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2023-07-07. Ready for a Rainy Day
Episode 5711th July 2023 • Reqless: Software in the Age of AI • Aboard
00:00:00 00:21:52

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Humans are bad at future investments. Our mentality of not fixing things unless they're broken has led us too far off when it comes to the impending doom of climate change. In this episode Rich and Paul delve into the human psyche and our biggest obstacle to change? Our adaptability skills. This podcast is sponsored by Aboard.


Paul Ford:

So I am watching my YouTube synth flus, people

Paul Ford:

who are into synthesizers who are on YouTube and livestream.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

And they're all, they're all in Europe.

Paul Ford:

And I notice something.

Paul Ford:

They're all men and they're all talking kind of slow, and

Paul Ford:

they're all incredibly sweaty.

Paul Ford:

On the livestream.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

Because climate change, because it's like 30 degrees Celsius or

Paul Ford:

whatever, you know, ridiculous temperature system they use in the rest of the world.

Paul Ford:

Uh, it's really, really hot in Europe right now.

Paul Ford:

And what was wild to me, I'm watching them and they're like, yeah, it's really hot.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

And they, it's hot and they're talking in different parts

Paul Ford:

of, of Europe and they're doing their live podcast and uh, or live video.

Paul Ford:

Whatever it is, cast and um, it made me realize something about climate

Paul Ford:

change, which is that we're just gonna post through it as a, as a

Paul Ford:

society, we're not gonna like stop.

Paul Ford:

We're not going to stop and say like, I can't do my video

Paul Ford:

podcast because it's so hot.

Paul Ford:

I'm not gonna stop talking about sins.

Paul Ford:

I'm going to keep doing my internet stuff.

Paul Ford:

Even though there's this kind of slow boiling catastrophe on the way, and

Paul Ford:

I thought we should talk about that because, you know, we're here to advise.

Paul Ford:

We should talk about how to get ready for the rainy day.

Rich Ziade:

Great topic,

Paul Ford:

All right, let's do it.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

I, I do this thing and it's the strangest thing.

Rich Ziade:

I've, I, I spent a weekend and I put all my like, My passwords and bank account

Rich Ziade:

numbers and logins into one password

Paul Ford:

Always a good thing to do.

Paul Ford:

Really good to do also if you have an older parent to put their stuff in there.

Rich Ziade:

and it turns out like one of my bank accounts, not because

Rich Ziade:

I collect them, but because I have other businesses and stuff and, um,

Rich Ziade:

the password never gets in there and I could have sworn I looked it up before.

Rich Ziade:

I logged into my bank, got the account number, and I could

Rich Ziade:

have sworn I put it into one

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

And every time I had the opportunity to do it,

Rich Ziade:

it turns out I was, I needed the bank account for something else.

Rich Ziade:

And because I did the work of getting the account number, I would go and

Rich Ziade:

put it in the, whether the, the tool or the login or the payment

Rich Ziade:

system or whatever I needed it for.

Rich Ziade:

And I would never go back to one password

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

It's a weird phenomenon.

Rich Ziade:

There's probably a name for it and I don't know it, which is if

Rich Ziade:

you do the work to get the thing, you will not do the extra work.

Rich Ziade:

So you don't have to do that same work again next time.

Rich Ziade:

So I go through the same motion every

Paul Ford:

oh, I, I'll give you an example.

Paul Ford:

Programmers writing documentation.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

They, they won't.

Paul Ford:

So for people who don't know this, like programmers won't write documentation,

Rich Ziade:

document, they won't something, they won't, there are

Rich Ziade:

tools that sort of auto write it.

Paul Ford:

getting, it's better than it used to be.

Paul Ford:

If you have like a public open source tool, you might write it,

Paul Ford:

but if you're in internal and you're like getting your stuff done,

Rich Ziade:

like, oh.

Paul Ford:

it's like, Hey, did you get the docs done?

Paul Ford:

And then they go back and they write like five lines.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

And, and then they reconfigure their text

Rich Ziade:

No, but that's not exactly that.

Rich Ziade:

And I'll tell you why.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

If I would just make that extra payment and I'm taking you down on a whole other

Rich Ziade:

path, if I would, I would take that extra minute the next time I need it.

Rich Ziade:

It's gonna be a split second rather than doing

Paul Ford:

Oh yeah, no, but you're,

Rich Ziade:

I won't make that future investment.

Rich Ziade:

And we're terrible at making future investments.

Rich Ziade:

So what do we do?

Rich Ziade:

We're like, man, it's getting hotter.

Rich Ziade:

So I guess I'll just get an AC unit.

Rich Ziade:

Now here's the thing, you mentioned Europe.

Rich Ziade:

A lot of Europe, unlike the Northeast and the US, is just not ready.

Rich Ziade:

Like Paris doesn't have Central Air.

Paul Ford:

They have, some of those countries have one extension cord.

Paul Ford:

Like I think I, I really do.

Paul Ford:

I think Portugal has enough power for about five acs.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

I think the hardest thing about climate change, and you know a lot

Rich Ziade:

more about this topic than I do, the hardest thing about it is that it

Rich Ziade:

isn't about avoiding one seismic event.

Rich Ziade:

That's what makes it so hard for humans to process it.

Rich Ziade:

Cuz what we're very good at is like, oh man, you moved it a foot away.

Rich Ziade:

Let me move it a foot back.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

And then it's this little back and forth because we we're so good at,

Rich Ziade:

we're much better at making adjustments.

Rich Ziade:

Then we are at really fortifying ourselves for, uh, an investment,

Rich Ziade:

essentially investing in, in a better future down the road in a big way.

Rich Ziade:

We always in like we react, we're reactive by nature, right?

Rich Ziade:

You know what no one's talking about right now?

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

we remember, we had like no masks and no vaccines and

Rich Ziade:

no medicines and no ventilators.

Rich Ziade:

I've not, maybe I'm, maybe it's just not, not not in the news, but it

Rich Ziade:

would be really hard to pass a bill right now to be like, you know what?

Rich Ziade:

That was shitty the way we handled that last pandemic.

Rich Ziade:

How about we stockpile properly and distribute it around the country so

Rich Ziade:

we don't have the same problem again?

Rich Ziade:

Everyone's done.

Rich Ziade:

They move on

Paul Ford:

They gone.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

and they're like, well, that's expensive.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

That was a bad one.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

bad one.

Rich Ziade:

And look, you know, California is, Building a lot of stuff on what

Rich Ziade:

is factually a piece of the United States that will break off and

Rich Ziade:

bump into Hawaii at some point.

Paul Ford:

Oh, the Pacific North Northwest is due for huge hurricane

Paul Ford:

or, uh, a huge earthquake.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

And then, um, you can't, uh, like farmers isn't gonna underwrite in Florida anymore.

Paul Ford:

I mean, like insurance is starting to turn, its back on very risky areas.

Paul Ford:

And so a lot of the infrastructure that we count on to have a stable

Paul Ford:

society is saying, hold on a minute.

Rich Ziade:

So how do you get me?

Rich Ziade:

How can you force me to properly store my password so I don't go through

Rich Ziade:

the task every time and pay the bill?

Rich Ziade:

Every time we're really good at paying bills, you know what's gonna be happen

Rich Ziade:

because of climate change, like the air conditioning industry and the water

Rich Ziade:

distribution industry will explode because it'll be a bandaid for 10 years.

Rich Ziade:

That's what'll actually happen.

Paul Ford:

I mean, this is the horrible truth of it, right?

Paul Ford:

Like the infrastructural change that everyone has said

Paul Ford:

for 25 years needs to happen.

Paul Ford:

I don't see any signs of it happening.

Paul Ford:

I, I think there has been progress in that.

Paul Ford:

Like we have, we are producing fewer emissions than we would've been

Paul Ford:

if we didn't have as much solar.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

There are there, there have been.

Rich Ziade:

are happening.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

It's just going to be too little, too late.

Paul Ford:

And, and

Rich Ziade:

does that mean, like, based on your understanding of what's

Rich Ziade:

going to happen here, what does that

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Uh, the simplest thing, look, we used to work with an organization,

Paul Ford:

I still do probable

Paul Ford:

Go read their website.

Paul Ford:

It's a very good explainer of sort of how all these things fit together.

Paul Ford:

The way I see it is just a continual and steady loss of stability and

Paul Ford:

stability is impossible to identify.

Paul Ford:

You know, you don't know that your back is healthy until you hurt your back.

Paul Ford:

Then you can't walk.

Paul Ford:

I walked with a cane for two weeks once cuz I had sciatica and uh, oh boy.

Paul Ford:

I went, I, I went down off the curb on my, on my right foot and I

Paul Ford:

remember that moment really cuz I went, oh no, this won't fix itself.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

And I had to go to physical therapy and so on and so forth.

Paul Ford:

This whole that up until that point.

Paul Ford:

My back was fine.

Paul Ford:

Didn't think about

Rich Ziade:

You were doing

Paul Ford:

You were doing and now is working.

Paul Ford:

I think about my back every day.

Paul Ford:

I do my little stretches if I feel it get a little sore.

Paul Ford:

I, I'm, as we were talking, I'm like doing my little hip

Rich Ziade:

I've been through similar thing and I'm very wary of doing those

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

This guy Keith had at, at physical therapy taught me how to do 'em.

Paul Ford:

Um, So I don't think humans just won't do it until they feel the pain.

Paul Ford:

And also everyone is like, oh yeah, it's like saying Augustine.

Paul Ford:

It's like, um, you know, absolutely God, but just not yet.

Paul Ford:

Let me just get,

Rich Ziade:

yeah, yeah, yeah.

Rich Ziade:

Gimme a week.

Paul Ford:

just a couple more sins in here, right?

Paul Ford:

Uh, and then I think the other narrative that people try is

Paul Ford:

like, well, you know what?

Paul Ford:

This will be big business and you can profit off of it, so on and so forth.

Rich Ziade:

Is this is dire what?

Rich Ziade:

The picture you're painting here is terrible.

Rich Ziade:

How do we adjust that?

Paul Ford:

the, it's, well, I, I don't think you do.

Paul Ford:

I think, um, you, you know, the Mike Tyson quote, which is everyone has a

Paul Ford:

plan until they get punched in the face.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

I, I'm at a point, and this is why I, I no longer.

Paul Ford:

I spend time reading about it.

Paul Ford:

I spend time, uh, advising on, on technology platforms and, and, you

Paul Ford:

know, I give money, but I don't talk about it as much as I used to.

Paul Ford:

Cuz I really just basically believe that humanity needs to get its punch

Paul Ford:

in the face before we're responding.

Paul Ford:

I don't see us punching ourselves.

Paul Ford:

Um, so what's, you know, what's gonna happen is, Increasing,

Paul Ford:

uh, migration crises of humans.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

people migrating away from zones of the earth

Rich Ziade:

that are just way too hot.

Paul Ford:

borders, shutting down, flooding in Bangladesh,

Paul Ford:

like just, just sort of classic slow motion apocalypse stuff.

Paul Ford:

Lebanon is a very good, you're, you're Lebanese and we work

Paul Ford:

with a lot of Lebanese people.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Including people who are in Beirut right now.

Paul Ford:

It's a hard place to get out of.

Paul Ford:

It's gone through tremendous financial instability.

Paul Ford:

Um, had a tough reaction to the pandemic and there was a

Paul Ford:

huge explosion in the port.

Paul Ford:

Like these are the regular experiences that people who live there.

Paul Ford:

And to me, what, how do the Lebanese react to society and

Paul Ford:

infrastructure breaking down.

Rich Ziade:

They adapt.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

What do they do?

Paul Ford:

What is, well talk about it a little bit.

Paul Ford:

The units in the, the unit is the family, right?

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

I mean, they help each other, uh, at the family level,

Rich Ziade:

sometimes at the community level.

Rich Ziade:

Um, you know, it's, it's made up of clans in a way.

Rich Ziade:

It's no different than a lot of like Middle Eastern countries term

Paul Ford:

that this, you educated me on this, on the term is bait, right?

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

house, like house of

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

and, and the last name carries something which is very tribal

Rich Ziade:

and actually kind of old school.

Rich Ziade:

Um, but what you end up with is a lot of sort of like

Rich Ziade:

shifting this self-sufficiency.

Rich Ziade:

So, um, there's no power grid in Lebanon.

Rich Ziade:

It's pretty much wrecked.

Rich Ziade:

It gives you like a half hour of public electricity a day.

Rich Ziade:

Uh, and so everyone has generators.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

has generators.

Rich Ziade:

They have to pay private diesel suppliers to, um, fill the generators with fuel

Rich Ziade:

and they pay for, um, maintenance.

Rich Ziade:

Now, the thing about the generators is it's like a mafia,

Rich Ziade:

like the generators are, uh, you effectively own zones of generators.

Rich Ziade:

And that is a, it's like a distribution of fuel that is, uh, monopolized

Rich Ziade:

by, you know, one or two people.

Rich Ziade:

And then there's like, you know, these sort of like, Uh, you know, cobbled

Rich Ziade:

together economies that take hold so that people can function right

Rich Ziade:

around food distribution and, and, and amenities and, and, uh, going

Rich Ziade:

to restaurants, it's, it's a mess.

Rich Ziade:

It's actually a mess.

Rich Ziade:

But what it it does highlight though, is how incredibly adaptable people are.

Rich Ziade:

Like they just adapt in very extreme, extreme ways.

Rich Ziade:

There's no, um, there's no phone lines in Lebanon.

Paul Ford:

we'll be talking to our employees and it'll just go dark and their

Paul Ford:

face will only be lit by the laptop screen

Rich Ziade:

and they will not flinch.

Rich Ziade:

I've been in restaurants, this is a great that you brought this up.

Rich Ziade:

I've been in restaurants where everything goes dark and the sound

Rich Ziade:

of people talking doesn't change.

Rich Ziade:

They're so used to it that the con like, I'm gonna finish my

Paul Ford:

They, they don't even note that the lights went out.

Paul Ford:

Like if that happened in America, it'd be like, whoa, what just happened?

Paul Ford:

Hey, what?

Rich Ziade:

would get on their phones and say, check Twitter or check

Paul Ford:

Or, or they joke about it being dark and you know, like, oh, guess we're

Paul Ford:

having a candle at romantic dinner now.

Paul Ford:

Ha ha ha.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

And they just,

Rich Ziade:

And so I think, I think, you know, the, the way humans adapt,

Rich Ziade:

um, and I, you see it to such extremes in Lebanon, like, Ultra luxury right

Rich Ziade:

alongside just like abject poverty and like difficulty in living.

Rich Ziade:

Even if you have money, it's hard to live like comfortably in Lebanon.

Rich Ziade:

And what it just highlights is that no one assumes that they can change the system.

Rich Ziade:

Everyone's kind of given up on that and what they've done.

Rich Ziade:

So what they shifted to, and this is I think what's gonna happen with climate

Rich Ziade:

change, sadly, just because we, just how humans are, is they shifted to like, how

Rich Ziade:

do we make this as like comfortable and potentially slightly enjoyable for my

Rich Ziade:

family and my like immediate community?

Rich Ziade:

That's all they do.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

They don't go, nobody's going to the council meeting in Lebanon so that

Rich Ziade:

they don't build the bar in the town.

Paul Ford:

instead they're like, you know what?

Paul Ford:

We should get a lot of board games for the kids.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Because we might lose power.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

No, no.

Rich Ziade:

That's it.

Rich Ziade:

That's it.

Rich Ziade:

And, and anyone who has tried to be an active, sort of progressive in

Rich Ziade:

the country gets absolutely battered by the system, which is a system of

Rich Ziade:

like power sharing amongst families

Paul Ford:

the simplest way to explain it for someone who isn't

Paul Ford:

up on Lebanese uh, politics is just, it's designed for gridlock.

Rich Ziade:

It's designed for gridlock.

Rich Ziade:

It's a great way to put it.

Rich Ziade:

And, and, and.

Rich Ziade:

The response isn't revolution.

Rich Ziade:

What you need for climate change is revolution.

Rich Ziade:

You need the equivalent of like,

Paul Ford:

you know, you know, revolution.

Paul Ford:

How do you get your punch in the face?

Paul Ford:

CEOs go to jail.

Rich Ziade:

That's not even a punch in the, that's not gonna do it.

Paul Ford:

CEOs get executed in the town square.

Rich Ziade:

That's the punch in the face.

Rich Ziade:

I thought you meant like a, a tsunami hits Manhattan

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

No, there's that too.

Paul Ford:

But I mean literally like after the tsunami hits.

Paul Ford:

Well, who's responsible for this?

Paul Ford:

Well, we're gonna go round.

Paul Ford:

No, I, I think, and I'm not saying like I.

Paul Ford:

I'm not go, I'm not aligning with any political side or another, like

Paul Ford:

I'm just saying, that'll become a Target French Revolution style.

Paul Ford:

It'll be like, well, those are the people, those are the CEOs of the oil companies.

Paul Ford:

We better hang them.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Like I I, because they, they allowed Manhattan to get destroyed.

Paul Ford:

The, those are the narratives that are, that are in front of us in

Paul Ford:

a kind of not even worse case.

Paul Ford:

Like that's just, those are possibilities of all the possibilities.

Rich Ziade:

Look, man, the biggest challenge for climate

Rich Ziade:

change is it's really boring.

Paul Ford:

I love boring subjects.

Rich Ziade:

wanna make it exciting?

Rich Ziade:

Bring an end to dollar 99 loafs of bread at Target.

Rich Ziade:

You really wanna make it exciting, bring an end to it because of

Rich Ziade:

distribution systems or because, um, farms got scorched or whatever.

Paul Ford:

I'll fix it for you.

Paul Ford:

Your Toyota now costs $75,000.

Rich Ziade:

et cetera.

Paul Ford:

No, wait.

Paul Ford:

I can fix the, I can Gas is $20 a gallon.

Paul Ford:

I'll destroy America in two hours.

Paul Ford:

If I set that policy.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

It's not even set the policy.

Rich Ziade:

It might just be natural resources are are screwed because of whatever

Rich Ziade:

is happening out in the world.

Rich Ziade:

Whether it be supply lines are messed up or the waters are too, if the

Rich Ziade:

tankers can't get across the oceans and then it affects things that way.

Paul Ford:

If gas costs $20 a gallon, America becomes a different country

Paul Ford:

in about two and a half hours.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

is a baby in a high chair

Paul Ford:

that didn't

Rich Ziade:

get its applesauce.

Rich Ziade:

That's the only thing that makes us wake up and do anything.

Rich Ziade:

If you think you're gonna sit that child down and say, listen, if I don't

Rich Ziade:

ration this applesauce out properly, you're not gonna digest it well.

Rich Ziade:

He's just gonna look at you like, what's wrong with you?

Rich Ziade:

Just gimme the apple sauce.

Rich Ziade:

You take the applesauce away.

Rich Ziade:

It's we're simple.

Rich Ziade:

That way we adapt until it's unadaptable.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

Until it's then.

Rich Ziade:

Then read.

Rich Ziade:

Any, like the origins of most revolutions, it's usually a combination of a small

Rich Ziade:

elite, essentially teaming up with masses who have lost something fundamental.

Rich Ziade:

It's like almost always the

Paul Ford:

Well, what they're gonna lose, they're gonna lose

Paul Ford:

their farmland just flat out.

Rich Ziade:

I, I don't think I, I think you wagging your finger and saying,

Rich Ziade:

if you don't do a handful of things here, you're gonna lose your farmland.

Rich Ziade:

It doesn't work.

Rich Ziade:

It just does not work.

Rich Ziade:

Humans, historically,

Paul Ford:

I, I think you're right here.

Paul Ford:

Which is they lose their farmland due to the fact that the crops

Paul Ford:

won't grow cuz it's too hot.

Paul Ford:

And then a group of people says, you know what?

Paul Ford:

Those people over there have farmland

Rich Ziade:

and I don't wanna misspeak and say, you know what?

Rich Ziade:

Well, let's not bother with anything.

Rich Ziade:

I think what you can do is, and I, it's a lot of what probable futures does

Paul Ford:

we, we should be trying desperately to do anything that we can

Paul Ford:

to get the global warming to lower.

Rich Ziade:

It's good for business.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

It's good

Rich Ziade:

for stability in terms of political stability.

Rich Ziade:

It's good for all those things and probable futures.

Rich Ziade:

The organization you mentioned before, a lot of their approach is to tell

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

and business like this is actually really bad business.

Rich Ziade:

Like you think you can just sort of skirt by.

Rich Ziade:

You're not going to,

Paul Ford:

I mean, capitalism is predicated on a nice,

Paul Ford:

stable global climate.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

You know, I know where the corn's coming from.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

Um, so this was a darker podcast today,

Paul Ford:

but you know what, here's here was the advice.

Paul Ford:

It was right in there, right in the middle.

Paul Ford:

And I wanna state it explicitly, which is you don't have control over the world.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

You don't.

Paul Ford:

You can.

Paul Ford:

Do things.

Paul Ford:

You can advocate, you can speak up, you can give money, you can,

Paul Ford:

there, there's stuff you can do.

Paul Ford:

You can also be more personally responsible about your footprint, fly

Paul Ford:

less and you know, don't buy a new car and if you do, can make it electric.

Paul Ford:

There, there's, there's a list.

Paul Ford:

Those are easy to find.

Paul Ford:

But I think the larger issue is that, and why I often go back

Paul Ford:

to Lebanon in my head is that.

Paul Ford:

Resilient, smaller structures are your are a place to spend

Paul Ford:

your time and your thoughts, like grow smaller, resilient groups.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

count on the big thing to take care of you.

Paul Ford:

So I'll give you an example.

Paul Ford:

Like, you know, the big company, the federal system, the, this, that, or the

Paul Ford:

other, those are fragile because they're very dependent on things being stable.

Rich Ziade:

yes, they are.

Rich Ziade:

And, and humans tend to not make that shift until they have to.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

They don't go to their community and say, well, we're gonna

Rich Ziade:

have to figure out our own electricity until they absolutely have to.

Rich Ziade:

They just don't do it

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

And I, I think like, being more aware of that, uh, I'm gonna, I'm going

Paul Ford:

give you a really dumb little example.

Paul Ford:

I have a little backyard, and one, one day our house flooded and we

Paul Ford:

switched our backyard to clover because clover has deeper roots.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

And when, and, uh, the

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

water doesn't bounce off a clover as much as it does off a grass

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

it doesn't flood.

Rich Ziade:

Got it.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

And we extended our gutters and oh, you know, all sorts of other stuff.

Paul Ford:

So that's a little thing.

Paul Ford:

And then we talked about it with our friends and we have a

Paul Ford:

little community where we are.

Paul Ford:

You have a community where you are, it's very oriented around your family.

Paul Ford:

My family isn't here, but still, like there are 10 or 15 people

Paul Ford:

who are within two miles of me, I would call an emergency.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Like that we could get together

Rich Ziade:

Do you think, last question before we close out, do you think that

Rich Ziade:

that's just not gonna make a dent and instead you need the real power like

Rich Ziade:

centers, big business, government in the world to really make the proper changes?

Paul Ford:

You absolutely do, but they won't

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

because they don't want to.

Paul Ford:

Because it's exhausting and it takes, they want to get that money out just a

Paul Ford:

little more before they do the thing.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

just gimme one more, go

Paul Ford:

just go, just if one more year and then we absolutely

Paul Ford:

are turning the spigot off.

Paul Ford:

I promise.

Paul Ford:

I promise.

Paul Ford:

It's just abusive husband territory.

Paul Ford:

It's just like, ah, baby, one more chance, I promise.

Paul Ford:

You know, we're gonna just, I need like five more oil tankers and uh, and, and

Paul Ford:

so that's the relationship we're in.

Paul Ford:

He's not gonna change.

Rich Ziade:

not gonna

Paul Ford:

He's not gonna change.

Paul Ford:

And, and so you gotta leave him and, and you kind of can't

Paul Ford:

because he's the oil industry.

Paul Ford:

But, okay.

Paul Ford:

So, so here, so here we are.

Paul Ford:

I mean, I know this is a gloomy one, but like it's for the

Paul Ford:

Audi advisors, it's coming.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

it's more of a warning than a, than advice, but it, that is advice in

Paul Ford:

no advice is go get resilient, baby.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

All right.

Rich Ziade:

Um, speaking of resilience,

Paul Ford:

well, actually I think about this with the product that we're building.

Paul Ford:

A board, a board is built for small groups to share information,

Rich Ziade:

Collect, organize, and collaborate.

Paul Ford:

It is, I swear to God, one of the use cases in my head in, I've

Paul Ford:

written, I wrote about this at one point.

Paul Ford:

Uh, is your climate adaptability in a small group?

Paul Ford:

How do you keep track of it?

Paul Ford:

How do you become more accountable around climate stuff?

Paul Ford:

It's a really good tool for that.

Rich Ziade:

We're still in beta, sign, uh,

Rich Ziade:

and we're waving people in.

Paul Ford:

We would love to see you and check us out on the internet,

Paul Ford:

on Twitter at zdi ford zdi

Paul Ford:

Send us an email

Rich Ziade:

cool out there.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

Stay cool and dry.

Paul Ford:

Uh, we love you, and we'd love to hear any, uh, thoughts or feelings.

Rich Ziade:

Rich Ziade:

Have a lovely week.




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