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Using Content to Attract the Right Clients with Olivia Luper
Episode 8014th September 2022 • FutureProof Advisor Podcast • Matt Reiner
00:00:00 00:42:35

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Joining me from South Florida today on Bridging the Gap is Olivia Luper. Olivia is a writer and content marketer for financial advisor, and she’s also the host of Get AdvisorFIT Podcast. 

We discuss the importance of learning from others’ content and putting your own spin on it to make it yours, the difference between evergreen content vs. timely content, lead magnets and the benefits of having these on your website, and how to build your email campaign to produce traction to your content. Olivia also shares the creative side and the technical side of blog posts and their titles, what that entails, and how you can use these tips to drive your content. 

Guest Bio:

Olivia Luper is the founder and chief content writer of Lexicon Content Development, a content marketing and consulting firm for financial advisors. She is also the host of the Get AdvisorFIT Marketing Podcast, the mother of three, and an NPC bodybuilder working on becoming an IFBB bodybuilding pro.

With a master's in English literature and a passion for writing, she is a writer first and marketer second. "The heart of what I do is storytelling. The rest is just getting the story out there so the right people come through the door."





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