty easy.

Steve Linton:

I'm definitely a chocaholic and I don't know that I would make it without chocolate.

Steve Linton:

I've got, you know, in, in my drawer right here next to me, I've got several

Steve Linton:

Um, alright, so I'm still, I'm still trying to come up with a fact

Todd Miller:

We could always report it on a future episode too.

Seth Heckaman:

Yeah, that'd be good.

Steve Linton:


Steve Linton:


Steve Linton:

I mean, nothing's popping into mind and I know this is a lightning round,

Seth Heckaman:

I'll audible and give you a question you can answer, as I'm always

Seth Heckaman:

Steve's picture, but we have a bookshelf in the background of obviously books that

Seth Heckaman:

And, uh, what's, uh, what's a couple of recommendations off the shelf behind you?

Steve Linton:

So I would say the there's a book called How Executives Fail.

Steve Linton:

This would be an, a recommendation for anybody who's in a leadership position.

Steve Linton:

Fascinating read, cuz it's written exactly opposite of what you should do.

Steve Linton:

Um, and so it's a fun read.

Steve Linton:

Um, author is Lee Thayer.

Steve Linton:

Um, I would, I also really, if, if y'all haven't read any of the books by Ryan

Steve Linton:

are sort of taking stoic philosophy and, and putting it into modern

Steve Linton:

Um, and then one that's actually on my shelf, Think Like a Rocket Scientist is a really

Steve Linton:

So there you go.

Steve Linton:

Add those to your reading list.

Todd Miller:

Those sound great.

Todd Miller:

Good stuff.

Todd Miller:

Well, thank you again for joining us really enjoyed this, a great deal.

Todd Miller:

Is there anything we haven't covered today that you would

Steve Linton:

I think probably just my blood type.

Todd Miller:

We've covered it all up.

Todd Miller:

Well, good stuff.

Todd Miller:

Well, how could folks get in touch with you if they wanted to get in touch with you and

Steve Linton:


Steve Linton:


Steve Linton:

I definitely encourage people to go to

Steve Linton:

It's D E LT E C H O M E S dot com.

Steve Linton:

Folks can email me at S for Steve, slinton, L I N T O N,

Steve Linton:

And thanks for listening.

Todd Miller:


Todd Miller:

Well, thank you so much.

Todd Miller:

And, thank you to our audience for tuning into this episode of Construction Disruption

Todd Miller:

We ask you, please watch for future episodes of our podcast.

Todd Miller:

We always have great guests on tap, and don't forget to leave a

Todd Miller:

Until the next episode though, change the world for someone, make them smile,

Todd Miller:

In the meanwhile, God bless, take care.

Todd Miller:

This is Isaiah Industries signing off until the next episode of Construction Disruption.



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