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7: Childhood & Nature: Bumper Episode
Episode 83rd April 2024 • Ashdown Forest podcast • Eka Morgan
00:00:00 00:57:09

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Season 2, Episode 1 - Spring episode

  • How can we connect children with nature more?
  • Are children still excited about the outdoors? Hear from 9-17 year olds.
  • ‘Slimed, scratched, bitten and stung’? Is this the way to ignite curiosity? Hear from outdoor educators Lisa Stevens and Paula Da Luz.
  • The magic of the humble stick…with Rich Skrein, Forest School specialist.
  • Teenagers on a dusk walk… discovering biofluorescence.

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This podcast takes the Ashdown Forest as a springboard for conversations about wildlife.

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You can support the production of the Ashdown Forest podcast by donating here: Please specify ‘podcast’ where it says ‘Tell us more about your gift’. Thank you!

With thanks to Dara McAnulty for permission to read from his ‘Diary of a Young Naturalist’.

Natural History GCSE

Ashdown Forest Youth Volunteer Group (13-17 years) is every 3rd Sunday of the month: Find out more and reserve a free place

For Rich Skrein see: Rich works with the Garden Classroom, the inner-city nature connection charity:

Background reading:

‘Learning with Nature’ by Marina Robb, Victoria Mew and Anna Richardson.

‘The Nature Seed, How to Raise Adventurous and Nurturing Kids’, by Lucy Jones and Kenneth Greenway.

‘So professional and well-constructed.' Vanessa Williams, Director BBC Countryfile

'This podcast is a total delight and an immersion in nature itself.' Isabella Tree, rewilding pioneer

We are hugely grateful to the Titcomb Foundation and the Friends of Ashdown Forest for their generous funding towards this episode of the podcast.

We also appreciate all the support that The Ashdown Forest Foundation (TAFF) gives us to keep this podcast going.

Producer: Eka Morgan

Guitar: Jared Thode

Artwork: Carry Akroyd

Technical support: David Kitto

If you have suggestions for future subjects or if you are in a position to sponsor future episodes, please get in touch:




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