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Today’s Guest: Laura West is an R.N., energy healer, psychic medium, author, podcast & TV host dedicated to both the sciences and spirituality. To spread the word of love, Laura has taken part in multiple international spiritual summits, contributed to national and international journals and magazines, appears on podcasts around the world and hosts “A Guided Life” podcast. Connect with Laura and receive her Free Guide on how to meet your own loving Spirit Guides:
TESSA’S FREE GIFT: Visit SayYestoYourSoulPodcast for your free gift and resources to live your ideal life during these times of vast change. Get in on the latest offerings we have including retreats, VIP days, mentoring programs and healing for your body mind and soul, and take things to your next level of excellence.
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Oh, I'm so excited to introduce our guest today. She has all kinds of cool skills and has done a lot in the world of media. Her name is Laura West and she is a registered nurse, an energy healer, a psychic medium. Oh, have fun. Author, podcast host and TV host dedicated to both the sciences and spirituality. And I love that combo. Laura has taken part in multiple international spiritual summits. She's taught about intuition on several virtual platforms to students from all over the world. She's contributed to both national and international journals and magazines, and been invited as a guest on several podcasts, both nationally and internationally. And she was also the TV host of Life from the Other Side on the Everyday Woman TV Network. Currently, she's hosting her own podcast called A Guided Life. She also has authored her book titled Guided, and she's dedicated to spreading the word of love and teaching others how to communicate with their spirit guides through intuition. So Laura, welcome to Say Yes to Your Soul.
Laura West (:Well, thank you so much for having me.
Tessa Lynne Alburn (:You're very welcome. I think, you know, you just chitchatting with you a little bit, and we were introduced through somebody in one of my communities, um, and hearing your voice on your podcast, I was like, ah, I have to invite her over to the show. Right. There's just a, a, there was just a resonance, a beauty in the vibration of your dome. And, and I know that one of the things you want to bring to the forefront here today is like a way of, um, getting to connection, spiritual connection in ways that are realistic,
Oh, well, thank you again so much for having me. And it's so kind of you to say all of those things. Um, you know,
But I still want to have that time to connect with spirit. And I'm also not, uh, by nature a morning person. I definitely thrive better at night. So the idea of waking up extra early, even though that would allow me more time just isn't in the cards for Mm-Hmm.
So if something can be, um, simple and easy and I don't have to commit to it, uh, every day and feel like it's a chore, then that works for me. So it sort of fell into my lap that way. So I like to share with others what has worked for me, because I think that a lot of people who are out there exploring, uh, can be really inundated with all the information that's out there because there is a lot of information regarding spiritual practice, spirit guides, how to connect with them, intuition, all that good stuff. And so I just like to input my 2 cents into all of that, uh, to those that resonate with the idea of keeping things maybe a little bit simpler or when it's time for them to simplify their practice as well. So this is actually, uh, a topic that I usually tend to talk about is just spirit guides and intuition. But to, but with you, Tessa, I feel the need for your audience to talk about how to simplify that relationship and that connection and that, uh, that growth that one can have with their, with their guides. So I find that that's kind of interesting that, that this is where it's going. Um, but you know, my, well,
Tessa Lynne Alburn (:I think, well, clearly you've been guided to do that and it's right, right on target for sure. Yes. My people, my women are busy. You know, they're doing a lot for others. And like you, you know, they might be mothers, but whether they are or not, they are holding a lot of balls up in the air and they want to have a deeper connection, but they, they're, they've maxed out on their time in order. Right.
Not enough hours or energy in, in the data Exactly. To do it all. So yeah, you're so right. It's definitely been intuitively guided. Um, hence the topic, uh, to, to go in this direction. Um, but just a little bit of background for my, myself on top of the, uh, very, uh, kind intro that you provided. You know, I started having dream visitations from past loved ones and, um, an ascended master when I was, uh, a teenager. You know, I remember even before that, having these thoughts of, you know, I would have dreams of waking and then waking up and saying, gosh, that really felt like that happened. I wonder if that was a past life. And I wasn't brought up in a household where the religion that I was grown up in talked about reincarnation. So, you know, having thoughts like that at a young age, I mean, I can still remember one of the dreams, which is really kind of interesting when I talk about this. Um, so, you know, having those thoughts, it makes me feel like I came in already awake, but not really knowing what that meant at the time. And then, you know, I had a couple of profound dreams when I was a teenager, and I knew that they were dream visitations with, with, again, without having read any books on spirituality or, or knowing that we can have.
Tessa Lynne Alburn (:Okay, so how, like, how did you know dissertations? I'm not, how did you really get that? How did you know? There you are, you're just like a teenager, you're having dreams and things are happening, you know, what were you thinking? What was your experience?
Laura West (:I know, you know, I think because of the impact the dreams had on me, and maybe if I share what those are briefly, it can help people to see where I maybe was coming from at that time. Mm-Hmm.
That, you know, everything that came with that religion was the truth. And I was just, I just couldn't, in my heart and soul, I just didn't resonate. Mm-Hmm.
And I think that was so I would recognize that that was Jesus, um, for me. Yes. And, you know, he walked up to me and he asked me if I would spread his word. And I remember thinking like, oh gosh, like he wants me to evangelize. Like, ugh. Like that doesn't feel good to me. But I said to him, I'll try
Know, yeah. I mean, you're a young girl. Jesus came to you in a dream. What are you supposed to do with that
I can't tell him no, but gosh, this doesn't feel right for me to say yes. So I mean, what do you, what do you do? You know, you just kind of sit with it. That's what I did. I sat with it till it felt right. So then I'm thinking in my mind, okay, I think this means that I am going to feel more Christian one day. You know, like that, that I was kind of waiting for that to happen. Um, and then, uh, the second profound dream that I had in my teenage years was, uh, we went to go visit my grandmother who was sick with cancer. And she was in hospice. She was dying in hospice. And, um, we went to visit her. And then the night that we had visited her, she came into my dream. We were at my great-grandmother's house who at the time was still alive.
(:We call her nana. And she came into, um, that house and she opened the front door, and behind her it was just white light. And she was arm in arm with my grandfather, who was still alive at the time. And I said, grandma, you were all better. And she was wearing white, and she looked healthy and vibrant. And she said, yes, I am. And it was the next day that we had learned that she had passed during the night. Hmm. And so for me, that felt like a dream visitation because I remember seeing her healthy. I shared it with my family, and they're very receptive to it. I, I'm very lucky that my family's very open and receptive to these things. And, uh, it just stuck with me. And it helped to stick with me because my grandmother would then continue to visit me in my dreams as well, and played really profound role in my spiritual journey while she was in spirit. So it helped that
Tessa Lynne Alburn (:Beautiful, that you were able to have that connection with her while she passed. Yeah.
Laura West (:Yes. Yeah. Uh, definitely. It's been, it's been a, a blessing and that she can still be with me after all these years of having passed, uh, from, from cancer. So, you know, I, it was, it's funny because I, you know, I had this dream about Jesus, and I'm, I'm waiting to feel more Christian. I'm waiting for Christianity to resonate with my soul. And, and then lo and behold, I find Sylvia Browne books in my late teenage years. And, uh, her books were all, she, she was a psychic medium, um, wrote tons of books and would go on talk shows and stuff. Pretty famous in the world. And she, her books, that's when I first learned about spirit guides. And she talked about the other side, and she talked about a mother God and a Father God, and all these ideas that I'm like, this is it.
(:Like, this is what I've been searching for. And so I was more confused because I'm like, well, this isn't Christianity per se. You know, there are some things about it that maybe can relate, but it's not like what I was thinking. So, uh, you know, to sort of, to end that story or, or loop that story back around, um, when I learned to channel right in, in the more recent years, I decided to revisit that dream and ask Jesus, okay, why? What, you know, what am I spreading
Time. So you wait with him. Wait, hang on just one second. So when you heard that from him at that time, that it all made sense, it sounds like, and you were like, oh, I can do this. And were, were you still like in contact with him,
Laura West (:Like since then? Mm-Hmm.
Oh, the whole family and all these angels. Okay.
Laura West (:And God was, I mean, it was, it was amazing. Um, don't get me wrong, but I'm like, what is going on? Um, but I, you know what? I don't think Jacob was in that dream. I don't know if he's, he has visited me since, but I, to be honest, I can't, I can't actually remember the details of it because I haven't thought about it. Um, but anyway, uh, yes, I definitely do have communication with him still. And I know that he is, um, certainly around me and, um, I can sense when he comes around because the room feels brighter. Um, so, uh, you know, we still are in communication, but nothing as straightforward dialogue, like that dream. And, and maybe because hopefully that means I'm on the right route,
Tessa Lynne Alburn (:Yeah, exactly. He doesn't micromanage
So we, so the, so something shifted though for you with Sylvia Browne Yeah. That somehow opened you up to, I don't know, there was something there. What was, what was going on inside you in those times? Like, what do you think shifted to help you to say yes to what Jesus was asking of you?
Laura West (:You know, what the, the books that I read of Sylvia Browne, first of all, I knew that that was my path because I just could not get enough. As soon as I read one book, I had to go to, uh, the bookstore to buy more Mm-Hmm.
Tessa Lynne Alburn (:Just couldn't get enough of what she was sharing because it was like, yes, like this feels good. Um, and because of her books, I uh, learned that you can ask to have your spirit meet your spirit guide in your dreams. And that's one of the things that I share in the free gift that I provide, is how people can meet their own spirit guides because it worked for me was I asked to, I asked my spirit guide to, to visit me and my dreams, and it worked in that time. Met Jason because he told me his name and all that good stuff. So, um, so the shift really was just this, the, I don't know, it's almost like my soul remembering that, oh my gosh, yes, we do have spirit guides. Yes, there are angels that work with us like this. Like, yes, this is what the other side can be like. And all of this amazing stuff that she was able to provide. It just really resonated deep within my soul. Mm-Hmm.
Well, thank goodness.
Laura West (:Yes, I know. I know. Um, so, but this, the, everything about spirituality just felt so good. And she opened up, you know, me up to the ideas of how, of reincarnation and how we're all on this journey of trying to better ourselves. And a lot of that really just helped me to understand my fellow man and fellow woman, you know, that, uh, you know, we are all here on our journeys trying to do the best that we can. And so combining that with the mission that Jesus gave to me, I could do it because I felt it deep in my soul that that was right.
Tessa Lynne Alburn (:Beautiful. I love that. So you really had, uh, a deep knowing. Yes. And, and you knew it was your truth.
Laura West (:Yes.
Tessa Lynne Alburn (:Yeah. Thank you for sharing that. Of
Laura West (:Course.
Tessa Lynne Alburn (:So as you continued on your soul journey and you were spreading the message of love, what did that look like?
Laura West (:Oh, so I love working with my guides. Um, my spirit guides. And so for me, what I found was feeling good because again, I was following intuition and what felt good and right to me at the time. And working with my guides and connecting with other people's guides and maybe other members of their soul team felt really good to me. So at the, at this time, how it looks is me spreading the word of love from the mission I received from Jesus with the help of my spirit guides. And by connecting to other people's spirit guides, by reminding them other people that they are not alone, and that they have this team of support very much ready, willing, and able to guide them. Um, as long as they all allow that and ask for it. Um, because the, I think that it's important for people to know that even though they may feel alone in the physical sense, um, maybe they don't have a significant other, or maybe they don't have the family that they were hoping for, whatever the case may be, that they still have this spirit family that's there, uh, loving them so much.
(:And so I think that a lot of the love has to start from within the self-love. And I find that by connecting with people through their guides and doing readings like that, and, um, reminding them of the messages that they, that they are receiving and giving them validation too, um, so that they can believe what is coming through. Mm-Hmm.
Yes. Oh, I love that. So kindness is the expression of love. So it's very, it's a very simple thing to do. We can do that with everyone in our Yep. That comes onto our path. Hello. Yeah. Mm-Hmm,
However many that there would need to be, I guess,
Okay. Okay. I have to say something here that, yeah. Because as you're talking about this, I'm, I'm starting to remember some of the pet healing and soul retrieval work that I used to do. And as I was doing that work, um, the more animals that I worked with, the more I realized, oh my gosh. Like a number of them have like sacred jobs and they have been guides in other lifetimes of theirs. And so, and the what? And, and, and the one that just popped into my mind, which is probably why you said it was, um, there were a couple of them, but I had met this cat that was literally guiding the, departed to the heavens, you know? Um, it was like her sacred job, and it was a feminine essence, uh, to greet the departed spirit of the, the other animal and to help it, like integrate and then direct it to where it was supposed to be going. Like, I love it.
Yes. Yeah.
Tessa Lynne Alburn (:That's what they do. Yeah. So they do direct and, and, um, and with their special zone of expertise. And so if, okay. How can you, how can people connect with their guides in a simple way without getting overwhelmed, without like thinking they have to have 500 guides? Like what would you recommend Laura?
Laura West (:Yeah. For those of us who like to know, okay, how many and what are their names? Um because some of us are like, I, it hurts my brain to even think about the possibilities of how many guides there are. You can call them like one collective name, that's fine. They don't even need to have names. That's for us as humans, um, it doesn't matter. They're going to be there no matter what. But for the, those of us who are like, I love to know like their names and who's here and why. Um, so a simple way that has worked for me, as I had mentioned before, was asking your guide or guides to visit you in your dream. And you'll know that it's a visitation because you'll wake up and you'll think, okay, that definitely didn't feel just like a dream. And then I would write it down, um, just so you don't forget it, especially as the day goes on. I find that that's a simple way because I mean, everyone's got to sleep
Can you clarify for the listeners here, um, how they would know, like, what's one way, you know, this is a loving guide and not some, you know, nefarious little prankster?
Laura West (:Oh, that's a good question. I think that's where intuition comes into play. And that's another reason why I, I love to share about intuition. I find that learning to hone in on one's intuition is so important because, uh, it's going to be really important for the, for the person who has had that dream to see how it feels. And if it felt good, right? You're on the right track. But if it felt like, uh, I don't know, that just didn't feel like how I was expecting it would then go with that. But learning to hone in on your intuition is what's going to help you to, uh, really maybe differentiate if it's even a guide or if it's, you know, uh, you from a past life or a, a loved one from this current life or a past. I mean, it could be so many different things.
(:And if you really want to get down to that nitty gritty and know who is connecting with you and making sure that they're there for your highest and best good, then intuition plays a big role. Another good way too is just like what I said, um, asking that only loving entities that are there for your highest and best good visit you and your dreams. That's a, that's a really good way to sort of set that, set that bar and set that standard because you really do have that power, uh, to protect your space and your energy like that. Um, so know that it could be just as simple as, as sort of setting those boundaries from the get just
Tessa Lynne Alburn (:That little simple statement at the beginning. Yeah. Right. Yep. Yep. Simplicity
Yeah. So, you know, when I remember, um, I will just briefly, I guess it's a prayer because I'm talking and not receiving like in a meditation. Um, but I would just ask that, you know, I be guided and protected and communicated with today, um, by my, by my guides or whoever I'm looking to connect with at the time. I also, you know, employ and enlist, enlist the help of my soul team if I'm having a hard time, uh, or if I am needing help with something. So just remembering, um, to sort of say that prayer of just asking that they either, you know, take the, the feelings of anxiety away or to soften the other person's heart that you're going to have to relay maybe unpleasant news to like whatever the case may be. Mm-Hmm.
Ask Exactly.
Laura West (:And ask. Yeah, exactly.
Tessa Lynne Alburn (:Yeah. And you know, I think we could, we want to avoid like getting into over control of others, of course. And our guides probably wouldn't do that anyway. But if, like, I love that statement, like that request, please soften, help to soften the other person's heart. And so what I find with my guides, if I ask my guides something like that, then they're going to communicate to the other person's guides. And, and then those guides will bring in that information in a way that the person can receive it if that's in their highest good to do so.
Laura West (:Exactly. And if they want to
Will, yes, they do have free will. And sometimes that little ego is not so small
Tessa Lynne Alburn (:Oh my goodness. Okay. So you're living like this beautiful, soulful life. How, how, how does this impact your family
Laura West (:And, and the fact that she was courageous enough to, to go that route versus run out of there and say, I think there's a ghost or, or something scary in my room. Um, I thought that that was just so, so awesome that she's already starting to have that relationship with her guide. Mm-Hmm.
A week ago. Happy because I'm relieved that the guinea pig is doing well. That's wonderful. So the Guinea pig may have even gotten sick just so your daughter could have that experience.
Laura West (:I do think about that. That's right. Yep. Exactly.
Tessa Lynne Alburn (:Very possible. But how delightful to be able to see the magic, you know, the, the concept of magic and healing and, you know, spirit all at once. Just like lighting her up and you got to see that. Yeah.
Laura West (:Oh, it, it like warmed my, my mommy and psychic medium heart
Yes, indeed.
Oh yeah.
Tessa Lynne Alburn (:No, I think that that is often, very often something that is often, very often something. Um, let me say that again. That is something that I think, um, happens a lot in families where, you know, maybe the child is having an experience where they're confused about something, but they're not getting the validation from the parent. So I'd love that you're in conversation about this and it's, it's normal to be talking about spirit and spirit guides and not just say a religion or a dogma, but to really be looking outside that into the energy that's available all the time to all of us and how much we can connect to that in easy, sweet, supportive ways.
Laura West (:I know, yeah. We talk about it so much at my house that sometimes my girls roll their eyes, they're like, mom spirit guides again,
So Laura, for you, having been through this journey and, and having such a strong connection with spirit guides and the ability to see other connect with other people's spirit guides, how has this deepened your own soul journey in this lifetime?
Laura West (:You know, it's really helped me to sort of look beyond the, the, the physical, uh, and the material. Mm-Hmm.
Oh, yes,
Laura West (:Yes. I mean, if you haven't read it yet, life, oh,
Tessa Lynne Alburn (:I
Laura West (:Have any of your listeners life changing. Um, because that's just, that's just really an eyeopener as well. And I think it just really puts things into perspective when dealing with other people, dealing with, uh, animals. You know, we've had two, um, beloved labs passed in the last few years, and though their physical loss is, is really hard and something that I even am still, uh, overcoming to this day, uh, knowing that they're there in spirit has, I think helped a lot with that acceptance of their crossing over Mm-Hmm.
Exactly. And it's a smooth transition from this life to the other side. I think that it's, it's helped me to be a little less fearful of, of death, um, because I have experienced past lives through hypnosis. I actually did a life between lives, uh, session with, um, somebody who studied in the Michael Newton Institute. Mm-Hmm.
Sure. Yeah.
Laura West (:So that, that helped too, in the sense that okay, death really isn't something to be scared of as far as, you know, like having to suffer and, and, um, feel that it may just be like a pretty quick transition. So.
Tessa Lynne Alburn (:Fantastic. Yeah. Alright. So Laura, it as we're bringing this to a close today, first of all, I just want to say it's been really delightful to talk, just dive into this topic and have some fun with it. Yeah. And get to know you some more. I, uh, what if you have a message for our listeners today or piece of guidance, what would that be?
Laura West (:That everybody is surrounded by so much love and guidance from their own soul teams. And again, that includes spirit guides, ascendant, masters, angels, ancestors, et cetera. Uh, so everybody is loved, everybody is guided and they are there ready and willing and able to help each and every one of us. We just have to ask.
Tessa Lynne Alburn (:I love it. Yes. Let's ask more frequently.
Yes, absolutely. The best way because I have everything all together, is on my Linktree. So it's, uh, Linktree and it's under guidedwest.
Tessa Lynne Alburn (:Super simple. Not north, not east, not south. It's West. Why west? It's like my last name
Yep. My guides helped me come up with that one too. It's my email address. Everything
Fantastic. Oh, so simple. All right. So go to Laura's Linktree will have that in the show notes. And you have a gift for them as well
Laura West (:That I do. That
Tessa Lynne Alburn (:I do. Go ahead and tell them about it.
Laura West (:Yeah. So, um, that gift, I, I mentioned it briefly earlier, but it's just a guide to help you, um, as a listener to try some different methods to connect with your own spirit guides. Um, and these are methods that have worked for me, so I am sharing those.
Tessa Lynne Alburn (:Yes. And I think you're going to really like Laura's methods. She does what she can to keep things simple so you're not doing like some five hour ceremony with your eyes closed and you know, have to have a drum ceremony that would before and after. Yeah.
Thank you so much for having me. I've had so much fun. Thank you.
Tessa Lynne Alburn (:Yay. You're welcome. All righty. Bye-Bye for now everyone, and have a most blessed rest of your day.