Mentioned in this episode:
Joe Bean Roasters
Joe Bean Coffee - Coffee that lifts everyone.
Lunchador Podcast Network
Lunchador Podcast Network is a network of podcasts originating in Rochester, NY. Our goal is bringing creative people together to be a positive force in the arts community. The shows that make up Lunchador are owned by the creators and cover a wide range of topics and backgrounds.
Welcome to the Level up podcast.
Aaron Pascucci:I'm your host today, Aaron Pascucci, and I am joined once again by fellow coffee drinker, armchair connoisseur, Chris Lindstrom.
Chris Lindstrom:Hey, Aaron, how you doing today, man?
Aaron Pascucci:We're good.
Aaron Pascucci:I am excited.
Aaron Pascucci:I don't know if you go through these waves where you feel super motivated to do stuff.
Chris Lindstrom:Yeah, I am.
Chris Lindstrom:I'm in a weird.
Chris Lindstrom:And it's a, it's an enviable position, but one I'm very uncomfortable with.
Chris Lindstrom:So I'm off for the rest of the year.
Aaron Pascucci:Oh, you mentioned that.
Aaron Pascucci:So you hit that point.
Chris Lindstrom:Yeah, I'm off for the rest of the year and I, I can't just not do things.
Chris Lindstrom:I, I start to fall apart almost instantaneously.
Chris Lindstrom:So whenever I'm off, I end up being like, wildly productive.
Aaron Pascucci:So drinking coffee at 8:30pm on a Thursday is probably not bad for you right now.
Chris Lindstrom:Perfectly fine.
Chris Lindstrom:Also, my.
Chris Lindstrom:The way my brain's wired like caffeine late at night doesn't affect me that much.
Aaron Pascucci:I know.
Aaron Pascucci:Isn't it sad?
Chris Lindstrom:Yeah.
Chris Lindstrom:I don't drink coffee at night typically, but mostly just out of like, oh, I need to try to be a decent person and fall asleep at a reasonable hour.
Aaron Pascucci:Well, and let's be honest, nighttime is.
Chris Lindstrom:For scotch and something we might be having right after, so.
Aaron Pascucci:Well, this is.
Aaron Pascucci:I don't know if this is going to be a coffee drinking episode or if it's going to turn into a full episode, but we'll see what's going on here.
Aaron Pascucci:So my motivation is we're going to push forward on this and we're going to start trying to make sure that we can get some episodes published routinely here.
Aaron Pascucci:Yeah, that's the goal.
Aaron Pascucci:We were talking about how nerdy people are nerdy about lots of nerdy things.
Aaron Pascucci:Yeah, absolutely.
Aaron Pascucci:So one of the things that's going to come out is I've got a guy.
Aaron Pascucci:I met Evan Johnson, met him through another podcast called the Gray NATO.
Aaron Pascucci:If you are a watch guy or you happen to have a really nice watch, either a hand me down or you did really well and you bought yourself a Rolex.
Aaron Pascucci:At some point you need to go check out this podcast.
Aaron Pascucci:Very short history here.
Aaron Pascucci:The leading expert in both vintage and watches in the, I might say the world right now is a guy named Ben Clymer.
Aaron Pascucci:He runs a company called Hodinkee.
Aaron Pascucci:It started out as a blog and is morphed into.
Aaron Pascucci:It's an entire production company.
Aaron Pascucci:They've got podcast, they've got video, they're really A lifestyle brand at this point.
Aaron Pascucci:Ben Clymer grew up in Brighton with myself.
Chris Lindstrom:Oh, nice.
Aaron Pascucci:So, you know, tuning my own horn a little bit.
Aaron Pascucci:If I can pretend that I'm famous in some ways.
Aaron Pascucci:You know, we were friends through middle school, knew each other, and kind of kept in contact in high school, and then we kind of split ways.
Aaron Pascucci:But he started this, you know, during the recession, you know, from his desk at a bank job.
Aaron Pascucci:And I started reading his blog there.
Aaron Pascucci:And there you go.
Aaron Pascucci:I'm into watches now.
Chris Lindstrom:Yeah.
Aaron Pascucci:So 10, 20 years later, I've got a bunch of watches talking with a bunch of watch guys, and there's a bunch of coffee nerds on there also.
Chris Lindstrom:That's awesome.
Chris Lindstrom:No, I'm actually.
Chris Lindstrom:I'm super excited.
Chris Lindstrom:I know you're mentioning we might get a chance to chat with him at some point.
Aaron Pascucci:That's the goal.
Aaron Pascucci:If you're listening, Evan, or I'm coming after you.
Aaron Pascucci:Yeah.
Aaron Pascucci:So I think he's excited too.
Chris Lindstrom:Yeah.
Chris Lindstrom:I think it would be interesting to talk to Ben at some point, too, because, you know, we're.
Chris Lindstrom:We're learning all the time as Lunchadore about, hey, how do people grow things?
Chris Lindstrom:How do you.
Chris Lindstrom:How do you do something that you really believe in from top to bottom and grow something in the way you wanted to grow it?
Chris Lindstrom:So I think we could have a fascinating conversation with him at some point, too.
Aaron Pascucci:Oh.
Aaron Pascucci:I mean, if.
Aaron Pascucci:If we could get him on the show, that would be life changing.
Chris Lindstrom:Yeah.
Chris Lindstrom:Well, that's the thing.
Chris Lindstrom:It's like, the nice thing is because Rochester is still such a small town and people with roots here still want to contribute, still want to be involved.
Chris Lindstrom:And I think there's a lot of excitement in Rochester right now that it might be interesting to talk about with somebody who's done great things.
Aaron Pascucci:And also, you know who.
Aaron Pascucci:It's just occurred to me, you know who.
Aaron Pascucci:We have a mutual contact, Mr.
Aaron Pascucci:David Lane.
Chris Lindstrom:Oh, yeah.
Chris Lindstrom:Dave would be great to have over.
Aaron Pascucci:We should get him on.
Aaron Pascucci:David is a Leathersmith, and he has met Ben more recently than I have because Ben sells his watch straps through Hodinkee.
Chris Lindstrom:Oh, that'd be fantastic.
Aaron Pascucci:And then the guys from the Gray Nado have also visited Rochester, or at least one of them has in the past, and he's gotten to kick it with them a little bit over in his little studio.
Chris Lindstrom:Nice.
Aaron Pascucci:So fun stuff.
Aaron Pascucci:You know, the world is so small.
Aaron Pascucci:Sometimes I feel like if I ran into the guys at the Grainito, they got a premium subscription, which I'm a member of, and they.
Aaron Pascucci:They do these meetups and stuff.
Aaron Pascucci:And it's one of those things where I know that I'd walk into one of these, you know, breweries, go up to the guy and be like, jason, what's going on?
Aaron Pascucci:And he would have some vague idea of who I was.
Chris Lindstrom:Yeah.
Aaron Pascucci:But he would act like we were best friends.
Aaron Pascucci:Yeah, of course.
Aaron Pascucci:And it's like, in my head, you are like this God of watches in writing over here.
Aaron Pascucci:And he's like, yeah, you're a cool guy.
Aaron Pascucci:I know.
Aaron Pascucci:And I'm like, there's something to be.
Chris Lindstrom:Said for at some point.
Chris Lindstrom:Part of the fun about doing these kind of things, whether it's writing, whether it's podcast or video work or other things, is connecting with people and having real conversations isn't.
Chris Lindstrom:Doesn't turn off.
Chris Lindstrom:I think sometimes, yes.
Chris Lindstrom:You know, with, you know, with the size of fandoms and things like that, it can be overwhelming, of course.
Chris Lindstrom:But in the end, you know, the best podcasts tend to be either amazing production pieces or they tend to be conversations.
Aaron Pascucci:Yeah.
Aaron Pascucci:I mean, that's the thing that I've realized about what we're doing is I want to get more towards that interesting conversation more than just hammer down on coffee all the time.
Chris Lindstrom:Yeah, it's both.
Chris Lindstrom:Right.
Chris Lindstrom:It can be fun.
Chris Lindstrom:It can be fun doing the deep dives.
Chris Lindstrom:It can be fun doing the nerd outs about the news and all the different aspects of coffee.
Chris Lindstrom:And, yeah, that's an important part of, you know, what we're doing.
Chris Lindstrom:But this part's also a blast.
Chris Lindstrom:Like, why not try.
Chris Lindstrom:Why not have some of these conversations with different people in the industry or adjacent things?
Chris Lindstrom:I mean, I know Dave would happily come over and do this because, you know, he's been on my show Food About Town a couple of times in the past, and foodie, he would love to come over and talk coffee and talk about watches and things.
Chris Lindstrom:I'm sure we'd have a blast.
Aaron Pascucci:It'll be great.
Aaron Pascucci:I miss Dave.
Aaron Pascucci:I ran into him when Rising Storm opened, and he had another watch guy.
Aaron Pascucci:And I pulled up, I'm like, dave, how are you?
Aaron Pascucci:What's going on?
Aaron Pascucci:And he looked right over his friends.
Aaron Pascucci:He goes, aaron likes watches, too.
Aaron Pascucci:And, like.
Aaron Pascucci:And, like, without hesitation, like, they both put their wrists out, and they're like, what do you.
Aaron Pascucci:What have you got on right now?
Aaron Pascucci:And, like, my wife is looking at me.
Aaron Pascucci:She's like, are you serious?
Aaron Pascucci:Are you serious right now?
Aaron Pascucci:So.
Chris Lindstrom:Sounds about right.
Chris Lindstrom:Carrie's learned to tolerate my diversions from everything we do, depending on who we Run into.
Aaron Pascucci:Oh, man, it never stops.
Aaron Pascucci:It's great.
Aaron Pascucci:But.
Aaron Pascucci:So we've got Evan's coffee in here.
Aaron Pascucci:Cult Leader coffee.
Aaron Pascucci:If you are happen to be one of the few who found us on YouTube first, this is the corresponding podcast that I'm gonna link up to.
Aaron Pascucci:Our little video there.
Aaron Pascucci:Actually, it occurs to me that we might be posting this conversation in video also.
Aaron Pascucci:Yeah, okay.
Chris Lindstrom:Yeah, you'll be able to have this whole thing on your, on your show.
Chris Lindstrom:So we can cross post it on there or on the Lunchadore network.
Chris Lindstrom:So, yeah, it's one of the great things.
Chris Lindstrom:You know, we're setting up more video in the studio now for this.
Chris Lindstrom:We have a one shot video.
Chris Lindstrom:We're working on individual video for every person right now.
Chris Lindstrom:You know, just expansion slowly and not, not trying to go too fast.
Aaron Pascucci:For those of you who are not watching the video, then, yeah, go check out the video.
Aaron Pascucci:We've got some really bad footage of Chris brewing coffee.
Chris Lindstrom:It was a great effort, mostly because.
Aaron Pascucci:It was his face.
Aaron Pascucci:No, I'm kidding.
Aaron Pascucci:The camera work.
Aaron Pascucci:Playing with a gimbal for the first time.
Aaron Pascucci:But yeah, go check out the video.
Aaron Pascucci:We're going to start doing multimedia stuff, or at least I'm going to hope to.
Aaron Pascucci:So fun stuff going on.
Aaron Pascucci:Yeah.
Aaron Pascucci:But we've got Cult leader Coffee in here.
Aaron Pascucci:We brew this on a Kalita wave.
Aaron Pascucci:This doesn't have a roast date, so some people listening might be interested to know more about that when we can figure that stuff out.
Aaron Pascucci:And this is a Papua New Guinea.
Aaron Pascucci:When we looked at it, it is kind of a standard medium, possibly getting towards dark, but I think it was actually more of a medium to a light medium than I've seen.
Aaron Pascucci:It definitely wasn't like a French style.
Chris Lindstrom:Yeah.
Chris Lindstrom:And so when, when Aaron's talking about that scale, we're also talking about, I'd say the general coffee scale of roasting, not specialty scale.
Chris Lindstrom:Often when we're talking about coffee tasting, we'll call it specialty medium or specialty medium minus.
Chris Lindstrom:It's basically taking a smaller window and expanding it for the sake of, you know, separation.
Chris Lindstrom:I'd say this definitely lands in the overall medium roast range.
Chris Lindstrom:The outside of the beans had a little bit of oil on it, which definitely indicates that it hit that, you know, solid specialty, medium level.
Chris Lindstrom:And that oil we're talking about solid meat, classic medium.
Aaron Pascucci:Yeah, classic medium.
Aaron Pascucci:And the oil we're talking about, if you're unaware, is like a sheen that is on the beans as you roast them.
Aaron Pascucci:The oils in there will come out more if you find A lot of specialty stuff.
Aaron Pascucci:It actually has more of a matte finish on the bean.
Aaron Pascucci:And that's kind of a key to some people when they're looking at buying their coffee is to the degree at which it's roasted and what they're looking for specifically.
Chris Lindstrom:Yeah, it's a little bit of an easy indicator, to be honest.
Chris Lindstrom:Like, if you see a very obvious oily sheen and you don't look at the color at all, you know, that has been pretty darkly roasted.
Aaron Pascucci:And a side note there, from selling Gaggia automatic espresso machines for years, there was problems with their grinders.
Aaron Pascucci:And I don't remember if Gaggia actually ever acknowledged this as being a problem, but when you put dark roasted coffee through these beans, there was a sensor that would get gummed up.
Chris Lindstrom:Yeah, that makes sense.
Aaron Pascucci:And it would stop grinding.
Aaron Pascucci:And it's all coming back.
Aaron Pascucci:It's all coming back coming back to me now.
Aaron Pascucci:It would say, no beans.
Aaron Pascucci:It was the no beans error in the.
Aaron Pascucci:The automatic espresso machines.
Aaron Pascucci:And they finally solved it.
Aaron Pascucci:I think there was a technician that I knew there, and he had been working.
Aaron Pascucci:He's been working there as long as I've known him for over 10 years, probably closer to 15, maybe 20.
Aaron Pascucci:And I think last month or a couple months ago, I was talking with his wife, and she goes, you'll never guess what happened.
Aaron Pascucci:They finally fixed it.
Chris Lindstrom:Interesting.
Aaron Pascucci:So I don't know what they did, but it was something along those lines.
Aaron Pascucci:And we would have these conversations with customers of, are you using oily beans?
Aaron Pascucci:He's like, no, they're not oily, I promise.
Aaron Pascucci:And they'd send a photo in, and it'd just be like, jet black reflective coffee.
Chris Lindstrom:Yeah.
Chris Lindstrom:And it's just one of those, like, one of those indicators where as soon as you start to see it, you can't unsee it.
Aaron Pascucci:Yep, yep.
Aaron Pascucci:It's like most things, you start to dive in, and all of a sudden it's now in your face and you can't get rid of it, But.
Aaron Pascucci:So start medium roast.
Aaron Pascucci:I did verify there's a little thing here that says roasted deep in the woods of Reader's, Pennsylvania, where the cult leaders are.
Aaron Pascucci:Ooh, nice.
Aaron Pascucci:He, Evan, nicely sent out a bunch of bags.
Aaron Pascucci:And I missed the joke where he said, oh, now you're one of us.
Aaron Pascucci:And I was like, oh, I'm one of the people who got his coffee.
Aaron Pascucci:No, I'm part of the cult leaders now.
Chris Lindstrom:So, yeah, the notes that they have on the website for this, this is the astral projection this is the notes of spiced dark chocolate and dried fruit.
Chris Lindstrom:And, you know, medium.
Chris Lindstrom:Medium on the coffee scale isn't normally where I drink my coffee.
Chris Lindstrom:You know, for a long time I've been a, you know, pretty hard specialty light roast coffee drinker.
Chris Lindstrom:So this is a little outside of my normal day to day, but this is what the vast majority of people like to drink is specialty medium roast.
Chris Lindstrom:Not specialty regular medium roast.
Chris Lindstrom:It's a force of habit to say specialty, by the way.
Chris Lindstrom:So this is what the vast majority of people drink all the time is classic medium roast, what they call city roast many times as well.
Chris Lindstrom:This is what almost everybody's drinking every day.
Chris Lindstrom:Um, I'd say even the lightest roast at, like, the big chains is medium for sure.
Aaron Pascucci:You can't get anything that we would consider light at Starbucks.
Chris Lindstrom:No.
Aaron Pascucci:Tim Hortons doesn't have anything close.
Chris Lindstrom:Yeah, this would be the absolute lightest you'd see at most.
Chris Lindstrom:Most big chains or in what most people drink at home.
Chris Lindstrom:And even what.
Chris Lindstrom:A lot of the bigger specialty brands roast closer to this than they do to specialty light.
Aaron Pascucci:I just bought a.
Aaron Pascucci:A bag of.
Aaron Pascucci:Who is it?
Aaron Pascucci:I want to say chromatic, but it's not.
Aaron Pascucci:They have a hologram roast at Wegmans.
Chris Lindstrom:It's not Verve, is it?
Aaron Pascucci:No, I was.
Aaron Pascucci:Does Wigman's call carry Verve?
Chris Lindstrom:I don't.
Chris Lindstrom:I've seen it at some point, but, you know, that's like.
Chris Lindstrom:Everything rotates at some point.
Chris Lindstrom:But, you know, the reason I brought all that up is that even though this isn't my typical drink, you definitely.
Chris Lindstrom:So the notes that they lay out there, you know, that dark chocolate, this really plays at that high.
Chris Lindstrom:Cacao bean.
Aaron Pascucci:Yeah.
Chris Lindstrom:This doesn't have like, char to it.
Chris Lindstrom:This isn't like.
Chris Lindstrom:No over roasted.
Chris Lindstrom:This is.
Chris Lindstrom:It plays like very dark chocolate, like a, you know, like an 85, 90% dark chocolate.
Aaron Pascucci:That's a very good description there.
Chris Lindstrom:Yeah, because it plays.
Chris Lindstrom:It plays pretty dry.
Chris Lindstrom:It doesn't play particularly sweet.
Chris Lindstrom:But I do have to say some of those.
Chris Lindstrom:Some of those dried fruit notes I'm trying to isolate right now.
Chris Lindstrom:I'm definitely getting some.
Chris Lindstrom:Some of that dry fruit on the nose.
Chris Lindstrom:It's just almost like cherry, like dry cherry, where it is a darker dried fruit.
Chris Lindstrom:It's not like mango or, you know, tropicals.
Chris Lindstrom:If I'd say it would be like, like dried cherry or dried, not blueberry, but like dried cherry or something like that.
Aaron Pascucci:Sure.
Aaron Pascucci:Now what I was going at, it is counterculture coffee.
Aaron Pascucci:So again, specialty coffee brand, they've Blown up a much.
Aaron Pascucci:They've blown up enough that they are now stocked at Wegmans.
Aaron Pascucci:I've had their hologram and I remembered liking it.
Aaron Pascucci:So I got another one that I'm not seeing listed here on their main website right now.
Aaron Pascucci:But they've got three main blends that they put out there.
Aaron Pascucci:And I needed something to fill in a gap between my specialty shipments there.
Aaron Pascucci:And I was like, you know, maybe I'll pick up one of these.
Aaron Pascucci:And it was much darker than this and slightly disappointing for what they're charging for it there.
Chris Lindstrom:Yeah.
Chris Lindstrom:Because I've had a.
Chris Lindstrom:I've had a ton of.
Chris Lindstrom:I've had really great counterculture coffee.
Chris Lindstrom:You know, their.
Chris Lindstrom:Their specialty lighter roasts.
Chris Lindstrom:I've had great counterculture coffee in shops that are based on that.
Aaron Pascucci:Sure.
Chris Lindstrom:Just like you have intelligentsia shops or counterculture shops in towns where they aren't.
Chris Lindstrom:Right.
Chris Lindstrom:I've had great coffee from.
Chris Lindstrom:From their stuff.
Chris Lindstrom:But, you know, this is also how things tend to go.
Chris Lindstrom:Looks like the blends they have are even keel gradient, which seems to be dark.
Chris Lindstrom:Big trouble, which is a little lighter than hologram than fast forward and 46.
Aaron Pascucci:Yeah.
Chris Lindstrom:Oh, they even have more.
Chris Lindstrom:They have Apollo as well.
Chris Lindstrom:That's like the lightest roast of their blends.
Aaron Pascucci:Right.
Chris Lindstrom:So, I mean, it's.
Chris Lindstrom:They've got a lot of different options even on the blend side because there's such a big company now.
Chris Lindstrom:But something like this, which is a small roaster, you know, this is definitely what most people are expecting.
Chris Lindstrom:And I would say most people are going to like this a lot because it's definitively roasty.
Chris Lindstrom:It has just a little bit of that roast bitterness.
Chris Lindstrom:It has a little.
Chris Lindstrom:It's nods to dried fruit.
Chris Lindstrom:It's not like overtly fruity.
Chris Lindstrom:But this is the kind of drink where I think this.
Chris Lindstrom:This feels like people are going to love to put a little bit of milk in here.
Aaron Pascucci:I was just, just going to say I.
Aaron Pascucci:I am drinking this black.
Aaron Pascucci:And number two things, I brewed this morning, that counterculture on almost the same settings there.
Aaron Pascucci:I used a hario instead of the kalita.
Chris Lindstrom:Yep.
Aaron Pascucci:And it was not as smooth as this.
Chris Lindstrom:Yeah.
Aaron Pascucci:I'm not getting any bitterness, really.
Aaron Pascucci:Which is surprising also for how dark it is, for sure.
Aaron Pascucci:And typically, if I was to brew this at home, I would be adding cream or a little bit of sugar to it just to kind of round it out.
Aaron Pascucci:And I'm not even feeling a need to.
Chris Lindstrom:No.
Aaron Pascucci:It's got a.
Aaron Pascucci:A nice smoothness to it.
Aaron Pascucci:It gives you that.
Aaron Pascucci:That Coffee flavor.
Chris Lindstrom:Yeah.
Aaron Pascucci:In a very like full bodied way.
Aaron Pascucci:And yeah, it's, it's, it's good that way.
Chris Lindstrom:Yeah.
Chris Lindstrom:And I'm wondering, I'm wondering if it'd be easier to pick out some of those, some of those different accent flavors with almost.
Chris Lindstrom:With the softening.
Chris Lindstrom:But I say this is a well made coffee that the vast majority of people are going to really enjoy.
Chris Lindstrom:It's not for me, but that doesn't mean it wasn't well roasted and well made.
Aaron Pascucci:I.
Aaron Pascucci:My imagination was going, was like, where would I encounter this?
Aaron Pascucci:You know, I don't know that I would have picked this up if I had walked into a store.
Aaron Pascucci:Yeah.
Aaron Pascucci:Which is an interesting thought experiment in itself.
Aaron Pascucci:But I was like, where would I have encountered this?
Aaron Pascucci:If this was served to me at like a work function, I would be extremely happy.
Chris Lindstrom:Yeah.
Chris Lindstrom:And this.
Chris Lindstrom:Perfectly content.
Chris Lindstrom:You know, I would be perfectly content if this was the only thing available.
Aaron Pascucci:But I'm thinking like, usually like people brewing coffee at work functions, you're not getting.
Aaron Pascucci:It's.
Aaron Pascucci:It's all gonna be over roasted.
Aaron Pascucci:It's all gonna be over extracted and brewed way too hot.
Aaron Pascucci:But you know, we brew this at home on a modest setup there.
Aaron Pascucci:You know, even if you just had a standard hot water kettle and possibly a blade grinder.
Aaron Pascucci:I bet you the grinder is a big part of this though.
Aaron Pascucci:Yeah, the, the O2 we've just been talking about, the big burrs are giving you super consistent extraction and piece sizes there.
Chris Lindstrom:Yeah, absolutely.
Chris Lindstrom:And I think that definitely benefits from that.
Chris Lindstrom:Makes it a little easier to pick out some of the, some of the little details.
Chris Lindstrom:You said this town was Readers Penns?
Aaron Pascucci:Yeah, Readers, Pennsylvania.
Chris Lindstrom:It's just north of Allentown, so.
Chris Lindstrom:Just a little bit north of Allentown, which is obviously a little north of Philadelphia.
Aaron Pascucci:Right.
Chris Lindstrom:So, yeah, not to get to.
Chris Lindstrom:And yeah, this is, I guess, like I said, this is very well made.
Chris Lindstrom:It's not something I'm going to be looking for just because it's not my preferred roast profile, but I see a lot of people really enjoying this.
Aaron Pascucci:Well, and I would say too, you know, before we, you know, kind of wrap up our tasting notes and things here, that this is probably a coffee that would get people to that deeper level, I think.
Aaron Pascucci:So, like I.
Aaron Pascucci:This would be a coffee shop that I would go back to consistently for having good coffee.
Chris Lindstrom:Yeah.
Aaron Pascucci:And yeah, like, that would be my in there and there would be somebody there who would add a tidbit of knowledge that would take you to a couple deeper levels there.
Chris Lindstrom:Yeah.
Chris Lindstrom:Absolutely.
Chris Lindstrom:Side note, that spice, dark chocolate, I was getting like, almost graham cracker spices for a second.
Aaron Pascucci:Okay.
Chris Lindstrom:It's not like cloves, but it's got almost like cinnamon kind of.
Aaron Pascucci:That's what it was.
Aaron Pascucci:I wanted to say honey cinnamon.
Chris Lindstrom:Yeah.
Chris Lindstrom:Cardamom.
Chris Lindstrom:It's that kind of like rounded spice.
Chris Lindstrom:It's not like one specific spice.
Chris Lindstrom:It almost feels like that graham cracker spice.
Aaron Pascucci:Sure.
Chris Lindstrom:And that's kind of.
Chris Lindstrom:Yeah.
Chris Lindstrom:I think cardamom is a good one, too.
Chris Lindstrom:This would actually do well with, like.
Chris Lindstrom:You could put cardamom in this.
Aaron Pascucci:Yeah.
Chris Lindstrom:Would actually go really well.
Chris Lindstrom:Like, if you put one pod in while you were brewing.
Chris Lindstrom:It actually would.
Chris Lindstrom:I've had cardamom forward coffee.
Chris Lindstrom:A lot of the West Asian countries.
Aaron Pascucci:Okay.
Chris Lindstrom:Will have cardamom in the coffee.
Chris Lindstrom:So, like Syrian coffee or places like that.
Chris Lindstrom:A lot of them actually put cardamom in there.
Chris Lindstrom:Huh.
Aaron Pascucci:You learned something new.
Chris Lindstrom:Yeah.
Chris Lindstrom:So it actually goes really well with darker, you know, medium plus roast coffees.
Chris Lindstrom:Yeah.
Chris Lindstrom:I think they would actually go really well in this.
Aaron Pascucci:It would.
Chris Lindstrom:But very pleasant.
Aaron Pascucci:Such a.
Aaron Pascucci:I'm glad.
Aaron Pascucci:So, Evan, thank you for sending this out.
Aaron Pascucci:I can't wait to have the rest of our conversation because it's.
Aaron Pascucci:It's going to take us down a rabbit hole and it's going to be super fun.
Aaron Pascucci:I am rambling now.
Chris Lindstrom:It's all right.
Chris Lindstrom:You mind if I close this out?
Aaron Pascucci:No, let's close this out.
Chris Lindstrom:All right.
Aaron Pascucci:I'm trying to get there.
Chris Lindstrom:So just one more plug for the coffee brand at the end.
Chris Lindstrom:So throw that in for us, Aaron.
Aaron Pascucci:Yeah.
Aaron Pascucci:So we have been drinking cult leader coffee company.
Aaron Pascucci:It's they're out of readers, Paul.
Aaron Pascucci:And these nice one that we were sent was Astral Projection, which is a Papua New Guinea.
Chris Lindstrom:Awesome.
Chris Lindstrom:So thank you.
Chris Lindstrom:Thank you for getting us some coffee to taste today.
Chris Lindstrom:We really appreciate it.
Chris Lindstrom:And if you're interested in learning more about the other shows on the Lunchadore podcast network, you can go to check out all the other shows.
Chris Lindstrom: going to be launching soon in: Chris Lindstrom:This is our new show covering Rochester's music scene.
Chris Lindstrom:So we just recorded one before this.
Chris Lindstrom:I'm really excited to dive in more to the music scene, learn more about it, and get Rochester more engaged.
Chris Lindstrom:So hopefully tune in for that and join us next time for another episode of the Level Up Coffee podcast.
Chris Lindstrom:This has been a presentation of the lunchroom podcast network.
Chris Lindstrom:Sip sip all night long.