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Your Go To People with Bridget Aileen Sicsko | Ep.12
Episode 1218th August 2022 • Diaries of a 6 figure Coach • Theresa Lambert
00:00:00 00:32:22

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The connections we make online are powerful. Join me as I chat with Bridget about the power of connections and how she went from being a secluded entrepreneur, to bringing people together and building authentic online communities. We all have our “go-to” people, which ones are yours?

About the Guest:

Bridget Aileen Sicsko is the founder of Exalted Publishing House, a podcast host and a visibility coach. She helps successful entrepreneurs stand out and be featured as leaders in their industry by sharing powerful stories, writing best-selling books and gaining global recognition. Bridget believes in the power of words, stories and voices to shift our view of reality, our potential and our purpose on the planet. In addition, she considers herself a master community builder and has gathered hundreds of female leaders in her online community, mastermind program, networking events, and women’s circles. Bridget also hosts a podcast called She Builds Empires where she interviews 6, 7 and 8 figure women business owners on the behind the scenes of their path to success. Bridget has been featured in Authority Magazine, Women’s Business Daily, Thrive Global, The Medium, on RVN TV, Ticker News, News 12 New York and several podcasts. She lives in New Jersey with her husband and her border collie beagle, Finn.



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About the Host:

Theresa Lambert is an Online Business Strategy Coach with an impressive hotelier background in luxury Hospitality in the #1 Ski Resort in North America. She supports Female Coaches and Service based Entrepreneurs to get their first clients or scale to 6 figures and beyond through strategic, tangible, and practical support.  Her mission: To make Business EASY so your life can be more FULL.

In 2020 Theresa became the Bestselling Author of her book  Achieve with Grace: A guide to elegance and effectiveness in intense workplaces. She is also a Speaker and the Podcast co-host of Dissecting Success.

Theresa has been recognized as a business leader in Whistler’s Profiles of Excellence, and is being featured in publications such as Hotelier Magazine, Thrive Global and Authority Magazine.

Diaries of a six figure Coach isn’t only a Podcast to help you get strategic and master the precision of Success.  It’s a declaration to share the truth. It’s a commitment to keep going to make it happen, no matter what. It’s an activation and invitation for female Coaches and Entrepreneurs to play a bigger Game. Tune into short, potent and value packed episodes that are fun, raw, real, vulnerable and authentic af on what it takes to build a six figure coaching business online. It’s going to MOVE you. It’s going to ACTIVATE you. It’s going to help you access your audacity, courage and start taking the intentional actions to make your biz dreams come true while living the life you desire and making an impact online.

Instagram: @theresalambertcoaching

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Theresa Lambert:

I believe in divine timing. I believe that the right people information, wisdom, guidance, heck things arrive when we're ready for them. I believe that owning our own truth unconditionally is the path to not only creative fulfillment, but mobile success and abundance. This is not only a podcast to help you get strategic and mastered a position of success. It's a declaration to share the truth. It's a commitment to keep going to make it happen no matter what. It's an activation and invitation for me for you and for us to play a bigger game. So my question for you is this. Do you really want it? Do you really want to make your dreams come true? Do you really want to become a six figure coach? Welcome to the diaries of a six figure coach podcast. I am your host Teresa Lambert. And I dare you to get ready to show up, boss up and make it happen.

Theresa Lambert:

Hello, hello, and welcome to another episode of The diaries of a six figure coach podcast. I have a another incredible guest with me today. Bridget Aileen Sicsko is with me here and we are going to dive into a conversation about networking and connections online. And I'm so so happy because this is how Bridgette and I met, we got connected through somebody else on the internet that we know. Literally, we ended up jumping on a call and connected instantly and had a conversation as if we've known each other for years. There was really like, it's like our souls recognize each other and then boom, like, off we went. Which I love, love love so much. And honestly these connections have been in that valuable. But also you get to meet the coolest people on the internet and Bridget is one of them. She helps successful entrepreneurs stand out online, be featured in the industry. She has an amazing podcast. She is an amazing leader and woman and like there's so much to find out about bridgid And I encourage you to check out the show notes and go visit her website, her Instagram, Bridget Aileen Sicsko and check her out but I'm gonna stop talking because I want to talk to you and just dive into this conversation you and I are going to have and and everybody else can grab a cup of coffee and sit back and tune in.

Bridget Aileen Sicsko:

I'm so excited. I have my coffee here. It's like a Friday. I'm just enjoying my day.

Theresa Lambert:

I love it. I love it Friday on my favorite recording days like Friday is a creative day for me like a creation day. I don't like I have podcast interview calls. But I generally try to avoid having too many other calls on Fridays. And that feels so good. Like it's like wrap up create and then we can

Bridget Aileen Sicsko:

I do the same thing I scheduled all like all I'm podcast interview after this for my show. It's just like a fun day to have good conversations. I really agree it like sets the tone for the weekend. We're like, Okay, we're ready.

Theresa Lambert:

Totally, totally. It's so good. So Bridget, tell me I mean, you've been around the block. You've been in business for a while you've met a few people on the internet that are cool, that have stories to tell. I would love to just hear a little bit more about your story and how the connections that you've made have been so powerful for you.

Bridget Aileen Sicsko:

Yeah, so my like original story into like my awakening spiritual journey really started at a very young age where I had Lyme disease learned a lot about holistic medicine, Ayurveda, yoga, meditation, and it really set me on this like trajectory of I want to live a life that honors me. And we're all unique. And therefore, my situation in healing with Lyme disease, went a little bit away from the typical western medical model. And I just felt a little bit different, you know, early on in my journey and fast forward a couple of years I graduate from college. I'm like ready to get like a regular job. I work at Yelp in New York City. And I was not feeling it at all. It wasn't for me it was a sales job, which was great experience great community. I will say great people who worked there, which I really did value in that planted the seed. But it was just cold calling, which was like draining and sucking my soul out. I was like no, not another call. So I decided to leave that job and go travel to Ibiza and become a yoga teacher and study iron Veda and really just like start something for myself and I was probably 21 or 22 at this time when I made that leap and I come back home to my parents house to live after that journey. And again, I felt alone. So there's been like these little seeds planted throughout that experience from an early age, you in my early 20s, to feeling different than those around me. And being someone who wanted to enjoy life and wanted to create something wanting to live a creative path. And because of that, there's that quote, where it's like, build it, and they were, they will come. So I was like, Okay, I'm gonna teach yoga, and I'm gonna host women's circles. I'm gonna bring the people together in my suburban New Jersey town. And that's really where it all started. Like, that's where the physical manifestation of like feeling different and feeling secluded, to then bring the people together. And that has been coming to everything I've done in business in the last four to five years. Oh,

Theresa Lambert:

my God, I love that, from feeling secluded, to bringing people together. From feeling alone, to bringing like to having this connectedness that like I saw overlaid with what you're sharing. And there is such power in feeling your aloneness and feeling secluded and being in solitude, and that there was an important, vital part of that. But then, through my experience, the last three months, what I've really found is that I crave connection with very specific people.

Bridget Aileen Sicsko:

Yes, and you know what, it's funny, because I was just as you were talking, I was also reflecting and going, it wasn't like I was by myself, in those early 20 years, like I was with the IRS people around me. But it wasn't like my true, I had changed, I evolved, my interest had changed, my values have changed how I wanted to spend my time had changed. And that's where I felt alone. And then like, you've had this experience over the last three months of going through a whole slew of different emotional things, everything that you've experienced, and it's about who do we want to surround ourselves with? Which is like, why I love you?

Theresa Lambert:

Yeah, totally. It's so interesting, too. Isn't that how like, being with people and being with people is not? Like, being with people and being with people is not the same people are like, What is she talking about? But it's like, it's like, okay, so Friday night, I'll let you in. And so Friday nights, I get triggered. Friday nights, I get triggered. And last Friday, same thing happened, I got kind of triggered by being on my own. And I got so restless, like, I was just like, Ah, it's like, I gotta leave the house as I gotta leave the house. And I didn't want to go into town and have a drink. Like, yeah, I could have, you know, gone, done that and sit at a bar and have a drink and talk to a stranger. But I was like, I don't want that. Like, this is not what I want. And as like, just leave the house. So I grabbed my bag. And I was like, just started walking. And as I was walking, I was thinking to myself as like, well, isn't it interesting? Because there's like, what was different about Friday night before? And I literally was like, well, nothing really, because we weren't actually ever doing anything like, like, honestly, like, I didn't have one of those relationships where we were doing weekend trips, and all of these things. And like, I love doing that stuff. But we together, we did not do a lot of that. And so Friday nights, typically, or whatever the weekend was, was was typically just us sitting on the sofa next to each other watching television. Like that is honestly like, what what Friday night was like, like, totally. Look, there's nothing wrong with that. Like, I just want to like, you know, I don't want to if you enjoy, like sitting with your guy on the sofa, watching TV and you love it and, and it's amazing. Like, don't get us wrong. Like I just feel like, you know, I'm projecting on you. But, but I literally in that moment, as I was walking was thinking I was like, the only thing that was different was that there was a physical presence. There was another body in the room, there was a physical presence of another human in the room with me, like breaking this down to the very essence of what the situation was. Right? Of course, like there was a love once and we had a connection once so like not dismissing 16 years of my life. But Friday nights. The only thing that really was different that there was somebody else in the room with me. And that moment it clicked for me. And I was like yeah, and I actually sometimes felt alone. In that same moment, and here I am getting triggered on a Friday night because what am I gonna do single lady on a Friday night. You know, I'm grabbing my bag and I'm going for a walk and put my feet in a freezing cold lake like that's what I ended up doing. And I loved it and I'm like, Okay, I'm a little bit You know, strange sometimes, but strange gets to be beautiful. And for me, it was a total lie. And then I created a beautiful Instagram story, and I was still messing with people on the internet again, right?

Bridget Aileen Sicsko:

It's amazing and just to be able to connect with people, we're in a different country, and I feel a connection to you. And I felt that right away. And it is absolutely possible in these in these online spaces. Because like, we're able to create our own little communities like in the ethers, that's basically what social media is. It's not tangible. It's not physical, it's connected to air to space, but we're able to create some connection still within, in that space based on like values and interest. And I will still say hugging someone in person is like, there's nothing like it. But we can absolutely still have those people online and build relationships and have that be our focus. And for business. For me, it's been very helpful just to like, be human, have good conversations.

Theresa Lambert:

Yeah, be human and have good conversations. I think that's so key. And also, I think this is what starts to transform these relationships online too, right? Especially with keeping it business focus. And we're talking about building the community. It's creating content to that's conversational, right, like having conversations with people. It's, it's funny, I only recently really started reaching out to people directly and actually starting to build relationships with my community, like deeper relationships, engaging more with people off my like, feed and off my stories. And it's so it's so interesting, because I got really hung up on it. And I'm like, why am I so hung up on that, because really, this is about having conversations with people. And I'm like thinking to myself, I'm so bad, having conversations with people, that it's such a story that I'm telling myself, but it's just because I'm doing things differently, right. But I feel like this is where we we all get so hung up with like creating content and putting ourselves out there and we all get so like Telly, it's like we constantly like talking at people, when when we have this beautiful opportunity on social media to talk with people to have conversations with people to, to show up and invite people in rather than just project outward, you know, yes, we're projecting because we're always projecting our own opinions. But we can invite people to come in and be open to these connections, right? Like, you and I were connected through somebody else who I was connected to through somebody else who probably like did it's wild how like this like, Storm, you know, it's almost like the first domino falls, and then all these people show up. And I think it's that is remarkable, you know, when we are having these conversations, too. It's amazing who you meet.

Bridget Aileen Sicsko:

It is it is. And I want to like, pull, start a little thread on something you just said that I think is important. You were saying that a lot of people get hung up on, you know, creating content feeling like they have to, like talk to or at and the way I really see things going is it's much more of a week, like I have something of value to give, you have something of value to give, we can all learn from one another. And I'm a big believer in dismantling this hierarchy. Because I am no better than someone else. Like although I'm a leader, so is the person who might join my program. Like that's not, that's not where we're going. Right. So this is the Age of Aquarius. This is a time where it is about community. It's about bringing people together, it's about humanity as a whole. It's not about the putting the leader on a pedestal because then we give our power away to that person. And that's not what we're about here.

Theresa Lambert:

I love this. One of my first episodes was called the pedestal and I talk about off the pedestal. I was literally like if you're putting someone on a pedestal take them down. And one of the things that I've really been conscious about because I've done this many times, like I've done this many times be like oh, this most person must be better than me because they have a bigger business or they've been doing it for longer or they have like I get that especially on Instagram still when people follow me that have more followers than me, my instant response is oh, they must be looking for me as a client like I you know, or like oh, there's no way I could help them because they have all these followers. Like like it's amazing also, like I mean, I am totally like I live my life as like I am the observer of My thoughts. I'm the observer of my awareness. Like I am like literally like watching myself live out this like movie of thoughts all the time. And it's hilarious like, it is hilarious like this. But anyways, I would do this all the time pet of stolen people, and especially in business, what it would cause me sometimes is to diminish my idea, my life, my perspective, my thoughts, and to just take on what somebody was suggesting, which they did, obviously, with good intent and obviously paid them and then my coaches or mentors, right, like, this is a good thing. But it's so important that we stay true to ourselves through the process and Mama Pettis dueling other people, we we can't do that. And we always go with that, like, them being higher up means we are lesser than means we know less than means we can charge less than means means means. Means. Means. Means means, right? Like, there's a bullshit that lives below that initial thoughts. So I totally relate to that, and what we can create together, right, like you and I have had some really cool collaborations since we've met like, this is difficult conversation. Because I was on your podcast, you've been on the dissecting success podcast, which is my other podcast with my calls Blair. Now you're on the diaries of a six figure coach podcast, and I love it. And same thing with other people that have come in like the collaborations that are happening, like we share each other's like I've like no problem sharing somebody else's offers and programs coming up on master classes coming up, like if it's relevant to my community, if it's relevant, and I believe in what they're doing. And generally, the people I've connected with in that way I do. Did, there's no hierarchy for me, I can share that stuff, like we can all support each other, and lift each other up and say, We're all equal, and we're all unique. And because of that, we make the world a much more vibrant and colorful and beautiful place. Because think how boring it would be if we were all the same.

Bridget Aileen Sicsko:

be so boring, and preach, preach, like, a great example of this for me personally, is I, part of my business is a publishing company where I support women entrepreneurs, we do multi author, book, sole author books, we create a big community, it's really fun. And I'm a part of a community with a bunch of other publishers doing the same thing. Like we are all very much like the spiritual business owner, we have a practice, many of us are healers, we literally do the same thing. And someone could come into that space and be like, holy shit, you have so much competition. And like, my view is like, these women helped me out like we help each other out. And it's so beautiful to to see that. And also, I've had the reminder of the polarity that not actually everyone sees it like that. And people still hold, you know, this different view, which is fine and good for them. But that's not going to be my reality. Like, I want us all to win. I think it'd be a cooler world.

Theresa Lambert:

Yeah, and the thing is, too, right. Like there's maybe other maybe obviously, there's other publishers, right. But there's only one publisher, that's Bridgette, like, there's only one you and there's only you know your style, like the way you do it the way you support your clients and publishing their books and sharing their stories and, and getting the visibility like all of that you do you do it in your own way with your own essence in your own magic. And somebody who will choose to work with you may not want to choose to work with one of these other nine women that you surround yourself with. And vice versa, right? Like, because not every client is ideal for us. So So I love that. So Bridgette, what would you say like if somebody's like, okay, like I am really intrigued about this idea of like making connections, bringing people together collaborating, maybe with people who do exactly the same thing than I do? Do you have any, like advice or wisdom on how you would start that process for them?

Bridget Aileen Sicsko:

So what I like to do first is have a little bit of introspection, it's like, Okay, let me reflect on what do I do? Who do I serve? Like, how can I support someone else? What do I have to offer? And then I like to just be human. Like, say hi to someone, and not like 1000 Page message of like, Hi, I'm Bridget like, do my program. More of just like hey, like nice to connect period. Like that's how I'd say how do you find met you on the street like so nice to meet you. So bringing in the human and the regular in person business practices into what I do now, and then be like, Hey, do you want to get on a call together, see what we can do. And let's be clear, when we are networking, that's not a time that you're selling your programs or anything like this is just a time for you to connect with someone else. I also like to take some notes so that I can like go through the Rolodex and be like, Oh dude, this person needs a branding expert. Like I can connect them to this person. This person has a podcast about you know, health and healing I'm gonna connect these people together. And then just like make some magic happen, I love to be a connector of money that literally lights me up and just be human.

Theresa Lambert:

Just be human, I love this. I love this. This is so good. And I love that you're like, don't send them your love. You're like, I get pitched like, five to 10 times a day. Yeah, like five to 10 times a day. And then some people become like, almost like, it's almost like borderlines harassment. And I'm like, I didn't reach out to you. I didn't ask about what you have, I understand that. You can start connecting with people. And if you're building the relationship, you can let them know if they're open to it, what you're working on. But like, there was a way that's ethically that you do it. And then there was a way that that's not and like, I like that was part of the reason why I was like I can't even deal with like sending messages to people because I was being so triggered by getting constantly pitched by people because that is not what it's meant to meant to be like, if it's the connection and the networking at the heart. It's different. And you're so right. Like, you wouldn't walk up to somebody be like, Hey, I'm Teresa, I'm a spiritual business Alchemist, I can help you build your business like, Do you need a program? Do you need this? Do you want to launch? Do you need, like, what do you want? Like, what do you need people be like, out of whack about it? Like?

Bridget Aileen Sicsko:

What if we give the comparison to like the people who come up to you on the street, you always want to run away, right? When they have like a pamphlet or something? And you're like, No. Okay, another good example is when you walk into a store, and someone you know, I don't like when they like, come up to you and you're in a furniture store, but you've walked into the store, meaning you may be somewhat interested. So that person might then go hey, welcome. If you have any questions, let me know. Like, that's a very different thing than being like, Hi, can I help you? Like, this is what I do. This is what I sell. Like, no one wants that the energy to it. And we can bring the same philosophy into the online world.

Theresa Lambert:

Oh my god, I love that it's so good and have patience to you know, have patience. Like, I have to say like, I have got some really cool conversations going now with different people. And some of these people like aren't even like, there isn't like they would not be like considered like an ideal client for me. And I don't care because I'm literally like, I started introducing this into my community because I seriously, I'm wanting to connect with people network with people know who all these people watching my stories, while other people liking and engaging with my content. Like who is even in this community, there's 1000s of people. And I don't know a lot of them. But some of the ones that I've gotten to know are really beautiful souls, and I love to know more about them. And so through some cool conversations that have come up, and it really enriches my own experience of Instagram, for example, right like off social media, Windows real conversations happening. And when people are doing it only from the intent to sell, you can really feel it and I feel like this is with anything in business like with the only reason you're out there or you're putting yourself out there is to sell your programs and services. I don't believe you're ever going to be able to reach the level that you want to reach because it is so much more than the money like at least for me like i Yes, I want to have a thriving seven and eventually eight figure business 100% I have goals like I'm ambitious and I have goals. But I'm not putting myself out there. Because I want to just make money. Like I actually get fulfillment and contentment and joy from my work and to be invited interested in entrepreneurs journey and I feel like you and I ever did we share that, to me is the greatest gift somebody could give me like for me to be allowed to walk alongside them.

Bridget Aileen Sicsko:

Oh, yeah, absolutely. I mean, and that's why I personally love listening to podcasts like this because it's the real deal like this is this is these are the real conversations and it's so beautiful to as you said like walk alongside someone who's on this creative, challenging raw, real vulnerable, exciting path like it's really beautiful but this is not for the faint of heart. This is this is all of it.

Theresa Lambert:

No and shit happen. Like literally, like, what did I say at the start, like, before we recorded, I was like, I have literally gone from down here. And I was like, I finally made it out of the mud puddle. Like it was a living and dirty mud puddle. Like, I think to an end, I would love for you to touch on that before we're wrapping up this conversation, because you help people tell their stories. And you know, especially when writing a book, and I've written my own book, and it was a tremendously vulnerable process. But what has really come through for me through all that is finding my authentic voice. And I there is nothing being a scary than I like I remember sending the manuscript off to multiple people to read. And I was procrastinating on it. I was like, stalling, I was like, terrified to put this out there. Because I was sharing so much of me and, and I would love to know, you know how you support your clients with that, because I know for me, that was a, that was a huge thing as we not only walk the journey, but share the stories of the journey with the worlds.

Bridget Aileen Sicsko:

This is huge. And this topic really does excite me because I'm so I'm a Kundalini yogi, I study a lot of the Kundalini Yoga traditions, and there's a lot of teachings on success and being seen, and this whole idea of having more pressure on you. Right, when you have more eyes on you, there's more responsibility, there's more pressure, it actually takes the nervous system time to recalibrate to this new, heightened field. So this happens when we go to write a book. And that book is about to be published and people are about to read, it happens if you go on your first podcast, or you're using your voice for the first time, whether it's on live video, or I also do a lot of work with helping people pitch themselves to media to be on podcast to be on TV, and it's all the same thing. It's like who the hell am i Who's gonna listen to this, like there is this, this expansion that happens and there's a huge contraction for so many people, because of all the vulnerability that comes with being seen. So I always like to go back to like root, this is where the internal practice has to come in. And to be able to self sustain and literally, like lift yourself internally up to a level so that you can actually handle the level of heightened success that's coming into your field. This is a big topic that is very interesting.

Theresa Lambert:

Oh my God, I feel like I'll have to have you back. So we can dive into that more because 100% Like, that is some of the work that I do with my clients as well on building the energetic capacity to be able to hold like to, to not just create the success, but hold the success and I'm shifting my business model completely right now. Because I've gone through some capacity issues, knowing what that level up has done on my inability to take some action on my business. And I knew I needed to take the action on my business in order to grow and scale from here, like I I know, there's changes that had to be made. And so this was a tremendous like process to juggle and it really like I was like, I gotta like quadruple down on the capacity work that we're doing and the spiritual and internal work because Yeah.

Bridget Aileen Sicsko:

Yeah, this is where we keep all the internal stuff so that we can handle all the external stuff that the exciting things like it's all exciting, but it's like, holy shit, it's a lie. I want to retreat and run away. And like, you know, go live on a beach and pretend like I don't have this responsibility for a little while. Yeah,

Theresa Lambert:

the sense of responsibility and also owning that our words carry weight. Yes. Right our words carry weight. And the second we started putting ourselves out there people are listening even if we can't see them people are listening and stepping into that level of leadership really takes a lot and you know, I am certainly grateful for the people I have on my team my go to people and that gets wider like now there's people like you you know and it's amazing to to have these people out there which is so so great. Now I know you have a little freebie or something that the listeners can grab and I would highly recommend you get into purchase as well because she's brilliant. Whack what is it and where can they find it?

Bridget Aileen Sicsko:

Okay, I forget what I what freebie I gave you but I'll give you something maybe more relevant. While we have a new program called visibility on purpose coming up, it's like immediate training school. I think of it as like the Hogwarts of visibility so people can do all this energetic work. So we're going to be doing A class on that in the next couple of weeks on becoming an energetic match for top tier media. So anyone who wants to join that they can just send me a DM me on Instagram Bridgette, Aileen Cisco, and I'll just send you the link to the video.

Theresa Lambert:

Okay, amazing. I love that. And I would love to get that link to thank you very much. And I will share it as well. This is amazing. Bridget, thank you so much. This was such a brilliant conversation. I literally like I can't wait to have you back. So we can talk about this rabbit hole and down the rabbit hole we go. This is the fun thing. This was so brilliant. I'll make sure that like all the contact details for you will be in the show notes. So if you want to find out more about bridgid If you want to connect with her on her Instagram, all the links and everything you will need is just right below this video to make life easy, but thank you so so so so much. This was like just a conversation that like I feel like I needed to have this morning saying like, I don't really sorry, I'm like, it doesn't matter what you think. Like I my life's already better. So like I've already won.

Bridget Aileen Sicsko:

I agree. Perfect. Um, but this

Theresa Lambert:

is a wrap for the diaries of a six figure coach podcast make sure you check out Bridget and I can't wait to be back soon. Bye.




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