Along with our regular monthly updates on policy briefs, arable, beef, sheep and milk, In this edition we are also bringing you 2 sector overviews on bull fertility and buffalo farming. We will also be bringing you news on alternative energy and decision grade data from nature tech.
Show Notes
00.48.:- News in Brief
02.19:- Policy Briefs - Fertiliser purchases, wildlife management & animal health & welfare support
07.31:- Arable - Struggles with quality following patchy summer.
13.17:- Beef - Margins remain tight as prices fall.
16.46:- Sheep - Competitive pricing from Auz and NZ
20.06:- Sector Focus – Bull fertility
25.12 :- Milk - Negative sentiment in dairy markets continue
30.02:- Sector Focus – Buffalo farming
36.09:- Input Costs - Alternative energy
41.11:- Management Matters - Decision-grade data from nature tech