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Meeting Before They Met: A Myronic Chance Encounter with Michelle Bateman and Travis Belanger
Episode 7118th June 2022 • “That’s Myrony” (My + Irony) • Alysha Myronuk
00:00:00 01:07:34

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Thanks to the magic of divine design at it yet again, Michelle Bateman and I met apparently at the time we were meant to thanks to our mutual friend, DeeAnne Riendeau (Ep. 64) speaking at a virtual networking event based in Canada. During this same event, DeeAnne, Michelle and I were the only ones in the first of two breakout sessions, so since Michelle and I both new DeeAnne, we then had a little more time to connect, and Michelle told me she had a very myronic story of how she met Travis Belanger. After hearing only a little, I knew this story needed to be shared on “That’s Myrony” and while recording we discovered Travis and Michelle’s love story had even more myronies because part of how they met is somehow connected to where I currently live in San Jose, CA while they both live in Edmonton, Alberta…how does this happen? “That’s Myrony”!! In this case, it’s how two soulmates were brought together in a very unexpected way because of many chance coincidences that we know are definitely not by chance especially after you hear their story and see how they absolutely were divinely meant for each other to now also be the Power Duo as Transformational Coaches for Women, Men and also Couples!!   

About the Guest:

Michelle Bateman went from overwhelmed single mom to the founder & CEO of Soul Journey. She became a Confidence & Clarity Coach, international speaker and facilitator that empowers women & SOULpreneurs to bust through the blocks that are holding them back and find the clarity they need to confidently walk in the room knowing they have immense value to offer in their life and business.

Connect with Michelle:

@souljourneytransformations on social media

Travis Belanger and Michelle Bateman:

After the best blind date ever, Travis Belanger and Michelle Bateman became forever connected. Together they are Transformational Coaches, international authors, dynamic speakers and facilitators. As an amazing power couple, they are living examples that you can have it all. Together they are passionate about empowering people and couples to overcome the blocks that are holding them back from deeper connection to themselves, each other and their family so they can create a life they love.

Travis founded Men On Fire for men to ignite their life and live with purpose, allowing them to create success and leave a legacy they're proud of. When men redefine how they identify themselves and change their dialogue, they create a more fulfilled life.

Michelle is a Confidence & Clarity Coach and founder of Soul Journey. She passionately helps women and Soulpreneurs bust through what's holding them back from their dreams and confidently walk in the room and know they have immense value in the world.

Together they are on fire!

To connect with Travis:

@menonfirecoaching on social media


About the Host:  

Alysha Myronuk is the creator of the concept myrony (my+irony) which are the crazy coincidences that happen in life we can’t explain…it’s also another word for sign/synchronicity. Myrony is slightly different because it’s synchronicity in motion since it’s up to us to pay attention to the coincidences or signs but also “listen” to the intuitive pull we all get which Alysha believe is our greatest superpower! 

Her life was fairly normal until she got into a car accident that triggered fibromyalgia at the age of 18 and had to deal with that very painful chronic condition along with many other life challenges including loss of both parents, marriage, divorce, suicide thoughts/attempt, alcohol/prescription drug abuse/addiction and a full hysterectomy by the time she was 35. 

Alysha’s strong spiritual connection and tenacity is what helped her through some very dark days. However, it’s actually thanks to those days that allowed her to connect to her superpower that she calls her “Spiritual Spidey Sense”. She now shares her new concept hosting “That’s Myrony” Podcast along with her spiritual coaching business “My Myrony Mentoring” where she uses her psychic gift of “knowing” also known as claircognizance to help her clients through Intuitive “Soul Sessions” with her unique one of a kind modality, “The Myrony Method: A Key to Unlock Your Soul’s Blocks” Program which helps release at a soul level to move forward and create the life you truly desire all with a little myrony!

So if you are feeling overwhelmed or stuck & would like to sign up for your Intro Intuitive “Soul Session” so Alysha can uncover some of your blocks & maybe even discover the name for your inner SUPERPOWER then please click the link to schedule a call!!


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Alysha Myronuk:

Hi, and welcome to the That's Myrony podcast. My name's Alysha Myronic and I am your host and creator of this fun new concept. But first, what exactly is Myrony? Well, Myrony or my irony are those crazy coincidences that happen in life that you just can't explain. It's also another word for sign or synchronicity. We've all experienced these throughout our lives. But what if you started paying closer attention to your myronies? What if you started connecting the dots, or, as I like to say, follow the spiritual breadcrumbs that could have an impact so big that it changes your life forever? Not to mention the lives of others. Now, That's myrony.

Alysha Myronuk:

Hi, everyone, welcome back to That's myrony podcast. I am so excited because I have not heard this story before. Except I was told that this couple this power couple Michelle Bateman, and Travis Belanger, they met in the most myronic way, and they're going to share it for the first or they're going to share it and I'm only going to be hearing it for the first time. But first I want to share a little bit about Michelle and Travis. So Michelle Bateman went from overwhelm single mom to the founder and CEO of soul journey, she became a confidence and clarity coach, international speaker and facilitator that empowers women and solopreneurs. to bust through the blocks that are holding them back and find clarity, they need to confidently walk in the room knowing they have immense value to offer in their life and business. Then when she met her other half after the best blind date ever, Travis llj and Michelle Bateman became forever connected together. They are transformational coaches, international authors, dynamic speakers and facilitators, as an amazing power couple that are living examples that you can have it all. Together, they are passionate about empowering people and couples to overcome the blocks that are holding them back from deeper connection to themselves, each other and their families so they can create a life they love. Travis founded men on fire for men to ignite their life and live with purpose, allowing them to create success and leave a legacy they're proud of. When men redefine how they identify themselves and change their dialogue. They create a more fulfilled life. So together they are on fire. So let's go meet Michelle. First she's going to be sharing her story and then laters Travis is going to be sharing his side. And together we're going to see why their story is so am ironic and what makes them this amazing power couple. Hi, Michelle, thank you so much for joining me on that's my already podcast today, because I am so excited to hear your My erotic love story of how you met your husband, Travis. But first we're gonna hear your story on how you got into this spiritual journey and being a soul coach and helping solopreneurs. So thanks again for joining me.

Michelle Bateman:

Thanks for having me. Yeah, it's a bit of a funny story that I share. You know, it's not always the prettiest road that gets us to where we are today. But it was, you know, a moment of being alone and miserable in my second marriage and looking around and thinking, How did I get here? What did I do? What did I do to deserve this? I just want to be happy. And I remember one night being in my bed and just thinking, you know, I could just smother him with a pillow like it would just all go away.

Alysha Myronuk:

I don't think that would all go away. But

Michelle Bateman:

it was the thought I had in the moment. And I can laugh about it now. But it was really a moment that that shook me because I didn't know who I was anymore. I used to be this happy, loving, kind woman and I had just become so bitter and angry and disillusioned with everything that had happened in my life. And I just resigned to the idea that I'd never be happy again. And I had kind of given up on hopes and dreams and I was just going to tap it out till I die. And this was the road that I was on. When I had that moment. I remember I had a friend who was dying of ALS. And he was totally paralyzed. The only way he could communicate was blinking through a computer screen that would type or speak his words. And he was happier dying than I was living.

Alysha Myronuk:

Wow, that is powerful.

Michelle Bateman:

And it was such a A huge wake up call to me to realize that if he could figure out how to be happy dying, I should be able to figure this out. And so that began my journey of you know, reading books and going to healers and coaches and all the things trying to figure out what it what I needed to do to be happy. And, you know, as I began to do that, I learned that I had to change my thoughts. And I had to change my beliefs. And I had to change the words that I was speaking in order to create a new reality, because saying, My life sucked every day just created more of a sucky life. And so it wasn't really working for me. And so as I began to change, all those things, like literally, things began to change overnight. And I went from being a stay at home mom feeling trapped in that marriage, and never being able to leave to landing the job of my dreams and being able to move out and rent this amazing house for my daughters and I, and when you're later buying my own home, and so as all of that happened, I was like, Oh, I had everything in my journal that I had written that I wanted, I wanted peace. I wanted happiness. I wanted a home, I wanted a job. And with one, within one year, I checked them all off. Wow. Yeah. And I was so blown away. And I realized that we're not taught these things that are so essential in navigating life, we all know life happens, life goes sideways more times than we'd like to count. And then what do we do when that happens? And often we just go, you know, deeper into that hole of negativity, and depression and anxiety, and all the things that we end up struggling with, because no one teaches us. If we could just think different and just have a different perspective on what we're experiencing, it can change everything that we're going through. And so that's how I realized that this was my purpose to now share with other women that didn't have to feel stuck like I did, didn't have to be in an abusive, unhappy relationship, thinking you had no other choice but to stay. So you know, being able to empower women to come into their own power to create that confidence for themselves to go out and create something amazing, was kind of how that journey started.

Alysha Myronuk:

So may I ask, well, first off, where are you calling in from I always like to have listeners understand because we haven't we definitely had a my ironic reason of being connected in a very funny way. So we're going to share who connected us in that way. But yeah, where are you calling in

Michelle Bateman:

from just outside of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Alysha Myronuk:

Okay, so I'm in San Jose, California, and we happen to meet on the yo your holistic Earth program thanks to our mutual friend DeAndre Endo. Who I always give a shout out to Dan Coates, she's she's not just a dear soul friend. She's been a mentor of understanding the Akashic records so anyone listening who wants to do that? Check it out, DeAndre endo and she's just the Akashic is so fascinating. I'm sure you would, you would agree with that?

Michelle Bateman:

Yeah, we just spent the day with Dee yesterday out in her land in her teepee that she put out. We had a soulful Sunday gathering. It was awesome.

Alysha Myronuk:

Oh my goodness, you were there. I'll have to go look at the pictures and check out and listener that's Rose I just remembered her website. But anyway,

Michelle Bateman:

we were both out there. It was awesome. Oh, I

Alysha Myronuk:

can't wait to see the pictures. Well, it's really funny because I just by chance, was connected with her did this much deeper soul work. I had done this other soul work before but the Akashic really opened up something really profound. And so it was just funny because I was only on it because her and another friend Brooke ecos. Were speaking. And then we were in a breakout room only with the three of us.

Michelle Bateman:

Yeah, and I only came because of dn

Alysha Myronuk:

Exactly. And so this is what the concept of Myronies. So for anybody who's listening because they haven't heard this podcast because they want to hear your story is my irony or the crazy coincidences that happen in life that we can't explain. But it's a more modern day word for synchronicity, but it's really synchronicity in motion. You see that sign there's an action you get that intuitive pull there's an action so we stayed in action had a conversation. And I literally told you I said look, I want to have you on my podcast I don't want to hear your story yet. So listeners I have not heard this story which I'm so super excited because the greater the minority the more I love

Michelle Bateman:

right and we just knew because you said you would heard my name before we even got connected. And we live in you know in opposite ends of the countries.

Alysha Myronuk:

Yeah, well I there was something that I connected with you on social media for whatever reason, and then it was like you've just kept showing up and showing up and I was like I'm supposed to connect with her and then literally we connected so that is definitely my already, but you know, I'm curious. Well, first off, do you remember the first like, spiritual book that you picked up? When you said you started your spiritual journey? What was that pivotal moment for you?

Michelle Bateman:

I guess it was a book called excuse me, your life is waiting.

Alysha Myronuk:

Like, a good one. Yeah, I

Michelle Bateman:

was like, Yeah, I think I need to read this. And the second one. The irony with that one, too, was the five agreements by not Don Miguel Ruiz was, and I had been gifted that book 20 years previously. And I graciously took it and said, Thank you, and I put it in the basement and never read it. And when I pulled it out, it literally changed my life. And I was like, if I only done this 20 years ago, I probably wouldn't have struggled the way that I did. And I know everything's in divine timing, and I was ready. But you know, sometimes people offer suggestions and guidance, because they can see where we're struggling. And they know they have a solution. And we think we know better, and we've got it all figured out. And those are little gifts and signs that we don't pay attention to. And so, you know, had I done that, you know, I might have fast track some of the things that I went through, still trusting the divine timing, but also knowing those little nudges are there, whether we decide to take them or not.

Alysha Myronuk:

Yeah, well, it's funny, because I was gifted the book, many lives, many masters by Dr. Brian Weiss. And without that gift, I wouldn't have survived, you know, like it really, you know, it's like, what sometimes our souls, just they, until we can get that soul understanding that somehow we chose it all the good, the bad, and especially the ugly. So we can get to that place of awareness, we will stay in victimhood, you know, and when we can remove that victimhood, then we can empower ourselves. And I love the fact that you know, you were able to do that for women, you primarily work with women and your husband with men and then as couples, right, is that what

Michelle Bateman:

Yeah, I have had a couple of men through my my business program. But yes, predominantly, I work with women, the information is the same. But I know, I know what women go through, I know what we struggle with. So I like to create the community for that. But there is, you know, men that follow what I do, because it's the same information. It's just how we apply it to our own our own situations.

Alysha Myronuk:

And how long have you had your your soul, your soul journey business?

Michelle Bateman:

I just came up on four years that I had done that and so you know, as a single mom losing my job, that job of my dreams was like, Okay, now what now? What is the universe calling me to do

Alysha Myronuk:

now? And what was the job of your dream?

Michelle Bateman:

I worked at a medical spa, doing marketing and management for five years. And you know, the divine synchronicities of everything is I had worked with Tony Robbins in my early 20s. And, you know, having kids and forgot about personal development and life just happened. And I remember, in the, in the journey of wanting to go back to work, I said, I want to work for a company that you know, is put into personal development, I want to get back into that world because I really enjoyed the energy around that. So when I found this job, she had taken all of Tony Robbins advanced training, she was into spirituality and crystals and energy and she was the one that taught me a lot of the things that I learned about past lives and about crystals and about energy. And so I really believe like the divine placement of of that in my life that opened up so many of these gifts at the time that I was going through this journey was just you know, perfect timing. And so when I lost that job, Tony Robbins was coming to Calgary, which is three hours away, five days before Christmas, and it was a massive blizzard. And I knew I had to be there. I spent like what little money I had before Christmas. I was like, I'm going to we like literally white knuckled it down in the snowstorm to get to this event we like lined up in the middle of a blizzard that morning. And he said one thing that changed my whole life. And he never said it before. And I've never heard him say it since but he said, Stop making excuses why you can't do what you want to do most in the world. Draw the line right here right now and decide now it's like, okay, I decide, I'm going to be coked I'm starting my own business. I was terrified. And I didn't know what to do. But I trusted that this was my purpose and my calling that if I said yes, that the universe would figure out the details.

Alysha Myronuk:

Yeah, it did. Oh, I love that. So going back to you know, when you were a kid or a teenager, do you recognize your spiritual gifts that might have been kind of shut off until they were ready to be reopened?

Michelle Bateman:

I would say as a child and a teenager No. The first experience I remember having was in my early 20s I was going through a difficult relationship and I I remember talking to my grandma who had passed. And I grew up being afraid of dead people and dead things like all of that freaked me out. And so I remember crying in my bed talking to her, and I felt my hand close. And I felt her holding my hand. And then shortly after that, I saw her and my grandpa standing at the bottom of my bed, and they had their arms around each other, and they were so happy. And it was just this this comforting experience that I had, it wasn't scary or anything. So that was kind of the first moment where I was able to see things that you know, others don't see. And those don't happen all the time. But I saw how that began to open up a few things.

Alysha Myronuk:

That's amazing, I like to say, with with my clients who are just starting their journey, I say, a bit like the Harry Potter way of looking at it, then a movie from the muggle world to the Harry Potter world. It's all there. He just gets a certain scene in a different way. So I love that because it's like, I don't know about you, but I'd rather be dealing with magic and miracles than not being right. Right,

Michelle Bateman:

and just getting stuck in the reality and not being able to see beyond what's right in front of you.

Alysha Myronuk:

Exactly. So So now with your gifts can I always like asking so you know whether your superpowers

Michelle Bateman:

what are my superpowers so being able to lovingly help women see the spots that they're getting stuck, giving them the suggestions, giving them that little push and kick in the butt when they need it? Always with love, and just helping them see the possibilities and the new perspectives that can change everything for them and just really equipping them with tools that they can now go out and live their life and create a life they love and feel confident and know that they are valuable and they have value to bring to the world?

Alysha Myronuk:

Oh, that's beautiful. So on your spiritual gifts, you connect more to clairvoyance. clairaudience Clairsentience is there. I hear

Michelle Bateman:

and I know I hear things like very loud sometimes when I'm when I'm coaching I'm like, sure stop yelling at me because they're like telling me the answer. And my clients need to find that for their themselves. But I often hear what they're gonna say before they say it or it's just a knowing.

Alysha Myronuk:

Okay, so you have so for the listeners that's Claire audience when you hear it and Claire cognizance when you just know it, which Yeah, my strongest gift of Claire cognizance. I don't know why I know it, but I just know it. It's like, okay,

Michelle Bateman:

yeah, that's gonna sound crazy. But here you go.

Alysha Myronuk:

Right. Exactly. And you know, it's interesting. I don't know if you've ever read the book, The Light Between us by Laura Lynn Jackson, psychic, fame. Medium. It was funny because for like, it was like, a year before somebody introduced me to that book. I kept seeing the word Jackson, Jackson Jackson. I'm like, What's up with Jackson? My dad is the Pats. His name was Jack. And my mom's pet name for him was Jackson. And I was like, what is that? What Jackson it was like literally everything. So that and Laura Lynn Jackson, when I was introduced to this book, she talked about all her gifts and how she actually really tried to deny them she was she was looking at for more of a scientific way. Like, how is this possible. And she mentioned the gift of knowing was her strongest one, I was like, oh, that's what I have. And so when I finally had the awareness, I was able to, like, start really tapping into that. And so it's like, it's fun, I'm sure you see this, you see this with your clients. And once they start gaining the awareness, their gifts are able to start coming out, you know, it's just like we all have, it's just whether or not we tap into them. Now some of us have greater gifts than others, you know, we can all be the famous painters out there in the spiritual world. And guess you know, like, I consider our friend Dee, and she's like a frickin, you know, Van Gogh, Monet.

Michelle Bateman:

Yeah, we all have our own giftings in our own unique way, because everybody needs to hear things in a different way. And I can hear you know, something from Deanne and hear something from somebody else and take them completely differently. So, we all we need all kinds of different personalities and artists and you know, different kinds of gifts because, you know, in different moments, we need different things.

Alysha Myronuk:

Well, I also think that it's also dependent on where we are in our awareness of where who is going to be best to work with who because if people don't understand the Akashic and for those that are listening to Kaushik is a very interesting, it's our sole record, we get to find out on a soul level where we're at. But you know, if people are just learning about this, that could just be too much for them, right? So it's like, you want to make sure to be you know, being able to help people in their soul growth in the steps that they need. So I love that I love just because so many people like you said, how do you find it? Like, how do you we're not taught this? You know, we just get spun around in circles over and over and over.

Michelle Bateman:

Right? And depending on your upbringing, and you know, what you were told is, is bad and good and right and wrong. And you know, I know a lot of people come to us from a church background, trying to understand spirituality. And they're like, Well, this is a god base. And I said, Absolutely. And whether you call it God or creator or source, it's connecting to that higher power and tapping into that. And meditation is the same as prayer. And there's so many similarities. And you know, but if you've been told that there's only one way, and if it's not in the box, it's bad and wrong, then there's a lot of people that have aversions to that, because they just don't understand.

Alysha Myronuk:

Yeah, well, I was one of those where I was a total universe girl. And then it was being having mediumship abilities that I connected to my dad after he passed, and he gave me this profound message. He's like, Alicia, you need to believe in the Holy Family. And I was brought up Catholic, and I was like, wait, what this is when I knew I wasn't making any of this up in my head, because I was like, There's no way I would even be telling myself I needed to believe in this even if I made it up, right. And he gave me the most profound answer. He's like, it's like Taoism, with the Holy Family. And I was like, well, when the Holy Family be everybody who's doing you know, God's work, but what about if we look at whole and complete, there's probably a piece out there that if we just start putting together like a puzzle will see a much more beautiful divine picture. So I was able to almost it was almost like he gave me permission to get God out of a box known as religion and, and it was amazing. And so this is how I represent God behind me. That's Winky. God is love with an awesome sense of humor, because

Michelle Bateman:

I agree 1,000,000% And you just when you begin to pay attention to those those my ironies, you just, you can't help but laugh at, you know, all the things that had to happen for that one experience to happen. So many things needed to fall into place, and you're just like, Okay, thank you. We do I do retreats to Sedona, Arizona, and it's a very

Alysha Myronuk:

feel I have been dying to go to Sedona. I've been telling everybody, I'm like, we're all going to be meeting in Sedona. So this is why I'm like bright eyed and like, Oh, my goodness, maybe you're the reason I keep being told, like go into Sedona. So it is

Michelle Bateman:

the most magical beautiful experience ever. And when we go there, you know, some of the the healers that we talked to, they're like, well, you're gonna have to get to this place early because there's not a lot of parking spots. And I was like, that sort of problem for us. Like we manifest rock star parking everywhere we go. And it's literally not an issue for us. And every time we pull into the last parking spot, and we're like, Thanks, universe, thanks universe every time we get it, because we just believe that that's how it is. And that's how it was.

Alysha Myronuk:

So I just got to ask, you know, when you're going to Sedona next because I want to, I want to do my best to get there and bring a whole I have like a whole group of girls around the country that we've been talking about going to Sedona so that

Michelle Bateman:

really, oh, yeah, I love love, love taking women there, we've had the most beautiful and that's like a whole nother podcast thinks that the magical experiences that have happened in Sedona, we're just like,

Alysha Myronuk:

we'll have to make that happen. Maybe there's someone that you had that experience with and we can have you as like a guest, you can be my guest co host. And we can have that you know that that dialogue? That's awesome, because we

Michelle Bateman:

even have photos to prove it. So it is it is crazy. The experiences we had there.

Alysha Myronuk:

I love that even more, because better. Well, that's awesome. But do you do you have a Sedona trip coming up? Or is that still not yet? Maybe we can co create and manifest together?

Michelle Bateman:

Yeah, yeah. It's on the backburner. It's it's it's a one day coming soon.

Alysha Myronuk:

Oh, my goodness. I've been I've never been I've been just wanting to go. And I had somebody who went there back in 2019. And she actually bought me a beautiful she's she's clairaudient. And she said, and this could sound blasphemous. But she bought this beautiful Amethyst pendulum for me. And she said that God told me to buy this for you because I was being I was I connected with verse with a pendulum is and here's the thing. It's just a tool. You know, it was just this. It doesn't have to be anything more than that. But it was so funny. She bought it in Sedona, she was told to Jen brought home

Michelle Bateman:

a beautiful Amethyst from Sedona and the pattern on it is so cool. And it looks like it's got a hummingbird in it.

Alysha Myronuk:

Oh, that's really cool. You have to send me a picture that I want to see that. Yeah, I'll send it to you. I'm looking at it right now. But it was so funny because she bought two of them and it didn't work for her. And so my first one over the years has support it has a has a, a raven at the end of it, and his poor beak has been broken, the amethyst itself has cracked. And so I asked her, I said, Do you still have that second one? She's like, I was just told it was your so here you go. And I'm like, yay. So now I gotta make pretty one and then I got my poor beat up one, but that was in Sedona. So that's why I got so excited when you said Sedona?

Michelle Bateman:

Yeah, and it was really cool to when you you said that you were from San Jose and San Jose is part of our story that I'll share with you the irony of San Jose as well.

Alysha Myronuk:

Well, it sounds like my Renea not i ready? Yeah. Oh, my goodness, I can't wait to hear hear that story. So but when you look, okay, so you will obviously have mediumship abilities, because you saw but is that something that you also kind of connect to? Or is that just you, you were given that glimpse, as when you got to connect your grandmother and your grandfather in that way. You can

Michelle Bateman:

see things occasionally, but it's not all the time. So you know, we we experienced something in Sedona and then when we took the picture, we saw what was inside of what we saw, but we didn't see it with our eyes. We only saw it later in the photo. Same with at another event that we were at we were we were watching. And then when we took the photos, we saw the Spirit moving and dancing and all the things in the photos and the videos. So

Alysha Myronuk:

wow, that's amazing. Because the vortexes and all of that and you know, it's supposed to just be so so powerful and so crazy powerful. Yeah, so how many women do you generally go with? Um,

Michelle Bateman:

I think we take up maximum seven, so one vehicle will fit seven. So that's kind of the number that we go with. Otherwise, we have to take two vehicles, which makes it more logistically challenging. And it's just a more intimate group that we can connect with. So I think seven was the maximum that we took.

Alysha Myronuk:

Wow, that is so cool. Well, I love that. Well, I know the point of what we were going to talk about was kind of like hearing your side of the story of this unbelievable way that you met your husband, Travis and then he's going to jump on and we're going to hear his side of the story. And then we're gonna get to hear how you guys work together. Because I mean, how amazing is that able to help both men and women but then also as couples and and just being given this more beautiful awareness of us being here as you know, spiritual beings having a human experience, other than rather than the other way around. So like to start sharing about how you know, instead of like, well, how do you met your hubby?

Michelle Bateman:

Yeah, so we will start in San Jose. So Travis took a trip to San Jose was literally standing on the curb at the airport waiting for an Uber and a group of women came out and they were going to an event and they started talking and turns out they were going to the same event. So they said Hey, want to share an Uber. And so they did and they started talking about spirituality and coaching and all the things on this on this ride. Well, he had met a lady named Roslyn. That's who he shared the Uber with

Alysha Myronuk:

Rosalyn Fung Yeah, I know Roslyn. So then I match it course with me with the end.

Michelle Bateman:

Oh, cool. I didn't know that.

Alysha Myronuk:

See, that's where the myRA need. Let's let's look at it. Like listeners listen to this. The San Jose, which I didn't even know what she wasn't in San Jose, or they were in Santa. Yeah,

Michelle Bateman:

they all were, what the

Alysha Myronuk:

heck were they going for?

Michelle Bateman:

Because there this was years ago, this would have been probably like five years ago, they were going to some kind of conference. Okay, so I don't know if they knew they both lived in Edmonton or not, I don't even know. So like a year later. So before that I met Roz at an event. I was she was speaking I was sitting there we connected after we became instant friends. We weren't went on a walk together right after the event. Like we just became instant friends. And so she went to a personal development event. There was a birthday party. And Travis was there and she said, Hey, I haven't seen you in a long time. What are you up to? And he's like, Oh, not much. And she said, Oh, well. Are you seeing anybody? And he said, No. The girl the last girl I dated said I work on myself too much. So literally six days before that I was at Ross's house for a candidate a party and there was no men there. So I said to her and her husband were all the single men that work on themselves. You need to find out Have one of those. And so as those words are coming out of Travis's mouth, Ross's eyes gets so big. And she said it was like this lightning bolt hit me in the head or whole head steps back. And Travis is like, what is wrong lady? And she starts freaking out. She's like, Oh my God, you need to meet my friend Michelle, and she whips out her phone. And she's showing it to him. And he's like, literally, I saw you had brown hair. I didn't see anything else. Because Ross was so excited. She like couldn't contain herself. So she messages me, I'm at an event I come out. It's like, almost 11 o'clock at night. She's like, I met the perfect guy for you. But I don't know how to set you up with him. And I said, well just give him my phone number. She's like, Oh, okay. So she's talking to me, texting him my number. So then he texts me at like, 1130 at night, knowing that I was still talking to Roz. And so he sent me this like really funny, super awesome. First texts. And we texted a couple times. And he said, just hold on a minute. Honestly, I just wonder what. And he phones me. And in his mind, he was like, if she's not willing to have a conversation, like, I'm not even going to entertain this idea. And so we ended up talking for eight and a half hours, we literally stayed up all night long. And we talked and our whole conversation was like an interview. What do you need? What do you want? What do you believe? What are your no non negotiables? What are your hopes? What are your dreams, like literally all the most important things? And, you know, as I was talking, and he was talking, we're like checking off all the boxes. I'm like, Oh, wow, this is like everything I wanted. And he's like, Oh, wow, she checks all my boxes. So literally, he got up and went straight to work. I went and had a nap. And then we met later that night for supper. And so we met in person, we're talking and I was such an awesome conversation. And so he looks at me and he said, Well, I already know you check all my boxes. I'm all in or you. I was like, Yeah, I'm all in. Let's do this. So we leave the restaurant, we go out to the parking lot. And when we had our first kiss, I heard this whisper in my ear and it said I finally found you. And he looked at me and he said, I've missed you my whole life.

Alysha Myronuk:

Oh my goodness. Have you ever read the book only love Israel by Dr. Brian Weiss.

Michelle Bateman:

No habit.

Alysha Myronuk:

You need to read that book. It's the most beautiful story about soulmates. And so the story is without giving away is Dr. Weiss. He had two patients that he realized were soulmates from their regression therapy, and he was like, but they didn't know each other. And what was he going to do? And so your story reminds me so much, you would love that. But that is amazing. And it's even more amazing, because first off I know Rosalyn and I live in freakin San Jose. Yeah, no right? Way. That's my Ronny. Like that. That's yeah, we did for Travis to come on and be able to share his side because I'm like, I'm really curious what the event was. He was in Santa Fe. Because how long ago has it been now that you've been together? For years? Or? Yeah,

Michelle Bateman:

it'll be four years in a couple weeks.

Alysha Myronuk:


Michelle Bateman:

That's No, wait a minute for three? Oh. Maybe it's three? I don't know, three or four? Maybe it's three?

Alysha Myronuk:

Maybe he'll remember.

Michelle Bateman:

I think it was three. No, if anybody's gonna remember, it's me, not him. He's like, what time is the podcast again? Like, it's in your phone, honey.

Alysha Myronuk:

Oh, my God, that's so funny. But that of the like, that's one of the things for listeners, like, you don't have to force things, you know, let them happen the way they're meant to be. But you do have to be an action of it. You know, like, you can't just assume you know, things are gonna fall in your lap. Now they will fall in your lap. But you got to do something about it. Right, right. And

Michelle Bateman:

me being vocal as to sharing what I needed. And what I wanted. I was looking for a man that works on himself. And I had the courage to say, here's what I'm looking for. And literally he said word for word, the exact same thing. So you know, having to have had him have the journey that he did the girlfriend that didn't appreciate that journey, and him and her saying that which then, you know, created the opportunity for us to connect. And so there's so many more things to the story. And I won't share all of it. I'll let him share some too. But we right after we met it was my birthday. And so we went to my girlfriend Susanna and she did a couples activation for us. And in that at the end, she's like, something's happening in December between YouTube. This is July and I kind of just roll my eyes and like Kay whatever and she was hinting towards getting married and I was just like, ignored it. I didn't pay any attention to it. So then when I called her and said we were engaged in December, she's like, Hey, remember, remember I told you about that and I was like, oh, yeah, you did? And she totally saw it.

Alysha Myronuk:

Oh, wow. Now I'm curious. A lot of things have happened in December for me can you can tell me what day it was that you guys got engaged?

Michelle Bateman:

It was between like midnight, so I'm like it was after midnight. So it was the 28th bordering the 29th of December.

Alysha Myronuk:

Oh, wow. That's so funny. That's, that's like, that's my combination of 821 and 822. I even have a weird picture where I took it up. 1220 Oh, wow. I just want the listeners to hear this. How unbelievable is it that you're even you're not even just telling the story on a podcast. I happen to live in San Jose, California. And I also know the person, Rosalyn, who sent you to work. Which is, right, of course, that only happened because of the pandemic because the pandemic allowed us to get out of what we were always doing of being in the smaller circles of connecting that allowed us to connect on a global level. And I love that even more because what's funny, Michelle is both my parents are Canadian, or we're Canadian. So I have very strong Canadian roots. And so it was so fun to be able to connect to so many people in Canada like Yeah, it's like, it's like my home. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So I just, your story is so incredible. And you know, and what we were saying before I had my little choking incident that you don't have to force things. It's almost like let the door open walk through but you have to be an action of it. And like you said, if you hadn't said what it is that you need, Rosalind never would have known. And well we'll give a shout out to Rosalind to Rosalind Vaughn is amazing. She's got an incredible podcast.

Michelle Bateman:

She's a great matchmaker,

Alysha Myronuk:

the great matchmaker. Yes, absolutely.

Michelle Bateman:

She's like, maybe I should do that on the side. Because she said a few people up that went really well.

Alysha Myronuk:

So and how did you meet Rosalyn?

Michelle Bateman:

She was at a speaking at an event. And we just hit it off. And we were just instantly friends from the moment she finished the event. So you happen

Alysha Myronuk:

to know, one woman international Do you know Sharla? Brown? Because

Michelle Bateman:

I go I have not been to I know of it, but I haven't been there.

Alysha Myronuk:

Okay. Okay, cuz I know, I believe Rago has been part of that too. And I was a part of that. But okay, that's but but Rosalyn. I mean, you guys live locally. So you were able to meet but it's like, again, listeners, this all started in, you know, frickin San Jose, California. That's pretty far from where you are in Edmonton.

Michelle Bateman:

And our first double date was with Roz and her her hubby, before anybody even knew that we were dating. And yeah, that was our first our first double data we ever had.

Alysha Myronuk:

Oh, that's so amazing. I love that. And so you have to go. Well, I guess in your case, a third time's a charm, right? Yeah.

Michelle Bateman:

I was like, and I remember that summer being really bored. And I was online dating and you know, you're doing that swipe thing, and I kept hearing, you're not gonna find him here. I was like, I know, but I'm really bored. You're not gonna find him here? Well, I know, but I'm bored. If I didn't find him there,

Alysha Myronuk:

but that's also another thing that for, for the listeners, like, don't fill the space with those that you know, are not meant to be in the space, because then you're potentially closing knowledge who is meant to be there. You know, it's like, if you really don't feel I mean, if it's, if you're in a position where you're just not looking for something, you know, you're looking for the now great, perfect, but if you really are looking for that really unbelievable soulmate connection, you got to leave the space open, you also have to make the invitation for it to come to, you know, come into the space. So,

Michelle Bateman:

so here's what I did. After that Tony Robbins came to Edmonton again, and I got to crew the event. So when we were picking where we wanted to crew, they're like, who wants to crew, the VIP section. I'm like I do because there'll be single men in there. And that's the section I want to take. So I took the VIP section, you know, looking for eligible men didn't find any one home, whatever. So when Travis and I met, he was like, Well, I was at the Tony Robbins event. I took pictures with Roz and I said, Well, I took pictures with Roz and they were all in the VIP section. So I was like, Well, I wonder if our paths crossed. I wonder if I saw you. He's like, Well, you look a little familiar to me. So maybe, maybe our paths did cross. So literally the day we're announcing our engagement on Social media, we're going to tell the world and we've got our phones in our hand, and he's waiting for me. And we're about to tell the world. And this Facebook memory pops up on his phone. And he's like, I don't know what this is. It was a blue screen. So he hits play. And it was at the Tony Robbins event that we had been at. And so he's standing there, and he's filming the crowd of 4000 people. And at the end of the video, I'm standing right beside him.

Alysha Myronuk:

Wow. Oh, that just me goosebumps.

Michelle Bateman:

So he plays his video with us. They did I know you a year ago. Like, no, don't be dumb. I just made you six months ago. What are you talking about? He's like, Well, you're in my video. And we were stunned for probably like two days, we were just kind of walking around in this days of you know, there, I was standing beside the man who was going to marry and I didn't even know.

Alysha Myronuk:

I love it even more. So I'm gonna totally throw something at you like totally off the cuff. So I actually have a compilation book coming out called got my Rooney Life Is Good Book One Life synchronicity. And so there's some funny, there's some funny ironies around this, because Deanne Rando is actually my co collaborator on the book, Dave Sanderson, who was on the plane Miracle on the Hudson, who used to be head of security for Tony Robbins. He's now his own amazing inspirational speaker. He's actually writing the foreword to the book. And would you and Travis like to be have a chapter in the book, so you can tell your unbelievable, moronic love story? Because I would love for you guys to be part of it.

Michelle Bateman:

I mean, that'd be pretty cool.

Alysha Myronuk:

Okay, so listeners, we just picked up another co authors, and I'm very excited. So it's actually going to be coming out on August 22 2022. So very quickly, and we will talk about the details. So

Michelle Bateman:

I'm like, wow, that's fast. Yeah, well, it's

Alysha Myronuk:

been a long time in the making. So you and I will talk about that privately. But when you start putting, putting it out there, it's going to just flow very quickly. And the story is just so unbelievable that I was like, Oh, my goodness.

Michelle Bateman:

I know, I feel sometimes, like, pinch me. This is actually my story. Like I get to tell this is my story.

Alysha Myronuk:

I love that. And I mean, talk about freaking happy ending. That's awesome. It's like, I can't wait to meet Travis. Now. I'm so excited. I'm like, even more excited because I'm like, Oh, my goodness, what are the odds that it would happen in the city that I live in, and with the person that I met, because of the pandemic, who happened to be Rosalyn within my Akashic course with Dan.

Michelle Bateman:

And we were with Dan yesterday, and Dan

Alysha Myronuk:

Tien yesterday, like, listeners hear this, like, I love to say my irony is like the divine design that interleaves us together, if not on a surface level, it's like going deep down, you know, all around. And, you know, it's just, it's so unbelievable. And that's the magic we kind of are talking about, like,

Michelle Bateman:

and we were with Dan before that she did an Akashic reading for us together and talked about the previous lives that we had together, and the different energies and experiences we had, and how that was showing up in our relationship today, you know, on some of the things that, you know, are challenging for us, and some of the things that work well, and understanding, you know, why maybe some of these dynamics show up is because of the experiences we've had in past lives together, we've had many,

Alysha Myronuk:

I'm sure, I'm sure. Well, that's why only love is real, I think you will absolutely love that book, and I'm sure you'll probably be wanting to share that with some of your some of your clients, because we all are deserving of this love. It's just whether or not we choose to really, I mean, I believe that if we leave that space open, it will happen. If it's meant to be it will be and you know, it's like we don't have to, we don't have to force it, you know, but also at the same time, we can't settle for anything less.

Michelle Bateman:

No, and we were very, very clear. Here's what I will not settle for here are no go zones for me. And we have honored those 110% that we just know that there's boundaries and we do not break them that this this relationship is sacred, and we treat it such and he calls me his queen, and his goddess and he's my king. And when you have those thoughts, you show up differently and you hold yourself in a higher standard and you hold each other in this higher standard. And what we talk about all the time is the success we have is because the work we did individually on ourselves, right when we did our own healing work, we did our own personal growth work. And we were so crystal clear on who we were, what we want, what we valued and what we stood for that conversation was so easy to know that we were completely aligned because we had done all of that work on our own, that when we came together, there was so much clarity, that it was easy to recognize, you know, that mirror of ourselves.

Alysha Myronuk:

Well, and then there's those like, I was very fortunate, my parents had this unbelievable, beautiful soulmate relationship where they first time my dad met my mom, they met on a Canadian Air Force Base in France. And so my dad was in the Canadian Air Force, and my mom's dad was and the first time my dad met my mom, he said, One day, I'll marry you. And she was like, Yeah, whatever. And then they got married when she had just turned 20, he had turned 24, they waited 13 years before they had my brother and 15 years before they had me. So they have beautiful, they actually have a really beautiful love story. I actually made a dedication to them and episode five, and then episode six. This is the craziest story my godparents that now live in San Jose, California, I knew them from when they lived in Connecticut. That's a crazy story, how I reconnected with them. By their chance meeting at a wedding that they both were not planning they were not planning on on attending, they met at this wedding. And it was that instant, you know, instant knowing. And now I mean, there, oh, geez, I don't even know 70s and 80s. And you still can see the level of love that is between them. But because of their chance meeting, it somehow saved five people's lives in the Bermuda Triangle. Yeah. For your for your friends that are listening that you got to hear that episode. It is so unbelievable. But it really comes down to when things are meant to be they will be but attention to the signs that will are leading you that way.

Michelle Bateman:

And that's exactly to how I felt starting my business that you know, it was just meant to be and when I had that faith and trust, just everything aligned, the right people, the right moments, the right opportunities all just began to fall into place. And when you begin looking for them, you can see them, you can acknowledge them, you can take action on them and it will change everything.

Alysha Myronuk:

Well, it's that whole field of dreams. If you build it, they will come

Michelle Bateman:

out and that's what I said, like alright, if this is what you're calling me to universe, I'm gonna say yes. And you need to figure out the details. I'm a single mom with a mortgage and I don't know how to be self employed. So you're gonna have to step up and help me make this this happen. And it did.

Alysha Myronuk:

Yeah. Oh, well, that's amazing. I just I love your story so much. I know. Travis is going to be on shortly. So we're gonna wait for Travis but How can everyone connect with you first? where's the where's the best way? And or what's the best way

Michelle Bateman:

for people to connect with so on social media, you can find me under Michelle Bateman. My Business page is soul journey transformations. However, thanks to lovely algorithms. Nobody sees business pages anymore. So most of the stuff by I put on my personal page so you can follow me Michelle Bateman my maiden name is Hendrix if you're trying to find me in the sea of Michelle abatements and you can just follow me and all my content is there. My website is soul And so I post all my events and there's there's all my podcasts and blogs and all the things that I'm up to is all on my website to check that out, too.

Alysha Myronuk:

Oh, wonderful. While we're waiting, we're gonna wait for Travis and we're going to take a little pause and it'll just be where I can't wait to hear his side of the story. So pause for a moment and just bring Travis on. Okay, so now we have Michelle, your your other half. Travis bow on Jay. If I if I hope I'm saying that correctly. Wonderful. Well, I'm so excited for you to share your side of the story because you I can't get over the level of this. Unbelievable my ironic love story. So I don't know how much you've heard about my irony, Travis, but my irony is basically synchronicity in motion. You see a sign there's an action. Well, Michelle and I have been uncovering so many ironies connected to your story that we're just like, Oh my goodness. So it's gonna be really fun for you to get to hear it too. But from what I understand you were in San Jose, California. Meeting with people that led you like what was going on because I live in San Jose, California.

Travis Belanger:

So I was there for a networking event. And standing on the curb at the airport, waiting for Uber and Roz happen to be standing there with her friends. And we I said, Oh, are you guys going to this hotel and then we figured out, we're all going to the same event. And then in the cab, we start talking, of course, we're there for the business that we're there to networking with. And then I started talking about spirituality and all the things and I think there was two other guys in the car, and neither one of them was really partaking in the conversation was like, Oh, my God, right up her alley, right. And then we went to the event, I never saw her at the event. In fact, I never saw her for like, I don't know, six months or three months or something like that. And then I ran, it ran into her at a personal development event. And she was like, Oh, my God, Travis, how's it going? And I'm like, great. She's like, What are you doing now? I'm like, I'm taking some personal development. And she's like, like, it was like your second question. Are you dating anybody? I'm like, No. I'm like, my last partner said, I work on myself too much. And she's like, Oh, my God. And then it was like, somebody, like, smacked her in the head. Her head goes back. And Dan's like, the heck is wrong with you? And she like, Oh, my God pulls your phone out. And I didn't even hardly see Michelle's face on the phone. But she's like, look at this, look at this. And I'm just like, okay, she was just passing right now. That was like, yeah, she's like, you've got me, Michelle and Mike. Okay.

Alysha Myronuk:

Wow. The funny thing is that I know Rosalyn, also, she Akashic course, when I did it with Dan, who I heard you guys were just with Dan, just weekend, like, I love. So the idea is really like the interleaving of how connected we are. Only if we have a conversation, can we find out how these stories unravel? You know? Like, I had no idea. Well, that's actually why I said to Michelle, Michelle, don't tell me the story. I want to know on the podcast, you cannot recreate surprise.

Travis Belanger:

Yeah. Did she tell you that? There's a little more backstory to that? No. So this is

Alysha Myronuk:

your side of the story. She said it or not?

Travis Belanger:

Before, before we met raus. What was it after he met Ross when he went to the event, Tony's event after because you knew. So then I went to Tony's event, I'm sitting in the executive section, I was there with one other guy and Roz happened to be there with a bunch of her friends. And Michelle was working the event. But I hadn't met she hadn't introduced us yet or anything. And it was really cool. Tony likes his events really cool. So sitting at the front, it's like minus 35, outside the winds coming in under the curtains, and Michelle's work in that, that section. And she's like, I'm so cold and so cold. And I'm like, I remember giving my gloves to somebody. And here it was Michelle, that I gave my boss to, oh, my goodness. Yeah. And we didn't we have visa set together till like six months ago.

Michelle Bateman:

Now, like, couple of like, three months ago, when the anniversary came up. We were talking and I said, Who did you go with? And where were you sitting in? We were trying to figure this out. He's like, Well, I don't remember. I just remember giving one of the crew members my gloves. And I was like, Whoa, that can't be that couldn't be more than one person in the in the thing that got borrowed gloves. Obviously, that was me. We remembered it happening. We just didn't remember each other. And that was the experience we had, but it was just like,

Travis Belanger:

and then on the eve of our anniversary, we're gonna announce that we got engaged. We're getting ready upstairs and a Facebook memory pops up. And it was all I saw was his blue screen of the curtains of Tony's event to Shaw conference center, there's four or 5000 people there. And I'm doing a panorama, my phone. And in the last three seconds Michelle's face is right there. She's like, literally three feet from me. It's I have a picture of her my phone the whole time. And I'm like, did I know you on this date? And she's like, no dummy, like we had never met and I'm like, I got this video that says we did meet. And it was just like, the most bizarre thing ever, because I'm like a blue screen and like, what's this blue screen and then you play the video and it shows that and I was just like, okay, out of 4000 people and 4000 people that she just happened to be there that I

Alysha Myronuk:

that is so unbelievable where your story is so incredible. I just asked Michelle if you would be a co author of my book that's coming out in on August 22, which Dan's actually a co collaborator on share that but your story is just so amazing. Like people just need to hear it because it's, I mean, it's awesome that you now have a business around it. Also, you know, from what I understand you're working with couples but you Travis work primarily with men. I know you have men on fire. So what is men on fire?

Travis Belanger:

Men on fire is I started that so I could do some work with men, essentially, you know, so I could have a men's group and talk about the things that I All men struggle with how to give advice because ever since I don't know when long is the longest time so I had an I had an experience when I was 14 years old in my family where I basically, it was like a come to spirit kind of call where I basically sat down my parents and said, Listen, I'm sorry for what happened in your life. But this doesn't mean that has to be my story too. And then shifted everything at 14 years old and then moving forward, not didn't realize till like five years ago, when I started personal development that oh my god, I was doing what most adults do in their late years, if not retirement or as they're laying on their deathbed, I actually started that work when I was 14 years old. And then I typical upward guy, when the oil patch, I was filling in for guys that were getting divorced, taking a week off to get divorced. And I would be coaching these guys like Dude, why don't you take the rest of the year off, like what is going on. And then, in my welding business, I've been building business for 20 years, and I've never advertised, I've never had to look for work. And I have these great relationships with my clients, because I always say I talk for five minutes about work. And it's been 20 minutes about hockey, baseball, their wife, their holidays, their kids. And I get right to the point of these conversations. And I have this way of breaking the ice and talking about stuff. Most people are like, man, you get really personal really fast. And I'm like, why not? Right? Because in business, it's all about an emotional connection in life. It's all about an emotional connection. So you can have those conversations that immediately connects you to that people don't forget who I am. When it comes to business or otherwise, right? They're like, Oh, yeah, yeah, you know, and they can just connect with people and start that conversation up right now. But it's, it's to help men to get out of their shell and change the language of the use of themselves. And help me to change my language to like, I'm not perfect. I get in my read sometimes, too. But it's you have the tools to learn how to have tools that you can use for yourself and to help other people.

Alysha Myronuk:

And how long have you How long has it been since you created men on fire?

Travis Belanger:

About three years? Oh, okay. Yeah. And so, so unbeknownst to me, you know, the word the universe was gonna give me another way to do my work. And so while I work with men, a lot of the most impactful work I've done is actually with women. Yeah. And so want to talk about synchronicities and irony, as well. Michelle had an event called created like you love and I do photography as a hobby. And I would come in at the end of her events and take pictures of the women there at her event. And for whatever reason this one time she started to talk again, then she said, she says you have anything to say? And I said, Well, actually, I do have a question for the women here. And I said, Have any of you ever experienced trauma by men? And all the women put their hands up? And then I said, Well, have you ever been apologize to by men. And one, there's only ever had one woman put her hand up. And I said, well, so I said, I would like to do something. On behalf of the masculine I would like to do hold on opponent with you. And so the things that have happened in doing that work, have been shocking, like, Come to Jesus kind of moments where, you know, when you see like those Southern Baptist masses, where the guy puts his hand on the person's head is like you shirt, you're healed, and the person like pops that literally has happened at our events without even asking me touching anybody, where I said, I want to apologize about the mass masculine, and people drop to their knees and start crying. And I'm like, Oh, my God. And I'm just like, I don't I don't know what it is when I just and since then we've been on an international, we were actually on an international summit, and for violence against women and African women. And there was a woman on there that her friends hadn't seen her crying for years. Oh, and like, these are women in their later years, you know, to not have emotion life out of emotion for 40 years, and have even just an online interaction to have that change happen. It's kind of those one of those things that happens when you're laying on your deathbed and you're asking for forgiveness or saying sorry, or having regret. And here these people are able to do it because of what I'm doing. And it's super humbling. Like it's so humbling, and it makes me emotional every time I think about it, but it's it's as much as I'm working with men. I'm also working with women in that sense and, and I've had guys tell me, you know, I'm really big on giving hugs. I always use this I always say that at work when guys are like having a beard in a bad mood. We're having a bad day and I'm like, Dude, are you okay? And they're like, why? Like yeah, I'm fine and like we should know it's like your face. And then the guys like, stay in their bad mood and and like to hug my hands I don't like I'll give you and they're like and then ever Buddy laughs and it changes the movement. Right? So but I do with the whole point of pono, I do a 22nd Hug. And that's kind of been my thing. And now people are getting to know me for these hugs, because it's about honoring the person that you're hugging. Right? Yeah. Whereas most people, when they give you a hug, it's three to five seconds. And it's just a transactional thing, right? It's not emotional. It's not nothing impactful, right? So when you do a 22nd Hug, it's, it's all people should have, I think, right? You know,

Michelle Bateman:

really good at helping women feel safe around the masculine because often that doesn't feel safe. And they know that he's as masculine as he is. And as deep as his voices and strong is, there's this softness and safety that they they feel that they're able to open to the idea that not all men are dangerous or will hurt you there is men that are loving and honoring and safe.

Alysha Myronuk:

The story just get better and better because I'm still so in shock that because I mean, I don't because Rosalyn I forget Rosalyn how close she is to I mean, she's an Edmonton right. Isn't she was

Travis Belanger:

yeah, she just moved to Kelowna. But yeah, she's

Alysha Myronuk:

gonna That's right. So but the fact that you guys connected in freakin San Jose, California, which is where I live, and of all places, all the places in the entire world,

Michelle Bateman:

and how you can just California, it's my reading.

Alysha Myronuk:

So that's really my irony. That's awesome. Like,

Travis Belanger:

yeah. And the Tony Robbins thing had kind of continued on. So when we started dating, she's like, we're kind of kind of playing our summer out. And I said, she goes, Well, I'm gone this weekend. Is it Oh, guys, obviously that weekend, too. So what are you doing? She goes, Oh, go to Tony Robbins. I said, oh, so mine. And then she was going out with her girlfriends. And it was like, oh, go the girlfriends. I'm going with him. And then he ditched me. So then we went down together. And it was funny because her girlfriends gave me the gears after they're like, so what's your intentions?

Michelle Bateman:

Well, you're gonna tell them your answer was really good.

Travis Belanger:

I think it was out. I said, my intentions. I said, I think it's to you know, have gratuitous sex and get married. girlfriends were like, I don't know what to say to that. And literally,

Michelle Bateman:

we've been dating for like a month at that time.

Alysha Myronuk:

But you know, that's the thing with the soulmate connection when you know, you know, it's just so powerful and beautiful. But here's the funny thing, Travis the person has written the foreword to the book for this compilation book that my irony, it's called that my already Life is good. Book one. It's live synchronicities emotion. It's actually his name is Dave Sanderson. He was on the plane Miracle on the Hudson that went down. And he was I forget what episode but he actually used to be former head of security for Tony Robbins. So yeah, so he's writing the foreword to the chapters. So you the Tony Robbins connection continues and like, Wow, that's amazing. So

Michelle Bateman:

and so one more point on that Tony Robbins thing. So when we went back and crewed that event together, we got to meet Tony Robbins after and I had the opportunity to tell him the story of what he said to me at his event where he said, Stop making excuses why you can't do what you want to do most in the world and make that decision and my decision to be a coach and some of my clients ended up coming and crewing the event. And Travis was there and I got to share that with Tony. And he was really grateful to hear the story of how would he said he'd come full circle.

Alysha Myronuk:

Wow, okay, now I got real goosebumps. Like, I've just been awesome. This has been, this has been so much better than I could have ever anticipated. So well. I think on that note, we're gonna I'm gonna let you share how people can connect with you. What's the best way I know Michelle, you you mentioned already but you can say again and Travis and I just love the story. I'm so excited for you guys to be able to share it in in this book. But please, how can people connect with you?

Travis Belanger:

Well, while you can connect on the website, obviously on Facebook, and on fire and on Michelle's website as well. And your website met on fire go to

Alysha Myronuk:

that on fire. Yeah, okay. And then also social media for people to connect.

Travis Belanger:

I'm not big on Instagram, but you are.

Michelle Bateman:

No, not really. We're mostly Facebook. So Travis falacci. Man on Fire coaching. Yeah.

Alysha Myronuk:

Okay, but how do you spell your last name because most people won't be able to

Michelle Bateman:

I know I realized the screen only had my name on the Zoom and I tried to change it while we were talking and it wouldn't work.

Travis Belanger:

It's a Langer de la ng our most people say boring here, but that's why I'm impressed. You got the longest Ah,

Alysha Myronuk:

she told me but I didn't say it that way either. So anyway, well, thank you. Thanks so much. You guys. This has been so amazing. I absolutely love your moronic love story because here's the thing, Travis, I don't know if you noticed, but my last name is literally pronounced my ironic. So it pretty funny that yeah, that's my already so anyway, I would. This has just been so wonderful. So thank you so much. I look forward to this bigger reason of like, why we're all being brought together. Because when we look at the level of this, it's pretty miraculous. I think so

Michelle Bateman:

yeah, we can talk about that. That miracles is Sedona Wednesday to

Alysha Myronuk:

oh, we're definitely I'm gonna have you back Michelle and we're definitely I can't wait to hear that you'll have to figure out who you want to bring on so we can share that story that'd be amazing. But I am so I can see why you two really are you know two soul peas in a pod like you're just absolutely amazing and so happy for you both and and listeners this is this is you gotta be in action. But don't you know, you don't have to push when it's meant to be it will be I'm just always remember that. So thanks so much again, you guys and to the listeners with the next time.




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