Adventurer or Toe-Dipper?
Episode 1353rd May 2023 • To Succeed... Just Let Go • Willie Horton
00:00:00 00:27:18

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Your experience of everyday life is entirely in your own hands. Not just that, your success and happiness are of your own making... or not! Same for your health, wealth, fitness, relationships... a list of either endless struggle or, to quote an Online Program Owner, a flowing experience of "deep joy".

You already know the science - we've talked about it often enough. You already know that we create our reality. And you already know that the most effective way to allow your life flow is just that... allow.

In this episode, we explore the concept of allowing, of letting go, of flowing of experiencing so-called perfect moments in the very here and now in which we all live our lives.

But we don't just talk concepts - concepts are useless (possibly even depressing if those concepts don't sound like the life you're living at the moment!) - we talk about how to experience what we're talking about.

Everything's meaningless until it is experienced.

And I'm not talking about experiencing flow or deep joy momentarily during an exercise such as meditation. I'm talking about having the tangible, real-life results to show for it. Everything's also meaningless without the results.

Ultimately, it all boils down to the question in the title of this week's podcast episode...



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